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Realistic or Modern Cryptids In Alaska

Villianna nodded and whispered, "Thanks." Villianna made herself at home, sinking down more onto the couch and began taking bigger sips from the coffee. She brought her legs up onto the couch and tucked them comfortably underneath her. Her eyes followed Mann as he left the house. Never has anyone offered something nice for her, often was she the one offering things to people.

She admired his generosity and even felt grateful for his offer in staying the night. Thinking about it, she decided to stay the night. For some unknown reason she felt at ease with Mann. She remembers some of the conversations they had, they somehow got along pretty well for barely knowing each other. After today she felt as if she knew Mann for years now.

She felt so comfortable that she could feel herself growing drowsy. Her eyes wandered over to the still unconscious man they brought in. Then they wandered back to Mann who was approaching her with a gun.
A gun?

She was fully awake now. Villianna straightened up and her mouth was open ready to ask a question when he said to stay put and not look.
Not look at what? Shivers ran down her back and she grabbed the nearest pillow hugging it for comfort.

Mann creeps around the side of his house once again, he peaks around the corner of the house to see the alien still peeking through the window that Villianna is sitting right in front of. If Villianna were to turn around and look, she would have quite a surprise waiting for her, but not today, Mann would not let Villianna get scared again,

"Hey, pissbucket!" Mann yells at it as he aims his gun and fires off a couple of rounds at the creature before it scurries off down the street, Mann stands in the middle of the street and fires off the rest of his bullets at the creature before the gun starts clicking from a lack of ammo.

Mann then slowly walks back inside the house, this time through the front door instead of the back like he had been previously using. He walks down the hall to the kitchen and retrieves the ammo box before walking back to the gun room, he stands in the gun room for a second to let his mind catch up with what just happened, leaving the door unlocked for anything to come strolling in.

Villianna was frozen on her spot, obeying to what Mann said. But once he shot a few rounds, she cringed at the sound. She has been exposed to guns and has even used one, but she never liked them.

She saw Mann run. Then at that moment her body was in a struggle. For the sake of her sanity and reassurance half of her mind did not want to look. But then the careless and curious side of her other half wanted to take a peek. Placing her hands on her head, she cleared her mind and ultimately chose to peek. As she turned and sat up on her seat, she caught a glimpse of a pale creature running into the woods away from Mann's shots.

Her face grew pale and she slouched back down onto the couch.
Dammit...why did I do that....

She stuffed her face into the pillow wanting comfort. Her ears picked up the sound of Mann's footsteps walking back into the home. With her heart racing and skin sweating, she decided to follow him.
I'll be safe by his side.

What she wasn't expecting was a room full of firearms. Her mouth was wide open with a mixture of awe and fear as her eyes wandered through the variety of firearms. She walked slowly afraid that if she touched one, it would go off.
Walking down the street Isaac was bored. It wasn't an uncommon thing for him, after living it up in London for his College years places like this always seemed a little dull, but the peace and quiet always seemed to make up for it in the end, and it was a lot easier to know the lay of the land in a place like this... But it really couldn't hurt the folks here to make the place a bit more eventful could it? "Egh... Not like it matters..." He mutters, stuffing his hands into the warmth of his pockets as he does so, before hearing an... Unexpected sound echo out through the streets.

The sound of gunfire.

Now, Isaac wasn't usually a extremely nosy man, but in a town like this, who knew if anyone else was even around to check it out? What kind of person would he be if he just left things be, and a few days later someone turned up dead or something? Not to mention, this seemed like just the kind of thing to alleviate his crippling boredom. At least that's what he reasoned as he walked blindly towards the source of live gunfire, pushing back the niggling thought that maybe the guy, or gal, who decided to go firing guns all willy-nilly might just be someone he wanted to stay away from... Regardless of that though, it wasn't long before he found himself at the apparent source of the noise, large, wooden, two story house.

Seeing the open door he decided to take the uh... Direct route and approached the house, knocking firmly on the door as he stepped inside. "Everything OK over here? Heard something soundin' like gunfire not too long ago..."He says, making his voice loud enough to echo through the house, as he cautiously makes his way down the hall.

Mann suddenly looks up as he hears footsteps, he suddenly grows slightly pale for that was quite a shock to him to see Villianna,

"O-Oh, Villianna, uh, sorry for what just happened. Shit!" He says as he gets up and puts the Henry Repeater back on the rack it came from,

This is uh, kinda hard to explain; so the city loans me weapons so I can run the "Museum Of Guns", you might have read the sign on the door. I give tours on most weekdays except Friday." Mann suddenly explains why he has the strange amount of guns, followed by a lengthy silence and a gulp. This silence was broken when Mann heard someone in the house, he instantly placed a finger over his lips and walked over to one of the gun cabinets and opens it, retrieving a Kimber pistol he then walks over to one of the drawers and retrieves some ammo.


Mann proceeds to load the gun and face the doorway, Mann doesn't chamber the gun but instead simply aims at the door, for Mann doesn't want to actually hurt whoever it is, unless tit's the alien,

I forgot to lock the door! Fuck!" He says under his breath, Mann suddenly gets an idea,

HEY! WHO'S THERE?!" Mann calls out to the unknown person.


@The One Eyed Bandit
Isaac's pace slowed as he heard a voice ring through the house, quietly making his way towards what sounded like the source as he listened to the muffled speaking, making it to a closed door before the voice's volume increased exponentially. "Hey buddy! Calm down, I was passing by when I heard shooting..." He says, reaching out to the door "You in here? I'm coming in, just keep calm OK?" Pushing the door open he was soon met by the sight of a younger man, aiming a gun through the doorway, and coincidentally, right at him as he stepped through.

Mann breathes a sigh of relief as he sees a man enter the door and lowers his gun,

"Jesus, at least you aren't one of those things. Anyways, who are you?" Mann asks, his relieved tone suddenly turning coarse as he realizes that a stranger is in his house. Mann glances over at Villianna after asking him the question, Mann then nods with his head for Villianna to get behind him.

@LifeNovel @The One Eyed Bandit
Villianna was frozen on her spot as she heard the creaking sound of the wood being pressed down, indicating footsteps. Footsteps that could've belonged to any creature. She hugged herself and quietly scooted away from the entrance of the door.

A slight squeak escaped her when Mann yelled. She receded more into the shadows of the room. Feeling more comfortable with guns surrounding her, she allowed room for Mann to confront whatever was coming.

She felt herself stop breathing and her heart kept beating as she stood there waiting. Villianna watched Mann closely to see his response. At first he was still tense with the gun in hand but soon she saw him relax. A sigh of relief escaped her. She saw Mann lower the gun. Knowing it was not an abnormal creature, Villianna was curious as to what it was. She slowly walked over to Mann. Then she got a look at what it was, another man. She gave a slight frown for she could not exactly recall who this person was.

She was about to approach the man when she saw Mann signaling her to stand behind him. Villianna didn't want to but knew it was for the best. She nodded back and took tentative steps over to Mann and stood behind him while peering over his side.
"Isaac Ripley..." Pausing for a moment, his eyes dared around the room, taking all the features, particularly the vast collection of guns covering the wall of the room, and the younger, afraid looking woman also in the room. "...Sorry if I'm interrupting something, but like I said, I heard gunfire from this direction and thought I'd check it out. Everything OK around here?" He finishes, folding his arms as he takes a step back from the man who'd been pointing a gun at him only a few moments ago.
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(Sorry, sorry.)

Mann nods, he then pops the magazine out of the gun and sets it on the table. Mann scratches the back of his head before sighing,

"Uh, yeah, sorry about the gunfire. Just a couple of pesky squirrels eating out of my bird feeder." Mann lies through his teeth before walking over to Isaac, he motions up the stairs and nods again,

Well, I'm sorry for the trouble, I can give you a cup of coffee and a free tour of the gun museum, how does that sound?" Mann asks with a friendly smile. It was at this moment that Mann remembered the passed-out person on the couch and that he forgot to put his coffee up in the microwave. (@JacobLoL)
Isaac was taken aback by the man's response, like, honestly? That was what he was going with, that wasn't exactly an excuse, or a truth that he'd exactly recommend telling people... "Sq-Squirels? You were shooting at squirrels? That's a tad overkill don't you think?" He sighed, rubbing the back of his head in exasperation, pausing for a moment as he offered him a drink, and a tour around the 'Gun Museum' which, honestly, sounded like a better way to spend his day than the aimless walking he'd been partaking in earlier.

"Uh, yeah. Sure, tour sounds great. Coffee sounds even better... What's did you say your name was by the way?" He said, affirming the man's offer, and asking for his name.

Mann starts to stress over Isaac not believing his statement about the squirrels,

"Yeah, the squirrels around here are really rowdy! I've had to replace my bird feeder several times, they're draining me!" Mann says before giving off a slightly forced laugh. He leads Isaac up the stairs and into the kitchen,

And my name is Mann, like with two n's." Mann nods as he pours the newly-met person a cup of coffee,

As you may have noticed, I own the official gun museum around here, keeps me nice and full on cash- although them' squirrels are making sure I don't have too much spending money here lately." Mann laughs at his own lie before pouring himself up another cup of coffee.
"Yeah... Sounds like a nightmare buddy. Still, no need to shoot at the things, give em a good shout and they'll be off ya know?" He said, his voice laced with slight traces of sarcasm as he took the cup of coffee and raised it to his lips. "Forget about that though. Temptation when your surrounded by guns all the time must be pretty high eh?" He jokes, gesturing to Mann with his cup for emphasis, "Tour sounds interesting though. Better way to spend the day wandering around like a lost cat like I've been doing for most the day"

Mann chuckles and shakes his head as he looks back up at the man,

"Yeah, it is very tempting to just rip an assault rifle right off the wall and blast the bastards away. Anyways, how about that tour?" Mann asks as he leads Isaac into the hallway, but Mann suddenly stops dead in his tracks as his attention is frozen on something at the end of his hallway, a small, grey creature is looking around the corner at Mann and Isaac.

Villianna watched as Mann led the new man, Isaac, down the hall, trying to cover up what has just occurred. She followed along glancing back behind her out of reflex. The creatures that were appearing were causing her to be cautious.

She walked after them but then spotted a creature. "M-mann," Villianna stuttered. Her finger lifted with fear as she pointed to the creature.

The smile fades from Mann's face and he nods, he then points back towards the kitchen,

"Villianna, do me a favor, go into the kitchen and get the meat cleaver from the knife holder." He says, all the while maintaining eye contact with the being. It frightened Mann to the core but he needed a weapon just in case this things was hostile.
Following Mann down the hall Isaac let out a slight, forced sounding laugh as he joked about 'blasting the bastards away. He was about to retort to his jest, when Mann froze on the spot, staring down something at the end of the hall and requesting 'Villianna' who was presumably the woman from earlier, to fetch him a meat cleaver.

"Uh, Mind if I ask what you need a big-ass knife know all of a sudden? Won't be able to catch squirrels with ones of those!" He said, half inquiring and half joking as he made his way around Mann to get a good look at whatever he was so fixated on.

Mann's eyes suddenly narrowed on Isaac, he grabs the man by the back of the shirt to hold him still,

"Don't move, you might scare it off." He says as he slowly pulls Isaac back, the alien simply sat there, watching the scene unfold. It's eyes were shaped like almonds and it was all grey, just like those alien enthusiasts are talking about. He stares the alien down in an intense fashion, anyone could tell that Mann was angry at this thing about something, even the alien could probably tell something was up.
"Scare what off?" Peeking around Mann, he raised an eyebrow, spotting the grey shape at the end of the hallway, at first he thought it was a dog, looked to be around the right size, and it wasn't uncommon for one to go wandering around every now and then, but then he was its eyes, its over-sized, almond shaped eyes. Ok... Not a dog... He thought as he looked into them, soon after pulling himself back around the corner and deciding to try and shake-down Mann for info.

"Hey. The hell is that? This the 'squirrel' you were shooting at before?"

Mann shakes his head in a sorrowful manner, he lets out a sigh before looking back up at Isaac,

"Listen, alright, I don't know what these things are. Yes, that's the thing I shot at. But I have been through quite a lot today, a giant fucking hand tried to drown me this morning. I assume that this thing is an alien, mostly because of its iconic appearance." Mann continues to look ahead while talking, making sure to keep eye contact on it.
Villianna turned her eyes back to Mann. She nodded and began creeping down the hall, feeling that if she ran the thing might try to come after her. With every step or so her eyes averted back to the thing making sure that it stayed where it was.

She heard the two men talking, their voices seeming to increase as they continued to converse. Biting the bottom of her lip, she glanced wistfully at the men hoping they realize as they grew louder the creature's attention turned onto them. Feeling that the thing's attention was fully on the men, she scurried over to the kitchen quickly grabbing a meat cleaver. Once she exited the kitchen and stepped into the hall she slowed her pace since she would be walking into the creature's field of vision.

"Here Mann," she whispered. She lifted the meat cleaver slowly and handed it to Mann.

Mann takes the knife firmly in hand and slowly proceeds towards the alien at a slow pace, halfway down the hall, he turns around and places a finger over his mouth to signal silence. Mann then turns around to find the creature gone, he runs down the hall and runs outside,

"GET BACK HERE, FUCK-FACE!" He screams as he watches the creature retreat out into the woods for a second time. Mann walks back inside and into his bedroom, he changes and comes back out, less agitated.
Villianna stood there frozen, afraid that perhaps the creature had friends with him. But then she saw Mann storming back and then coming out of his room, cooled off. Gulping all her fear down, she took a few steps towards a seat and sat down feeling her jelly legs finally coming back with feeling. She placed a hand on her forehead and closed her eyes, freaked out by what just happened.

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