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Fantasy Crystal island for special students (always open)

Letting out a quiet snivel and gave a small nod about what Christian said about the fire demon. The most that she could do was believe him, right? Though when he told her not to cry as he wiped a tear from her face, Delta couldn't help but to smile. Cheeks a gentle shade of pink as a soft huff escaped her. At the sound of footsteps and a familiar she looked over to see her cousin and, a boy? "Isabelle?" Hearing Christian wince ended up bringing her attention back to him, "Hey, don't overexert yourself. Ok?" Helping him sit up and gently moving closer so that he could lean on her if he so choose to. Once she finished with that, Delta looked up at her cousin and the stranger who she guessed was Devon. "Hello Devon, I am Delta. And this," lifting her hand and gesturing it towards the blonde beside her, "Is Christian." Turning her full gaze onto Isabelle, Del wiped the rest of her tears from her eyes. Listening as the girl asked to go on a date with this boy, maybe even a double date. Letting her hand fall to her side Del shook her head softly, "Oh my, I'm so sorry Izz. But I don't think Christian and I will be able to go out with you both. You see," pausing for a moment to come up with a lie regarding Chris' weakened and pained state to her cousin, "Christian here took a mighty tumble and is in a lot of pain. I want to make sure he's well taken care of, so I'm going to be spending the evening with him." Then she smiled softly at the dark haired girl, "But you are more than welcome to go out with Devon on your own. Spread your wings. And Devon," turning her gaze onto the boy beside her, "Do take care of my Izzy. I would hate for anyone to become a popsicle if she ends up getting hurt anymore." The scary part about that whole sentence was the fact that she smiled the entire time at Devon, especially about the popsicle part.
A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A. Texangamer Texangamer SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

She just started to laugh she haven’t laughed or smile for a week as she looked at Devon” thanks Del I be back before curfew” she say as she was worried about Chris” will Chris be okay” she asked a little worried” I be okay Del you don’t have to protect me” she says while looking at” thanks for letting me go I’m excited” she say happily she haven’t been this excited for a while she just looked at Devon as she knew her cousin can be scary at times only when she’s getting protected” you don’t have to be overprotective of me” she says giggling a little Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

{ Devon K Sicarius ~ The Dragonfly }
  • (Location: Crystal River Highschool ~ Outside Dorms)(Mood: Curious )
    Devon closely followed alongside Isabelle as they casually trailed across the campus grounds eventually leading back into the lonesome garden where he discovered two fellow classmates, one of which happened to be a blonde-haired woman whom was balling her eyes out next to a rather perplexing looking male, although his exterior 'impression' was seemingly normal there was something questionable about the 'atmosphere' surrounding him. Naturally Devon didn't think anything of it of course as many of the students at this unnatural high school weren't exactly what you'd call normal... Somehow, both of them appeared to be in a state of distress, the boy next to her arching upward to take a glance back at him but clearly flinching in agony even with his hospitable greeting. "Nice to meet you both. I hope we're not interrupting anything." He stated, feeling a bit blameworthy for barging in unannounced but nonetheless energetic to meet both of them who soon presented themselves as Christian and Delta. So this was Isabelle's cousin? Not surprising as both of them kind of had a certain resemblance to one another, despite noticing this small feature it was apparent that his focus was devoted on Christian's excruciating pain until his concentration was immediately broken by Del's magnetic voice, regarding the whole movie 'scene' and something about turning him into a literal frozen Popsicle if he was to even dare let her cousin get in harm's way.

    A nervous chuckle broke free from Devon's mouth as he raised his hands up near his chest in an awkward fashion, attempting to put on a bit of a harmless display as he spoke. "Ha, i'm sure she'll be fine! I'd rather not be turned into a frozen treat today, as much as that sounds 'tempting.' Devon replied, rubbing the back of his head in dismay before turning back at Isabelle and smiling splendidly at her. "So, guess that means it's a date! It's a shame that you two can't come along but it's better to let those wounds heal instead of get worse, that must've been one heck of a nasty tumble.. How did that even happen?" Devon asked as he turned his attention back onto the man across from him, wondering about the events leading to Christian's injuries.

    ( Texangamer Texangamer - Isabelle ) ( Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 - Delta ) ( A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A. - Christian )
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Christian held back a chuckle when Del covered up for him. Smooth story you had handy. Christian erased the amused expression from his face to turn towards the guy named Devon. “Oh.. the fall? Yeah, hehe,” Christian said, scratching the back of his head. “Long story, really,” he said. Playing it off would be best for now. “But yeah, I might get a bruise or two but nothing major,” he said hoping to relieve anyone of their worries. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
"It was my fault really," she decided to add in with a glance towards Christian, "I was showing him a new trick that I've been working on with my powers and, well. Things just sort of slipped up, but that's what makes ice well, ice." Delta let out an embarrassed laugh, hoping that her add in was believable enough to her cousin and Devon. When her laughter slowly came to a cease the girl cleared her throat a bit. She felt the need to get her and Christian out of this scenario before Isabelle and Devon questioned them anymore than they had. "Well then, I think I should get Chris here inside to someplace where he can rest comfortably," the water manipulator casually added in before glancing at the water in the fountian. An idea popped into her head. It was risky, but it was the only real way she'd be able to get Christian moved without him straining and hurting himself anymore. Placing her hands out the water started to flow over, under, and around Christian. As Del gave a small exhale, water turned into a sturdy piece of ice underneath Christian. Moving herself behind the boy the girl grasped the edge with both hands. By doing so caused the ice to start hovering, as it rose Delta herself stood up. "There, now don't move so much. I have to keep my hands on the ice in order to get it to move for now," she calmly told Christian. With a smile she looked at the other two, "You have fun now, but not too much fun if you know what I mean," once that was said and done, Delta started walking herself and Chris out of the garden. When they were at a far enough distance she smiled and glanced over at him, "If you're embarrassed let me know so that I can stop and let you walk."
A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A. Texangamer Texangamer SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Christian made eye contact with Del when she made that shifty little addition to their story. Now that's what Christian would call teamwork. Then she mentioned having them leave Isabelle and Devon to their devices while the two of them went off to rest up. Reasonable. Then the ice began to form. Not reasonable... but fancy. Christian lied down and stayed still to let Del focus. "Later you two!" he bid Isabelle and Devon farewell. "Embarrassed?" Christian asked Del. He decided to go all the way and posed dramatically, as if he were in a soap opera. "Oh the pain! Oh the agony!" he cried out jokingly before breaking character and laughing. "Wait- ow.." he grasped his chest as he tried to suppress his laughs until they became muffled grunts which sounded so ridiculous he started laughing even more. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

She just looked at her cousin" see you Del hope you feel better" she say as she smiled going to Devon and smiling" now lets go to see the movie" she say blushing as she was happy or do you want to hear my piano music first" she say smiling" sorry about my cousin she tends to be overprotective of me since my parents died i mean she always been that way but since my parents she been watching me like a hawk" she say as they left the garden" let go change first i'm still in my uniform" she say going to her dorm room" i can't have boys in the girls dorms it's not allowed" she say SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
When Christian started to act in a dramatic fashion Delta couldn't help but to laugh. And when he started to laugh it only increased her own. "You are such a goof ball," she managed to get out between breathes. But she couldn't help it, his goofiness was too much to not ignore. Plus she found it rather charming. After a few moments though, Delta managed to get her laughter under control thanks to a few deep breaths. "Have managed to find you find your dorm room alright and get your things settled," the girl asked as she looked down at Christian for a moment as she pushed the ice along.
A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.
Christian looked at Del. “Yeah I managed to make it that far without getting lost. 248, on the second floor over yonder,” he said, pointing to a large brick building across from the garden. “I still have to finish unpacking but I’ve got most of my stuff organized,” he said simply. “Wanna hang out there for a little bit? I don’t watch a movie? We can check out the town later tonight,” Christian offered. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
"Well I'm glad you managed to find that alright," Del commented happily. Her blue orbs glanced over to the familiar building of the boys dormitory. Adjusting their direction a bit as she walked them to it, "I wonder if anyone would notice if I wandered in there. Usually the ones in charge of the dorms are particularly strict when it comes to members of the opposite gender being in the building from what I've heard." Upon realizing what she had said, Delta quickly looked down at Christian with a rather serious gaze. "Please don't try to use your powers either to try and hide us. You are in no state to be exerting yourself," her voice a tad stern when she said that. But she soon enough relaxed, "If you're feeling good enough only then will we go into town. For now though, you need to relax."
A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.
Christian decided now would be alright to hop off his miniature ice saucer. Now that they were in front of the building, he wondered how they could safely get in. "I mean, by the looks of it... it would be a job for your flying saucer," he said with a chuckle. "I'm on the second floor but I do have a window. Let's see... 248 should be... there," Christian said, pointing to one of the windows. "I know I'm normally bad as this so just in case, we'll peek to make sure it really is my room, sound cool?" Christian said with a smile. Oh, how much he would've loved to take the opportunity to show Del a few tricks he could pull off to sneak into the building but she was right. He wasn't exactly in the best shape so he decided there would be plenty of chances later. For now, he looked at her and smiled encouragingly. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

{ Devon K Sicarius ~ The Dragonfly }
  • (Location: Crystal River Highschool ~ Outside Dorms)(Mood: Curious )
    Man, she sure did blush a lot! Was he really that attractive? Or maybe he said something that embarrassed her? Although it probably wasn't likely considering she had a peculiar way of looking at him which even Devon thought was a bit strange since it was the first time he had an 'actual' love interest. Oh well! There was no use bringing such insignificant things up to worry about as it would've taken a lot to ruin his mood, after all he'd finally gotten to take someone out on a date. Fateful memories of his hometown briskly soared past his worries as he ambled out of the garden in the company of Isabelle, every single time he peered over at her she was able to make his light-colored skin turn into a hint of dark red just from the grace she had possessed. "Huh? Oh right." He expressed, breaking out of his daydream-like condition only to come under a certain question, whether or not they should go straight to the movies or amuse themselves by enjoying the alluring sounds of the piano? "Movie is in like, an hour or so right? I'm sure you can play a song or two before we head out!" Devon happily answered, feeling that she'd enjoy sharing her talents with him until it was time for them to go out.

    "Uh... Heh, yeah it'd be kind of awkward to have you change in front of me!" Oh jeeze, why did he have to say it like that? Devon nonchalantly backed up against the outside of the female dorm and rested his body against the rough brick exterior of the building, already outfitted in his normal civilian clothes. Luckily for him he didn't get the chance to visit his dorm yet and change into the customary school clothes so he was all set for his perfect date, all he needed to do now was wait for her to get prepared.
    ( Texangamer Texangamer ~ Isabelle)

She just smiled as she went in her dorm she shares with her cousin she just changed as she put on her favorite pair of vans checkers as she put on her hat as she smiled she looked good she went back to her date” I’m back” she told him as she was happy” let’s go to the music room” she say walking to the music room as she saw a piano as she smiled she loved music she just started to play the piano she haven’t played since her parents death she just smiled enjoying playing the piano again
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Delta had thought of different ways she could try to get them in and not really be seen using her own powers. The main idea she had came up with was to manipulate the water in the hallway of the dorm, clouding their vision in a sense. But after hearing Christian's idea, she dubbed that would be the safer way to go about it. "Yeah, that's better than what I had in mind," she replied as she gazed at the ice saucer that was now empty due to the blonde having hopped off. It seemed a bit small for two people to sit on with enough space between them to feel moderately comfortable. So after a thought she looked over at one of the nearby trees and raised one of her hands. Water starting getting pulled out of the trunk and made its way over before connect to the saucer as ice. Deciding that she'd return the water to the tree after they got to his room. "There, now that should be just enough room for the both of us," Delta commented as she climbed onto the saucer.
A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.
Christian looked up at Del with the new open space. He put his arms on the open spot a mimicked shivering. "Don't let go, Jack," he joked, before finally jumping on. Then holding out his hands he sang, "I can show you the world." Christian laughed. He didn't know he had it in him to make the two most cringe worthy movie references he could have possibly made at any given moment but he did. Another item off his bucket list now. "Ready?" he said, looking at Delta with a goofy smile. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Once again Christian's goofiness had gotten to her as she sat and laughed, cringing a bit, but laughing. "I should have seen that coming," Delta snickered as her laughter began to subside. When she did, and noticed the boy's smile, the girl huffed softly. "Yeah, I'm ready. Just hang on ok. And make sure to let me know which room is yours as we pass by the windows." With that said Delta gripped the ice tighter as it started to float up higher. Only stopping its ascent when they made it to the second stories row of windows. From there Del was focused on keeping them in the sky and moving as she slowly floated them by each window.
A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.
Christian peeked in each one. No.. no.. no.. no.. ugh, no... not this one either.. oh wait! oh... no... This one! "Here we are!" Christian said pointing at the window in front of them. He leaned forward a little bi- "Whoa!" Christian slipped a bit and flailed wildly before planting his feet on the wall in front of him. "Phew," Christian sighed in relief. He then got to opening the window. "After you," he said, with a warm smile. "Got any ideas for what you wanna do?" he asked while waiting for her to make her way in. His room was pretty bare bones but a few simple items were taking up the space. It was a small one room dorm with a bed, desk, and bathroom. A small tv was plugged in and rested on top of some drawers for clothes which were half filled. Christian hadn't finished unpacking entirely. A compact laptop was on the desk along a few photos of him and his family, his mom almost the splitting image of him with the same color eyes and hair while his dad was the complete opposite physically. In terms of his demeanor, however, he seemed just as goofy as Christian. All three of them were smiling. Christian loved that photo of the three of them when they first moved into the house Christian grew up in. He's about 4 in the photo so he a very wide eyed look on his face as if he's never been so happy to move into a completely new house. His bed was ready and made and a lava lamp sat at the corner of the desk, disconnected and so, not on. An alarm clock was right by his bed but it hadn't been connected to a plug yet so it did not show the time. Other than that, the room was fairly plain. Christian didn't bring too much else with him other than more clothes but he planned to go shopping later for some other stuff to decorate his room with. He'd probably need a fan for the hot days as there was no air conditioning in his room. But for now, he'll settle for the open windows and the breezes. "Make yourself at home," Christian said happily. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Hearing Chris point out that they had made it to the window of his room the saucer stopped moving and only floated in place. Glancing over her shoulder at Christian she caught sight of him slip a bit and flail. This caused Delta to get a bit of anxiety, but was relieved when the boy managed to catch himself. Unharmed as well thankfully. When he got the window open Del smiled at him, "Well aren't you a gentleman." The saucer was a bit too big to fit into the window, so the girl instead crawled over to it. Ice shifting until it hooked on to bottom portion of the window to the it was secured and allowed the both of them to safely get inside. Once Delta was inside she looked around a the dorm and she had to say that for a guys room, it seemed rather neat. As her blue orbs found their way over to his desk she was immediately drawn to his photographs and walked over. Reaching down she picked up the one from when he was four. She could tell he got his looks from his mom, and that his dad must of provided the personality. "You're so happy in this one," Del murmured softly, gazing at it a moment longer before gently setting it back down in its rightful place. Blue eyes scanned the room once more until they landed their gaze on Christian, a smile had formed on the girl's face, "You should be in bed relaxing Chris. It'll help you feel better."
A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.
Christian crawled in after Del. He took a moment to dust himself off then heard Del mention the photograph he had on his desk. “Oh, haha, yeah, that was way back when I was yay high,” he said with a chuckle. “My parents are the best. Hopefully you’ll meet em one day,” he said with a smile. Del mentioned him resting on the bed. “I hear ya,” Christian replied, although the pain had begun to subside becoming more and more of a simple annoyance than anything else. He leaped onto the bed, landed with a creaky thud. “Oof,” he let out. “Shouldn’t have done that,” he muttered holding a hand to the side of his chest with a slight grimace of pain. He tried to laugh it off so Del wouldn’t worry so much and grabbed the tv remote. Christian turned it on and began flipping through the different channels, hoping that Del might see something she liked or just anything that seemed interesting. “Why don’t you sit with me?” he asked, with a smile, scooting over to make space for her. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

{ Devon K Sicarius ~ The Dragonfly }
  • (Location: Crystal River Highschool ~ Music room)(Mood: Energetic )
    Looming clouds drifted overhead, painting the great blue yonder as Devon remained holding his relaxed posture against the stiff bricks that encompassed the wall whilst anticipating for his date's appearance. Only a few minutes had passed until Isabelle arrived, parading out from the main doors of the female dormitory and completely outfitted with a cutesy attire that matched perfectly with her charming looks, it was almost enough to make Devon's jaw loosen from the sight of it. "Y-you look wonderful." Stuttering over his words like a nervous buffoon, he excitedly carried on beside her while lost in thought about the delightful evening both of them will spend together. Shortly after their brief walk to the Highschool's exemplary studio Devon closely followed Isabelle into the vast room from behind, brilliant lights poured down onto them, illuminating both of them including the fascinating surroundings in a faint glow. "Dang, I can see why you enjoy being here so much.. I can only imagine the amount of money invested into this part of the academy."

    It was absolutely groundbreaking to him, Crystal High outperformed his old institution in every single attainable way. All they needed now was their own catering service and it would be the top-rated academy throughout the nation. Eventually soft melodies flowed all through the rotunda-like room, filling Devon's ears with amusement as he sat in the front row and reveled in the sweet sounds that played happily around him, each note was played expertly, even the conclusion of the song was astonishing. "Bravo!" He exclaimed with a loud applause as he made his way up to the stage, congratulating Isabelle with a bright smile across his face. "I knew you were going to be good but this good?! I'm impressed! I'd ask for an encore but I think we should probably get going to the movies before it gets too late." With one swift motion he fine-tuned his collar and brought his hands down his bomber jacket, straightening it before looking back up at Isabelle on the stage. "Ready whenever you are!" He joyfully announced, stroking his fingers through the bangs of his hair and parting them a bit.
    ( Texangamer Texangamer ~ Isabelle)
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"Meet your parents," the girl repeated as her cheeks quickly grew red with blush. But her train of thought was soon interrupted when she heard a creaky thud followed by a grunt. Blinking her eyes a bit rapidly, Delta looked over at Christian. A giggle escaped her as she rolled her eyes at him, "Goofball." When he asked if she'd like to sit with him she gave a small nod and slipped her shoes off. As she made her way over to the bed though she caught sight of the ice that hung onto his window. "Oh shoot, almost forgot." Raising her hand towards the ice it became unhooked from the window frame. With a small clenching of her hand, the ice turned back into water. Using her powers she sent the water back into the tree she had taken a portion of it from. "There, now your floor and window won't have any sort of water damage," Delta said happily as she sat beside Christian with a smile.
A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.
Christian sat on his bed with his back against the wall. He looked over at Del and realized he had also forgotten the patch of ice sticking out of his window. “Yeah that would’ve been... odd to say the least,” he with a chuckle. “So tell me,” Christian began to say, “Are you a fan of horror movies?” Christian said with a mischievous smile. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
When he asked if she was a fan of horror films, Delta looked at him and chuckled. "Well, I'm not a huge fan. But I do find interest in the story." After realizing what she had said, Del blushed with embarrassment. The way she had spoken made her sound like a weirdo. "But um, I do get scared still. So I hope you don't mind if a cling to you when I do get frightened," the girl managed to get out with little traits of embarrassment in her voice. Oh how Delta wished she could kick herself in the head right now for seeming like an idiot.
A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.
Christian chuckled. "Can't argue against a good story. I could always enjoy a movie more when it involves a story that's well written. It's tough to get something good going," he said, with a tone to his voice that sounded like he was just thinking out loud. Christian looked back at Delta and smiled. "Let's see what's on," he said as he began looking for a horror film to watch. "I don't mind if you hold onto me, horror movies get to me too sometimes but that's the fun of it after all," he said with small laugh at the end. Christian finally found a movie that seemed to be about some guy trapped on an island where the criminally insane are sent, basically, mass murderers and psychopaths. Although judging by the brief summary given by the channel, there may be more than meets the eye about the people that run the asylum and it's up to this protagonist to find out what it is. "Horror thriller, this looks like a wild movie," he said, putting the remote down and inching a little closer to Del to allow her to hold on to him. Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Dark lashes hid her eyes momentarily as she blinked. When they opened less than half a second later, the ocean blue orbs were now laying their gaze on Christian. "Yeah, you're right. It does add to the fun," Delta replied with a smile on her face. The girl looked over towards the television screen after having noticed Chris wasn't hitting the button on the remote that is meant for flipping through the channels. After reading the brief description of the movie, given by the channel, Del went a bit wide-eyed. "That does seem interesting." Glancing over at Christian she saw him move closer after putting the remote down. With a small smile, Delta reached down and placed her hand on his. Holding it gently while watching the tv screen as the movie started to play.

A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.

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