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Fantasy Cytefell University: The Fortress of the Faithful [CLOSED]



of Fiendish Intent
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Welcome back, students!

We have arrived again at the beginning of a term with a delightful new staff member interested in matters of hemomancy. As with all disciplines that were previously not offered attention at the Cytefell University and Research Institution, enrollment into minors for late-year students is still attainable but might require summertime initiatives with their instructor such as active demonstration missions and other learning-hour-increasing activities.

A reminder that classes begin at 10am on Friday, after breakfast in the auditorium, which we highly encourage you all to attend and meet your peers. Dorm meetings, I have been told, are at seven o’clock tonight (that is, Thursday the fifth).

The sisters have asked me to remind you all that sleeping in the temple is not permitted. While they understand that the dark hall is ideal for a midday nap, they assure me that snoring distracts the harpists, who are attempting to participate in quiet contemplation of the cosmos and their small place within it. Violators of this policy will be conscripted to help wash the drapes.

A warm welcome to our first years, who will continue to trickle in for several months, and who have already put so much forth to be here with us today. I hope that you will come to treasure the sense of community offered within the university and Cytedell as a whole.
~ The Dean’s Office
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