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One x One Crossover Tales: An Army of Three [maxacec X Kiohtel]


Vanguard of The Invictus
Main Character(s)

Race (Class):
Weapons of choice:
Secondary Skills (optional):


Race (Class):
Appearance: <Picture preferred but description is fine too>

Main Characters

  • Castien.jpg


    Half-elf (Arcane Warrior)
    5'9" / 110lbs

    Weapons of Choice:

    Main: Rapier Set


    Side: Gauntlet Crossbow (makeshift shield)

    Skills Agile, acrobatic, sneaky and proficient in fencing and basic hand-to-hand combat. He is also adept in escapology, lock-picking and pick-pocketing.
  • Secondary Skills Can channel magic through weapons (not very proficient)[/fieldset

    Personality Pretty withdrawn around most people but likes playing pranks. Generally finds it hard to trust/rely on anyone but himself. Outgoing and fun when around his group of orphans. He is also a stranger to the concept of chivalry ,nobility and politics. He always follows his own moral code however which tends to portray him as being innocent minded/naive.

    Special Remark - Physically weaker than other races albeit faster.

    - Usage of magic drains stamina (was born without mana pool which is unique as even non-magic users have at least a small un-utilized pool of mana).

    - Is able to utilize his blood for higher level magic if needed [even though blood magic is looked down upon by other mages].

    - Is gifted in crafts and mechanical builds as he is often seen trying to invent intricate gadgets on his spare time.

    History For as long as he can remember, he had no family but was never alone. Being an orphan who never knew his parents, he and the other orphans had survived by stealing and pickpocketing but the only took what they needed. He acts as a big brother to all of the other orphans scattered throughout the slums of Windell and is very protective of them. He received his weapons training from an old military veteran who caught him trying to steal some bread from the man's kitchen. Cas considers the man as a father figure and the man treated Cas like a son he never had. When the man passed away, Cas inherited what little the man had, including a small hut which is now filled to the brim with orphans. One day, Cas was selected as one of the candidates for the Ebony Guards and after a long and arduous journey, he made it as one of the Ebony guards along with his long lost older brother and some new found friends. His experience was shortlived however when he found himself mysteriously teleported to a strange land he knew nothing about.

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