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Fandom Dangan Ronpa - Lake of Despair

Pastel Yosuke

open up your heart

In character threads have been posted


You've been offered a position at a Lakeside program, linked with the prestigious Hope's Peak Academy, where only the best students who are at the top of their field attend classes. This program is basically a vacation, and its main function is to allow the newest class at Hope's Peak Academy to get to know each other before classes truly begin.

There is to be no danger or risks during this trip.


The above sentence is bullshit. Welcome to a Dangan Ronpa roleplay!!

It's going to be a fun and delightful roleplay, full of friendships and companionship and death! Please do not feed the bears (regardless of how much they ask)!

However, before we disembark on this magical journey, I have some rules for you all!

No godmodding.

This is Dangan Ronpa, we are going to be killing people. Don't cry and get upset if your character is chosen to die. You signed up for it.

Well here's the thing, if you want to be a culprit, PM the plan to me. You must include a motive. I will not be giving out a motive until we have our killer. Other things you must include are: victim(s), accomplice(s), time(s) of death, cause(s) of death, the actual events, a list of evidence. Then be ready to converse over PM because there may be more things that I'll need.

If you sign up, you are agreeing to be active. If you suddenly vanish without a word, ya character is dead.

Don't just walk into a locked room.

State important actions in bold. Oh, you want to eat that limited supply of poison? Okay, just be sure to bold it.

Investigation and Trial Times are limited, yet there are variables. The most you'll get for an investigation is 48 hours, the least being 6.


The Lake

The lake and the shore around it is never off-limits.

Central Cabin

Holds dormitories, the giftshop, an arcade room, as well as a restaurant where food is restocked daily.

1st Cabin

Close to the edge of the forest, it has a huge dining hall, a grocery store, and a bowling alley.

2nd Cabin


A small petting zoo full of poisonous animals, and a bear... but it's off limits. And there's an arts and crafts area!!

3rd Cabin


Oddly enough, there's a mirror house in here, alongside a music room with many musical instruments in it.


Section 1 - Fenced Off

The wilds of the territory around the lake is here. You can go hiking or play manhunt here (or kill someone.)


Section 2 - Fenced Off

The foliage here is thicker, but there's also a huuuuge cave to go exploring in!

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WOOO! Thanks to ya'll who are interested!~ *forces group hug

I'll have it up soon, then! or do ya'll think we should wait for more people?
I'm up for either way, though bear in mind with our current numbers, we'd have to double (or perhaps even triple) to approach the size of a cast we'd need for something out of the Dangan Ronpa vein. I'm up for it, but just thought I'd put it out there.
I have a few people from a Dangan Ronpa thread that died in mind, I could ask them to join, if you like :3

*happily returns hug*

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