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Come 1(x1), come all! Interest check.


Nerdlord trash
Hey all! I'm brand new to the site and excited to start doing a few rps. Before we get started, I will say now that I do work 40 hours a week plus a commute. I do have internet at work and I do get breaks and chances to do stuff whilst there, but replies might be slow from me. I also will get into the occasional mood where I need to take a day off from the internet. I will try to let you know before hand, but please do not be offended if it just happens. I do (sometimes) have a life outside of the internet!

Now, if I haven't scared you off yet, let's get down to the nitty gritty. I am pretty easy-going when it comes to rping. I can do any level of rp and I'm not hyper-critical of grammar or spelling. I will happily do MxM and FxF, and even the occasional MxF pairings. I am OC friendly, but please make them realistic.

I don't require pictures or any additional add-ons, but if you want to, hey! Cool by me. So let's get down to it. I'll separate by genre and, in the case of Fandom, by specific media. If a character is bolded, that's the one I prefer to play- but 9 times out of 10 I'm willing to try my hand at the other character if you really want. Also- if I don't list your ship, but I do list your fandom, I probably still ship it and just forgot to add it to the list. So please feel free to message me!



  • Clint/Natasha
  • Steve/Bucky
  • Steve/Tony
  • Thor/Loki
  • Steve/Sam
  • Tony/Bruce
  • Clint/Coulson
  • Clint/Pietro
  • Spiderman/Deadpool
  • Charles/Erik

Dragon Age:

  • Hawke/Anders (prefer M/M)
  • Hawke/Fenris (prefer M/M)
  • Fenris/Anders
  • Hawke/Isabela (prefer F/F)
  • Isabela/Merrill
  • Zevran/Warden (prefer M/M)
  • Leliana/Warden (prefer F/F)
  • Josephine/Leliana
  • Dorian/Iron Bull
  • Inquisitor/Krem

The Raven Cycle

  • Ronan/Adam
  • Ronan/Gansey
  • Gansey/Adam
  • Gansey/Blue

Harry Potter

  • Harry/Draco
  • Sirius/Remus
  • James/Sirius
  • Luna/Neville
  • Luna/Ginny
  • Dean/Seamus

Star Wars

  • Anakin/Obi-wan (Star Wars)
  • Finn/Poe (Star Wars)
  • Finn/Rey (Star Wars)
  • Kylo/Hux (Star Wars)

Misc (for fandoms with only a few pairings)

  • Kirk/Spock (Star Trek either TOS or new)
  • Sailor Mercury/Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon)
  • Madoka/Homura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
  • Lestat/Louis (Interview with a Vampire)
  • Harry/Eggsy (Kingsman)
  • Harry/Merlin (Kingsman)
  • Legolas/Gimli (Lord of the Rings)
  • Bilbo/Thorin (The Hobbit)
  • Newt/Hermann (Pacific Rim)
  • Any pairing from Song of the Lioness

Non-Fandom Plots:


  • Mermaid/pirate (preferred F/F but will do M/M)
  • Monarch/knight (preferred F/F but will do M/M)
  • Human/elf (F/F or M/M, but will do M/F)
  • Knight/pirate (F/F or M/M, but will do M/F)
  • Prince(ss)/Thief (F/F or M/M, but will do M/F)


  • For this, I don't have specific ideas, but anything a la Star Trek, Firefly, or Star Wars is cool by me.
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[QUOTE="Kawazoe Gem]Human/elf (F/F

I'm game for that! Do you have any plot ideas/tropes you're wanting to do?
Fenders (Fenris x Anders) is my ultimate ship, do you have any preferences or AU ideas?
Jazimon said:
Fenders (Fenris x Anders) is my ultimate ship, do you have any preferences or AU ideas?
Not in particular! We could always do a post DA2 "on the run" sort of thing. Those are always fun.
Omg this has to be the first time I've seen someone else interested in IWTV on here... Very interested!<3
ghostling said:
Omg this has to be the first time I've seen someone else interested in IWTV on here... Very interested!<3
Yay! I'll admit, I'm very rusty on my IWTV lore and I haven't actually finished reading the series, but I love Louis and Lestat so much.
DragonHallow said:
Hi! I love your Marvel ships :3 Do you perhaps ship Steve/Loki? Otherwise I'm down for Stucky, Stony or Thorki :D
I don't ship Steve/Loki, but I don't not ship it...if that makes sense haha!
SpartFakles said:
Yay! I'll admit, I'm very rusty on my IWTV lore and I haven't actually finished reading the series, but I love Louis and Lestat so much.
Ahh don't worry neither have I -- it is a very long series, haha. Might we PM?
Bump! If you responded before but never sent/received a message, please feel free to message me again! I can take on one or two new rps.
Hello hello! I am super duper interested in your check. I love your criteria since they suit me just fine. I have been craving a Harry Potter rp for some time now. Romance or not, it makes no difference to me! (And if you do want romance then Drarry is a must :3). For my part, I don't have any requirements just that you don't make it too casual like.

Eg: "Your convo" *insert action here*

Yeah that's all for my part. Hope you will rp with me some times!

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