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Fandom Corpse Party OOC

Okie! I’m busy all day today with a date, so I’m not going to be able to post up my character sheets just yet, but I’ll have them up before or on Friday! ^u^ Apologies for the wait!
So I should probably explain how the darkening is gonna work
I'm planning on adding mental strength to the character sheet
Whenever something bad happens to your character, whether it be a fight with a friend or a chase sequence, their darkening will increase depending on their mental health. If your character has low mental health, they will have a capacity of 50 darkening, if they have medium, they will have a capacity of 100 darkening, if they have high, they will have a capacity of 200 darkening
Chase sequences add 10 points
Corpses add 5 points
Reading the victim's memoirs all the way through will max out your darkening
Fighting with friends adds 2 points for every in-game hour they stay mad
Killing someone would add 40 points
Running into someone you know subtracts 20 points
Having a nice chat will subtract 5 points
I'll add more to this list later on
character's mental health (or at least those who have started to darken)
Yuka: 12/50
Yukine: 45/200
Lila: 30/50
Akihiro: 30/50
Ayako: 2/100
Mattew: 5/200
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Would we be allowed to make ghosts encounter our own characters? I don't mean big important ones just NPC ghosts that we make up (if that makes sense).
Cool cool, concerning the intro, maybe we could just start with the characters waking up at the school considering they might all not know each other so the doll ritual wouldn't really have everyone included.
Cool cool, concerning the intro, maybe we could just start with the characters waking up at the school considering they might all not know each other so the doll ritual wouldn't really have everyone included.
I was planning on having them do the doll ritual since this isn't technically canon, but it follows canon rules... if that makes sense
Name tags
After encountering a dead body, I'll add a name tag to this list
1st name tag
Hibiki Rei
Hope's Peak Academy
repeatedly stabbed, died of shock
2nd name tag
Maddie "Glace" Gerhardt
Hope's Peak Academy
got caught in a trap and slowly bled out
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