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Controlled, Altered, Deleted

"Yeah, I do", Timothy raised his hands. "What if I need to take a piss? Would you jack me off the game for a few minutes to use the bathroom?"
Gazet smiled at the announcement, she had a humorous image pop into her head and it made her want to laugh. "You know it is only so they know when they have scared you so badly that you pee your pants." She joked and stood kind of walking around, kind of beginning to wonder if this could be laughable. She had no questions, in fact she didn't really want to make contact with the voice at all, she just wanted to get this over with as she knew this was probably going to be a long ride for her. "You know, when does this so called game get fun?" She had several ideas of her own that would go along with different events but she just needed something to happen, she was getting bored just sitting there like a sitting duck.
"Are you KIDDING me?" Christopher snapped. "You're presented with a situation like this"- here he vaguely gestured to his wrist, chip visible beneath the skin-" and all you can think about is where you're gonna piss?"

"It appears that you truly do not understand your circumstance. You will be in a literal game. A vast, digital world, larger than any of you can imagine, in the form of numbers and code. I'm pretty sure you will be able to find a place." The voice crackled, retaining its composure unlike the now pacing the space Christopher; the task quickly turned pointless, as setting off in one direction only brought you back the other way.


@Ensig @Heyitsjiwon @Alice Ripper @Alias @Impocractes
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HP: 105 / 105

ME: 110 / 110

SPD: 10

STR: 15

CHR: 15

LGC: 15

AIM: 10

Weapon: --

Armor: --

Shield: --












Pawn (Human)





Luna Wendt

"Muu..." Luna frowned-- or more accurately, pouted -- as the younger girl called her adorable for showing her confusion. She would have rather been seen as 'concerned' or 'inquisitive'... Or really any other adult-like trait. Before she could voice her complaints, however, Prof. Theta answered her query.

"Yes Luna Wendt, the deadly electric shocking is part of the experiment!"

'Erm... That doesn't exactly answer my question of whether it's just to see our reacitons, though...' Luna thought in response, knitting her brows slightly and tilting her head. After a moment, the professor seemed to answer Nicholas' query with mention of a 'game'. When they didn't clarify what the game was, however, Luna found herself even more confused over this whole situation than before.

Never mind modern games, Luna hadn't even played old games -- even Board Games and Cards were foreign to her. She never had the time nor the desire to get invested in such things... And so, 'games', in Luna's Kindergarten-Teacher mind, were seen as 'Activities to entertain children'. That being the case, she simply couldn't comprehend what sort of 'game' the professor was talking about. Her bewilderment lasted throughout the myriad of reactions to his words in the surroundings, and almost reached the point of missing the Professor's elaboration on what the chips did. She managed to recover from her stupor when Christopher shouted at Timothy, however.

"It appears that you truly do not understand your circumstance. You will be in a literal game. A vast, digital world, larger than any of you can imagine, in the form of numbers and code. I'm pretty sure you will be able to find a place."

Luna blinked at the professor's response. 'We're in a game? Furthermore, it's taking place in a 'digital world', where we're numbers and 'code'?' With question marks almost visible above her head, Luna was returned to a state of confusion. She had heard of a 'digital world' in a movie before... 'TRON' was its name, or so she recalled. But that was just a movie. Nothing like that could actually happen... Right?

"U-Um... I have another question." Luna started, trying to remember the details of the movie she had seen many years prior. "If we're in a 'digital world'... What's happening with our real bodies?"

Surely if their minds were inside of a 'digital world', then their bodies had to be in the 'real world' still, right?
"That is the correct assumption, Ms. Wendt! Yes, according to the law of Conversion of Mass, your physical bodies have been unaltered. However, your minds have been recreated in the digital world. Currently, your bodies are just avatars, but make no mistake; death here will mean death in the real world. Your avatars are connected to virtual recreations of your minds, whilst your physical bodies are in a deep state of cryogenic respiration."


@Ensig @Heyitsjiwon @Alice Ripper @Alias @Impocractes
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Gazet got really excited about the game, knowing the risks excited her. "You guys need to chill, it's just a game right? Just, try not to die." She loved games, games were always fun for her. She was up for anything. However some of the people around her seemed rather to be freaking out. She felt the extent of their dramatic performances were a bit far out. "Calm down, there is no need to get irate because he is concerned about urination, that's just how he deals okay? So don't be so rude about it. " She said trying to defend the poor boy, he seemed scared. There wasn't much she could do to help but she figured someone ought to try to start making friends, she didn't see much other way out of this, and teams usually made a good idea in games. or at least if she wanted to make it out alive.

(wait... it is a boy right????)
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Timothy turned to Christopher, chuckling at his sudden outburst. "Actually, I was hoping our bodily systems would still be operational while we're in-game. So I thought maybe they'd let me out of the game for a few seconds so that I could use the toilet, then I'll bolt out the front door!", after finishing this sentence he sighed. "But man, cryogenic respiration? I wouldn't need to piss for years! ... if it works properly, that is. I mean, it's unproven tech. There's been debates-", and he blabbered on to Christopher about what he read about the backlash in the community when this tech was first conceptualized.
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Gazet rolled her eyes and gave a sigh, tired of this already she wanted to do something, she was awake now and she hated just being idle doing nothing. "What is taking you so freaking long anyways? I mean, you have us here you should have already had it all ready to go by the time we arrived. If your going to have someone show up for something at least have it ready before they get there. " She said slightly under her voice as she was getting irritated with having to wait, as everyone freaked out. She was slowly growing more irritated with the people around her. "Of course the idiot thought it would work...." She said again under her breath with a sigh, so it seemed no one wanted to hear from her so she decided to keep to herself the rest of the time.
"Well, it's worth a shot! You'll never know 'till-", then Timothy stopped when he heard Gazet call him an idiot. He gasped and turned to her. "Hey, this idiot here got admitted to MIT! Don't be rude, rainbow-hair!"
"Just because you are book smart doesn't mean anything idiot. " She looked up and watched the code around her as she waited not very patiently but none the less waiting. "It's okay, calm your stuff." she looked away and murmured the word baka wishing they would all just either shut up or go away.
A robotic countdown had begun. "9.. 8.."

A shrill noise of warning rang out from Gazet's chip before an electric shock rang out; Not enough to kill, but certainly enough to hurt.

Electrical Damage: Level 2: 40-Sided Dice rolled: 32 - Strength Stat (14) = 18 Damage!

Caught off-Guard Multiplier + 40-Sided Dice rolled = -16 Mental Energy!

"I thought I told you to be patient, Ms. Gazet." the voice snarled.

Christopher swore and ran over to check up on her.


@Ensig @Heyitsjiwon @Alice Ripper @Alias @Impocractes

HP: 105 / 105

ME: 110 / 110

SPD: 10

STR: 15

CHR: 15

LGC: 15

AIM: 10

Weapon: --

Armor: --

Shield: --












Pawn (Human)





Luna Wendt

"Death here will mean death in the real world."

At those words, Luna's mind went blank.

She didn't let out a single sound, and simply stared at the space that the Professor's voice had come from. Blood drained from her face as the hair on the back of her neck stood on end as the voices of those around her became muffled, blurring close to silence as sweat slowly but surely started to develop on Luna's brow.

The Professor... Wasn't joking. Luna wasn't a professional lie detector, but even her usually optimistic self was of the impression that Theta was simply listing a fact -- as if it was natural to simply tell someone that they were now playing a game of life and death. Did he see everyone else as nothing but lab rats? -- The answer went without saying. The fact that he could tell the group that their lives were on the line with such nonchalance made it clear. To him, they were simply pawns for his experiment. And if that was so... Then there was no reason to lie, right?

Even when the others spoke up, or when a mechanical countdown begun, Luna didn't make a single sound and simply stared off into the abyss.

OOC Note

You might want to do a roll call in OOC for Coatboy, Impocrates, and Heyitsjiwon.
Timothy then notice Gazet jolt as if she was being electrocuted. Well, now we know the chips are working, he thought. He then turned to the loudspeaker. "Hey, what the hell man!", he yelled. "She wasn't even trying to escape!"
Gazet now angry and ready to rage, sat there with her arms crossed as she slowly recovered from the shock. Once she recovered she looked at the person trying to help her. "Thank you." She said kindly before she yelled out "You pitiful poor outlet. You already hate me?" She said rather angrily then gave a shrug and said lowering her voice as not to yell anymore. " Your loss, I make a wonderful best friend." She said finding the humor and idiocy in her own words, knowing she wasn't trying to make friends with a game. Gazet now knew that the odds would be against her, and decided once she fully recovered to go around and make allies, so seeming she would need them.

Max HP: 87/105

Max ME: 90/106

Speed: 14/14

Strength: 14/14

Charisma: 12/12

Logic: 13/13

Aim: 16/16

Class: Pawn
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"3.. 2.. 1."

The green matrix around them twisted as void opened up in the centre of the room, gradually stretching and encompassing the entire space. For a minute it seemed as though they all were falling, falling; unable to let out a sound. In fact the tunnel was quite stifling; Christopher noted, as some of his last conscious sensations.

End of Chapter 0.


@Ensig @Coatboy @Impocractes @Heyitsjiwon @Alice Ripper @Alias
C H A P T E R O N E: Fields of Poppy

Christopher blinked a few times, light blinding him. "So, it was just a dream..?" he thought. The sun shone brightly overhead, and around him were the others, most of them already on their feet. He got up, balancing himself on the wooden fence beside him. They were on a dirt road, Chris noticed, before his attention was drawn to the sight over the fence; a sea of red and green stretching to the hills in the distance. Poppies, Christopher recognized them, idly reaching over and rolling one between thumb and forefinger. He then turned around. "Uh.. is everyone alright?" he said, awkwardly. He looked around to find the girl who had been previously shocked, but she appeared to be fine; she was standing up and looking around with an expression Chris couldn't really put his finger on.


@Ensig @Alias @Heyitsjiwon @Coatboy @Impocractes @Alice Ripper

HP: 105 / 105

ME: 110 / 110

SPD: 10

STR: 15

CHR: 15

LGC: 15

AIM: 10

Weapon: --

Armor: --

Shield: --












Pawn (Human)





Luna Wendt

When the countdown found its end, so too did Luna's daze. In a panic, she looked to her sides -- left, then right, then left again. The small space that she and the others were trapped in distorted around her, and as she began to 'fall', she attempted to let out a shriek... Only for nothing to come out of her mouth.

The loss of sound triggered confusion, anxiety, and fear in the young woman as she watched the void steadily close in. As she began to 'fall', Luna momentarily recalled a certain scene in an old storybook -- Alice in Wonderland -- where a girl found herself falling into a situation she couldn't escape from. It was with that, that Luna's consciousness faded.

"The sky...?" Luna murmured to herself. Moments ago, she was in a dark abyss, but now... Now, she was sprawled out on her back, looking up at the blue expanse overhead. Under the warmth of the sun, confusion showed plainly on Luna's face as she desperately tried to make sense of this whole situation (again) and failed (again).

"Uh.. is everyone alright?" came a voice from her side. Luna turned to face the source, and found Christopher, among others. Furrowing her brows, Luna's confusion only grew as the field of poppies behind a wooden fence entered her view. Where in the world were they?

"I... I think I'm alright." she replied, trying to sound believable while her mind slowly recovered from a heavy dose of confusion. With that, she stood up (albeit unsteadily) and brushed herself off. She patted down her dress, her back, her legs, and finally her arms--

"Well... Maybe 'alright' is a bit of a stretch." she noted as she traced over the chips in her arms. Although their presence brought the Professor's words in the abyss back to the forefront of her mind, this time Luna remained composed.

It seemed as though her mind had recovered much better than the girl herself even suspected.

Class: Pawn (human)

Ailment: None

Health (105/105)

Mental Energy (110/110)


Weapon: None


Armour: None


Shield: None



Moveset Punch





As Professor Theta began counting down, Nicholas felt the anxiety build up inside of him, like the few minutes before a performance, or the seconds before a roller coaster took off. This feeling wasn't helped by the fact that one of the other people trapped here was zapped for "being impatient". Nicholas wondered, if that was all it takes to set him off, how long they would be able to survive before he just killed them all. Nicholas closed his eyes and took deep breaths to calm himself down a bit, as he prepared for whatever was to come next. When Theta reached 0, Nicholas had clenched his eyes shut, and laid back onto the ground. He felt the ground disappear under him and a falling sensation. To this, he opened his eyes, only to see nothing; darkness. He quickly closed his eyes again, and tried to breathe, but he felt like he couldn't. To this, he panicked. Twisting around, flailing, and screaming. This was like one of his nightmares he had when he was younger.

But this didn't last too long, only a minute, but to Nicholas, it felt like an eternity. He opened his eyes, only to quickly shut them again, blinded by the bright light produced by the sun. Nicholas didn't remember passing out, but it had felt like he had been asleep for awhile. He opened his eyes once they were adjusted to the sunlight, and sat up, looking around. He could see the others that were with him in the data room before getting up. Nicholas fell back onto his back and grinned. This all felt so...real! The soft grass, the blue sky, even the gentle breeze that was blowing felt like it would in real life. "This can't be in a computer." Nicholas says to no one.
As soon as the countdown ended, everything below him felt like nothing and Timothy began falling. To his surprise, he wasn't scared of what's going to happen. Instead he felt excitement for what to come and anticipation of getting out of this twisted game. He looked up and before his consciousness left him, he felt a new kind of emotion he hasn't felt for a long time: anger.


When he awoke, Timothy found himself lying on a dirt road. A familiar scent filled his nostrils and when he stood up and saw the sea of poppy, his eyes widened. "Holy crap guys, are we in Switzerland? My auntie lives here! Her house should be right around... oh", the grin on his face faded when he noticed the chip on his arm. "Right. I almost forgot... But goddamn, these graphics are incredible!", he then looked around trying to distract himself.
Gazet heard the countdown and begane to brace herself, she was still, and took deep breaths as she was still trying to recover a little bit. The feeling didn't bother her so much as she loved experiencing new things. She fell to the ground and began to rub her head a bit as she now had a slight headache. She didn't say anything when someone asked if everyone was okay, but instead she gave a nod and closed her eyes and looked to the sky to help her eyes adjust to the lighting. She looked back down and opened her eyes. "So a replica of a place? That could be interesting." She realized she wasn unsure of what the goal in the game even was, but she figured if it was important than they would probably tell her. She wasn't in a great mood, but she still had the idea that she had to be nice. "So is there like synthetic food and stuff to?" She said kind of just pondering for a moment before wondering when she would have a chance at sleep that was in a bed somewhere. she looked at the sky and watched it as it seemed to be fairly realistic and that kind of made her happy that even if it wasn't real it would still be close. "So anyone else in the mood for a nap?" She said half jokingly.

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