Character Theory Coming up with characters


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Am I the only one who comes up with characters, constantly? Not kidding, I feel like an entire new idea pops up into my mind every second.
You're probably not the only one,but personally I can't create a character until I know what I'll be working with. Like if you want me to make a systematic list of characters, that's np. But without an rp world to latch it onto, it feels kind of pointless(or more than usual).
The worst part of RP is that you have so many ideas constantly flowing in your brain - some of them so amazing and original, but you can't apply them everywhere due to many RPs have some form of limitations.

I do my best to have as little limits for characters in a RP as I can.
I very rarely get a new amazing idea in an instant. I usually use the exact same character with a few adaptions to the RP. In fact, I use the same character so much I actually have to try to not use them
Yeah I've got a lot of ideas roaming around in my mind constantly. Usually one or two will stick until I put them in some kind of story.
Characters use to be relatively easy for me to come up with, but now they're not as easy to come up with. Maybe it's my experience as a RPer and wanting more complex characters to RP with. -shrugs-
Normally I just listen to some dramatic music and then think of a character. Sometimes I even use characters that I created on games and then listen to music to develop their backstories so they can become more than a "game character".
I'm the same with this. I have a notebook full of God knows how many I've made by now in the past two years. I don't think I even use most of them.
I'm the same with this. I have a notebook full of God knows how many I've made by now in the past two years. I don't think I even use most of them.

Most of my characters probably won't even be used in any roleplays. I just come up with them because I like to come up with stories (too bad that being a writer isn't that profitable).
Honestly I can't come up with tons of characters. I either just throw up a quick flat character or it's a super fleshed out character. The first one is more true than I'd like it to be.
I can come up with characters, but they honestly just mesh tropes and stuff together.
Also they usually are aligned with the Mafia in some way, shape, or form.
Zombie apocalypse survival RP?
Well, La Cosa Nostra survived.
Superpowered city RP?
Superpowered Mafia bouncer.
High school RP?
Drug runner; father is a made man.
Spaceship crew RP?
Well, he's had a shady past and a history of extortion.
Happens to me always.

I find it difficult for me to create characters. Not because I am unable to surface ideas and apply inspiration, but because I am unable to keep up with the mass of ideas. It frustrates me that I can't apply them all into one character. Quite discouraging.
I can make characters if I get inspired by pictures and appearances of people but as for new ideas popping up every second? Nah.
It's always plot first for me.

As in, what came first is the plot idea. Usually it's the one which struck me at random time.

After that, comes the world setting to accomodate that plot. And with that comes characters. I think it's easier to create character when you are already making a world for them to live in. It's easier for me to imagine which character is where when the daily life and activities are already established. In this sense, it's not like I'm creating a character; I merely stated what is in the world. The characters are residents of that world. I don't create them. They rose naturally from the world that I have created.

Would that make sense though.
I have too many ideas as well. I used to count how many characters I had, but I stopped at around four hundred. I think my problem is that it's too easy for me to be inspired. Sometimes I'll make a character that originated as nothing more than a random line of dialog that flew through my head out of nowhere.
It's always plot first for me.

As in, what came first is the plot idea. Usually it's the one which struck me at random time.

After that, comes the world setting to accomodate that plot. And with that comes characters. I think it's easier to create character when you are already making a world for them to live in. It's easier for me to imagine which character is where when the daily life and activities are already established. In this sense, it's not like I'm creating a character; I merely stated what is in the world. The characters are residents of that world. I don't create them. They rose naturally from the world that I have created.

Would that make sense though.

I like to come up with a certain character and then create an entire world to explain why his personality is like that, appearance and everything else. And when I realize it, I have created something noteworthy of a becoming a novel. I don't get my mind.
I like to come up with a certain character and then create an entire world to explain why his personality is like that, appearance and everything else. And when I realize it, I have created something noteworthy of a becoming a novel. I don't get my mind.

I feel like that's the complete opposite of my character creation process haha.

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