Conversation [NG]

[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Lol, poor Audence.

Indeed haha~ And well for me I have been doing a lot of stress eating x_x And I'm currently creating a horror/survival/slightly romantic visual novel. Once I finish it I'll put a link down so you guys can try it~ I'm creating everything so it's taking awhile to get all the paths organized and working as well as CGs and what not. wish me luckkk
NyxNightmare said:
Indeed haha~ And well for me I have been doing a lot of stress eating x_x And I'm currently creating a horror/survival/slightly romantic visual novel. Once I finish it I'll put a link down so you guys can try it~ I'm creating everything so it's taking awhile to get all the paths organized and working as well as CGs and what not. wish me luckkk
Oh, that sound really interesting lol. I'll give it a shot when you're done. And good luck xD

I'm just... sitting here... Sometimes I get up and walk around. But that's about it.
So much has happened since I last read through this... woooow, kay guys... I have other rps to reply for but I'll be working on one for this just as soon as I have time. I just... I've got a ton of stuff to go through and some real life to deal with, too. So. Might be a few days; I apologize ahead of time... If you can work around my characters please do; I don't want to hold anyone up.
RubyRose said:
So much has happened since I last read through this... woooow, kay guys... I have other rps to reply for but I'll be working on one for this just as soon as I have time. I just... I've got a ton of stuff to go through and some real life to deal with, too. So. Might be a few days; I apologize ahead of time... If you can work around my characters please do; I don't want to hold anyone up.
No biggie! Take your time and try not to stress too much, lol.

I hope everything works out.
Apparently I need more characters >.<

So... here's Jasper, Iris, Oliver, and Umm for you guys... newly posted to the Character section >.< I probably had more responsible things to do then make new characters... I know at least one rp I could have posted in instead... but I had to get them done >.< Hope you guys like them!
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RubyRose said:
Apparently I need more characters >.<
So... here's Jasper, Iris, Oliver, and Umm for you guys... newly posted to the Character section >.< I probably had more responsible things to do then make new characters... I know at least one rp I could have posted in instead... but I had to get them done >.< Hope you guys like them!
RubyRose said:
Apparently I need more characters >.<
So... here's Jasper, Iris, Oliver, and Umm for you guys... newly posted to the Character section >.< I probably had more responsible things to do then make new characters... I know at least one rp I could have posted in instead... but I had to get them done >.< Hope you guys like them!
I like Jasper and Oli the most c: I didn't see an Iris though? O.o Maybe I looked over him/her?
RubyRose said:
Apparently I need more characters >.<
So... here's Jasper, Iris, Oliver, and Umm for you guys... newly posted to the Character section >.< I probably had more responsible things to do then make new characters... I know at least one rp I could have posted in instead... but I had to get them done >.< Hope you guys like them!
we've got a character named Iris already
Guys I won't be able to post today but I definitely will tomorrow. It's been a busy week. Sorry for this.

SirBlazeALot said:
we've got a character named Iris already
Shoot... You know, I usually am pretty good at checking names but I wrote that entirely off internet because I can't trust it. I'll go fix that...
Bedbae said:
Guys I won't be able to post today but I definitely will tomorrow. It's been a busy week. Sorry for this.
please just let us know earlier next time

RubyRose said:
Shoot... You know, I usually am pretty good at checking names but I wrote that entirely off internet because I can't trust it. I'll go fix that...
i feel it man. i'll check them out later, for now I have to work on my fe post
Excited to post again! I'm working on Emelia right now, and the others will come next. I'm gonna post'em all together.. or try to. I can reply with Keimi/Leon/Archie and Emelia right now. Audence is blacked out, and Chikage/Brooklyn need replies before I write for them, though I feel like they'll be posted for soon lol.

Also... this is sort of really random... but I figured I'd let you guys in on it. I have specific colors I use for each person's characters (I changed them up recently) And they're based off of things relating to the characters appearance, etc. I tried getting them as close to similar to something in their pictures as I could, but some of them are still off. Also, some of the colors may look the same, but once you put them together, you can tell their differences. No one in the same gang has too similar of a color (except one or two) because they'll be interacting the most, you know? Sorry if the color is much more different than the colors you use for their little dialogue.

White Tigers

Tara Rose - coral

Emelia Dawson - skyblue

Nakazajo Chikage - brown

Delson Landa - orange

Gigi Pierce - burlywood

Harley Mara - sandybrown

Felicita Abbascia - #ff4d4d

MayMarie Leibovitz - lightseagreen

Jeddidia Elias - silver

Elisabeth Kadence - lightgray

Jasper Briar - rosybrown

Blue Dragons

Nixon Thorn - gray

Corbin De'Luca Leon Agnelli - midnightblue

Brooklyn Austin - teal

Diana Clyde - steelblue

Tsu Sun - mediumseagreen

Cielo Fujita - dodgerblue

Tadakatsu Kaneda - deepskyblue

Isaac Chiem - darkred

Donnovan Elias - slategray

Keagan Willis - #f6debc

Lyre Chandra - slateblue

Black Cobras

Suzumaki Arakai - indianred

Joe Finchum - deeppink

Audence Valor - gold

Iris Synthesia - darkorchid

Vaughn Ritter - indigo

Glasper Mint - black

Elizabeth Bronson - mediumpurple

Remiel Lancaster - darkgray

Evey Sabbadin - darkkhaki

Dale Brown - #4d4d4d

Peyton Trill - cadetblue

Oliver O'Lans - darkturquoise

Red Spectres

Xavier Brax - sienna

Archie Babcock - pink

Inukawa Keimi - tan

Jason Garnet - crimson

Iza Kwoon - salmon

Vladimir Yakimova - red

Asad Azrael - #660033

Cato Vester - #cccc00

Melony Larrya - firebrick

Sean Lawrence - #66ffb3

Umm Yudilae - #b198e6

Miles Straum - darkslategray
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Just figured I'd let y'all know so that you're not confused when I use a color entirely different from the color you use for your character.
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Just figured I'd let y'all know so that you're not confused when I use a color entirely different from the color you use for your character.

Thanks for the heads up and I like the color choices you chose for my charies... I may switch to those in a little while. For now I color code the way I do to help myself and others remember what gang each character is in; ergo why I have multiple characters in gray and multiple in blue and so on (in case no one had figured that one out xD )
RubyRose said:
Thanks for the heads up and I like the color choices you chose for my charies... I may switch to those in a little while. For now I color code the way I do to help myself and others remember what gang each character is in; ergo why I have multiple characters in gray and multiple in blue and so on (in case no one had figured that one out xD )
Lol, I just like for their dialogue to have at least a tiny color difference in my posts... and thanks.

I probably would've caught on to that had I actually thought about it. But now that you've mentioned it, lol, I see it.
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Lol, I just like for their dialogue to have at least a tiny color difference in my posts... and thanks.
I probably would've caught on to that had I actually thought about it. But now that you've mentioned it, lol, I see it.

Are all of those from the color picker? If not... how do you do colors that aren't part of the color picker?
RubyRose said:
Are all of those from the color picker? If not... how do you do colors that aren't part of the color picker?
Oh, they're not from the color picker. I get them from the html thing.

[color=brown][b]"Hi, I'm Chikage."[/b][/color]

That's how I type it all in my workshop ^ And once I copy it and paste it outside of the code brackets, it just looks like how it does in my posts.

"Hi, I'm Chikage."

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