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Fandom Craving Supernatural

Celtic Fairy

darling, you are my northern lights.
You knew what this was.
And you wanted it.

Okay so here’s the dealio, I adore Supernatural and although I’m not
completely caught up, I’m around season 6 or 7. DON’T JUDGE.

This being said I’d still very much like to find a laid back obsessed fan, like myself,
someone willing to play my Dean and I can play your Sam!

I love playing both sweet young Sam as well as soulless Sam!

As far as rules and posting:
-I’d prefer that my partner was another girl, as I myself am one. As well as 18+
-Please be literate, willing to write detailed posts in third person.
-Be willing to use real face claims as well as put together character sheets.
-I want someone who is going to add to the plot and also someone who is willing to go off track a bit.

I mean will follow the series to an extent, but I also want room to explore other alleys.
-I do prefer other plat.forms but that can be discussed via DMs.
-I perfer both our pairings be M/F, just because that’s what I’m best at.

Also so I know you read this please tell me your favorite drink. Mines coffee. Duh.

Okay and lastly plot bunny:
Okay I guess it’s not really a plot bunny but more what you can expect from my
Female OC. So typically I will make new OCs for each RP. However, I do like
to follow the same basic outline for my Supernatural OC.

Basically my OC is usually Bobby Singer’s daughter,
she’s been hunting as long as she could remember, since she could practically hold a gun.
Her and Dean had a tumultuous on again off again romance. They’ve known each other for years
and she’s like a big sister to Sam!

If you have anything you want specifically for Sam and your OC I’m pretty much down for
whatever. I love plotting and fangirling over our characters.

Anyways that’s all for now hope I caught your interest.
Thanks for reading.

Aw, I love everything but your OC being Bobby's daughter *not ok with ocs being related to originals*. Good luck!

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