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Fantasy Crossing the line 1x1 with Hazbin_Transformers

Astrid nodded softly “we have to fix it before she gets worse… I’m sorry for whatever she does..” she followed them outside genuinely nervous that her wolf was going to do something they both regretted. The human side could still control the wolf but the wolf could also have complete control at times.

Ryan just dipped his head walking outside and shifted trotting off to clear the training grounds for the afternoon. His large tan wolf vanishing into the treeline
Kain nodded himself. “Alright. Let’s do this” He said, making his way to the training grounds, keeping back so that Ryan could ensure the grounds were clear.

Jay looked up at Eric as they walked. Worry and fear for her friend in her eyes. She tucked herself closer to him.
Ryan was sitting in the center of the grounds waiting for their arrival genuinely curious the outcome of this. If she submitted it would be far easier to fix but if she didn't then even he worried slightly.

Astrid nervously looked at the others then at Jay "please don't let her do something she'll regret.." She finally shifted and gave her wolf control as she padded out into the training grounds.

(Do you want to temporarily have control of Ryan so I don't just have a boring like couple sentence thing?)
(Sure! I can do that)

Ryan watched as Astrid shifted and walked towards him. He got onto all fours and raised his head and his tail, his dominance showing in his stiff posture and rigid tail. His eyes held his authority in a focused stare, keeping them trained on Astrid.

Kain watched as Astrid shifted, heading out to the training grounds. He'd heard Jay mention that she'd keep an eye on Astrid's wolf in case she had to intervene.
Astrid’s wolf stepped onto the training grounds shaking out her coat almost like she was completely ignoring him at first. Her ears flicked watching him almost like her wolf wasn’t sure she actually felt like submitting, her ears pinning in irritation
Ryan took two steps forward, his ears forward and he let out a low growl. He saw the pinned ears and bared his teeth a bit, trying to push his dominance to get her to submit to him.
Astrid visibly looked torn, half of her wanting to submit while the other half was still defiant. Her head tilted slightly submissive as she bared her neck to him but she was growling lowly with pinned ears
Ryan's tail rose a little higher, he could sense some submission, but he needed total submission. He growled a bit louder, his teeth showing as he continued to force his dominance over her.
(It’s back!!!!)

Astrid’s wolf bared her fangs at him keeping her head tilted to keep him from snapping but wasn’t backing down. Her wolf clearly using the system to get advantage, she was submissive enough it technically counted but it wasn’t polite

Ryan hadn't encountered this. She was submitting technically. Ryan took two steps forward, his teeth bared and tried harder to force total polite submission, but definitely wouldn't be easy.
They were only steps apart at this point and she was clearly threatened by his behavior but she was still not backing down. Her stubborn streak showing through at the worst time, her wolf’s even worse. She growled lowly as her hackles raised but she stayed in the semi submissive stance. It almost appeared like she was arguing with her wolf in the mist of tbis
He growled louder, his eyes sharp and he'd use force if he had too. He bared his teeth, and he was just as stubborn. If she didn't submit soon he would have to try and force it.
Eric shifted nervously looking down at Jay “that’s not good right.. ?” He whispered in concern but kept his eye on Kain making sure he didn’t try to intervene.

Astrid’s wolf snapped at him, her fangs barely missing his leg but she stepped backwards though more out of his immediate reach than submissively. She shook her head swiping a paw at her own head in frustration as her growl deepened
Kain tried to steel himself, this needed to happen and he knew that.

Jay was watching, there was a conflict going on and so far, it was still going better than she'd initially feared. "It looks worse, I'm not intervening just yet"

Ryan growled deep at the snap. He covered the distance between the two of them his jaw aimed right for the top of her neck to force the submission.
There was a brief moment her wolf seemed to start to submit as he stalked towards her. Her neck tilted slightly with flattened ears but her anger seemed to snap back just as quickly as she pinned her ears threatening him. She looked ready to lunge at him, taking the step and did but a cry of pain echoed in the clearing. She had underestimated the fact their alpha was quicker than she was and his fangs had sunk into her neck. She thrashed trying to get a hold at him but couldn’t. After what seemed like an eternity she whimpered submissively going limp in his grip

Eric flinched at her cry of pain “not bad enough…?” Even he could see that Astrid appeared to be fighting with herself until Ryan had gotten a hold of her scruff
Ryan felt her thrashing, but waited it out until he finally let her go after she submitted, taking a step back, still holding that dominance. He waited, curious to see just what was going to happen.

Kain heard the cry and had to force himself to stand still, but his soul was crying out for her.

Jay heard the cry, but she waited. Then she saw Ryan had her scruff and she finally seemed to submit.
Astrid had made his bite marks worse by thrashing in his grip, the blood dripping down her neck as she shrank away. Her claws had swiped across one of his legs while he’d held her down, an incredibly disrespectful gesture. Her fangs were still bared but she was crouched down.
He had felt the swipe of her claw across his leg and noticed she was still baring her fangs. He growled deep, moving forward again, his own teeth bared. She was crouched down in submission, but the bared teeth was still disrespectful along with the swipe against his leg. His eyes were hard as he stared her down, pushing his dominance out.
Astrid finally seemed to concede, her neck tilting out to the side in submission to him as she whined. The level of dominance he had to use though was concerning as he had pretty much had to physically force her down. She crawled forward nuzzling under his chin respectfully but stayed low to the ground
Ryan noticed that she had finally fully submitted, but he was concerned as to how much dominance he'd used. This might have to happen again to get her wolf to rebond. He stood there calmly. He was happy with the progress though. Ryan backed up, before he flicked his ears, dismissing Astrid so they could talk about what happened and where to go from there.
Astrid‘s wolf slunk away into the tree-line clearly not thrilled, returning a short while later in human form. She looked exhausted like she’d been arguing with her wolf for a while to give up control and shift. She just tiredly walked to the others and tucked herself in Kain’s side. The blood from her neck visible but she didn’t seem to mind.
Kain had watched the entire thing, forcing himself to stand where he was. He had seen the blood from where Ryan had forced her to submit and it took everything in him to not run over. When she appeared in human form, he'd immediately opened his arm, wrapping it around her. He'd take care of her neck when they got back, she didn't seem too upset.

Jay looked at her friend with a frown. This thing with Luca had created more problems than any of them needed and it made her so angry. She felt her heart break for her friend.

Ryan had shifted back a few moments later and walked over to them. (Did you want him back now?)

Astrid just sorely rubbed her neck looking at the others with a sigh as she curled into his side “she’s stubborn. She really wasn’t willing to submit and she wasn’t happy about it.” She only submissively looked down upset when she saw what her wolf did to Ryan’s arm.

Ryan walked over “well that was more than I would have liked to have used but she finally caved. She’s not a happy wolf though..” Her forearm was pretty tore up and even with accelerated healing it would take a minute.
Kain looked at Astrid, seeing her rubbing her neck. "So where do we go from here? Do we have to do this again?" He asked. Kain just wanted Astrid to be okay after everything that she'd gone through, all of it was his fault. He was trying to fix what he'd broke and it felt like some days he was drowning trying to fix it.
Ryan looked at Kain “it depends on how things go after this time. It may have been enough to knock her wolf’s attitude down but it may return without someone else there to keep it. Her wolf is incredibly stubborn and strong willed and was a high ranking member of this pack… we do not know what happens when they are locked away from us.”

Astrid just curled in his side sadly, feeling terrible her wolf that taken a swipe ag Ryan

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