• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic Criminal Underworld(still accepting)

As they approached the Announcer's booth, The Baron continued pumping up the crowd as they watched. However, he paused when he noticed the familiar purple figure walking back and smiled as Dominique angled the case in his direction and showed off the money within.

The Baron's grin seemed to stretch even more before he raised the megaphone once more before calling out "And we have our money people! Penalty round's over!"

As he shouted that, Big Bull glanced up, with a shocked gasp traveling through the massive helmet he wore.

The entrances that the Foamers had been entering the battlefield slammed shut, blocking off the wild contestants from reinforcements. Not that they seemed to care.

The Bighorn gang quickly tore through the remaining opposition, with the final foamer being grabbed onto by the arms by two thugs who activated their propulsion packs and split him in half. To the sound of roaring applause.

"Wait!" Roared Big Bull who wordlessly slid his propulsion engine onto his pack "That wasn't nearly enough!"

The Baron shrugged before climbing on top of the Announcer booth and shrugging "Sorry big guy, Dom's got the money. So yo ass is off the hook." the Power Pimp laughed

"But I haven't even coated my armor in their entrails yet!"

The Baron just chuckled "I know, thought getting cock-blocked by a quick retrieval would be the real punishment for fucking around with my creds."

Big Bull shook with irritation before noticing Dominique "You sent her..." he glanced down "Whatever..."

Big Bull's staff/handle compacted and he slid it into a space on his suit before gesturing to his followers. As the Baron continued laughing, Big Bull and his crew activated their propulsion packs and took off flying out of the arena and down to the city below.

With that the announcers spoke into a camera that was held in front of them "Well, there you have it folks! As many expected, Big Bull and company were easily able to hold off the Xyclon addicts for the entirety of their penalty match. However, in a turn of events we really should've seen coming, the purveyor of organized violence himself had his top fighter retrieve the case as quickly as possible for the sole purpose of giving the finger to our Biomechanical bovine!"

"That's right, Conner!" the other said "I don't think I've seen a cock block that sinisterly planned since that one thanksgiving with my cousin."

"Uh, what happened, Ryan?" Conner asked

Ryan looked at him Let's just say that some of us learned the true meaning of stuffed turnkey that day." he said before turning back "Now we'll turn it over to our friends from ChemCorp stay tuned for the Wizard's match after these messages!"

And with that the spectators began to disperse for an intermission, and as the two announcers went for their smoke break the Baron jumped down and held his hands out open.

"Ah, Domi." he said as he took the case from the purple dominatrix "Ya'll know exactly how to make a player rock hard with pride! I'mma have to fuck two bitches in yo honor. I mean did you hear the heartbreak in that motherfucker's voice? Priceless!!!"

The Baron descended into a fit of laughter before noticing Reginald "Aw shit ya brought Reginald too!" he said with a smile before approaching and wrapping his free arm around the pyro's neck "Hey Fireman, clubbing scene ain't satisfying that inner fire o' yours. I'm feeling pretty good now how bout I ask one of the escorts to heat you up?"

Reginald nervously laughed along with the Baron as he glanced in the biker girl's direction "No sir, really. I'm here for something else."


Her stomach did a flip due to the disgust she felt towards him. Sighing under her breath Dakota leant up against wall besides her and looked back at the pimp from under her helmet, "nice get up." She said with distaste, watching him quietly as he seemed to look her over, his eyes obnoxiously stopping briefly to ogle any place he felt. Dakota didn't fold her arms or change her stance she just stared back at Baron. Until she felt it necessary to knock on her chrome helmet, "my heads up here," she told him leaning back against the wall and now folding her arms against her chest, "it's rude to look at a woman like that," she laughed quietly.

GrieveWriter said:
As they approached the Announcer's booth, The Baron continued pumping up the crowd as they watched. However, he paused when he noticed the familiar purple figure walking back and smiled as Dominique angled the case in his direction and showed off the money within.
The Baron's grin seemed to stretch even more before he raised the megaphone once more before calling out "And we have our money people! Penalty round's over!"

As he shouted that, Big Bull glanced up, with a shocked gasp traveling through the massive helmet he wore.

The entrances that the Foamers had been entering the battlefield slammed shut, blocking off the wild contestants from reinforcements. Not that they seemed to care.

The Bighorn gang quickly tore through the remaining opposition, with the final foamer being grabbed onto by the arms by two thugs who activated their propulsion packs and split him in half. To the sound of roaring applause.

"Wait!" Roared Big Bull who wordlessly slid his propulsion engine onto his pack "That wasn't nearly enough!"

The Baron shrugged before climbing on top of the Announcer booth and shrugging "Sorry big guy, Dom's got the money. So yo ass is off the hook." the Power Pimp laughed

"But I haven't even coated my armor in their entrails yet!"

The Baron just chuckled "I know, thought getting cock-blocked by a quick retrieval would be the real punishment for fucking around with my creds."

Big Bull shook with irritation before noticing Dominique "You sent her..." he glanced down "Whatever..."

Big Bull's staff/handle compacted and he slid it into a space on his suit before gesturing to his followers. As the Baron continued laughing, Big Bull and his crew activated their propulsion packs and took off flying out of the arena and down to the city below.

With that the announcers spoke into a camera that was held in front of them "Well, there you have it folks! As many expected, Big Bull and company were easily able to hold off the Xyclon addicts for the entirety of their penalty match. However, in a turn of events we really should've seen coming, the purveyor of organized violence himself had his top fighter retrieve the case as quickly as possible for the sole purpose of giving the finger to our Biomechanical bovine!"

"That's right, Conner!" the other said "I don't think I've seen a cock block that sinisterly planned since that one thanksgiving with my cousin."

"Uh, what happened, Ryan?" Conner asked

Ryan looked at him Let's just say that some of us learned the true meaning of stuffed turnkey that day." he said before turning back "Now we'll turn it over to our friends from ChemCorp stay tuned for the Wizard's match after these messages!"

And with that the spectators began to disperse for an intermission, and as the two announcers went for their smoke break the Baron jumped down and held his hands out open.

"Ah, Domi." he said as he took the case from the purple dominatrix "Ya'll know exactly how to make a player rock hard with pride! I'mma have to fuck two bitches in yo honor. I mean did you hear the heartbreak in that motherfucker's voice? Priceless!!!"

The Baron descended into a fit of laughter before noticing Reginald "Aw shit ya brought Reginald too!" he said with a smile before approaching and wrapping his free arm around the pyro's neck "Hey Fireman, clubbing scene ain't satisfying that inner fire o' yours. I'm feeling pretty good now how bout I ask one of the escorts to heat you up?"

Reginald nervously laughed along with the Baron as he glanced in the biker girl's direction "No sir, really. I'm here for something else."



Seamus instantly regrets taking the job as soon as he steps into the building that houses the arena. Not because of the fights, he didn't mind those at all other than the fact that they were uselessly dramatic, but rather due to the wave of noise that hit him as he entered. He hadn't considered the fact that this many people, all drunk and riled up, would be loud as all hell, and he wasn't happy about it. This displeasure was furthered when he caught sight of the Baron, a man who embodied everything obnoxious and over the top that Seamus hated. But a job was a job and he had accepted it so he had to complete it as best he could. Maybe he'd hop into the ring later to blow off some steam.

He reaches into his pocket, pulling out his pack of cigarettes and lighting one before turning to the fighter next to him, "This fight better be damn worth it fer me te've come te this shitehole," he comments to her in a highly irritated voice. His head still ached a bit from when the Klansman had hit him and the noise was only making it worse. He might have to do the job but he didn't have to like it and he sure as hell didn't have to be pleasant about it.


Asane Naki

  • 5IYBNIF.png

    Back onto guns, great. This'll kick that shitty mood right out of Asane.

    "Sweet, I really appreciate it. I'll do anything you need. It'd be my job to afterall, since this would be payment."

    She smiled and leaned up off the table, walking over to her as she turned around to look at all of her magnificent weaponry

    "Dual automatics?"

    She smiled widely.

    "I've done more than just akimbo automatics back during the war, but damned to hell if i wouldn't do it again."

    She smiled and pat Akanes back.


The Baron shrugged, releasing Reginald in the process "Sorry girl, round here you can't be a woman unless ya packing at least twice the ass I see you rocking at this point." he said with a smile and lowering his glasses a bit before whipping a card out of his coat "I know a good doctor in ChemCorp, hit him up for a quick snip snip or something then you can come round calling yaself a woman."

He tossed the card in her direction before walking past, before Reginald spoke up.

"She wanted me to bring her to you for a business proposal, sir." the pyro said, the Baron paused before chuckling.

"Aw hell, girl came for Busy times instead a sexy times, okay." The Baron tossed the case to two other Growlers before waving hands disarmingly "I'm a boss first point five and a player first, . Ain't no second for bitches my posse and players!"

He raised his arms to the stands where the nearest growlers cheered in agreement, then turned back pointing at Dakota "So girlie girle whatcha got for me? Gotta make it a bit quick though, Wiz and Rox gonna go at it like a couple praying Mantis's during the rut."

"How do you even-?" Reginald began before the Baron raised his hand.

"Ain't gotta worry about it." he said with another chuckle


Across the stadium...

Roxy could hear the pounding of the crowd from the prep room, where some technicians worked on her cybernetic tendrils and her medic promptly complained. Having to deal with the negativity ever since hiring him would've been more of a challenge if it weren't for the fact that he did damn good work. So she adjusted, so she just smirked in response.

"Come on, with a name like wizard how tough could this kid be?" she said before flexing one of her tendrils and closing the claw at the end "Aren't you gonna watch from the stands while I own this guy?"

Facethelight said:

Asane Naki

  • 5IYBNIF.png

    Back onto guns, great. This'll kick that shitty mood right out of Asane.

    "Sweet, I really appreciate it. I'll do anything you need. It'd be my job to afterall, since this would be payment."

    She smiled and leaned up off the table, walking over to her as she turned around to look at all of her magnificent weaponry

    "Dual automatics?"

    She smiled widely.

    "I've done more than just akimbo automatics back during the war, but damned to hell if i wouldn't do it again."

    She smiled and pat Akanes back.


GrieveWriter said:
The Baron shrugged, releasing Reginald in the process "Sorry girl, round here you can't be a woman unless ya packing at least twice the ass I see you rocking at this point." he said with a smile and lowering his glasses a bit before whipping a card out of his coat "I know a good doctor in ChemCorp, hit him up for a quick snip snip or something then you can come round calling yaself a woman."
He tossed the card in her direction before walking past, before Reginald spoke up.

"She wanted me to bring her to you for a business proposal, sir." the pyro said, the Baron paused before chuckling.

"Aw hell, girl came for Busy times instead a sexy times, okay." The Baron tossed the case to two other Growlers before waving hands disarmingly "I'm a boss first point five and a player first, . Ain't no second for bitches my posse and players!"

He raised his arms to the stands where the nearest growlers cheered in agreement, then turned back pointing at Dakota "So girlie girle whatcha got for me? Gotta make it a bit quick though, Wiz and Rox gonna go at it like a couple praying Mantis's during the rut."

"How do you even-?" Reginald began before the Baron raised his hand.

"Ain't gotta worry about it." he said with another chuckle


Across the stadium...

Roxy could hear the pounding of the crowd from the prep room, where some technicians worked on her cybernetic tendrils and her medic promptly complained. Having to deal with the negativity ever since hiring him would've been more of a challenge if it weren't for the fact that he did damn good work. So she adjusted, so she just smirked in response.

"Come on, with a name like wizard how tough could this kid be?" she said before flexing one of her tendrils and closing the claw at the end "Aren't you gonna watch from the stands while I own this guy?"


Akane beams at Asane's response, "Perfect. I'm thinking that I'm going to start you off with dual SMGs. I figure I'll go for high rate of fire and large ammo capacity over huge stopping power, that alright with you?" As she talks Akane gas already moved over to the SMGs and is looking them over to see what she should start with. "From there I'm open to suggestions," she says over her shoulder, not even really registering the pat on the back as she's engrossed in her work.


Seamus glares over at Roxy, "Fuck no, I'm gonna be ringside. You want me te sit up with fucking bitchwhores and asswits?" he asks, even more annoyance seeping into his tone. He looks up at the ceiling and exhales a long breath of smoke to calm down a bit before turning back to her, "And with a name like Wizard he can be plenty fucking tough. Don't get cocky just cause o' that shite cause if ye lose pathetically I'm fucking charging extra," he says harshly. He's really going to need to blow off some steam after this.
GrieveWriter said:
The Baron shrugged, releasing Reginald in the process "Sorry girl, round here you can't be a woman unless ya packing at least twice the ass I see you rocking at this point." he said with a smile and lowering his glasses a bit before whipping a card out of his coat "I know a good doctor in ChemCorp, hit him up for a quick snip snip or something then you can come round calling yaself a woman."
He tossed the card in her direction before walking past, before Reginald spoke up.

"She wanted me to bring her to you for a business proposal, sir." the pyro said, the Baron paused before chuckling.

"Aw hell, girl came for Busy times instead a sexy times, okay." The Baron tossed the case to two other Growlers before waving hands disarmingly "I'm a boss first point five and a player first, . Ain't no second for bitches my posse and players!"

He raised his arms to the stands where the nearest growlers cheered in agreement, then turned back pointing at Dakota "So girlie girle whatcha got for me? Gotta make it a bit quick though, Wiz and Rox gonna go at it like a couple praying Mantis's during the rut."

"How do you even-?" Reginald began before the Baron raised his hand.

"Ain't gotta worry about it." he said with another chuckle


Across the stadium...

Roxy could hear the pounding of the crowd from the prep room, where some technicians worked on her cybernetic tendrils and her medic promptly complained. Having to deal with the negativity ever since hiring him would've been more of a challenge if it weren't for the fact that he did damn good work. So she adjusted, so she just smirked in response.

"Come on, with a name like wizard how tough could this kid be?" she said before flexing one of her tendrils and closing the claw at the end "Aren't you gonna watch from the stands while I own this guy?"

She rolled her eyes and sight at his moronic use of the phrase 'sexy times' holding the card inbetween two fingers she moved them in a slow series along her hand like she would a card from a deck. "I believe that you will be of good help, if we work together." Dakota said before looking away from the business card, that continued to move between her fingers skilfully, "however, insult me, in any way wether it be physical appearance or gender, again and I won't be afraid to tare you a new ass hole." The pink haired woman says nonchalantly, she looked away from him and around their surrounding area, "I don't care much for how this transaction works, but let's just say you and this...shit hole will be thankful for it." Dakota laughed quietly from under the helmet and shoved the card into her pocket, "how about we talk this over a drink?" She asked taking the deck of cards out of her pocket and shuffling them from one hand to another skilfully, "You play any card games? Poker, Black jack,Bull shit? Heck I'll even play Go fish." She grinned slightly under her helmet looking at the hulking man, "those hands must be better at something other than holding a gun and touching people up." The biker was hand tempted to laugh at her own joke but decided not too, instead she went on to talk and mean against the balcony and look into the currently empty and blood stained arena, "by your reaction I'm guessing that you don't car business from woman?"


Asane Naki

  • 5IYBNIF.png

    "Well, most of that sounds pretty well on itself. Special modifications aren't totally an issue, since I don't need any extra help aiming or silencing the thing. I guess the only thing I could ask other than enough ammo to last me a firefight would be a weapon small enough to use the back of my pants as a holster. Never really was a fan of using actual ones; too bulky and they made my hips look too big."

    She shrugged, having obviously an odd stance on why she wouldn't use something honestly efficient.

    "Plus, it's come to the point it feels awkward not to be sitting on some metal all the time. Old habits die hard."

    She went back over to the other table, and leaned against it again. "Any idea what that favor's gonna be for?"


The Baron glanced up with a smile for a moment "Eh, I used to be into the decks and all that until Domi over here," he said patting the Dominatrix on the head, causing her to look up at him with a tilt of her head "beat about 30k outta me. Started feeling kinda shitty so I dropped the card games."

He shrugged "But if ya'll wanna do business then I'm more than game, there's a small bar set up two rooms down there for mid-battle drinks and shit." he said before rubbing his hands together "Even better, I could still pick up on the next fight from the screen in there!"

"Sir?" Reginald said before looking down at his tablet "Before you do that I have some questions about this Wizard guy going up that-"

"Don't worry bout it boy I talked with the I'm uncultured before Bull's match!" the Baron said, already walking across some exposed girders towards a completely out of place oak door right next to another exposed pit. He just wandered in as the announcers returned to their both to start the next match.

Reginald glanced to Dominique and Dakota before walking over to the stands, ignoring the sinking feeling he had over this next fight.


"And we're back!" Conner said as the stands filled up again and the cameras started rolling "On to our next match between the former Gearhead Roxy and her opponent newcomer Wizard!"

"Yeah, I always hated wizards and all that crap." Ryan said

"Oh yeah, how come? One of them couldn't make your mama appear?" Conner asked tauntingly

"Nah, he made my dick disappear for about six or seven minutes and disappeared before he could explain how it worked." Ryan said nonchalantly "Though I was kind of out of it due to the punch he brought us so maybe he did teach it to me?"

"What a wonderful story to start off on!" Conner said before pointing towards the camera "Now let's see our contestants!"

The prep rooms on opposite sides of the arena slid open.

Roxy quirked an eye at Seamus without losing her grin as the prep rooms door slid open, one of the technicians was about to speak when Roxy raised her hand "Don't." she stated as she hefted her gun and grinned at them "I don't need luck."



Roxy walked forward as an average height man in long black and blue robes approached from the opposite side, a massive generic witch's hat covering his entire head.

"It seems the fans are hungry for even more blood and gore Ryan!" Conner said as he glanced at the roaring audience

"And why wouldn't they be? Big Bull wasn't the only one getting cock-blocked by that stunt the Baron pulled." Ryan said

"Oh it's so great seeing the new meat duke it out like this to show the viewers what they got."

"And if they don't got shit, well at least the audience gets to see a damn fine execution!" Ryan turned to Conner "What do we know about these guys anyway?"

"Well the Wizard's pretty much got nothing on him." Conner said with a sly look "But Roxy-"

"Roxy Johannes!" The Wizard shouted

The Announcers paused as Roxy tilted her head to the side.

"I have had to search high and low for you!" he said in a thick oriental accent "Infiltrating horrible group after horrible group just to try and pick up your trail... and now?!?"

He put a hand to his covered head "Now you come out of hiding just to give me this perfect opportunity, after all garbage I dealt with to find you?!?"

"Uh dude?" she asked as he shook with rage "Are you-?"

The wizard grabbed hold of both his robes and his hat and tossed them all to the sky at once, leaving plenty of viewers to gasp at what they saw.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Hong_Long-Killseekers_CA_3.png.376f4ddd540cf278e7936e52e33c2e36.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Hong_Long-Killseekers_CA_3.png.376f4ddd540cf278e7936e52e33c2e36.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Roxy gasped as she recognized the apparel "You're-!"

"Ling Shiq" he said as he pointed his sword at her "Member of Blood Lotus, and wrecker of your shit!"

"That's right ladies and gentlemen!" Conner said "Instead of some ridiculous magic man, we set up Roxy against the very assassin who's been tracking her down for months!"

"And let me tell all of you folks watching that there's no word to describe how pissed he is." Ryan commented with a smirk

"Nobody told me I'd have to be fighting one of those guys!" Roxy yelled at the Announcers Booth, to which both of them just shrugged "Oh you god damn-!"

"They aren't your problem."

Roxy's attention was brought back to Ling, who took an aggressive stance as the red designs on his outfit began glowing violently.

"Your former coworkers send their regards." he said

"Are you ready for bloodshed!?!" the announcers asked to the roaring approval of the crowd "Then let's get this started."

Roxy steeled herself long enough to adopt an offensive stance before a loud air horn sounded and the two charged at each other.



  • Hong_Long-Killseekers_CA_3.png
    804.7 KB · Views: 49
Facethelight said:

Asane Naki

  • 5IYBNIF.png

    "Well, most of that sounds pretty well on itself. Special modifications aren't totally an issue, since I don't need any extra help aiming or silencing the thing. I guess the only thing I could ask other than enough ammo to last me a firefight would be a weapon small enough to use the back of my pants as a holster. Never really was a fan of using actual ones; too bulky and they made my hips look too big."

    She shrugged, having obviously an odd stance on why she wouldn't use something honestly efficient.

    "Plus, it's come to the point it feels awkward not to be sitting on some metal all the time. Old habits die hard."

    She went back over to the other table, and leaned against it again. "Any idea what that favor's gonna be for?"


GrieveWriter said:
The Baron glanced up with a smile for a moment "Eh, I used to be into the decks and all that until Domi over here," he said patting the Dominatrix on the head, causing her to look up at him with a tilt of her head "beat about 30k outta me. Started feeling kinda shitty so I dropped the card games."
He shrugged "But if ya'll wanna do business then I'm more than game, there's a small bar set up two rooms down there for mid-battle drinks and shit." he said before rubbing his hands together "Even better, I could still pick up on the next fight from the screen in there!"

"Sir?" Reginald said before looking down at his tablet "Before you do that I have some questions about this Wizard guy going up that-"

"Don't worry bout it boy I talked with the I'm uncultured before Bull's match!" the Baron said, already walking across some exposed girders towards a completely out of place oak door right next to another exposed pit. He just wandered in as the announcers returned to their both to start the next match.

Reginald glanced to Dominique and Dakota before walking over to the stands, ignoring the sinking feeling he had over this next fight.


"And we're back!" Conner said as the stands filled up again and the cameras started rolling "On to our next match between the former Gearhead Roxy and her opponent newcomer Wizard!"

"Yeah, I always hated wizards and all that crap." Ryan said

"Oh yeah, how come? One of them couldn't make your mama appear?" Conner asked tauntingly

"Nah, he made my dick disappear for about six or seven minutes and disappeared before he could explain how it worked." Ryan said nonchalantly "Though I was kind of out of it due to the punch he brought us so maybe he did teach it to me?"

"What a wonderful story to start off on!" Conner said before pointing towards the camera "Now let's see our contestants!"

The prep rooms on opposite sides of the arena slid open.

Roxy quirked an eye at Seamus without losing her grin as the prep rooms door slid open, one of the technicians was about to speak when Roxy raised her hand "Don't." she stated as she hefted her gun and grinned at them "I don't need luck."



Roxy walked forward as an average height man in long black and blue robes approached from the opposite side, a massive generic witch's hat covering his entire head.

"It seems the fans are hungry for even more blood and gore Ryan!" Conner said as he glanced at the roaring audience

"And why wouldn't they be? Big Bull wasn't the only one getting cock-blocked by that stunt the Baron pulled." Ryan said

"Oh it's so great seeing the new meat duke it out like this to show the viewers what they got."

"And if they don't got shit, well at least the audience gets to see a damn fine execution!" Ryan turned to Conner "What do we know about these guys anyway?"

"Well the Wizard's pretty much got nothing on him." Conner said with a sly look "But Roxy-"

"Roxy Johannes!" The Wizard shouted

The Announcers paused as Roxy tilted her head to the side.

"I have had to search high and low for you!" he said in a thick oriental accent "Infiltrating horrible group after horrible group just to try and pick up your trail... and now?!?"

He put a hand to his covered head "Now you come out of hiding just to give me this perfect opportunity, after all garbage I dealt with to find you?!?"

"Uh dude?" she asked as he shook with rage "Are you-?"

The wizard grabbed hold of both his robes and his hat and tossed them all to the sky at once, leaving plenty of viewers to gasp at what they saw.

View attachment 264899


"Something small huh? In that case, maybe a derringer?" Akane says, "It wouldn't be good as a main weapon but as a last resort it'd probably work quite nicely." Pulling down to identical SMGs Akane walks over to a table, clears a space on them, and sets them down. She then begins to dismantle them before going and grabbing some tools and parts from various places around the workshop. Once that's all done she begins to work on the guns, muttering to herself all the while. She then pauses and looks over at Asane, "And what about a melee weapon? Want one of those? Bayonets? OH! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! I COULD PUT BLADES ON YOUR SMGS!" Akane says, turning around fully with sparkling eyes at the last part.


Typical, Seamus thinks in annoyance, They jes had te play up the fucking drama with shite like this. What had happened to a good old fashioned bout? Where two people got into a ring and hit each other, no flair, no drama, just pure combat. He takes another long pull on his cigarette, dismissing the thought, it wasn't like he cared all that much anyways. Even the old fashioned ones were loud and annoying, just slightly less so.

Not really interested in the fight he looks around, spotting the same biker girl from Brokenfist. His gaze barely lingers on her as he really has no reason to care about her whatsoever. He leans against a nearby wall, waiting impatiently for the fight to end so he can leave.
GrieveWriter said:
Roxy gasped as she recognized the apparel "You're-!"

"Ling Shiq" he said as he pointed his sword at her "Member of Blood Lotus, and wrecker of your shit!"

"That's right ladies and gentlemen!" Conner said "Instead of some ridiculous magic man, we set up Roxy against the very assassin who's been tracking her down for months!"

"And let me tell all of you folks watching that there's no word to describe how pissed he is." Ryan commented with a smirk

"Nobody told me I'd have to be fighting one of those guys!" Roxy yelled at the Announcers Booth, to which both of them just shrugged "Oh you god damn-!"

"They aren't your problem."

Roxy's attention was brought back to Ling, who took an aggressive stance as the red designs on his outfit began glowing violently.

"Your former coworkers send their regards." he said

"Are you ready for bloodshed!?!" the announcers asked to the roaring approval of the crowd "Then let's get this started."

Roxy steeled herself long enough to adopt an offensive stance before a loud air horn sounded and the two charged at each other.

Asane Naki

  • 4p5w45m.png

    Asane was a bit frightened and overwhelmed with the sudden want to put blades on her smg's.

    "T-that'd be great and all, but remember how I sit on those. I'd rather not stab my own ass with two blades every time I wanted to sit down. It's a cool idea, but for this purpose I think it'd be better had I not have that on my weaponry."

    she felt sorry for putting down her idea, but she'd felt more sorry if later on she could never sit down. That's a lot of standing and laying, and not enough of inbetween.


    She coughed a little into her hand.

    "About that favor. do you have any idea what you'll want, or is it up to interpretation at the moment?"


Facethelight said:

Asane Naki

  • 4p5w45m.png

    Asane was a bit frightened and overwhelmed with the sudden want to put blades on her smg's.

    "T-that'd be great and all, but remember how I sit on those. I'd rather not stab my own ass with two blades every time I wanted to sit down. It's a cool idea, but for this purpose I think it'd be better had I not have that on my weaponry."

    she felt sorry for putting down her idea, but she'd felt more sorry if later on she could never sit down. That's a lot of standing and laying, and not enough of inbetween.


    She coughed a little into her hand.

    "About that favor. do you have any idea what you'll want, or is it up to interpretation at the moment?"



"Don't worry, I can make it folding or extendable," Akane replies, undeterred, "And it could be really useful if you're in close combat. Your choice though." Having said that Akane turns back to her work. She shrugs when Asane asks about the favor, "I have no clue right now so yeah, up for interpretation I guess. I'll just cash it in later when I figure it out," she says, a little distractedly. After working for a little bit longer Akane remembers something, "Oh yeah, what about the derringer? You like that idea? Also, this might take a while so feel free to use the cot over there if you get tired," she says, jerking a thumb towards the afore mentioned cot.

Asane Naki

  • 5IYBNIF.png

    "I still think I'll pass. I don't have much good experience with things that kind of...pop out. Reminds me a bit too much of some bad experiences if you get me. But again, thanks for the offer. I feel like if it comes to that even, I'm mostly fucked. You know how I am regarding close quarters combat."

    She laughs, though mostly a pity laugh because of how bad she knows she is when dealing with the close combat.

    "And alright. I figure it's going to end up being some type of tag along however, since I know you're pretty self sufficient, but I also know that means people will try to get to you and threaten you. I know it's atleast been done for me, thus the whole going anonymous situation."


Facethelight said:

Asane Naki

  • 5IYBNIF.png

    "I still think I'll pass. I don't have much good experience with things that kind of...pop out. Reminds me a bit too much of some bad experiences if you get me. But again, thanks for the offer. I feel like if it comes to that even, I'm mostly fucked. You know how I am regarding close quarters combat."

    She laughs, though mostly a pity laugh because of how bad she knows she is when dealing with the close combat.

    "And alright. I figure it's going to end up being some type of tag along however, since I know you're pretty self sufficient, but I also know that means people will try to get to you and threaten you. I know it's atleast been done for me, thus the whole going anonymous situation."



Akane shrugs, thinking it a pity that Asane doesn't want the bayonets but not pushing it. She does, however, make an executive decision to give the other woman the derringer as she hasn't answered either way. She laughs when Asane gives her speculations as to what the favor might entail, "We'll see. The danger's all part of the fun after all," she says cheerfully as she continues to work on the SMGs, fine tuning them to meet her exacting specifications. After a bit she speaks up again, "Hey, if you ever want to practice CQC I'll be glad to help you out. Actually, there's this doctor I know, an Irish guy with a mechanical arm. Name's Seamus. Know of him? Great doctor but also an amazing hand-to-hand fighter. Maybe we could get him to teach you? That could be interesting. Dunno if he'd do it though, he's got quite the temper and he doesn't seem to like people much. But we can try yeah?"
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Asane Naki

  • HXMevQD.png

    "Heh, I can get behind that atleast."

    She went over and laid in the cot she was so aptly advertised.

    "I mean, the practice might help..."

    To be honest, she was trying to get rid of the idea that the irish guy she was referencing now was the same guy as before. Then again, is that racist to all irish people? She shook her head in denial of the idea. The guy before definitely didn't seem like a doctor atleast.

    "Sure, when can we go see this dude? Might as well meet him I guess."


GrieveWriter said:
The Baron glanced up with a smile for a moment "Eh, I used to be into the decks and all that until Domi over here," he said patting the Dominatrix on the head, causing her to look up at him with a tilt of her head "beat about 30k outta me. Started feeling kinda shitty so I dropped the card games."
He shrugged "But if ya'll wanna do business then I'm more than game, there's a small bar set up two rooms down there for mid-battle drinks and shit." he said before rubbing his hands together "Even better, I could still pick up on the next fight from the screen in there!"

"Sir?" Reginald said before looking down at his tablet "Before you do that I have some questions about this Wizard guy going up that-"

"Don't worry bout it boy I talked with the I'm uncultured before Bull's match!" the Baron said, already walking across some exposed girders towards a completely out of place oak door right next to another exposed pit. He just wandered in as the announcers returned to their both to start the next match.

Reginald glanced to Dominique and Dakota before walking over to the stands, ignoring the sinking feeling he had over this next fight.


"And we're back!" Conner said as the stands filled up again and the cameras started rolling "On to our next match between the former Gearhead Roxy and her opponent newcomer Wizard!"

"Yeah, I always hated wizards and all that crap." Ryan said

"Oh yeah, how come? One of them couldn't make your mama appear?" Conner asked tauntingly

"Nah, he made my dick disappear for about six or seven minutes and disappeared before he could explain how it worked." Ryan said nonchalantly "Though I was kind of out of it due to the punch he brought us so maybe he did teach it to me?"

"What a wonderful story to start off on!" Conner said before pointing towards the camera "Now let's see our contestants!"

The prep rooms on opposite sides of the arena slid open.

Roxy quirked an eye at Seamus without losing her grin as the prep rooms door slid open, one of the technicians was about to speak when Roxy raised her hand "Don't." she stated as she hefted her gun and grinned at them "I don't need luck."



Roxy walked forward as an average height man in long black and blue robes approached from the opposite side, a massive generic witch's hat covering his entire head.

"It seems the fans are hungry for even more blood and gore Ryan!" Conner said as he glanced at the roaring audience

"And why wouldn't they be? Big Bull wasn't the only one getting cock-blocked by that stunt the Baron pulled." Ryan said

"Oh it's so great seeing the new meat duke it out like this to show the viewers what they got."

"And if they don't got shit, well at least the audience gets to see a damn fine execution!" Ryan turned to Conner "What do we know about these guys anyway?"

"Well the Wizard's pretty much got nothing on him." Conner said with a sly look "But Roxy-"

"Roxy Johannes!" The Wizard shouted

The Announcers paused as Roxy tilted her head to the side.

"I have had to search high and low for you!" he said in a thick oriental accent "Infiltrating horrible group after horrible group just to try and pick up your trail... and now?!?"

He put a hand to his covered head "Now you come out of hiding just to give me this perfect opportunity, after all garbage I dealt with to find you?!?"

"Uh dude?" she asked as he shook with rage "Are you-?"

The wizard grabbed hold of both his robes and his hat and tossed them all to the sky at once, leaving plenty of viewers to gasp at what they saw.

View attachment 264899

Roxy gasped as she recognized the apparel "You're-!"

"Ling Shiq" he said as he pointed his sword at her "Member of Blood Lotus, and wrecker of your shit!"

"That's right ladies and gentlemen!" Conner said "Instead of some ridiculous magic man, we set up Roxy against the very assassin who's been tracking her down for months!"

"And let me tell all of you folks watching that there's no word to describe how pissed he is." Ryan commented with a smirk

"Nobody told me I'd have to be fighting one of those guys!" Roxy yelled at the Announcers Booth, to which both of them just shrugged "Oh you god damn-!"

"They aren't your problem."

Roxy's attention was brought back to Ling, who took an aggressive stance as the red designs on his outfit began glowing violently.

"Your former coworkers send their regards." he said

"Are you ready for bloodshed!?!" the announcers asked to the roaring approval of the crowd "Then let's get this started."

Roxy steeled herself long enough to adopt an offensive stance before a loud air horn sounded and the two charged at each other.

Dakota glanced at Reggie for a moment before following the hulking man. Her eyes stayed firmly set on his back as she assended down the stairs that he lead them too. At the bottom of the small dank stairs was a door that lead in to a nicer and less run down room. Much like the strip cloud it was equipped with coloured lights and a bar decorated with many bottles and fancy glasses. On the far left, infront and behind a seething area, sat a large flat screen that trailed through the adverts before the rest of the game. A female stood onscreen, selling pot or some other drug. Dakota rolled her eyes and moved to the bad behind The Baron, she sat so there was a set between them and took her helmet of, releasing some of the long strands of pink hair. "So let's talk." She stayed before raising a hand at the current bartender to get her attention.

Facethelight said:

Asane Naki

  • HXMevQD.png

    "Heh, I can get behind that atleast."

    She went over and laid in the cot she was so aptly advertised.

    "I mean, the practice might help..."

    To be honest, she was trying to get rid of the idea that the irish guy she was referencing now was the same guy as before. Then again, is that racist to all irish people? She shook her head in denial of the idea. The guy before definitely didn't seem like a doctor atleast.

    "Sure, when can we go see this dude? Might as well meet him I guess."



Akane considers Asane's question for a bit, "Probably tomorrow? I'd like to finish these up before we go out." She resumes work just to pause once more, "And remember what I said about his temper? That means that you'll probably have to be the one to convince him to help you. He doesn't like me very much for some reason," she says, grinning, "But if you can convince him he's one of the best CQC fighters out there, even if he is a right ass. Man can take a beating and keep going. And the awesome thing is that he mostly does it with brass knuckles even though he's got guns with him. I myself prefer things that go boom, but hey, different strokes for different folks and all that." Akane resumes her work, the SMGs beginning to come together, though she still has a bit to go. Custom jobs often take longer but since she's only performing basic modifications to this one and no complicated additions or cosmetic alterations this is a relatively short job. Even so, it's going to take a while longer.

(Feel free to find images you like for the three guns)
The Baron leaned back in a chair, placed his feet on a table facing towards the screen and snapped his fingers. One of the bartenders immediately tossed a large bottle of beer his way. The Baron caught it and immediately popped the cap off with his teeth before gesturing towards Dakota "I'm all ears girlie!"

He laughed before tossing the cap to the side and taking a swig, eyes locked on the fight on the screen.

(@JustCallMeAimee )


Halfway towards each other, Roxy raised her gun and fired a semi-automatic burst. However, Ling exploded in a could of red smoke and electricity before her bullets could hit him.

She cursed and spun around just as his blade came spinning through the air towards her, she spun out of the way and watched as he appeared in another cloud of electric red smoke and caught his blade out of the air before exploding again.

"Yeah, those Blood Lotus guys sure do love their teleport spam." Conner commented as he watched

"One of the most annoying attack patterns I can think of," Ryan said "But it always concerned me how they know exactly where they end up. One wrong move with those suits of theirs and bam! your lodged all the way in some poor bastard's colon!"

"Perhaps it's all that rigorous training in foreign mental techniques?" Conner offered before the two turned back to the fight

"Damn it!" Roxy yelled as she tried pinpointing where the assassin would teleport next "Stay still you twitchy son of a-!"


Roxy paused as she found her gun's clip empty, she couldn't even curse before she felt a hasty presence behind her. Roxy lunged to the side as Ling drew his sword straight through the ground she previously stood. Grumbling, she swung her cybernetic tendrils, which seemed to extend continuously towards the assassin.

He squatted before quickly leaping over the first tendril and deflecting the second one before teleporting through the third and tossing his blade again before exploding into another electrical cloud.

Narrowing her eyes, Roxy lunged with her fourth tentacle and managed to catch the blade, any celebration short-lived as Ling reached over from behind her and grabbed the hilt of his sword as Roxy spun away.

Before she could release the blade in her tendril's grasp, Ling pulled his mask up just enough to open up a maw of-

"Oh my god!" Conner said as he sat up from his chair

The crowd went wild as Ling chewed right through Roxy's tendril with his own cybernetic rending teeth.

Roxy spun away and glanced to what was left of her fourth tendril as she reloaded.

"Cybernetic renders?" Ryan chuckled before nudging Conner "I feel bad for the bitch he hooks up with, eh? Imagine getting eaten out by that nightmare!"

Roxy narrowed her eyes again as Ling tossed the other half of her tendril away and exploded again, she went to aim behind her on instinct before pausing midway and spinning back just as he reappeared to her side.

She ducked low under the swing of his blade and swung her remaining tendrils into his side, sending him flying off his feet. Before she could follow up he exploded again and she stopped to pinpoint where he'd appear.

She spun around as he went for a lunge and fired her gun only for him to change his attack and deflect her bullets out of the air with his sword.

She backed up and started swinging her body out of the way of his swipes before he exploded in the middle of one and an extra shadow appeared on the ground beneath her. She spun to the side as he fell from above and buried his sword where she was, she grounded herself quickly and swung her gun up in an arc while pulling the trigger.

Unable to pull his sword out of the ground in time, Ling caught four bullets in his left hand arm and shoulder.

Roxy took the time to watch him try holding his sword in his damaged arm with a smirk...

until he just grabbed it with his right arm, swung it around tentatively for a few seconds then launch it at her again.

Used to this, Roxy slid under the sword and turned just to see Ling reappear and catch it again in his right hand.

"Ambidextrous," she muttered with a roll of her eyes "of course."

"Looks like they could be at this for a while." Conner said as he watched the two go all over the arena with their battle , he brightened and slammed his hands on the desk before them "Time for a mystery box!"

The crowd went wild again, as Conner pushed a button on the side of the desk.

At the bottom of the massive construction project a crane had been taken off its treads and reconstituted into the side of the unfinished skyscraper that the arena was built onto. The crane's operator noticed a green light appear on the dashboard and he immediately tossed the dirty magazine he'd been reading and started the crane.

He lowered its hook into a nearby warehouse where several growlers chose one of several dozen large cargo containers and hooked it up. After carefully lifting it out of the warehouse, the Crane Operator pulled a lever.

The crane hissed before beginning to ascend along a track built onto the side of the skyscraper that led up the building towards the arena.
GrieveWriter said:
The Baron leaned back in a chair, placed his feet on a table facing towards the screen and snapped his fingers. One of the bartenders immediately tossed a large bottle of beer his way. The Baron caught it and immediately popped the cap off with his teeth before gesturing towards Dakota "I'm all ears girlie!"
He laughed before tossing the cap to the side and taking a swig, eyes locked on the fight on the screen.

(@JustCallMeAimee )


Halfway towards each other, Roxy raised her gun and fired a semi-automatic burst. However, Ling exploded in a could of red smoke and electricity before her bullets could hit him.

She cursed and spun around just as his blade came spinning through the air towards her, she spun out of the way and watched as he appeared in another cloud of electric red smoke and caught his blade out of the air before exploding again.

"Yeah, those Blood Lotus guys sure do love their teleport spam." Conner commented as he watched

"One of the most annoying attack patterns I can think of," Ryan said "But it always concerned me how they know exactly where they end up. One wrong move with those suits of theirs and bam! your lodged all the way in some poor bastard's colon!"

"Perhaps it's all that rigorous training in foreign mental techniques?" Conner offered before the two turned back to the fight

"Damn it!" Roxy yelled as she tried pinpointing where the assassin would teleport next "Stay still you twitchy son of a-!"


Roxy paused as she found her gun's clip empty, she couldn't even curse before she felt a hasty presence behind her. Roxy lunged to the side as Ling drew his sword straight through the ground she previously stood. Grumbling, she swung her cybernetic tendrils, which seemed to extend continuously towards the assassin.

He squatted before quickly leaping over the first tendril and deflecting the second one before teleporting through the third and tossing his blade again before exploding into another electrical cloud.

Narrowing her eyes, Roxy lunged with her fourth tentacle and managed to catch the blade, any celebration short-lived as Ling reached over from behind her and grabbed the hilt of his sword as Roxy spun away.

Before she could release the blade in her tendril's grasp, Ling pulled his mask up just enough to open up a maw of-

"Oh my god!" Conner said as he sat up from his chair

The crowd went wild as Ling chewed right through Roxy's tendril with his own cybernetic rending teeth.

Roxy spun away and glanced to what was left of her fourth tendril as she reloaded.

"Cybernetic renders?" Ryan chuckled before nudging Conner "I feel bad for the bitch he hooks up with, eh? Imagine getting eaten out by that nightmare!"

Roxy narrowed her eyes again as Ling tossed the other half of her tendril away and exploded again, she went to aim behind her on instinct before pausing midway and spinning back just as he reappeared to her side.

She ducked low under the swing of his blade and swung her remaining tendrils into his side, sending him flying off his feet. Before she could follow up he exploded again and she stopped to pinpoint where he'd appear.

She spun around as he went for a lunge and fired her gun only for him to change his attack and deflect her bullets out of the air with his sword.

She backed up and started swinging her body out of the way of his swipes before he exploded in the middle of one and an extra shadow appeared on the ground beneath her. She spun to the side as he fell from above and buried his sword where she was, she grounded herself quickly and swung her gun up in an arc while pulling the trigger.

Unable to pull his sword out of the ground in time, Ling caught four bullets in his left hand arm and shoulder.

Roxy took the time to watch him try holding his sword in his damaged arm with a smirk...

until he just grabbed it with his right arm, swung it around tentatively for a few seconds then launch it at her again.

Used to this, Roxy slid under the sword and turned just to see Ling reappear and catch it again in his right hand.

"Ambidextrous," she muttered with a roll of her eyes "of course."

"Looks like they could be at this for a while." Conner said as he watched the two go all over the arena with their battle , he brightened and slammed his hands on the desk before them "Time for a mystery box!"

The crowd went wild again, as Conner pushed a button on the side of the desk.

At the bottom of the massive construction project a crane had been taken off its treads and reconstituted into the side of the unfinished skyscraper that the arena was built onto. The crane's operator noticed a green light appear on the dashboard and he immediately tossed the dirty magazine he'd been reading and started the crane.

He lowered its hook into a nearby warehouse where several growlers chose one of several dozen large cargo containers and hooked it up. After carefully lifting it out of the warehouse, the Crane Operator pulled a lever.

The crane hissed before beginning to ascend along a track built onto the side of the skyscraper that led up the building towards the arena.
She glanced at him and went suddenly quiet as a bourbon on the rocks was placed infront of her, the large ice cube danced in the reflection of her eyes, "what do you think about...Colton?" She asked suddenly turning her head to look up at him, tilting her head slightly. Dakota raised an eyebrow and lifted her glass to her lips. Dakota crossed her lips and placed the glass down sighing quietly. "I'm trying to get up top," she said pointing skyward.

GrieveWriter said:
The Baron leaned back in a chair, placed his feet on a table facing towards the screen and snapped his fingers. One of the bartenders immediately tossed a large bottle of beer his way. The Baron caught it and immediately popped the cap off with his teeth before gesturing towards Dakota "I'm all ears girlie!"
He laughed before tossing the cap to the side and taking a swig, eyes locked on the fight on the screen.

(@JustCallMeAimee )


Halfway towards each other, Roxy raised her gun and fired a semi-automatic burst. However, Ling exploded in a could of red smoke and electricity before her bullets could hit him.

She cursed and spun around just as his blade came spinning through the air towards her, she spun out of the way and watched as he appeared in another cloud of electric red smoke and caught his blade out of the air before exploding again.

"Yeah, those Blood Lotus guys sure do love their teleport spam." Conner commented as he watched

"One of the most annoying attack patterns I can think of," Ryan said "But it always concerned me how they know exactly where they end up. One wrong move with those suits of theirs and bam! your lodged all the way in some poor bastard's colon!"

"Perhaps it's all that rigorous training in foreign mental techniques?" Conner offered before the two turned back to the fight

"Damn it!" Roxy yelled as she tried pinpointing where the assassin would teleport next "Stay still you twitchy son of a-!"


Roxy paused as she found her gun's clip empty, she couldn't even curse before she felt a hasty presence behind her. Roxy lunged to the side as Ling drew his sword straight through the ground she previously stood. Grumbling, she swung her cybernetic tendrils, which seemed to extend continuously towards the assassin.

He squatted before quickly leaping over the first tendril and deflecting the second one before teleporting through the third and tossing his blade again before exploding into another electrical cloud.

Narrowing her eyes, Roxy lunged with her fourth tentacle and managed to catch the blade, any celebration short-lived as Ling reached over from behind her and grabbed the hilt of his sword as Roxy spun away.

Before she could release the blade in her tendril's grasp, Ling pulled his mask up just enough to open up a maw of-

"Oh my god!" Conner said as he sat up from his chair

The crowd went wild as Ling chewed right through Roxy's tendril with his own cybernetic rending teeth.

Roxy spun away and glanced to what was left of her fourth tendril as she reloaded.

"Cybernetic renders?" Ryan chuckled before nudging Conner "I feel bad for the bitch he hooks up with, eh? Imagine getting eaten out by that nightmare!"

Roxy narrowed her eyes again as Ling tossed the other half of her tendril away and exploded again, she went to aim behind her on instinct before pausing midway and spinning back just as he reappeared to her side.

She ducked low under the swing of his blade and swung her remaining tendrils into his side, sending him flying off his feet. Before she could follow up he exploded again and she stopped to pinpoint where he'd appear.

She spun around as he went for a lunge and fired her gun only for him to change his attack and deflect her bullets out of the air with his sword.

She backed up and started swinging her body out of the way of his swipes before he exploded in the middle of one and an extra shadow appeared on the ground beneath her. She spun to the side as he fell from above and buried his sword where she was, she grounded herself quickly and swung her gun up in an arc while pulling the trigger.

Unable to pull his sword out of the ground in time, Ling caught four bullets in his left hand arm and shoulder.

Roxy took the time to watch him try holding his sword in his damaged arm with a smirk...

until he just grabbed it with his right arm, swung it around tentatively for a few seconds then launch it at her again.

Used to this, Roxy slid under the sword and turned just to see Ling reappear and catch it again in his right hand.

"Ambidextrous," she muttered with a roll of her eyes "of course."

"Looks like they could be at this for a while." Conner said as he watched the two go all over the arena with their battle , he brightened and slammed his hands on the desk before them "Time for a mystery box!"

The crowd went wild again, as Conner pushed a button on the side of the desk.

At the bottom of the massive construction project a crane had been taken off its treads and reconstituted into the side of the unfinished skyscraper that the arena was built onto. The crane's operator noticed a green light appear on the dashboard and he immediately tossed the dirty magazine he'd been reading and started the crane.

He lowered its hook into a nearby warehouse where several growlers chose one of several dozen large cargo containers and hooked it up. After carefully lifting it out of the warehouse, the Crane Operator pulled a lever.

The crane hissed before beginning to ascend along a track built onto the side of the skyscraper that led up the building towards the arena.

Seamus was growing more annoyed by the second. All this fight was was hyped up bullshit. He debates saying something but decides that it isn't worth it as nothing would change and he doesn't feel like shouting loud enough to beat out the crowd at the moment. He really couldn't see the appeal of something like this but that wasn't exactly his problem either. Most people were just idiots who lapped up shit like this. At this point, Seamus figures that if he's going to last through the entire fight without hitting someone, he's going to need a drink. As such he makes his way to the bar and orders himself a whiskey. To his intense displeasure what comes out is essentially, in his opinion, pisswater. That said, he didn't exactly feel like arguing with the bartender as pisswater was likely all they had.

As he was sitting there, having his drink, a large man with a face like a gorilla's altogether too many tattoos spots him and angrily makes his way over, violently shoving people out of his way. Upon reaching the doctor he smacks the drink out of the other man's hand. At this, Seamus slowly turns to look at the fuckface who had just made his already shitty mood even worse.

The man opens his mouth to speak but before he can get any words out Seamus grabs the back of his head and slams him face first into the bar hard enough to dent it and to kill the man instantly. Leaving the body behind Seamus starts to walk back to his earlier ringside spot, a murderous aura coming off of him in waves. Sensing this the crowd around him backs off to give him room to walk, many of them eying the corpse at the bar nervously.
The Baron glanced to her for a moment, "Well, shit what's there to say?" he quirked an eyebrow beneath his shades before waving around with his free arm "Guy gave all the motherfuckin repressed dangers of society the chance to fuck. shit. up!"

Another chug of liquor "Can't really think much of 'em other than he asks for way less than the government would in this situation so I really... can't understand why some bitches be complaining about it."

He chuckled in between drinks "Skyward literally?" he said before chuckling to himself and setting down his drink.

The Baron lowered his shades and turned to her as he leaned close "But in all serious shit and all, if ya'll want Colton the top should be farthest away from your goal."

Baron pushed his shades up again and continued "Don't know if ya noticed or not but Colton's not the type to conduct himself out in the open like me and my crew operate. If ya'll want closer to Colton's circle, ya'll need to go down."

He took a sip as his smile seemed to waver for a moment "Burrow into the guts of this glorious shithole we all writhe in, hunt down your parasite by piggy backing on another dayum parasite."

The Baron shrugged and brightened again before laughing and taking a nice long drink "Unfortunately I ain't a parasite." he thought for a moment "More like an allergic reaction. Or an advertisement, maybe?"

He shook his head before gesturing towards her "Ya'll want some of the gangs who specialize in hiding they shit, like the C-man. Like the Nazis, Blood Lotus, people like them and shit."

With that he snapped his fingers and tossed his bottle to the side, like clockwork another one was tossed to him and snapped the cap off before taking a swig and glancing back at the screen.



As Roxy and Ling went back and forth in the arena, many viewers noticed the crane climb aup the skyscraper till it was next to the Arena. Ryan pulled a rifle out from under the desk and kicked open the door of the Announcer's booth as the crane pulled the cargo container over the contestants. Ryan aimed as the cargo spun on it's hook, toward a thick metal clasp that sealed the container's doors He fired a round that tore the clasp off and sent the container wobbling as its doors swung open.

As soon as the clasp was removed, Conner gestured towards the camera "Let's see what they got!"

Roxy slid back out of another sword-swipe, and both Ling and her threw themselves away from each other as a sofa slammed into the ground between them. Roxy capitalized first, grabbing the sofa with two tendrils and flinging it towards Ling who leaped on the piece of furniture as it spun towards and leaped off it before drop kicking Roxy.

She landed on her back and immediately rolled to the side as a heavy grandfather clock shattered against the ground she was at.

"Nice shot," Conner said to Ryan as he climbed back into the announcer's booth

"Has to be nice for the audience." Ryan stated before turning to see several audience members crowding around their booth trying to get seen by the cameras.

Ryan stood and gestured to them "Sorry, the camera's only supposed to focus on us and topless chicks."

Conner thought for a moment before saying "Uh, no they're not?"

Ryan leaned down and whispered "Yeah well they don't fucking know that shut the hell up," then turning and calling to them "Let em loose ladies, for the audience!!!"
GrieveWriter said:
The Baron glanced to her for a moment, "Well, shit what's there to say?" he quirked an eyebrow beneath his shades before waving around with his free arm "Guy gave all the motherfuckin repressed dangers of society the chance to fuck. shit. up!"
Another chug of liquor "Can't really think much of 'em other than he asks for way less than the government would in this situation so I really... can't understand why some bitches be complaining about it."

He chuckled in between drinks "Skyward literally?" he said before chuckling to himself and setting down his drink.

The Baron lowered his shades and turned to her as he leaned close "But in all serious shit and all, if ya'll want Colton the top should be farthest away from your goal."

Baron pushed his shades up again and continued "Don't know if ya noticed or not but Colton's not the type to conduct himself out in the open like me and my crew operate. If ya'll want closer to Colton's circle, ya'll need to go down."

He took a sip as his smile seemed to waver for a moment "Burrow into the guts of this glorious shithole we all writhe in, hunt down your parasite by piggy backing on another dayum parasite."

The Baron shrugged and brightened again before laughing and taking a nice long drink "Unfortunately I ain't a parasite." he thought for a moment "More like an allergic reaction. Or an advertisement, maybe?"

He shook his head before gesturing towards her "Ya'll want some of the gangs who specialize in hiding they shit, like the C-man. Like the Nazis, Blood Lotus, people like them and shit."

With that he snapped his fingers and tossed his bottle to the side, like clockwork another one was tossed to him and snapped the cap off before taking a swig and glancing back at the screen.



As Roxy and Ling went back and forth in the arena, many viewers noticed the crane climb aup the skyscraper till it was next to the Arena. Ryan pulled a rifle out from under the desk and kicked open the door of the Announcer's booth as the crane pulled the cargo container over the contestants. Ryan aimed as the cargo spun on it's hook, toward a thick metal clasp that sealed the container's doors He fired a round that tore the clasp off and sent the container wobbling as its doors swung open.

As soon as the clasp was removed, Conner gestured towards the camera "Let's see what they got!"

Roxy slid back out of another sword-swipe, and both Ling and her threw themselves away from each other as a sofa slammed into the ground between them. Roxy capitalized first, grabbing the sofa with two tendrils and flinging it towards Ling who leaped on the piece of furniture as it spun towards and leaped off it before drop kicking Roxy.

She landed on her back and immediately rolled to the side as a heavy grandfather clock shattered against the ground she was at.

"Nice shot," Conner said to Ryan as he climbed back into the announcer's booth

"Has to be nice for the audience." Ryan stated before turning to see several audience members crowding around their booth trying to get seen by the cameras.

Ryan stood and gestured to them "Sorry, the camera's only supposed to focus on us and topless chicks."

Conner thought for a moment before saying "Uh, no they're not?"

Ryan leaned down and whispered "Yeah well they don't fucking know that shut the hell up," then turning and calling to them "Let em loose ladies, for the audience!!!"
"Physically you go down," she says showing she knows more than The Baron did, "however, this world is like a good chain and Colton is on top. I'm looking for the bastard." Dakota shrugged softly, I have many ways in which I wish to do it, and a disease such as your self could be if use to me." The pink haired woman moved to light a cigarette, "you see, you know people. You have connections." She grinned sightly holding the white tube between her lips as the flame sparked to light it. "I'll strike you a deal," she said leaning against the table, "you help me and I'll be willing to work with you." She made sure he knew that the terms where with and not for before turning back to the melting ice in her drink. She smiled softly, "we're nothing but fish in a pond, Colton is the cat waiting to catch us as we swim in circles. I wish to meet him as I have some questions...I'll guess with your help I can jump out the pond, hmm?" Her analogy was cryptic and she laughed, "and I can promise that, if you help me, you will be joining me there."


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Dahlia always found herself viewing the world as a Wallflower quite often. It was just how she lived. The more she observed the more she felt that she could fit in, or rather couldn't. As she observed the creature inside the screen she found herself wondering what sort of person was on the other side of the screen, watching the world from a relay. If it was a simple AI, she doubted it would have asked how her head was, nor display the wide range of emotions that it was obviously capable of. Dahlia found herself feeling a sort of odd camaraderie with the program, if only because of the fact they were Wallflowers. Or that's how she thought, the person could not be like her in any way, shape, or form, but it was nice for a moment to find some like her. Though these thoughts were interrupted when she found herself standing next to the robotic man after the program's outburst. Honestly she was not ready for the sudden closeness with someone else. She took a step out of the way, as to avoid crowding the robotic man, though she continued to observe. The robot man was angered, and prodding the glass screen with his metallic finger, each jab punctuated with a click of the metal against glass.

She moved, without really thinking ahead, and placed her gloved hand on the metallic man's wrist. She barely touched anyone due to her hermit-like living style, so the contact made her cheeks tint a light red; however she gently pulled back the man's wrist, hopefully he would comply and retract it. "You'll break the screen...a-and....uh I'm sorry about...well about your creator doing you i-injustice." She did not raise her eyes from her hand wrapped around the man's wrist, and she was trying to extend a certain amount of willpower to prevent herself from flinging her hand from his wrist as though it were a red-hot piece of metal. She was also trying not to run out of the store due to her embarrassment and willfulness. "I think y-you are a-amazing in your tech, so h-hopefully you find purpose because you could d-do amazing things!" The statement came out jumbled and rushed, as though the words were being physically pushed. That was it, she was at her limit, she let go of his wrist and took a large step back, letting out a long breath that she was holding.

She looked at the owner, the girl, and back to the two she had been talking with. "Sorry for the outburst again! I think you all are amazing too! And uh...wow look at that! It's getting late." She stumbled over her statement, finally finding her awkwardness meter going through the roof. She had to much human interaction today, and then sum. It was time to go and tinker with some more repairs, inventions, and program a few old computers she found. She would come back to the shop tomorrow, probably relax a little more with the less people.

How introverted have I really gotten? This is getting sad , it's only been a few hours since I came out and I'm already ready to go back. That's no way to live.

"Before I go though, Store Owner? Do you have any gradient fuel cells and scrap metal I can purchase?"

@Vultz @Kaine @Lima @Mistory1997
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Asane Naki

  • HXMevQD.png

    She nodded.

    "fine by me. As long as its within a time frame where I most likely won't need it to save my life, I don't really have a reason to oppose. Though, I'd rather not have to worry about carrying around things like brass knuckles; if possible I'd just like to learn to give and take a few punches. There's a reason I'm not exactly masochistic."

    She smiled as she kidded slightly.

    "I really appreciate this by the way... If theres anything other than the favor I'll owe you, that I can do to help you out or make you happy, let me know."

    She tossed up a thumbs up, sorta knowing that she wouldn't really get to see it being so consumed in her work.


Facethelight said:

Asane Naki

  • HXMevQD.png

    She nodded.

    "fine by me. As long as its within a time frame where I most likely won't need it to save my life, I don't really have a reason to oppose. Though, I'd rather not have to worry about carrying around things like brass knuckles; if possible I'd just like to learn to give and take a few punches. There's a reason I'm not exactly masochistic."

    She smiled as she kidded slightly.

    "I really appreciate this by the way... If theres anything other than the favor I'll owe you, that I can do to help you out or make you happy, let me know."

    She tossed up a thumbs up, sorta knowing that she wouldn't really get to see it being so consumed in her work.



Akane laughs happily, "I doubt he'll make you carry around brass knuckles," she says over her shoulder, not pausing her work. When Asane talks of her gratitude Akane grins and turns around, "Weeeeell, you could have an entirely platonic drink with me," she says, entirely truthfully. Akane might be stubborn and headstrong, but even she can realize a lost cause when they reject you three times. "Other than that, don't mention it. I can afford to help out friends here and there," She flashes a giant smile, "And believe it or not, I'm having fun so, win-win I say." With that, Akane turns back to the the guns and resumes her work.

(Idk how much longer we can keep this going so we might want to time-skip soon and then let the rest of the rp catch up, or have something happen)

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