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Fantasy Crystal island for special students (always open)

It seems that the clinic is somewhat crowded today, and Aoi contemplates whether or not she should enter the said clinic..

It wasn’t like as if she was sick or something...instead the number of students inside caught her curiosity by the time she almost passed by.

She was just twenty steps away from the door itself while carrying some boxes filled with ping pong balls as other random students passed by her. She didn’t why she was bringing them to another classroom, but a random teacher told her to do so. It was a nice way to kill some time...maybe meet a few people along the way as well-



“Ah! Sorry!!” Yelled a random student as they ran away through the hallways, leaving Aoi on the floor with ping pong balls scattered everywhere while the box was flipped over. Guess today’s her clumsy day as the human groans softly.
Ryu sighed as she walked to the nurses office then she giggled " hmm hi nurse who's the new girl " she winked at cat then she sat down frowning " nurse I need to see you after her ok" she said

_Sky_ _Sky_ Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Vivienne thanked Shimasa and took a seat. She ordered a tea and started to look through the menu. "This all looks quite delicious.." she softly said, fliping through the menu

"Choose whatever you desire, Dear Lady..." Shimasa smiled and looked at Vivienne, already knowing what he wanted. "I don't intend to push you, but the waiter seems about ready to take our orders so you might choose in the next minute. We don't want to make him wait, right?" Shimasa talked with a smooth and kind voice, and his eyes were looking right into Vivienne's.
He supported his chin with his hands, still looking at her with a kind face, waiting for a response.

She just woke up rubbing her eyes she was asleep for two hours as she yawned" Kilia i'm up can we get something to eat i'm hungry" she say as she looked around as she saw crutches and a wheelchair as she sighed looking around" where's mommy i been asleep for two hours where is she you said she be here when i wake" she say as she was pouting a little as she layed next to her" i'll tell mommy that we are dating" she say smiling a bit hugging her stuffed Panther as she just smiled purring a little Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Christian looked at Del and nodded. He walked over to the window and hopped down the slide slipping down to the bottom. Christian caught way too much speed and he realized this a little too late. "Whoa.. Whoa!" he cried out as he held his feet out to break the fall. The second his feet came into contact with the ground he sank through it, almost as if the dirt was water. A moment later Christian rose from the ground again, looking up at Del through the window. He waved as if nothing happened. "You next!" he told her with a smile. The sun was setting now, which was timely considering dinner sounded good right about now. Christian wondered what type of restaurants might be in town. He couldn't wait to show her his little trick when he got the chance. He mused to himself, thinking about how she'd be shocked or surprised or impressed. Christian would have to wait till the sun set for that, however, so for now, he'd have to wait. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Ryu sighed as she walked to the nurses office then she giggled " hmm hi nurse who's the new girl " she winked at cat then she sat down frowning " nurse I need to see you after her ok" she said

_Sky_ _Sky_ Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
View attachment 388714
Catherine 'Cat' Nightingale
"It started a few days ago, it wasn't bothering me all to much, until today." Feeling a bit out of it, she didn't realize what luna had done until she asked her question. She blinked, her once ice blue eyes, now a dull grey blue, her ears down. She moved her hand back up to touch her head. "No, this is the first time I've gotten a headache this bad." Her tail flicked a flick a bit. "My current physical information?" She looked at her puzzled, but she thought on it an nodded. Ears twitching to the sound of light foot steps, she looked to the door, a student.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf & Tsutarji Tsutarji
“I see....I’m going to give you something for the pain, although I will have to monitor you for a while just Incase you negatively react to this okay?” Pooring her venom into a specialized bowl she mixed it with a few other herbs to counteract the less than desireable sideffects of the venom. Mixing in a bit of cherry flavoring she carefully put the mixture into eight pills. Fetching a glass of water she returned and held out one pill with a glass of water. “Take this one for now and please stay seated after doing so, I’m hoping that this will help with the pain”. Looking to Ryu she smiled “of course, I am always here to assist the students and to talk if there is anything wrong.”
_Sky_ _Sky_ Tsutarji Tsutarji

Kilia pinches Karumi’s cheek and growled as she held her close “oh no you don’t....I’m telling her....I refuse to be beaten to death by that monster!” Laughing as she put her hands up Karumi’s shirt, resting them on her belly.
Texangamer Texangamer
Ryu smirked " hmm can you hmm " she screamed as her body fell and a black shadow formed over her " leave me be " she whispered then she smirked " please. Calm my darkness "

She just giggled as she smiled” can we go for a walk I’m tired staying in bed o can use the crutches or the wheelchair please I want mommy” she say she just yawned as she giggled when her girlfriend when she put her hands on her stomach” okay I’ll let you tell my mom I just have to worry about my leg her freaking about it” she say cuddling with her wondering where her mom was she got a bit mad” don’t call my mom that I’ll cry and mom will really hurt you do you really want that” she say smirking her eyes red from being mad” it just hurts me when people say stuff like that she saved me from those bad whjte coats the bad doctors testing on me trying to see what I can do that’s right I’m a experiment no one loved me until she saved me from that lab no more needles unless I have to see doctor snow” she say she had a fear of needles Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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France(). Misako picked up the bottle sipping on it “I’m not a lightweight....you’re just a professional....drinker” burping a bit her face turned bright red. “Excuse me...” she said as she stood up covering her mouth still.

“No no it’s okay, I could have gotten it for you, I know you are still getting over that cold...” Smiling she briefly kissed Karumi, pushing her back she climbed ontop, putting her tongue in Karumi’s mouth as she ran it over hers. Chuckling she broke the kiss slowly. “That help any?” Wiping the tears away slowly.

Luna slithered out of the room and over to Catherine, having given Kilia some sleeping pills to give to Karumi, which she had forced Karumi to take when they kissed. Smiling she closed the curtain using the bottom half of her body. Luna was a lamia, half human half snake. “Are you not feeling well miss Catherine?” She asked as she reached down getting a clip board with a symptoms chart on it. “Having a headache today?”
Texangamer Texangamer _Sky_ _Sky_
"Heh... I did come from Japan so I guess I'll take that as a compliment." She said proudly smirking.

  • E5000A2A-489B-49A3-AA0E-81C2F8D54211.jpeg
    Location: Searching for dorms​

    Cahira walked off trying not to burst with excitedment. Her glimmering eyes glanced down at Jinx.
    “Hey Jinx, I hope I just made a friend!”

    She paused just before entering the main building.
    “Is this really it or is it all just class rooms...?”
    She thought aloud in a murmur.
    Setting down her bags, she pulled out her papers and Hagen rifling through them, trying to find a map.
    “I’m pretty sure they included a map... didn’t they?” She glanced at Jinx.
    “I mean, it sure would be helpful for freshman...” She huffed.

    @ anyone
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Golgatha was wandering after he admired the outside and then had the urge to walk around in hopes to meet new people. He then saw someone who was shuffling around papers in search of something. Golgatha grew curious, he slithered his way towards a girl and hoped he would do a small surprise as if he appeared out of thin air. He hid his arms on his back and greeted said girl, "Hello. You seem to be searching for something, may I be of assistance?" He smiled.

HuntedFox HuntedFox

  • 7345F658-3BA8-4228-8196-AD25E33ED665.jpeg
    Location: Infront of main building​

    Cahira was so engrossed in trying to find some semblance of a map she didn’t even notice the approaching young man.
    However that didn’t seem to be the case for her companion Jinx, who let out a little growl and bumped against her gently.
    “Hm... Jinx?”
    She murmured absently, glancing at the large kistune and then quickly looking up as a voice sounded.

    Cahira let it a short, albeit high-pitched shriek, actually jumping back a foot or so. She stared at the boy, wide eyed, as if searching for some explanation as to how he sneake duo on her so expertly.
    Several seconds later she blinked, realizing he asked a question.
    Flustered, she stepped forward again and quickly smoothed out her shirt for no real reason at all. Most likely to just distract herself from her own embarrassment.
    “O-oh yeah, I was, uh, looking for the dorm? T-the girl’s wing, preferably?” She glanced down at her papers which she was now clutching. Holding back a yelp, she tucked them away, praying they weren’t too crinkled.
    “I-I couldn’t find a map.”
    She conceded, her cheeks just barely starting to cool down.

    Sabishi Sabishi
Golgatha was smiling and trying to hide the fact that he enjoyed being successful in what he intended to do. He remained calm when her...dog? Golgatha wasn't sure what her companion was but didn't mind since he was sure to get an answer in the future. When the girl recovered and asked him the location of the dorms he was quite unsure himself; nevertheless, that doesn't mean it's impossible to find it and Golgatha supported his elbow while the back of his hand supported his chin. "Well," he said, "I'm not so sure where that may be, but I know where the dorms for the boys are. So maybe it's somewhere in that area." He then crossed his arms, "I could lead you to there if you'd like."

HuntedFox HuntedFox

  • 060FC092-E82E-4AD8-83C3-611DFEBE4048.jpeg
    Location: Infront of main building​

    Cahira’s tail lashed as she subtlety examined the boy who had still yet to reveal his name. He had ears and a tail. Like her! ...kinda.
    She grinned cheerily, giving a small nod.
    “Any help is well appreciated!”

    Cahira decided to follow the boy. taking up her two suitcases once more.
    “My name is Cahira, and my pe- er, *companion*, is Jinx.” She nodded to the three-tailed wonder beside her. “Sorry he growled at you. You ended up giving me quite a scare.”
    She chuckled sheepishly, flicking her black ears.

    Sabishi Sabishi
Golgatha was delighted to be of some help and started a stroll towards the boys dormitories. "Any help to give is my pleasure." He smiled and then heard her introduce herself, and her companion, to him, so Golgatha did the same in return, "It's nice to meet Cahira. My name is Golgatha. It's also nice to meet Jinx. It seems nice to always have company wherever you go. And about scaring you, that was my full intention." He chuckled and spoke again, "I thought it would be entertaining to see what kind of reaction I would get. You spared you no expense in it." He had another chuckle.

HuntedFox HuntedFox
Christian looked at Del and nodded. He walked over to the window and hopped down the slide slipping down to the bottom. Christian caught way too much speed and he realized this a little too late. "Whoa.. Whoa!" he cried out as he held his feet out to break the fall. The second his feet came into contact with the ground he sank through it, almost as if the dirt was water. A moment later Christian rose from the ground again, looking up at Del through the window. He waved as if nothing happened. "You next!" he told her with a smile. The sun was setting now, which was timely considering dinner sounded good right about now. Christian wondered what type of restaurants might be in town. He couldn't wait to show her his little trick when he got the chance. He mused to himself, thinking about how she'd be shocked or surprised or impressed. Christian would have to wait till the sun set for that, however, so for now, he'd have to wait. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Looking down towards the ground, Delta gave a sigh of relief that Christian hadn't hurt himself on the way down. Hearing him call for her she gave a small nod of confirmation. Crawling out the window she instead stood on the ice slide, and slid down that way. But as she went down, all the ice behind her started to turn into water. When she neared the bottom of the side though Del flicked her wrist upwards, causing the ice to grab at her feet and preventing her from falling off of it and to the ground. After a few seconds the ice released her and Delta was able to jump off. With all of the slide having been turned back into water, the girl returned it t the tree she took it from. "That was fun huh," she giggled whiling looking up at Christian.
Coyote Coyote

  • B6C54436-5B16-44F4-AD18-C3AE8682B768.jpeg
    Location: Heading towards boys dorms​

    Cahira tilted her head. ‘Golgatha’... what a strange name... she blinked, nodding in agreement with his statement about having company.
    “It really is! Honestly I don’t know what I’d do without him.” She let out a small giggle, fixing her grip on her suitcases.
    What Golgatha said was just a bit surprising. “W-wha?” She squeaked, her eyes widening just slightly. He had meant to scare her? “T-that’s no fair.” Cahira said in a small pout. She had gotten scared well enough from her siblings back at home.
    She let out a small sigh. “Well, I suppose I should commend you for your expert ‘sneakiness’.” She gave a small nod and smiled. “And what can I say? I don’t do things half!” She laughed, looking around at their new surroundings.

    Sabishi Sabishi
"Choose whatever you desire, Dear Lady..." Shimasa smiled and looked at Vivienne, already knowing what he wanted. "I don't intend to push you, but the waiter seems about ready to take our orders so you might choose in the next minute. We don't want to make him wait, right?" Shimasa talked with a smooth and kind voice, and his eyes were looking right into Vivienne's.
He supported his chin with his hands, still looking at her with a kind face, waiting for a response.
Vivienne looked over to he right and saw the waiter standing there "oh right sorry about that.." she replied with a small blush and looked back at the menu to have one last quick look " alright I know what I would like to order" she said with a small smile looking over to the waiter. "I would like the Tonkotsu Ramen, with all the fixings....oh and a milk tea..iced please" she replied closing the menu and handing it to the waiter.

((sorry I replied so late >-<))
Golgatha smirked at the reaction he got from Cahira, "It's plenty fair. I went through all the trouble and I get a reward for it." He then heard her praise him for how he was able to slither his way towards her. This made him modest, "To be fair, you were focused on finding a map of the school grounds. I just took advantage of that." He was going to say something else but thought about how he should say it. His mouth was slightly open and his face was a little straight, but then completely changed and said, "When I was young. I would always hunt for my food. The perks of that and being a kitsune gave me many rewarding trips." He smiled. It was then that the boy's dormitories we're up close and he turned towards Cahira, "Alrighty, this is the dorms for the boys. If you search around here, or ask around, you should find it today. Or sleep outside." He laughed at his joke shortly and smiled.

HuntedFox HuntedFox
Vivienne looked over to he right and saw the waiter standing there "oh right sorry about that.." she replied with a small blush and looked back at the menu to have one last quick look " alright I know what I would like to order" she said with a small smile looking over to the waiter. "I would like the Tonkotsu Ramen, with all the fixings....oh and a milk tea..iced please" she replied closing the menu and handing it to the waiter.

((sorry I replied so late >-<))

Shimasu smiled and looked at the waiter. "I'll take the Shoyu Ramen with all the fixings and a glass of Bourbon please." Shimasu smiled at the waiter, which caused the waiter to smile back and nod. He then walked away. "So, Miss Woods... How is Life going for you?" He smiled at Vivienne. "I hope such a beautiful Lady like you doesn't have any trouble..."
Shimasu smiled and looked at the waiter. "I'll take the Shoyu Ramen with all the fixings and a glass of Bourbon please." Shimasu smiled at the waiter, which caused the waiter to smile back and nod. He then walked away. "So, Miss Woods... How is Life going for you?" He smiled at Vivienne. "I hope such a beautiful Lady like you doesn't have any trouble..."
Vivienne looked over at shimasu with a smile " life is going wonderfully...oh and no I'm in no trouble...I have been keeping myself out of trouble.." she said with a small chuckle " I really enjoy working at Crystal River Highschool, glad I was given the opportunity to join this school. The students as good kids and they try so hard to do their best....I enjoy being a teacher.." she said happily "how are you doing?...how is life and working with all the children going Mr. Senryū-oh? "
Vivienne looked over at shimasu with a smile " life is going wonderfully...oh and no I'm in no trouble...I have been keeping myself out of trouble.." she said with a small chuckle " I really enjoy working at Crystal River Highschool, glad I was given the opportunity to join this school. The students as good kids and they try so hard to do their best....I enjoy being a teacher.." she said happily "how are you doing?...how is life and working with all the children going Mr. Senryū-oh? "

"Glad to hear that! Well... while the I have a hard time understanding some things the kids like or find amusing these days, I sure enjoy working with them... despite the many ways of making life safer and more comfortable, they turn out to be very tough sometimes or at least smart enough to find other ways to accomplish a certain task..." You could see that Shimasu wasn't just saying these things. "Even after more than 700 years, I still learn new things... and I'm happy to give a little of my knowledge to the children..."
"Glad to hear that! Well... while the I have a hard time understanding some things the kids like or find amusing these days, I sure enjoy working with them... despite the many ways of making life safer and more comfortable, they turn out to be very tough sometimes or at least smart enough to find other ways to accomplish a certain task..." You could see that Shimasu wasn't just saying these things. "Even after more than 700 years, I still learn new things... and I'm happy to give a little of my knowledge to the children..."
Viviene leaned her head against her hand as she listens to Shimasu speak. She could not help but smile in the way the man spoke about the children back at the school. She could see that he was speaking truthfully about how he felt being there to help the children grow in strength and knowledge. But as well with doing all that he was growing as well, and that just brought a smile to her face.
Viviene leaned her head against her hand as she listens to Shimasu speak. She could not help but smile in the way the man spoke about the children back at the school. She could see that he was speaking truthfully about how he felt being there to help the children grow in strength and knowledge. But as well with doing all that he was growing as well, and that just brought a smile to her face.

The drinks arrived first. The waiter bowed and then walked away. "Ah..." Shimasu took a sip from the Bourbon. "Excuse me, but I just want to know... how old may this young Lady infront of me be?" Shimasu looks kind of curious and dropped his smile for a short time.
The drinks arrived first. The waiter bowed and then walked away. "Ah..." Shimasu took a sip from the Bourbon. "Excuse me, but I just want to know... how old may this young Lady infront of me be?" Shimasu looks kind of curious and dropped his smile for a short time.
Vivienne smiled sitting up straight as the waiter came back with their drinks, she thanked the waiter before taking a small sip. Closing her eyes she savored the cold tea, slowly opening her eyes she looked back at Shimasu. "my age?....thought it wasnt nice to ask a lady her age?" she said befor chuckling "well in human...years...I should be around my therties at the most....or maybe a bit less not too sure..." she replied with a shrug before standing up and leaning over to him " Im actually 350 years old..." she quitelly whispered to him.

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