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corpse house (twi x rob)

Nichole nodded and groaned. Aki sighed and said"nikki I'll give you some advil and a light lunch. You too med. It'll help with your stomachs. A sprite too."
Meddelena shook her head. "Don't worry about me. I haven't had close to enough yet." She kissed his cheek. "Thank you though."
Jaron twirled Nicole's hair. "How are we gonna go to my room? I know Silvana and Rosaline are gonna let the kids play in the living room."
Jaron nodded and didn't take any chances. "All mighty father of heaven. I beg forgiveness of my sins. And watch over me." He poked his forehead, his chest,his left shoulder, right shoulder. And finally kissed his fingers. "I'm ready."
Meddelena blushed lightly as she walked out. "Thank you." Jaron got out and looked at Nicole. He got his arms under her armpits and pulled her out until he can actually pick her. Once he was able to he carried. "Can one of two get the door?"
Meddelena stayed close to Aki. "Like I said. She really can't hold her liquor." Jaron tried to carry her. "Unless you want me to drop you. I'm carrying you."

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