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Fantasy Commence Heroism

Huh? I was supposed to introduce myself? Oh, well. "I was supposed to do that?" Most Dwarves didn't ask Golem's to introduce themselves. Unless they were a new model, but they only asked for their number. Most of the Golem's he knew made nicknames for themselves, but were only referred to as their number. Betty would be called '2001' in the Dwarven District. I'm getting off topic. "This unit's label is BET-2001.". It was more polite when you gave someone your real name and not a nickname, instead of calling himself by 'I' or 'Betty' or 'BET'. He'd call himself 'This Unit'. It meant the same thing. He might terminate his sentience function. He'd make less mistakes and act like a (generic movie robot) Golem from the Dwarven District. For the mission of course. But he'd only do that if he needed too, his sentience was probably the least of his worries, he had other problems. What if an ogre decided he wanted my arm? What if I was carried off by a dozen different goblins? Ahah, I doubt goblins could coordinate enough to pull that off, though Nozuri is likely a different case. She at least looks smart.

(Not going to double paragraph this one.)
“Of course, Lady Sara,” Marco said as he got up, still grinning. He may have been disappointed by the elf’s lack of interest and discomfort, but he would never let his own discomfort get in the way of making a friend. “I will gladly strive to lighten the mood of our adventure- I am, after all, known by many as the Aristocrat of Ambiance.” After a quick glance at her sword, he continued, “I suppose you are the serpent hiding beneath the innocent flower, then,” Marco said, laughing. He didn’t laugh for long, though.

After Betty gave them his designation, Marco asked, “BET-2001? Is that what you want us to call you? Oh, and can I ride on top of you? I promise I am not very heavy and I can stay still. It would be very entert- Uh, helpful. I can shoot from up there if we run into any trouble outside.” Marco put on his most innocent smile and looked up at Betty.

Alphoron sighed. How can all of my teammates be such time wasters? The Halfling was a stuck up womanizer, the Golem kept asking questions, and the other two... they were so formal. It's one thing if you're at a ballroom dance, but this was a mission. People could be in danger. "Honestly. Are all of you too dense to converse while walking? Introductions can wait. Let's get a move on."

@Windows98 @Kencen @Sigismund @Ensig @DragonBanner
Nozuri Orland

Nozuri remained in trained silence as Marco flirted with the missive. She would have rebuked him, if not for the fact that the missive herself didn't seem to mind that much. In fact, she seemed quite pleased... 'I'm not sure if I should be relieved, or shocked...' thought the young Goblin as she remained in place with a calm, almost statue-like expression on her face. That expression remained strong on her face even after Marco had made a request of BET to ride on his shoulders... But it crumbled when the Dragonborn spoke up.

"Honestly. Are all of you too dense to converse while walking? Introductions can wait. Let's get a move on."

Nozuri scowled at the Dragonborn when he spoke. If looks could kill, then the man in front of her would have likely been maimed. "If you're as wise as your race would lead one to believe, you would refrain from such words Dragonborn." speaking with a voice as cold as ice, Nozuri practically spat out the word 'Dragonborn' -- not out of malice to his race, but out of the fact that the man in front of her seemed unworthy of belonging to the proud, wise race -- especially if he could so openly insult his comrades.

"Time is of the essence, but there are an order to things when meeting someone. Introductions are more than simply providing one's name; they are a show of mutual respect." Moving her glaring eyes from the Dragonborn to the area in front of her, Nozuri crossed her arms and closed her eyes to clear herself of the annoyance in her tone. "Doing such things during the spare time we had while waiting for everyone to assemble was the appropriate call."

After saying so, Nozuri stood stock-still, waiting for the Missive to respond to Caeda's question of transportation.

@SP3CT3R, @DragonBanner
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What? What? Ride on my back? "You are healthy and able, you need not ride on my back, Halfing." He'd probably let the Missive do it if she really wanted to. Marco can walk, and if not, crawl. He'd better pray the Missive paid for some sort of transport. This mission seems ineffective to this unit's survival chances. Post-performance of course. Betty looked to his right, looking at Nozuri. I'd sooner fight a dragon than her. So cold. Being around her makes my chassis rattle. He'd expect that a Goblin would be fighting the Outer Guard, not working with them. If escorting the Missive literally became a walk through the forest, then he'd probably try to start a conversation, get to know who he was working with a little better.

Probably going to need a better OS soon, it's not supporting me as well as it used to. He thought back to his early days in the Dwarven District, he was welcomed with open arms. He liked it there, until it became repetitive. It was the same routine everyday, 24 hours. His axe wasn't even a weapon, it was a tool. It'd probably hold up in a fight if a tree decided it wanted to stand up and fight. Damn Treants, cutting into my schedule. Always got him in trouble. Though his punishments weren't harsh, they usually just switched his role. He had been switched a total of 94 times. He counted every time he'd be switched. His previous task before he left to be hero was mining. Gave him a giant pickaxe, sent him in the mine to break down rocks. There was usually one Golem per mine, mining along other Dwarves usually. But his very first task was something that got boring:

Uproot Tree.



He didn't mind how boring it was at first, he was in civilization, not in the mountains in some building facility. Then he had to do it day and night. He realized he'd have to do this for a while, and left. They'd probably replace him real quick with a newer model. He was a Bodyguard anyway, not a worker.

Am I still staring at Nozuri? Probably. Don't care. Got to figure out why she has pink hair.


(Probably going to disappear for some time, not sure when I'll go. But hopefully I can finish this mission up.)
“Of course I do not need to ride on your back, BET-2001. I just wanted to. That is why I asked. I do have one request- do not ever call me Halfling again.” Marco’s grin had shrunk and his eyes narrowed. He almost looked serious, even. “Please. That is not my name. As I have mentioned several times, I am Marco Littlefoot, the Bard. I ask to be judged for my actions, not what I look like.” Marco didn’t believe Betty meant anything by it, but he wanted to get that out there early anyway.

“And you- it is Alphoron, yes?” Marco asked, turning to the Dragonborn. “Introductions are not meant to wait. They are supposed to be done at the beginning. Even if just getting to know your new comrades is not enough, we need to understand each other’s combat styles at least a little bit. We can not just go outside with no plans. We should figure out a formation, before we leave the city.”
The missive stood with a happy grin as she stared at the party's bickering. She was always locked away in her office or sent off somewhere with rude, or worse, boring people. Sara remembered that Nozuri had asked about transportation. "Ah that's right," she began looking back towards the other elf, "My apologies, my mind wandered. We will be traveling by carriage, however, the carriage is waiting for us at a way station so to speak, in the small village, a days walk away." She nodded to herself, hoping that nobody would question the rather odd way she was doing things.

"However much I disagree with the dragonborn's tone and way of speaking to everyone.. I'd have to agree that we should move on. SO!" She started to walk towards the gate. "Let's go." She smiled, and started walking, without checking behind her to see if they were following, half in hopes that they weren't so that she could tell the council, and see their disapproving faces. She smirked to herself.
(Well.. Since nobody else did.)

Caeda nodded as Sara answered her question. "It is quite fine." She said in response to Sara talking about her mind wandering. At least it was in a safe place. Caeda took to follow Sara on the left flank, a short few steps behind the Missive. "Horus, scout." Caeda spoke to the horned owl on her shoulder, Horus chirped and flew upwards and made great circles above, following closely on the group. "He'll see if anyone decides to make a move on us.. Better be on the look out and meet nothing than walk into an ambush, no?"

Caeda peered curiously around. "De'verosi, you have any thoughts on why this village stopped all contacts?" Well, maybe it's just guesswork. "Anything to help prepare before-hand would be fruitful.. I've not been much in civilized places before.." None at all.. Lenn always found secluded spots from any villages or towns.. Caeda held tightly on her bow as she walked and spoke. She took a few glances upwards at all times, watching Horus fly around.

She looked over at Nozuri. "Tell me, Orland, You are or were Vice-Captain of a guard force? With my people, such a rank would provide plenty to live with, How come you've left it?" Small talk was good, it would help understanding the group, much like the grove wardens and the Sentinels when they fought against anything that attacked the clan.

@DragonBanner @Ensig
Nozuri Orland

Nozuri didn't mind the comments made by BET after her short speech, and ignored the fact that it was openly staring at her. Even without a face, the fact that its helmet's visor was pointed directly at her made it quite obvious...

As the Missive responded to Caeda's query about transportation, Nozuri tilted her head slightly. Surely there were enough Carriages available for a Missive in a city as grand as this. Being a previous Guard here, Nozuri knew just how many Carriages came in and out of the large city, so Nozuri could only think of three possible reasons for the Carriage being located in a different town:

  1. This mission was rushed into an Active state, thus giving no time for the appropriate procedures to rent a Carriage to hold the Missive and her escort. The city would be using the buffer time between this city and a nearby village to properly sign out a Carriage in this case.
  2. Whoever was in charge of the procedures to rent a Carriage procrastinated until the last moment. In a rush to attain transport, they ended up only being able to attain a Carriage in a nearby town.
  3. The walk to the nearby village is simply an excuse to test the Adventurers

Nozuri hoped that neither the city nor the person in charge of renting out the Carriage were in such a rush/too lazy to do the appropriate procedures, so she shortly decided it was the third reason.

Although she would have agreed with Marco in discussing their formation, the Missive's word was law in this mission, so Nozuri gave a short "Understood." before running ahead of the Missive and taking a position as a Vanguard. As her escorts, Nozuri hoped that the Adventurers would know to take a formation with the Missive at the center, having BET and Nozuri (who seemed to be the only close combatants of the group) take up the positions of Vanguard and Rearguard, with everyone else taking a formation with the Missive at the center. Because the Adventurers hadn't discussed their formation just yet, Nozuri settled for being the Vanguard for now, if only to allow visibility for the front while properly guarding their charge.

"Tell me, Orland, You are or were Vice-Captain of a guard force? With my people, such a rank would provide plenty to live with, How come you've left it?"

Nozuri looked back at Caeda, thinking for a moment before responding, her pink hair bobbing behind her as she jogged to keep up with the group. "While it's true that Vice-Captains earn more than regular Guards, with the Outer Guard having a larger income overall... It's not all that luxurious." Guards were still Guards, after all. They were payed a bit above the minimum amount needed to live in Vi'Lora; no more, no less. Vice-Captains received a bit more than that... But it still wasn't a lot by any means. That didn't change even with Nozuri's living expenses being near nonexistent.

She had lived within the Barracks located in the Residential District, so her rent was free so long as she patrolled in her time off (which she would have done anyways). Food was also provided, so even if it was simple bread and gruel half the time, she wouldn't have to worry about starving to death. Furthermore, whenever Nozuri encountered a wild beast as a member of the Outer Guard, she would have full claims to it after hunting it down. Any meat or pelts she brought back at the end of the day could be used to earn some pocket change (although she'd need to pay a small tax first).

Thinking about it that way, it could be said that 'Nozuri's earnings were good, even among the higher ranks', but...

"I've never been one for spending coin. I used most of my pay to enhance and repair my equipment, and the rest was donated to the City Guard." Nozuri grinned slightly at the memory of her fellow Guardsmen making shocked expressions when they found out that their 'Bonus' pay mainly came from her pocket. She didn't think much of it, however. She didn't really need anything other than what was necessary, so keeping all the money to herself would serve no purpose.

When she hunted prey, she'd keep the meat and sell the pelts to treat her fellow Guards when they went to a Tavern. When she was paid, she'd have a Blacksmith repair her weapons and armor, and go shopping for materials that could be used to enhanced their properties. Like that, she lived for 13 years, starting at the age of 5.

"Anyways, to answer your question, my adopted father told me to see more of the world. Being an Adventurer seemed to be a fitting way to do so... So here I am."

Betty stared at the ground where Nozuri used to be. She's assuming a military formation, she's already claimed the advance guard. Guess I'll handle the rear. Wish I had a mechanized horse to ride (love to see that happen), it probably could've got us to the carriage faster, but I guess walking is another option. He took a long step, being immediately behind the missive, while still leaving room for everyone else to fit in. He listens to the conversation the elf and the goblin were having.

"Tell me, Orland, You are or were Vice-Captain of a guard force? With my people, such a rank would provide plenty to live with, How come you've left it?" Caeda asked. Maybe the same reason I left. Not sure if fighting can get boring for her, maybe not. I'd probably stay in the guard, the survival rates were higher. I'm sure we're going to get a crazy mission for an extremely high pay. It'd probably be 'Hey, I have a lizard problem, can you help me?', and then we wind up having to fight a dragon. We'd probably die.

"While it's true that Vice-Captains earn more than regular Guards, with the Outer Guard having a larger income overall... It's not all that luxurious." Nozuri replied. Well, she made more than regular guards, and then she was a vice-captain on top of that. Wonder how much she actually got paid. Probably buy a new shoulder. Or a foot!

"I've never been one for spending coin. I used most of my pay to enhance and repair my equipment, and the rest was donated to the City Guard." How generous. I'd probably keep the money for myself and buy some stuff with it. If I wasn't a guard, I mean. She probably spent most of her time fighting and not working, but I guess you could consider fighting working.

"Anyways, to answer your question, my adopted father told me to see more of the world. Being an Adventurer seemed to be a fitting way to do so... So here I am." The most fitting? Interesting, there are multiple ways to be an adventurer, you could be out discovering treasure, discovered new places and creatures. You could be a traveling merchant. You could be on some sort of spiritual journey. But I guess her father wanted her to be out here killing threats slightly more dangerous than wild animals.

(could I actually have an iron horse?)

The group had been walking along the cobble road that lead from the gate towards the next city over, Haris.

The sky was bright, and cloudless, but still windy. Sara was content on hearing the chatting from the group, allowing herself to space off as they walked, hoping nobody was addressing her.

Upon hearing her name, or her last name being called, she came back into reality.

"Oh, nothing more than you've already been told. Although.." She thought to herself for a moment about her true thoughts about just how weird it had all been, she knew that her master would not want her to say anything more, but she decided against that, "It's actually a bit.. odd, the whole situation." She tensed up a bit, then sighed, "But I'm sure it'll be fine." She smiled again, ignoring any fear or worries she might have.

Before much longer along the main road, it split into a few thin, dirt roads, that lead into different directions, to other settlements. Sara pointed to the one that headed in the direction of the town they'd be getting their carriage from. "This way." She began walking in the direction, carelessly, without seeing if the others were following.

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