• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic D R A G O N S

thanks! i think it might be a bit to tough because i have like 12 going roleplays and this requires to long of posts for me
BeebeTheWarrior said:
thanks! i think it might be a bit to tough because i have like 12 going roleplays and this requires to long of posts for me
Alright. I understand.
BeebeTheWarrior said:
wait could i do one paragraph posts? if so then i could still play
Longer posts are really preferred. We are detailed after all.
theDoc1420 said:
Longer posts are really preferred. We are detailed after all.
yes i know. i will try to do more but at times i am to busy to do more than a paragraph
BeebeTheWarrior said:
yes i know. i will try to do more but at times i am to busy to do more than a paragraph
Really it would be better for you to retire since you've got so much on your plate. Sorry.
@theDoc1420 So it's been a long time since I've roleplayed... well a year, so I'm a bit rusty. I'm also new to the forum, if there is anything I need to change or improve tell me:)
theDoc1420 said:
Really it would be better for you to retire since you've got so much on your plate. Sorry.
ok by. keep my character incase i become free again ok
SavannahAshley said:
@theDoc1420 So it's been a long time since I've roleplayed... well a year, so I'm a bit rusty. I'm also new to the forum, if there is anything I need to change or improve tell me:)
No problem. It looks all good so far. ^^
Heads up, I'm interested and will be working on a character. However, tomorrow I will be leaving for a couple days. So if I'm accepted, then I will not be able to reply right away. And with that, I'm off to make a Blade that's a bit salty on how only girls can be Elites.
Beowulf said:
Heads up, I'm interested and will be working on a character. However, tomorrow I will be leaving for a couple days. So if I'm accepted, then I will not be able to reply right away. And with that, I'm off to make a Blade that's a bit salty on how only girls can be Elites.
xD Alright.
Beowulf said:
Heads up, I'm interested and will be working on a character. However, tomorrow I will be leaving for a couple days. So if I'm accepted, then I will not be able to reply right away. And with that, I'm off to make a Blade that's a bit salty on how only girls can be Elites.
I like this guy's mindset, lmao
Now if only I could find a good picture of sand barioth armor. Monster hunter armor, blade, earth, got to go with that armor m80.
Not done, I need at least the personality. It's a preference of mine. Oh, and the supa secret password.
Beowulf said:
Not done, I need at least the personality. It's a preference of mine. Oh, and the supa secret password.
Ah alright, well I didn't put personality, cause I'm sort of a "develop the personality as you play" type of guy. But it's fine if you wanna add it.
I just need a base so people can get a feel, as well as for my own sake otherwise I feel like it would change with every other post.
Going to post just to officially get my character in. Respond to it if you want to, but don't expect a response.

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