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Fantasy Crystal island for special students (always open)


  • FB5B5085-1574-4756-B09D-2BCDB7354838.jpeg
    Location: His dorm, #103​

    Damien perked his ears slightly as the fox confessed he did have some sort of power, though Damien became slightly disappointed when Golgatha did not elaborate.
    He crossed his arms. The fox did sure have confidence in his ability to make friends though. Wrinkled his nose for just a second, he pinned his ears back. It took all he had not to scoff through his nose.
    “We’ll see.”
    He cautioned, slowly sitting back down on the couch and trying not to crush his tail in the process.

    He gestured to Golgatha, moving his ears to a more rested position. “What are your, uh, powers?”
    Damien inquired, making an effort not to look too long at the fox’s strange blue hair.

    Sabishi Sabishi (It’s completely fine, the last couple days have been crazy for me)
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*fast forward*

Christian exhaled, then looked over at Del. He let out a laugh, out of breath. “You know how to take someone for a ride don’t you?” he said with a mischievous smirk. Christian gave a small kiss on Del’s lips. For a moment, he laid there, the taste of her lips still on his mouth. Then an idea returned to his head. “Hey, what do ya say we walk around town, show me around? You bet I’m feeling better after that,” he said with a playful wink. He slipped out of bed in boxer shorts and began to put his pants and shirt back on. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Delta glanced over at Christian as she panted slightly after having an adrenaline pumping event such as that. Seeing his smirk caused her to giggle, "Is that a good or bad thing?" At feeling the peck on her lips, she in turn kissed back softly. When they pulled away the girl laid there on her side, one arm tucked up under the pillow. As Christian spoke however, her blue orbs gazed over at him. A smile on her face when he talked about going out to the town. "You're right, after all that I'm sure you are able bodied enough to go on a small adventure," Delta admitted with a chuckle. Sitting up and getting out of bed, in nothing but her undergarments, the brunette snagged her clothing from up off the floor. Slipping back into her shorts, tank top, and light weight denim jacket.
Coyote Coyote
Golgatha gave a full-hearted smile at when Damien responded. Time and patience is all Golgatha needed to win over people and his adept ability (not an actual power) to speak to people in his own way. A way that would make people just want to be around him. Golgatha spent years perfecting this and was happy to put it to the test.

When Damien sat down carefully, he asked Golgatha to go in further detail of what he could actually do, so Golgatha sat at a reasonable distance and went to further detail. "Well," he said, "I'm not so sure how I can go into very deep detail, but I can be blunt about it. I have regeneration and the power of temperature itself. I'll demonstrate," Golgatha placed his palm on his forearm. Steam could be seen rising as Golgatha's skin was boiling from the heat of his arm.

Golgatha retracted his hand and his flesh was steaming, boiling, and burned through. Suddenly, his burned gash began to close while his flesh restored itself until his was back, and even better, to what it once was. He turned to Damien and smiled, "Hopefully that should show everything. Well, er, I can also lift heavy things easily. But that's more of an extra ability." He gave a small chuckle.

HuntedFox HuntedFox

  • CB05CE5E-66E2-4D82-AEA6-426432EC23F0.jpeg
    Location: His dorm, #103​

    Damien kept his arms crossed as Golgatha sat down. Here he was, sitting and talking with another... ‘supernatural’, as they called it, and he still had a hard time believing he wasn’t in some wicked dream.
    Honestly, he entertained the thought that he was in a coma. It wouldn’t be hard to believe considering the count of enemies he had in his home town.

    If it really was a dream he’d find out soon enough. If it wasn’t, he really should get his head out of the fog and ground himself in reality. He can’t be a part of a conversation if his mind is not present as well.

    He straightened up in his seat, listening as Golgatha conceded he would be blunt about explaining the powers he had.
    Damien quirked an eyebrow.
    “You seem to specialize in that aspect.”
    He commented in a tone that, surprisingly enough, couldn’t be classified as antagonizing. One would go so far as to say it might’ve been a sarcastic tease. One Damien gave himself a mental kick for.

    He tilted his head as Golgatha grabbed his own forearm and steam began rising from it.
    Less then a few seconds later the sharp scent of burning flesh hit him and he was resisting the urge to cough.
    He furrowed his brow, reaching up to wipe his nose with the back of his hand and exhaling sharply through it as if trying to expel the disgusting smell from his nostrils.

    He frowned at the gruesome sight, wondering how Golgatha wasn’t writhing. He knew any normal perso-... normal, right. Not normal. He really had to start realizing the fact that there were people like him.

    What threw Damien off was when the skin began to instantly knit itself together and repair the damage caused. He found himself staring at the forearm in an almost mesmerized state. What he knew took him at least overnight to heal... done in seconds.
    He waited as Golgatha spoke and then shook his head.
    “That’s amazing.”
    He chuckled, looking up at his roommate.

    Sabishi Sabishi
Shimasa sighed, rubbing his head and sitting in an empty classroom. "Oh my... I think I may have once again fell asleep during teaching my class... what a shame... oh well, I hope they will understand..." He stood up and stretched. "Hmm. My my, my stomach calls for some food, doesn't it?" He sighed and with a smile on his face, he stepped out of the classroom. "I sure would enjoy sharing my meal with another person..." the weird aura surrounding him would make them instantly attracted to him a bit more. "Let's look for that certain someone, then!" a wide smile on his face accompanied him on his search for someone to share his meal with.
(anyone please)
Shimasa sighed, rubbing his head and sitting in an empty classroom. "Oh my... I think I may have once again fell asleep during teaching my class... what a shame... oh well, I hope they will understand..." He stood up and stretched. "Hmm. My my, my stomach calls for some food, doesn't it?" He sighed and with a smile on his face, he stepped out of the classroom. "I sure would enjoy sharing my meal with another person..." the weird aura surrounding him would make them instantly attracted to him a bit more. "Let's look for that certain someone, then!" a wide smile on his face accompanied him on his search for someone to share his meal with.
(anyone please)
Vivienne quitely hummed to herself ad she slowly made her way throw the large greenhouse. The red headed women had spend most of her day among the plants after her last class. She was in her own little world when the sound of growling pulled her back. With a chuckle the women stood up "seems it might be time for some lunch" she said with a smile as she dusted herself off. "Bye my little ones!" She spoke to her plants before making her way out the greenhouse.

Walking down the hall she spotted Shimasa, with that the redhead quickly made her way over to him "afternoon Mr. Senryū-oh....also going to lunch I assume?..." she asked
Vivienne quitely hummed to herself ad she slowly made her way throw the large greenhouse. The red headed women had spend most of her day among the plants after her last class. She was in her own little world when the sound of growling pulled her back. With a chuckle the women stood up "seems it might be time for some lunch" she said with a smile as she dusted herself off. "Bye my little ones!" She spoke to her plants before making her way out the greenhouse.

Walking down the hall she spotted Shimasa, with that the redhead quickly made her way over to him "afternoon Mr. Senryū-oh....also going to lunch I assume?..." she asked

Shimasa smiled as he saw Miss Woods, taking her hand and bowing down, all Gentleman like. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Woods. Your assumption was indeed right, and I was looking for someone to accompany me on my lunch break..." he stood up and let go of her hand, smiling. "Would you, by any chance, accompany a lone soul like me, dear Miss?"
Golgatha was happy to hear the compliment from Damien and thought it would be best if he dismissed it, "I'm sure that there are plenty of people here with powers more incredible than my own." After he [Golgatha] said that, his imagination got the better of him and pictured what kind of power people may have in this academy. He thought he would share that with Damien, "Hey Damien, what power would you be most surprised to see in this academy? Imagine all the wonders we would see." He was excited about the thought of meeting people he could potentially befriend.

HuntedFox HuntedFox

  • F8ECD3C9-1BDA-45A7-9789-A181E3197A24.jpeg
    Location: On the move.​

    Cahira jumping onto her feet, patting Jinx on the head and marching out of the office. Not before thanking the lady who helped her, of course.

    It took her one minute to remember that she had left her bags in the building.
    After sheepishly running in and grabbing them, she decided it would be best to go to her new dorm next.

    She pulled out the small square of paper that held her dorm number, trying to memorize it as she walked away from the office.
    When she looked up to look around for the dorms, she managed to catch a glance of a girl who seemed to be coming from the gate.
    The girl looked about Cahira’s age, with long brown hair. Cahira smiled walking forward to intercept the girl, Jinx close at her side.

    She greeted upon approaching the stranger.

    AquaMarie AquaMarie
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Shimasa smiled as he saw Miss Woods, taking her hand and bowing down, all Gentleman like. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Woods. Your assumption was indeed right, and I was looking for someone to accompany me on my lunch break..." he stood up and let go of her hand, smiling. "Would you, by any chance, accompany a lone soul like me, dear Miss?"
Vivienne could not help but smile with the way he greeted her. With a smile she bowed her headas he greeted her. Shimasa might seem a bit frightening from afar, mainly to those students who misbehave. But he isn't bad and is quite the gentleman. "I would be delighted to accompany you to lunch, Mr. Senryū-oh.."
Vivienne could not help but smile with the way he greeted her. With a smile she bowed her headas he greeted her. Shimasa might seem a bit frightening from afar, mainly to those students who misbehave. But he isn't bad and is quite the gentleman. "I would be delighted to accompany you to lunch, Mr. Senryū-oh.."

Shimasa smiled and clapped his hands together. "Oh, that truly delights my heart! Well, what shall we eat? Of course I'll take the bill since I kind off attacked you with my question." Shimasa bowed once again and looked at Vivienne.

  • Location: On the move.​

    Cahira jumping onto her feet, patting Jinx on the head and marching out of the office. Not before thanking the lady who helped her, of course.

    It took her one minute to remember that she had left her bags in the building.
    After sheepishly running in and grabbing them, she decided it would be best to go to her new dorm next.

    She pulled out the small square of paper that held her dorm number, trying to memorize it as she walked away from the office.
    When she looked up to look around for the dorms, she managed to catch a glance of a girl who seemed to be coming from the gate.
    The girl looked about Cahira’s age, with long brown hair. Cahira smiled walking forward to intercept the girl, Jinx close at her side.

    She greeted upon approaching the stranger.

    AquaMarie AquaMarie
Emily had just finished speaking with two other students when she heard a new voice. Turning to her side she saw a girl about her age with cat ears and what looked like a large fox. 'Oh gosh the school is amazing! And the second person to come say hi to me!..' she thought as she tryed her best to hole in her excitement
HuntedFox HuntedFox
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Shimasa smiled and clapped his hands together. "Oh, that truly delights my heart! Well, what shall we eat? Of course I'll take the bill since I kind off attacked you with my question." Shimasa bowed once again and looked at Vivienne.
Vivienne smiled at how glad he was to have some company for lunch. "I really dont mind just as long as I can get a cup of tea....oh no you really don't need too, I'm happy to join you with out you having to pay" she gently spoke waving her hand
Vivienne smiled at how glad he was to have some company for lunch. "I really dont mind just as long as I can get a cup of tea....oh no you really don't need too, I'm happy to join you with out you having to pay" she gently spoke waving her hand
Shimasa took Vivienne's hands, shaking his head. "I would feel uncomfortable knowing that a fine lady like you has to pay for her meal, please. I insist..." he doesn't realize it, but he's using his charming aura and charismatic abilities to influence her.

She was looking out the window of her room as she sighed' i want mom back so she can make me cake and celebrate my birthday i don't want to feel lonely i know i'm a test subject but still today is when i was born in that tube' she thought no one knows she is a test subject or where she got her powers from she haven't told her girlfriend yet she couldn't find the words to say it she was watching videos of her father" mommy can you come home it's my birthday i don't want to feel lonely i scared the doctors will come get me' she texted her mother seeing some doctors she got scared she hid in the closet covering her ears remembering her past the pain until her mother took her home Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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Golgatha found is unusual that Damien did not come from a background where powers where pretty scarce, but anything is possible. But when Damien asked him if Golgatha came from a background where powers were abundant, he thought for a bit. His face a little serious, but then answered happily, "well I assumed that all of the people who attended this academy would, but I guess there are always outliers." He sat back and placed his elbow on the arm rest to make sure that he could play with fire with his other have on his palm.

HuntedFox HuntedFox

She just looked at him as she was getting nervous" thanks this movie is going to be good" she say blushing as she couldn't help it" thanks for taking me out it helps me to heal" she say as she smiled" yeah she's kinda like a bit sister but she always protecting me from boys usually and bullies" she say as she giggled as she was smiling looking at the previews of the movie she hated scary movies she once tried to watch a scary movie with her cousin but it was way too scary for her so she left the theater" so um what do you like to do for fun" she says smiling at him SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Shimasa took Vivienne's hands, shaking his head. "I would feel uncomfortable knowing that a fine lady like you has to pay for her meal, please. I insist..." he doesn't realize it, but he's using his charming aura and charismatic abilities to influence her.
Vivienne looked up at Shimasa as he took her hand, she could not help but lightly blush. She would normally insist again that he did not have to pay, though she stopped. For some reason she felt a bit different, though she shrugged it off "alright then if you insist Mr. Senryū-oh .." she replied with a smile

She just left the shool as she smiled as kiba wasn't with her she just left school as she saw one of her mother boyfriend he used to hurt her when her mother was away she just cried" leave me alone" she say as she just started to run for her life she just started to cry trying to get away from him she finally get to the cliff as she was in a dead end" moooooooom help me' she texted as she was scared the guy broke her phone at least it was sent she just felt the guy push her she started to fall" mooooom" she say hearing a crack on her leg and it her head started to bleed as she was in the water she started to close her eyes' mommy, kiba' she thought in the water hopefully her mother can smell her blood from all the way from her trip' someone help me' she thought her leg hurting so much Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf & (a nurse)​

She was looking out the window of her room as she sighed' i want mom back so she can make me cake and celebrate my birthday i don't want to feel lonely i know i'm a test subject but still today is when i was born in that tube' she thought no one knows she is a test subject or where she got her powers from she haven't told her girlfriend yet she couldn't find the words to say it she was watching videos of her father" mommy can you come home it's my birthday i don't want to feel lonely i scared the doctors will come get me' she texted her mother seeing some doctors she got scared she hid in the closet covering her ears remembering her past the pain until her mother took her home Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Kilia jumped off the cliff, diving into the water she pulled Karumi to the edge, breathing heavily as she carefully lifted Karumi onto her back and started to climb the cliff side to get back to the top. Being careful to not drop her.
Texangamer Texangamer

Misako cracked her neck as she stood up “My ability devour doesn’t just allow me to eat virtually anything but depending on what I eat I gain its property or it’s ability. In the case of my wound as long as my head isn’t blown off I can fully regenerate almost any wound” standing up weakly she moved over to Seria’s couch to Relaxe. “Thank you for dragging me in here...but we should get back to school....we have a class soon”
CasualTea CasualTea

She just held onto her girlfriend as she felt pain grinning her teeth” mommy” she say passed out her leg hurting she felt the tears coming down her face “ kiba I hurt” she say as she was crying a bit she had too much water in her system Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
“Quit talking....we need to see Doctor snow and...Luna...also my name is Kilia....” After getting to the top she laid Karumi in the grass, breathing heavily she laid still for a few moments. Prying her phone from her pocket she started going through her contacts to try and find someone...anyone to help. Sighing she posted their location on the schools social website hoping someone would get the alert on their phone and come to them. Being wet and the cold that was setting in didn’t help.

Texangamer Texangamer @ (anyone that wishes to help)

She just yawned a little as she just fell asleep her head and her leg was hurting so much she couldn't take the pain so she was just sleeping' ow' she thought she felt someone else carrying her to the school a teacher it didn't felt like her girlfriend when she woke up she was on the bed her leg getting xray she just start to moan a little" where's mommy ow" she say getting a cast on her leg she felt a bandage on her head Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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  • CF1A1342-D608-4C07-9356-211A2DD24806.jpeg
    Location: Near end of main walkway​

    Cahira set down her suitcases and extended a hand. Beaming, she grinned at the stranger. “I’m Cahira, and this is Jinx!” She gestured to her companion.
    “Are you new here too?”
    It seemed to take her a few seconds to process her own question. She blinked, her eyes widening slightly and her grin turning more sheepish as she noticed the girl’s bags.
    “Oh. I guess that was sort of a silly question, wasn’t it?”

    AquaMarie AquaMarie
Golgatha noticed the small silence that was upon them after his answer and realized that Damien must have noticed his facial expressions. He made a mental note to not do that again and heard Damien repeat his last part of the sentence. "Not to be rude." He smiled and when Damien got up, saying that he need to unpack, Golgatha did not mind this at all. "Don't let me stop you." He looked down at his hand and kept playing with the fire on his palms.

HuntedFox HuntedFox
Kilia jumped off the cliff, diving into the water she pulled Karumi to the edge, breathing heavily as she carefully lifted Karumi onto her back and started to climb the cliff side to get back to the top. Being careful to not drop her.
Texangamer Texangamer

Misako cracked her neck as she stood up “My ability devour doesn’t just allow me to eat virtually anything but depending on what I eat I gain its property or it’s ability. In the case of my wound as long as my head isn’t blown off I can fully regenerate almost any wound” standing up weakly she moved over to Seria’s couch to Relaxe. “Thank you for dragging me in here...but we should get back to school....we have a class soon”
CasualTea CasualTea
Confused, Seria just shrugged it all off before making a portal and waiting for Misako to walk through. "Well... After you." She said as she looked at her, still a bit confused. She moved her head to gesture Misako to go through the portal. She felt like she's used a lot of magic for one night.

  • Location: Near end of main walkway​

    Cahira set down her suitcases and extended a hand. Beaming, she grinned at the stranger. “I’m Cahira, and this is Jinx!” She gestured to her companion.
    “Are you new here too?”
    It seemed to take her a few seconds to process her own question. She blinked, her eyes widening slightly and her grin turning more sheepish as she noticed the girl’s bags.
    “Oh. I guess that was sort of a silly question, wasn’t it?”

    AquaMarie AquaMarie
Emily look Cahira's hand and shook it "its very nice to meet you Cahira and hi there Jinx, im Emily" she said happily waving at Jinx. "yes im new here.....and nah... no worry" she said with a small giggle
HuntedFox HuntedFox

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