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Fantasy Commence Heroism


New Member
Commence Heroism

(Please DO not add to this thread until I give the go ahead.)


Hello and Welcome, travelers, to the world of Gen'Flora. A beautiful and wonderful world, filled with magic, heroes monsters, faith, adventure, and vast riches.

You will be playing the role of a hero, or a Fortune seeker. You may be looking to make a name for yourself, gather riches, or protect the world from darkness, but no matter where you came from, or where you're going, the first step for every good adventurer is Vi'Lora, which is where your story will begin...



-I'll be playing as the Gm, so try your best to avoid over narrating, and leave important NPCs to me, unless you ask me first

-Some swearing is fine, but don't over use

-No god modding

-Follow the site's rules

-No OP characters

-Characters must be(17+)

-MUST use proper grammar and English

-Romance is fine, but not the goal

-No killing other players unless they want you to (for whatever reason..)

-Be classy Ladies and gents in OOC

-Respond as much as you can (after 5 days, unless you pm me, I'll delete ya.)

-To make sure you've read all the rules, and agree to them add Tacos or Burritos to the end of your C.S.


Gen'flora is a world built upon a world that was previously destroyed. ten thousand years ago was the First war, between Dasiph, the god of the over world and his wife, Amalia the old Goddess of light, that became tainted by darkness that threatened to destroy the world, leaving it in ruins. The only thing Dasiph could do was to destroy her before all of known existence had been wiped out.

From Amalia's destruction, two new goddesses were born, One was a beautiful goddess, one of purity and innocence, with a heart of light magic and healing, her name was Maria. The other was a part demon goddess, with wings, and horns, she was filled with darkness, and an anger that could not be sated, her name was Silvania. Dasiph decided that he could change Silvania's evil nature, to become more like her sister, Maria, in heart and soul, but his attempts only plunged her deeper into the darkness, sorrow and anger.

So 3,000 years ago, Silvania created an army of darkness, and used her powers to capture her sister, and imprison her father. The world almost fell again, into darkness, but, Dasiph gave a portion of his power to bring all mortals together for a single, last stand, and when the Mortals were victorious in defeating her army of darkness, Silvania was weakened enough so that he was able to free himself and Maria from her clutches. Dasiph sent her to a plane of existence for herself and her darkness to live for eternity, called the underworld.

Ever since then, Vi'Lora stood as a landmark of that occasion, as holy ground. It's lands are sacred, and anyone with a true soul is protected from evil within it. A statue of Dasiph stands in the main square.

Although Silvania still remains on her plane, in the underworld, she still casts her evil shadows on the over world by sending her evil forces, and curses onto the world. She also had a son, The Prince of Chaos, Parador, who does her bidding, and spreads chaos throughout the world.


Vi'Lora is one of the largest cities in all of Gen'Flora. It was created at the end of the great war, after the collapse of most of the world, when the Queen of the underworld, Silvania, almost won the war for the over-world, but was stopped by the gathering of all the races, coming together and taking down her forces, driving her back, and freeing the god of the over-world, Dasiph, allowing him to imprison her back into her realm.

Vi'Lora is said to be where this great battle between good and evil took place, Although since this was over three thousand years ago, nobody alive could verify this, leaving the Vi'Lora as one of the only remaining pieces of evidence this even occurred.

The city itself was created as a monument to the world's triumph, it was created by humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and all the great races of Gen'Flora together. As this is the case, all through the city you can see Dwarven idols, human creations, Elven architecture, and Orcish huts. Though many of the races have their own parts of the city, everyone is welcome.

As Vi'Lora was the birthplace of the first heroes of old, and the place where Silvania was defeated for the first time, it is also a breeding ground for heroes, young and old, new and experienced. The leaders of the city are called the Council of Heroes, and they are chosen for their show of immense Wisdom, Strength, Honor, Craftsmanship and Intelligence. These five seats of honor, are the goals for most starting heroes.


There are the districts in the city of Vi'Lora.

-The Main District-

The Main district is where the city opens up to, and is the first thing you see when you enter, it is also the home of the council chamber, where the five heroes meet with each of the community leaders to work on current issues, laws, ect. The main district is home to some of the most influential citizens, the bank, and most temples, schools, and the heroes Guild HQ, run by the Hero, and great, Human, Warrior Nolan, who also acquired the Council's seat of Honor, only a year and a half ago.



-The Market District-

The Market district, as it would seem, is home to most of the shops and crafters in the city, as well as most of the entertainment houses, taverns and inns. The Market district is one of the most visited places in the city for it's lively atmosphere. The Market district is located right beside, and attached to the Main district, and residential district.

-The Elven District-

The Elven district is the main area where Elven people live, and socialize within themselves. Most of their homes, specialty shops and schools are located here. All are welcome to visit and live here, with permission from the Grand elder Zanith, who runs the Elven community, and owns the Council's seat of intelligence.

-The Residential District-

The Residential district lies next to the Market district and Main district, it is where both humans and visitors live. Some of the taverns and inns, as well as many homes are located here. Because it is one of the larger areas and located at the heart of the city, it is often seen as part of the main city. Everyone is welcome here. The Upper Docking Area is connected.


-The Orcish Camp-

Outside of the Vi'Lora main, but still a part of it officially, the Orcish camp, is a self-sustaining living area for Orcs and half orcs. This includes their chieftain Ro'Gak's hut, whom runs the Orcish community. Their huts, their shops, hunting huts, weapon/armor, and clothing shops are also located here. All are 'welcome' to visit, but none but Orcs or half orcs may live there. The Council's chosen for the seat of Strength , Murkana, lives here.

-The Dwarven District-

One of the most beautifully crafted places in the city, the Dwarven District is home to the Dwarves, and their Golems, as well as anyone who wishes to live there. The Crafter's guild hall lies in the heart of their district, and around it are the houses, shops, and inns lining the walls. All are welcome. The Crafter's guild master Gorim runs the Dwarven community, as well as the current owner of the Craftsmanship's seat on the council.

-The Magic District-

The Magic district holds the magic Academy, most magic shops, and many of the cities magical entertainment houses, as well as the home of the great wizard, and holder of the Council's seat for Wisdom, Almina. The magic district is also home to one of the most famous libraries in all of Gen'Flora.


-The Arena-

The arena is a part of the city, that is home to weapon shops, training grounds and a major guard post. This is also home to the Vi'Lora Arena. The Arena is an inclusive arena for both new and old warriors to test their metal, as well as spectators to bet on matches and enjoy the show.

-The Lower District-

A polite name for the slums, located right next to the docks, the Lower district is the home to the thieves, low-lifes, and the urchins. The lower 'Orphanage' is located here as well. The lower district is where most illegal activity is done, and most information is found. There are many homes to the unsavory types, or the poor. There are also taverns and inns, but you are most likely one of the two above to be caught there. The more.. adult oriented entertainment establishments are also located here.



Other Cities/Settlements


  • Hollow Hill Village

    Hollow Hill Village. They have a community hall carved out of a small hill, and the rest of the village was built around it. It is primarily a farming village, though some of the villagers go hunting as well.

  • Lonely Gate

  • Journey's End Tavern

  • The city of Caperton
  • The village of Haven
    The village of Haven is not very well known as it lies deep within the great forests, just outside of Vi'Lora. It specializes in taking care of the forest, as well as hunting, fishing and wood cutting. The village is lead by a man named Noras Kane, a human hunter, and his daughter, next to lead it, named Aisha, who is a half Elven girl.

Other Locations

  • The Goddess of Light, Maria

    Most Paladins or Clerics of goodness will worship the goddess of light, purity, and innocence, Maria. The savior of the damned and the Survivor of the underworld, Maria works closely with her followers, and is often seen interfering with the lives of mortals, for their good, much to her father, Dasiph's displeasure.

  • Queen of the underworld Silvania

    The Evil Queen of the underworld, worshiped by creatures of evil, and necromancers, she is seen in the eyes of most evil creatures, and destruction of good, she wants to destroy her father, Dasiph, and take over the overworld.

  • The Goddess of Nature Es'marith

    Worshiped mainly by elves, but also those who live close to nature, Es'Marith is the elven goddess of Nature, growth, and the wild. She is believed to save mortals on occasion, from losing their way, by taking the form of a pure white wolf, or other animal, showing them to safety.

  • The God of the Overworld Dasiph

    The God of the overworld and father to the Goddesses of both Light and Darkness. He smited his evil daughter to the underworld after she began to torment mortals, for her own needs. Dasiph rarely interferes with the lives of mortals, and prefers to be a silent guide for the world.

  • The Champions of Evermore

    The religion of most Orcs, and some other warriors of Evermore, they worship their honored dead, and Evermore, as a whole plane and idea. They believe that Evermore is a living plane that welcomes true and honorable Warriors of Evermore into after life.
  • The Prince of Chaos, Parador

    The sinister prince of Chaos, reckless nature, and change. He loves to mess with mortals, and play games with them, usually leading them to their destruction or ruin. He is Worshiped by feeble minded mortals, and some creatures of darkness, for his mother is Silvania, the goddess of the underworld.


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Commence Heroism

Deep in the heart of Gen'Flora, sits Vi'Lora, the city of invention, magic, and prosperity. It is also a gathering of heroes, young and old. Anything you could ever need to start an adventure is somewhere in the market district. Within is the Heroes guild, indirectly run my the city's council member, Nolan, the warrior. That is where you are now.

Deep in the undergroves of the deep forest, west of Vi'Lora, lies a village called Haven. It is allied with the great city, and as such, it is the city's job to protect it. Every month Haven usually contacted the council of Vi'Lora with head counts, taxes, and a personal message from the village's leader, but no such message had been received for the last three months, nor has anyone come by to trade, or even visit. After all of the political loops, the Heroes' Guild was given the right to the mission, to be given to their newest recruits, to evaluate them on and off the field.

And so we begin

You stand in the middle of the heroes' guild, a large, tavern like room stretched out before you, the smell of alcohol, and spices trails off this place. There are several others in the guild currently, sitting at tables, or at the bar, talking with Linda the bartender, you can assume they are all heroes too. You are among a group of oddities, A Goblin fighter, a Golem, a Dragonborn sorcerer, a Halfling bard, an Elven ranger, a human Paladin, and an old, Orc Druid.

Your group is being addressed by Legorn, a human warrior, who is the task master at the Vi'Lora guild hall. He takes note of you seven, reading out from the sign up sheets, you've filled out in order to join the heroes guild. You joined for one of several reasons, to become a renowned hero, to help people, to get the good jobs the heroes guild usually claimed, or to make some "easy" cash. You'd know that sending so many people on a single mission was odd, especially a D ranked mission, the fact that it was happening either meant either someone was very worried, or that they only had the one recruit level quest available, and that didn't seem likely.

Each quest in the guild is given a difficulty ranking, and seeing how they didn't expect any trouble from the villagers, just a basic check up, and escort. The job was given a D difficulty, which pretty much meant is should be easy, normally. Legorn sighed. The large, burly human, with messy brown hair, and a scraggly brown beard.

"Can't believe we're sending 'all' our new recruits on a single mission." He sighed again, rubbing the back of his neck. "Alright! Look lively recruits!" He clapped trying to get your attention. "It seems that we'll be sending 'all' of you on this mission" A little exasperation in the pronunciation of 'all'. "You will be taking a missive named Sara, to the village of Haven, it will be your job to see him there safety, find out what's going on with them, let the Missive do her thing, then bring her back. Easy right." He nodded to himself, then continued,

"First, let's just make sure all of you rookies are present." "Nozuri Orland, Goblin, female. Must be you." He said pointing over to Nozuri, then to the next, "Archais, the Golem, I guess that's the big guy here, he said with a smile, "Alphoron Bahamiat, Dragonborn, male, well", he said walking over to Alphoron, "don't get many of your kind lately" He smiled "Marco.. Littlefoot. Alright, male, great, I'm sure you're going to be quite helpful on the battlefield", he laughed to himself. "Caeda Valcyne Lennith, well that's a mouthful.. welcome, he nodded to her "Let's see, who else.."Maximus Silverblood, a paladin, a man after my own heart", he laughed again, obviously enjoying this all too much."And last, but not least Prazh, Orc, male." Legorn looked at him, but decided it was probably better to not make quick wit of the grizzled looking orc. "Alright, before we send you off, does anyone have any questions, that cannot be answered with this?" He said passing Maximus the official contract.


Quest details-

Escort the Missive Sara, to Haven. Find out what has stopped their trading and communications with Vi'Lora, put a stop to it. Let Sara work, protect her. Then bring her back when the problem has been solved.


  • Nozuri Orland, goblin, female, 18, Fighter,
  • Archais, Golem, Male, Fighter
  • Alphoron Bahamiat, Dragonborn, Sorcerer
  • Marco Littlefoot, Halfling, Male, Bard
  • Caeda Valcyne Lennith, Wood elf, female, 42, Ranger
  • Maximus Silverblood, Human, Male, 22, Paladin
  • Prazh The Cursed, Orc, Male, Druid
  • Sara, The missive, Female

Reward- 10 silver per person

Location- Haven

(A D is stamped onto the corner of the sheet.)

Archais would would playing with his fingers during the introduction, waving as his name was called. If he could show facial expressions, he'd be smiling. He liked being called 'big guy'. He stares at the rest of people around him. That Goblin wouldn't be much help in a fight, wonder why she's here. He was kind of glad he couldn't make facial expressions, or else the entire room would be staring at him. The Dragonborn, he looks mighty vicious. I'd like to see him fight, but it doesn't seem like he has a sword? Odd, I'd expect him to be out fighting with those hard scales of his. Oh well. I wonder if he can shout? My opinion on that Halfing isn't much different from the Goblin, probably best to protect both of them. That Elf looks like she can fight, most Elves can. Well, that's what I've heard, I'm betting that she can. The Paladin, he's young, wonder how long it took him to complete his training. I heard it takes years, maybe he's extremely good at every task? That could prove useful, I hope. What the hell? That Orc's too hold to be here, what's he doing? He's going to get himself killed out there. His gaze scanned over all of them, he was hoping he didn't look weird, not the best first impression. He had a question about this contract. "How does the Missive act? Is he going to be a pain?" He asked, his voice being deep, echoing throughout his entire body as if he was hollow, it was also loud. He silently prayed there was no form of transportation being taken. He wouldn't fit in any carriage without it breaking, and if everyone else rode in one, he'd be forced to walk and be silent the entire trip, and that's not something to look forward to when you're as social as Archais. He was hoping nobody stared at him. But when a large metal man struggles to fit through a door for almost 20 minutes, he's bound to be stared at. Speaking of fitting through a door, he was hoping this contract would pay for the damages to the door frame. He had to 'move' it for him to get through, and most weren't too happy about it. Prior to that, he got lost trying to find the place, most people shied away at his approach whenever he tried to ask for help. Others didn't know. He almost gave up and was considering making the walk back to the Dwarven District. But on the way back, he just happened to find it.

(I claim first post.)
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Legorn just stared blankly at the Golem as he spoke. "The missive will be acting as the voice of Val'Lora, and as such, 'she' is to be treated with respect." He scowled at the way Archais had talked down about an important member of the city's missives. "Let's just hope she doesn't find 'you' to be a pain, or you may find yourself out of the guild, seeing how she's the one who will be telling me how you all did." Legorn smiled to himself, then turned to the rest of the party. "Any more questions, or unhelpful comments?" He sighed, hoping that this lot wouldn't end up screwing up such an easy task, especially with so many people to do it.
Alphoron huffed as the human stepped towards him. Are all city-dwelling humans this invasive? His expression then shifted back from grimacing to neutral. I already hate my own race. Guess I'd better make the best of it. Without saying anything, Alphoron wandered over to a nearby bookshelf and began looking for anything that could help with the mission. Monsters living in the area, relations with the other nearby villages, details of recent crimes, etc. He picked out a few books and spread them out on the table. While those... others sort out whatever they're sorting out, I might as well see what we're getting into.
((How dare you claim the OC's virginity! Triggered! Reported! Deported! Roped in Turtle Shell form and sent to Antarctica!))

Nozuri had a serious expression on her face as he she was introduced to her fellow initiates, and she was introduced to the hodgepodge of races sitting at the table; only she was standing (on top of a stool in fact), but that was simply so she could see eye-to-eye with the others. She was used to doing so, so she could only hope that the other members of the group didn't mind.

A Golem, a cloaked Dragonborn, a Halfling, an Elf, a Human, an Orc... And her, a Goblin.

'... Is this some sort of start to a joke?'

Thinking such half-seriously to herself, she mulled over the contents of the mission before Archais spoke up.

"How does the Missive act? Is he going to be a pain?"

If mental face-palms were possible, Nozuri would surely be doing one at that comment. Whether the missive was a 'pain' or not didn't matter. Nozuri had escorted a snotty rich kid, so it's not like the missive could be any worse... Probably. But even if she was, they simply had to deal with it, and keep her from harm for the sake of the mission.

"Any more questions, or unhelpful comments?"

Nozuri raised her hand with a short "Yes, I do." to Legorn's partially-snarky question, not minding as the Dragonborn wandered about came back with books from... Wherever he found them inside of the Tavern.

"Where do we meet the Missive, and when? Or... In other words, how long do we have to prepare for departure?" Nozuri spoke without stuttering, and in a proper volume, given the surroundings. For her rephrased question, she was asking more for the sake of her new teammates than herself, given the fact she was already fully prepared. It was a soldier's duty to be packed up by the time they were briefed, after all.

Turning to face Nozuri, Legorn gave a casual nod to her question "A fine question. I would have expected you to take the time to prepare yourselves before coming here, as this itself will be part of the 'test' so to speak, preparation is key.." He nodded again, this time to himself. "As for the missive, she is waiting for you at the Western Gate, so do try to hurry it along. The sooner you all get going the better. Now, unless there are any further questions, I would suggest you all get underway." Legorn began to walk away, but then stopped. "Oh, but don't forget your basic kits at the door, everyone gets one when they join up." He said pointing to a table with seven rucksacks on it.
Alphoron overheard what the man had said and groaned like the undead. He put all of the books back in their places, and with still yet to say a word, grabbed a backpack and trudged to the door.

((Very smol post))
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Archais' felt a little discouraged to do this, as if everyone was judging him. What he had said wasn't very smart, he even got the Missive's gender terms wrong. This wasn't a great start, maybe he could fix it somehow. He looked over at the table. He probably wouldn't be needing one, it was probably full of food and things natural creations needed. One could argue that Archais was a natural creation, due to what he was made of, but he's artificial enough. Guess I'll be the first to get one. He walked over to the table, looking at all the Rucksacks. (Gonna Assume they're different sizes.) He grabbed the biggest one, which was likely his. Maybe it was full of things a Golem needed. Without a word, he walks to the door, squeezing through the broken door-frame, and begin to walk to the West Gate. Maybe it was his Axe, but people still inched away from him wherever he was. Maybe people in the Main District didn't see Golem's much, he couldn't blame them, if he was human, he'd probably move out of the way of a Golem too. He walks past the Council Chambers. It was a large building, nice looking even on the outside. He hadn't been inside himself, but he was sure multiple others have. He didn't really have any desire to go in their really - he didn't need to. Escorting the Missive should be pretty easy, it shouldn't take TOO long. At least I hope. He stopped in the middle of the road, maybe he should wait for the rest of his allies before continuing. The Missive probably wouldn't like just a walking piece of metal for company.

(But this is a fantasy RP and the GM needs to make things interesting, so RIP Archais' hopes.)
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“Did somebody mention unhelpful comments? I may have a few of those, if anyone’s interested… No? Well, then. Now, my new friends, some of you may have heard of me,” The small halfling began, his gaze shifting between each of his new companions, his mouth turned up in a wide grin. “Then again, maybe not. I am Marco Littlefoot, the connoisseur of conundrums, the master of mysteries, the explorer of everything, the… Uh, the bard.” Marco’s voice was much louder than one would expect from a creature so small. “It is a pleasure to meet you all,” He finished, giving his companions an exaggerated bow.
Caeda continued to stare at the burly Legorn from under her cowl, listening intently as he spoke, the only change of expression would be her eyes narrowing slightly at him commenting on her longer name, Clearly no respect this one. Caeda thought to herself as she took her gaze from the human to peer at her "Allies." Goblins and orcs she had seen before of course, both are powerful fighters, goblins in cunning, tricks and sheer number, orcs for their raw strength and incomprehensible attitude of not giving up a fight, then the golem spoke up.

"How does the Missive act? Is he going to be a pain?"

How.. Do one of those speak? Is it simple magic or is it some sort of instrument? Caeda made a mental note to question this giant of a.. Construct? She had seen some when she entered the city, not that she had time to question those ones, people were moving back and forth crowding around her, something she quickly disengaged from.

With another moment of staring at the golem, listening as Legorn responds with a snarky comment to the group again. Caeda was about to speak up when both the dragonborn, another oddity that she had not seen before, Humanoid dragon man? Is he cold-blooded, do he hoard like dragons and have a ego as big as the stories say they do? She didn't look at the dragonborn for long as the goblin spoke up with another question, a more rational one too, with the burly Legorn answering yet again, Caeda took a quick look behind the group, seven rucksacks. Food should not be a problem in a uninterrupted land, plenty of wild even near the roads, it's all about patience and knowing the difference between tracks. She thought again, before turning back to look at Legorn and the rest of the group, some of them were already or had already left, Impatience, just a moment of it and it can ruin lives. She shakes her head lightly, moving over to take one of the small rucksacks, she moves it around strapping it securely around her lower back, securing it below her quiver.

Prepared beforehand already, Caeda makes a quick count of her arrows, listening to the Halfling speak up, "You carry many titles, Littlefoot, may one of those be proof of your skills, yes?" Caeda spoke up, her voice compared to Marco's louder voice, her's was softer and silvery, yet it had this small matter-of-fact or somewhat monotonous tone to it. Caeda looked to rest of the group she was part of. "The.. Golem already left, best we tarry along then, no?" She spoke again from under her cowl, standing ready to leave.
Legorn just nodded, "The lass has got a point, y'all should head over, less you want to make a poor impression on the Missive, or the folks of Haven." He laughed to himself as he walked back to the bar and began to talk to the barkeeper. It would seem like he was ready for you to leave now, and begin your quest.
Nozuri Orland

Nozuri watched as the Dragonborn and Golem walked out of the Tavern after tacking their backpacks. The group hadn't yet talked about a combat formation, or even told each other what their combat styles were, other than the Halfling... Sighing to herself, the young Goblin decided that they would simply need to discuss such things after arriving at the Western Gate, and hopped off of the stool she was sitting on while listening to the Elf comment on the Halflings' 'Titles' -- which she was about 80% sure were self-given.

Turning to the Halfling -- the last of the group sitting at the table -- she spoke up after the Elf spoke up. "I agree with... Miss Lennith, was it? We should be on our way." After saying so, Nozuri walked over to the table and picked up the smallest-sized sack (which she assumed was hers, given the fact she received a similar pack as a soldier many years ago) before opening it and checking the contents. Taking inventory while they weren't among the crowds would be better than checking at the gate. Even if the Guards patrolled the city gates with keen eyes, the occasional pickpocket still got away with petty thievery, after all...

@Kencen @Sigismund @DragonBanner
“Ah, that is where you are wrong, fair maiden,” Marco grinned, turning to Caeda as she commented on his titles. “‘Tis not I that carry the titles, but the titles that carry me!” He laughed for a few seconds, but calmed himself down quickly. “Really though, I can support you all in combat- though I like to think I specialize in stopping combat before it starts. Sometimes we can all just be friends, right? I am a decent shot with the ol’ crossbow, too, because that doesn’t always work, of course. Also, I can do this,” He hummed a gentle melody and a few small sparks leapt from his fingertips, dancing around on his palms. Ah, prestidigitation! How can one spell be so fun yet so useless? Just as soon as they had arrived, the sparks died out, his grin fading slightly. Still a grin, though. It was quite rare to find Marco not grinning for some reason or another.

Following the goblin’s example, Marco threw the smallest pack still remaining over his shoulder, ready to head out. He turned to the goblin girl then, reaching out to shake her hand. “At risk of mixing you up with all of the other goblins in the room, I am going to assume you are Nozuri. I am Marco, a pleasure to meet you.” Marco was glad he was not the only more vertically-challenged member of their group, and always enjoyed meeting others who did not let their small stature get in their way.

@Sigismund @Ensig
Caeda nodded slightly at Nozuri, "Lennith can suffice." She then looks over at the Halfling responding to her question. "Fair maiden." Caeda scoffs lightly as she shakes her head, Caeda proceeds out of the door and out to the rest of Vi'Lora, stopping slightly to take in the sight again. Not going to get used to places like this, Caeda thought as she turned to look for the Golem and Dragonborn, she was interrupted by a single hooting sound, before the great owl descended down on the shoulder of her armor. "Did you find one of them, Horus?" Caeda spoke quietly to the owl, taking out some dried meat from a pouch hanging on her belt, the great horned owl response is a few tu-with tu-whoo's, before taking the meat and flying up into the air again.

Caeda turns to look at the halfling and goblin and spoke up. "Come on, Horus found the big Golem, not that he would be easy to miss." With that said, Caeda began following Horus, looking up towards the owl now and then, until she catches up to where BET is standing, she looks up at the golem.

"At least you waited, Seen.. Alphoron? I believe, the dragonborn, no?" waiting for his answer, Caeda then continues to speak. "Right well, best move on, the other two are right behind me, time to meet this missive." Caeda moved around the Golem and towards the Western Gate, letting Horus land down on her shoulder again.

(Windows, I'm guessing BET "Betty" name is just that from the start?)

@Kencen @Ensig @Windows98 @DragonBanner
(Yes. @Sigismund )

Betty had almost forgot what he was doing, he had been standing there for a while waiting for his allies. Infact, he'd been there so long that his OS almost confused him for being inactive was about to trigger his spring locks. That process was interrupted when someone finally came, the Elf. Better than the orc. He didn't dislike The Orc, or Orcs in general, he had only frustrated himself by racking his brai- OS, by thinking about why such an old person was trying to become a hero. "I have not, maybe he walked by and I didn't notice." He shrugged. He spaced out while he was waiting, a lot of things probably happened that he missed. Best to move on, indeed. He slung his rucksack over his shoulder and followed Caeda.

My height makes me feel good about my self.
A random thought shot through his head. Wonder how it is to be so close to the ground. If I wanted to be to super close to the ground I'd be a foot. "That'd be an interesting experience." Maybe before I'm melted down for parts I'll ask to be a foot. How would it be to be a hand? I'd probably sweat a lot, and touch a lot of things. "That might hurt." Speaking of being melted down, when should that happen? "Should it start when my OS becomes obsolete?" Or should it happen when his body is too damaged and cannot be used anymore? How did The Maker make his OS anyway? Is it magic? I really should know my own body. Too bad I can't open myself up without destroying myself... ha ha. He had an entire stream of random thoughts that went on in his head. He forgot he was walking, that was all automatic now. He think he probably said a few thoughts out loud. That was fine though, they'd proba- Caeda would probably forget soon enough. Protecting the Missive would probably take her mind off of it. Thinking of Caeda, what makes a wood elf different from a normal elf? Do they live longer? Are they asexual and mate with themselves? If they lived longer, that'd probably be "inferior" to my immortality. What makes you different from a normal elf?

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Chapter 1- To Haven

The minute the party steps out of the guild, the wind seems to be pick up, though the sky was still a bright blue, with only a few white clouds scattered around. The walk over to the Western Gate is not a short one, especially since it is located within the Elven district. The first place you pass is the gate that connects the main district to the Elven district. A beautifully crafted archway, with vines crawling up it is all that stands between the two areas. Anyone who knows about the city, it's lore or at least the Elven district would know that the 'Mother tree' is the tree that is placed in the center of the district, and its roots, and plants are spread far within, it could be guessed that the vines that cover the archway are in some way related to that tree.

The Elven district weirdly feels like a different world, the air smells like herbs and spices, and that magic residue smell, you find around places. The air itself has small glowing bugs flying around. Residents of the 'Elven District' often refer to it as 'Es'marith Deysa' or Es'marith's garden. At the center of the district, underneath the 'Mother tree' is a shrine to the Elven deity, anyone who worships her, in one way or another, would feel obligated to give a quick bow at the least, or a kiss onto the statue's hand. Most of the garden is covered in plant life and creatures of all kinds. Many elves wander in the streets, as well as humans, and a few sprites. The walk is a bit tiring, but undeniably stunning.

After a while of walking, probably close to an hour, and that's on a not as crowded day, you manage to reach the Eastern gate, where two guards stand on either side of a large, open gate. You also notice an Elven woman wearing a white and blue uniform, that represents the city of Missives of Vi'Lora. The woman is beautiful, with a slim, but curved figure, barely noticeable under her half robe, half uniform attire. She has delicate facial features, piercing green eyes and bright blonde hair. She appears to be waiting for someone.
Caeda shrugged as she walked besides Betty, giving only a single glance as he began talking, mumbling? To himself, it did not matter much to her, in fact while he was talking she looked back to see if Marco and Nozuri had kept at pace with them, that is, she would have looked back fully if not for noticing the fact, Betty was staring down at her now or at least.. From the whole no expression part, he looked at her general direction. "Well, you're talkative, I'm not sure I understood half of it, but that's not what matters." Caeda said, looking forward as they walked. "You're quite tall, Betty.. Or do you prefer BET?" She said again, looking back up at the Golem. Would it matter? "All things considered, I think you might just wrestle a treant to the ground." Or at least hurt it with that.. Burning axe. As they moved on, Caeda rather abruptly stopped in her tracks, peering up and around the archway, beautifully decorated with vines. Caeda fidgets slightly before recollecting herself. Great the western gate is through here? Without a word, Caeda tugged her cowl closer around her face. "We are wasting daylight, best move on to the gate and meet the Missive, no time to look at ho-.. Pretty architecture." Caeda spoke, glancing up at Betty.

Without really waiting for BET to respond, Caeda doubles her walk, moving through the Elven District, trying not to draw attention to herself, she gives not a thought nor glance to any merchants or smells, stopping only when she reaches the center of the district. Caeda peered at the shrine, looking to both her sides. I'm still a Lennith. With a sigh, she closed her distance to the shrine, yet while most other elves would bow or kiss the hand, Caeda had learned other traditions, after all her people didn't build shrines, they were nomads and moved frequently, so they had their own ways to give thanks for Es'marith's guidance and safety.

Caeda knelt down on both her legs, Horus, whom been flying around or resting on her shoulder lands besides her, the owl knew what was required now. Caeda drew her skinning knife, pricked her finger to draw blood. With blood and plucking a feather from Horus, she crossed the feather with the blood, she then places the feather on the ground before the shrine, uttering a few words to herself, she nods and stands up. Give us the wind to guide our arrows, give us the endurance to stand against your greatest trials and give us honor to prove ourselves against all odds. Caeda recited in her head.

With her prayer finished, Caeda moved back and towards the western gate, not really keen on answering why she made her prayer to Es'marith, if her comrades in arms should ask. Finally, the gate was in sight, Two guards? Seems empty, archers at the wall, possible. She didn't bother to look or send Horus to see if there were in fact archers at the wall, her focus was drawn to the Elven woman, making a slow and careful approach with Horus by her shoulder, Caeda approached the Elven woman, "Sara, the Missive." Caeda stated, staring at the green eyes of the probably Missive, she and the others were to escort. "I am Caeda Valcyn Lennith." She said quick but firmly, as if adressing some military commander. "Here to escort you to haven, with four others, they should be right behind me." Caeda didn't glance back to confirm that, hoping that the others at least did make their way here too. First impressions are important, know who you are dealing with, friend or foe, who they show they are. Caeda nodded once to signify that she had finished speaking.

(I'm assuming you meant Western gate, otherwise this is going to be hilarious that we got to the Eastern one by accident. ( :P ))

Betty knew he was staring, he forgot why, and he assumed if he kept staring at Caeda he'd remember - eventually. She probably was comfortable with it, she hadn't said anything yet. She's reluctant to looking all the way back. She's probably not enjoying my staring. I would come up with a joke, but my OS doesn't know what humor is. His stare began to dissipate when she spoke he only heard a few words, probably something wrong with his audio drive. He could've swore he saw rats run into his chest last night when he was stacking unusually large bricks. But he could make out most of it.

"You're quite tall, Betty.. Or do you prefer BET?"

"All things considered, I think you might just wrestle a Treant to the ground."

Betty enjoyed that first comment immensely, he could probably listen to it for 5 years straight and he wouldn't be tired of it. The second comment was a similar to a comment he had heard a lot from anything that wasn't afraid to speak to them. You'd probably beat any monster in a wrestling match. He'd actually lost a wrestling match with a cyclops once when he was sent out to get wood. Probably the worse day of his life, but he's immortal, he might see worse being a hero. After that match Betty had to hop back with one leg, luckily they had also recovered his blueprint when they recovered him, so they repaired the leg pretty easily.

As Caeda began to speed up, Betty took longer steps to keep pace. He forgot there were others behind him. They might be struggling to keep up. Oh well, they'd catch up eventually. "Betty or BET, either work. Betty is just a nickname, you can call me anything, really. I don't mind." He forgot he was actually in the Elven Districts, he saw Caeda doing something with a knife and a feather, strange. I'd ask her about it, but I don't know if she would assume I saw her was 'weird'. He didn't stop to observe, he just kept moving slightly slower. As they neared the Western gate. Must be the low budget gate, bandits would probably eat through those defenses quickly. I'm just going to stand right..... here. He stood exactly parallel to Caeda. He stayed silent, trying not to embarrass himself. He'd said some pretty stupid things to some important people in the Dwarven District, almost got him melted down a few times. That's a story for another time though. Caeda's making introductions. Betty placed his hands behind his back, folding them. Guess he better not speak until spoken to.
Nozuri Orland

Nozuri nodded to herself after checking the contents of the bag, placing her small number of coins within it as sealing it shut and lugging it over her shoulder. Once she had done so, she turned to find the Halfling grinning at her side with an extended hand. “At risk of mixing you up with all of the other goblins in the room, I am going to assume you are Nozuri. I am Marco, a pleasure to meet you.” he said, which Nozuri nodded in response to before taking his hand and giving it a firm shake.

The pleasure is mine. Treat me well, Marco."

After saying so, Nozuri released Marco's hand and caught up with Caeda, who now had an Owl perched on her shoulder. Nozuri wondered how in Dasiph's name the Owl knew that the Golem was an ally, and how Caeda gathered that information from it, but... She wouldn't question it. The fact remains that the group would gather at the Western Gate, so even without a scout-owl Nozuri would have headed in that direction.

It was only a small while before they reached BET, which Nozuri simply nodded to as she continued jogging after the group. Her legs were smaller than theirs, but that wasn't anything new. After being trained as a soldier throughout her life, Nozuri was able to all-out sprint (matching the speed of a regular race's Run) for a couple of hours without rest, so she really didn't mind. When the group reached the gate between the Elven District and the Main District, Nozuri couldn't help but breathe out a small sigh at the sight. It was an amazing piece of work, that gate. Although... Maybe it would be better to say 'It was a beautiful piece of Nature' rather than a 'Work'? Even though Nozuri had patrolled around town in her spare time for several years, the Elven district was still quite marvelous.

That being the case, she occasionally looked to the sides of the path as she took in the sights, but remained focused on the task at hand while moving behind BET and Caeda. When her elven comrade went to the statue Es'marith's statue in the center of the district, Nozuri payed it no mind. She had once questioned an Elven soldier about why he payed homage to the statue whenever he passed... But in the end, she didn't understand it much. It was simply how things were -- and that's all Nozuri needed to know as she continued walking to the Western gate in silence.

Upon arrival at the Western Gate it didn't take long to find the missive, as she was dressed in the white and blue uniform that marked her as a Missive of Vi'Lora. Caeda, who arrived at the gate first, gave a proper greeting to the Missive, with BET falling in line beside her. Given the fact that it was a Golem, its lack of a greeting would likely be without an issue, allowing Nozuri to breathe a sigh of relief as she straightened her posture and saluted the Missive.

Nozuri Orland, former member of the Outer Guard: Vice-Captain of the 2nd Battalion." Nozuri spoke clearly and concisely as she spoke. The Outer Guard was just as it sounded; they crushed any hostile forces (Bandits, Monsters, common Wolves) in the surrounding area, and it had 3 'Battalions' which had 5 members each. The fighters in the Outer Guard were exceptionally strong, so Nozuri hoped that giving the Missive her previous Rank would alleviate any doubts she had towards Nozuri's ability to contribute to the mission.

As Caeda had already spoken of their objective, Nozuri simply fell in line with her and BET while waiting for the last member of their ragtag group to introduce himself.

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Sara noticed as a small group approached her, not that they would be easy to miss. The first to approach her was a fellow elf, but not alike to herself, this elf was copper toned, and taller than herself, she knew from past encounters that she was a wood elf. Sara stood straight as they approached.

The wood elf addressed Sara in a proper form, as one would expect, however Sara wasn't like her fellow Missives, she was more lenient on such formalities.

"Sara, the Missive. I am Caeda Valcyn Lennith. Here to escort you to haven, with four others, they should be right behind me."

Sara gave Caeda a friendly, but teasing smile, "It's good to meet you, Caeda Valcyn Lennith." Making sure to pronounce her name as it was meant to be spoken. "You may address me simply as Sara, however." She winked at her, and slowly walked towards the group, as a large tin man walked up from behind. A Golem, she thought to herself, always useful, but always good to watch your back around too. She simply smiled to the Golem as he approached in silence.

Another member of the odd party approached, this time, a small goblin girl.

"Nozuri Orland, former member of the Outer Guard: Vice-Captain of the 2nd Battalion."

Nozuri, the goblin introduced herself, with her given name and title. Sara was impressed at the manners of this group, normally when she was 'escorted' by a group of wannabe heroes, they used broken English, and had very little manners.

Sara gave Nozuri a slight nod with her head,
"Pleasure to meet you, Nozuri, glad to have someone as experienced as you aboard." Sara said with a genuine smile, as she continued to look over the rest of the party.

Walking into the middle of the group, as the others shuffled in, Sara gave a small bow, and decided to properly introduce
herself, as Nozuri and Caeda had done before her. "My name is Sara Caynis De'verosi, third Missive to the Vi'Lora Council." She stood up properly, brushing a small strand of bright blonde hair from her face. "Let's all get along as we travel together." She smiled warmly as she finished, looking expectantly at the remaining members of the party, who have yet to introduce themselves.

@Ensig @Windows98 @Sigismund @SP3CT3R @Kencen
Marco Littlefoot slung the little backpack over his shoulder and followed Nozuri out the door, giddy to start his real adventure. He quietly hummed a little tune, taking in the large town in all its glory. It was a welcome change from the wilderness and the bevy of backwater villages he’d traveled through for the last several months, and he’d enjoyed sleeping in a real bed last night, for the first time in just as long. He followed the goblin girl happily, glad to be with someone who knew the town so well. Had he been alone he would probably get lost and run into something interesting, and forget where he was supposed to go in the first place.

Marco saw the large golem in the distance, and wondered if he would allow Marco to ride on his shoulders. He’d try to get to know the golem a little first, but it would be such fun! Near the golem was the elf he’d spoken to earlier, Caeda. He grinned as he examined his new party, then his heart skipped a beat as he saw the second elf, who could only be Sara the Missive.

Absolute perfection! An elven maiden! Marco’s favorite kind of elf! His favorite kind of maiden, for that matter. Her green eyes pierced straight through his heart and into his soul! He quickly straightened out his hair and did his best to saunter over to her, honestly looking quite ridiculous.

“You must be Lady Sara,” Marco started, giving an exaggerated bow. “As good luck would have it, I, Marco Littlefoot, the Savior of Symphonies, the Maestro of Music, the Lord of Lyrics, have come personally to protect you on your journey. I swear on my most handsomest lock of hair that no harm shall come to you while I am around. I am at your service, my Lady.” He bowed once again, then knelt to kiss her hand.
As the Halfling spoke, Sara gave a kind hearted smile towards him. As Marco began to, shall we say 'flirt' with her, Sara's smile grew wider, and more playful then proper. "I see, well I am glad to have you aboard, I have a feeling you will give this trip much more life, then my superiors intended." She smiled at the thought of her displeased commanders. Sara loved chaos, especially in her, normally quite dull line of work. She also appreciated the Halfling's advances, although she took them more as compliments, then anything more, as he was definitely not her type. Besides she was very used to unwelcome advances, although she usually just thought them nothing more than playful banter. As Marco Littlefoot knelt down Sara allowed the Halfling to kiss her hand, as was expected of her, although she made it obvious that she did not want it to happen again, with an awkward nod.

Sara then rested her hand upon the grip of her silver sabre, with a golden colored handle, "Although I am not as weak as one may think." She winked, keeping her playful aura as she continued.

Probably not going to say anything for the rest of this, unless the mission demands it. Nobody really minded, at least he didn't think. He probably wouldn't have seen Nozuri if it wasn't for her hair. It was - pink? Is it natural, or is it the result of a dye? A mutation possibly? (If only I could say Pink doesn't have a wavelength.) Nozuri probably wouldn't appreciate my staring. As he turns back to the Missive, he saw something that entertained him for the few seconds it was going on. Denied. That was all he could think when he saw what happened, he would've started laughing if he didn't feel bad. Bet this is going to eat at his soul for a few days. He was holding in laughter. It made his chassis shake.

Huh? That sabre looks expensive. Could she have paid for transportation? Hopefully, I didn't want to carry everyone, though I'm sure Nozuri would be better off walking, doubt she'd enjoy being on my shoulder. Caeda and Marco would probably have fun, and - where is everyone else? They probably left. This is basically getting paid for nothing, we likely won't encounter anything too bad. (GM's here to prove me wrong.) Well, they probably won't. I've been victim to vicious aerial attacks from wild life before. I can't feel pain, but it bothers me. What also bothers me is my lack of a rucksack, I remember picking it up, but I don't remember dropping it. Oh well, probably wasn't going to need it anyway. He was going to ask about transportation, but we'd probably see in a while.
Caeda stared at the weird display of Marco. So this is how halflings.. Court? Shaking her head, she listens as Sara speaks, with a look and a nod to her other team mates, she begins to speak to Sara. "Our fourth member seems to have been displaced." Caeda frowns beneath her cowl before continuing. "But either he will catch up or we'll make do without." She peered at her allies. "Is there anything we should know about Haven? Or the road ahead.. Personally, I've only most recently arrived to this city and I've yet to find your tree messengers." Do they even have messengers? Caeda thought abruptly, Horus poked her with his beak, breaking her off her thought. "Anyway, more importantly, we have not secured transportation, we'll have to walk, unless.. You already secured some..-" Caeda looked over at BET, "-Sort of transportation, either way, we are all ready on your command." With a slight bow of her head, Caeda showed she was finished speaking.

Satisfied with her questions, Caeda looked out of the Western gate, peering at the road ahead, (Unless the gates are closed...) Mostly looking to see if Sara did actually bring any transport, If so, Caeda will be making her way towards it, after Sara answers her questions. If the transportation have a roof (Like those wagons.) Caeda will climb up and sit by the roof, keeping watch, otherwise she'll hang the furthest back, nearest the exit.

If there is no transportation of a sort, She'll simply wait for Sara to move and follow after, most possibly hanging a little bit back, while keeping an eye out on the sides.

Either way when they get a move on, Caeda will look at BET and speak again. "You should introduce yourself, Betty, is it not a.. City custom to do so?"

(Could not really think much else up, considering we hang on Sara on this right now.)

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