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Fandom [Creepypasta] The Mental Ward (OOC)

"Huh im having trouble thinking of something for ej rn ill just hold off for a bit"

*everything promptly goes to hell*

"Maybe i shouldnt have waited"
Two poats in and hason is already flirting

Ej isnt wearing his mask

It could be a hazard if he had it
consider it fucking canon i think thatd be hilarious

"somebody pls help i cant fucking reach the shelf"
i was just giving ej my height

finally someone else who cant reach the top shelf
if you sat on my shoulders wed make one normal sized person

i had a friend who was like 4'8 and she was gay so somehow that led me to calling her my 'small gay jellybean friend'. she thought it was endearing but, now that i look back on it, what was i thinking?
Ehh.. Depends on where you kick. Kicking the mouth gets your foot bitten off, the eyes might send him into a rage fit.. Your best bet would be to kick him in the nose..
I just realized I was not getting any notifications.

sorry if it takes a bit to post sometimes.
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