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Fandom [Creepypasta] The Mental Ward (OOC)

Okay, can we just talk about one of the new Pasta's accepted.... Eyeless Jack... He's a cannibal, which I get... He likes kidneys, which I get.... You can live without a kidney, which I also get... But that gives you no right to steal someone's kidney, with the intent to eat it, and then not finish it! That just wasteful, and insulting to the victim!

@Lettuce Explain yourself!
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Okay, can we just talk about one of the new Pasta's accepted.... Eyeless Jack... He's a cannibal, which I get... He likes kidneys, which I get.... You can live without a kidney, which I also get... But that gives you no right to steak someone's kidney, with the intent to eat it, and then not finish it! That just wasteful, and insulting to the victim!

@Lettuce Explain yourself!

Not enough salt
Not enough salt

I'm actually really excited Eyeless is in here.. I've heard cannibals become addicted to human flesh... I'd kind of like to see this.... And one more thing, that's always bothered me... HOW DOES A BLIND MAN SURGICALLY REMOVE ONE'S KIDNEY!?
Well whose fault is that, Mr. I-Don't-Know-How-To-Use-A-Salt-Shaker?

It's hard to find a salt shaker when youre blind okay

I'm actually really excited Eyeless is in here.. I've heard cannibals become addicted to human flesh... I'd kind of like to see this.... And one more thing, that's always bothered me... HOW DOES A BLIND MAN SURGICALLY REMOVE ONE'S KIDNEY!?

With a scalpel
I almost made pinkamena but now im rethinking that plan
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Who am i kidding one piece of strange fanart is not enough to turn me away from a pony with a skin dress


Im not actually gonna play her as a pony that would be really fucking weird i am not that person
Idk about you but playing the horse among men doesnt sound reasonable to me
that joke i made about my avatars hair isnt going to make sense when i change my avatar again lmao
The only time the words i type below my characters name are important is if i decide to move them

Otherwise i just put the first thing that comes to mind

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