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Realistic or Modern Cryptids In Alaska

Mann walks back into the living room and sits in his original chair, it was at this point he notices that unconscious man was gone and the coffee cup was empty,

"I swear to God, I just want a break." Mann says as an eerie song plays out on the CD player. He lets out a deep sigh before looking over to Villianna,

Well, Villianna, I suggest you sleep inside instead of the guest house. You can have my room." Mann says as he rubs the ridge of his nose to help him fully calm down.

The song:



Not currently wearing this jacket.


An undershirt to the jacket and is currently being worn.


He wears the same looking jeans as he does regularly.


Villianna turned towards Mann. "Are you sure? It wouldn't be right for me to be sleeping in your bed," Villianna explained. She felt awkward thinking about sleeping in Mann's bed. But then the creature came back into her mind. "Fine. But one night only. Now do you have a telephone around here? I should contact my family that I will not be home for dinner..." sadness lingered in her last words to the sentence. Then an idea came into mind. "Mann, would you like to join my family and me in dinner? Then afterwards we can come back here," she offered.

Mann looks over at Villianna, he contemplates the dangers of being outside after dark with that alien,

"Sure, it should be good for moral." Mann says before getting up,

I'll be right back, you can change the CDs if you want, there should be a music book over by the player." Mann then walks away into the bathroom, once inside, he sits on the toilet cover. It was now that Mann realizes that he felt something for Villianna, he didn't know what, but he felt something. Mann collects himself and returns back,

Do you mind if we head over there now? It would save time so we can get back here before dark, luckily. Wait, let me go talk to that Isaac guy real quick." Mann walks off to where Isaac is and discusses with him that Isaac should stay here and hold down the fort, he even gave Isaac the keys to the gun room.


@The One Eyed Bandit

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