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Futuristic Combat Tour of the Milky Way Galaxy (Private)

The planet earth, home to the species known as humanity. This species has been through so much in the past 66-million years, from wars to famine, to extinction-level events and many other catastrophes that would have ripped other species and planets apart. Nope, not this species, these species, these humans have survived for so long and why, no other race in the galaxy that has been observing them for as long as they have existed could tell you that. The only thing they do know is that this species is new to the space-faring and has only barely started establishing its own foothold in the galaxy.

But now the galaxy was about to feel what it was like to have humans roaming about the galaxy in a military vessel no-less, some leaders of other races, just couldn't believe the idea that humanity had managed to get this far and survive long enough to be able to become space-faring, others are happy that the humans have finally reached a league of their own in space-travel, the rest of the leaders try and come together to discourage humanity from continuing its endeavor into space by fighting or denying them access to their planets. They thought that if they could starve out the humans then the humans would not have any reason to continue to be in space, oh how very wrong they would eventually turn out to be.

Meanwhile, at spaceport Athena, docking-bay 36-4 the crew of the United Nations Carrier Ship zero-one Invictus was getting the final stragglers of its crew-aboard as they were going to be the first military ship, representing humanity in the stars and the galaxy are preparing to set out on their maiden voyage of the milky-way. All of the crew was excited, some were nervous, others were frightened of what they might find out in the dark reaches of space. But all had a determined mind to see this through and see what life was like on other planets, some were veterans of wars on the planets, others were freshly-trained recruits out of the academy that had never been away from home, let alone their home planet.
"Oh god, this is gonna be such an exciting moment. I can't wait to see what we get to see when we get to our first planet." One of the officers excitedly says to the officer next to him and quickly falls silent as he and the rest of the crew is called to Attention and the captain of the ship walks out onto the deck and everyone, immediately salutes him, to which he gives the order to stop saluting, which they do and return to a position of attention, it was then that he spoke to all of them.

"I am Captain Rangers, you men, and women of this planet, have all been a great opportunity, to become part of the first-ever military endeavor by humanity, in its history among the stars, to patrol and make our presence to the rest of the galaxy be known, now this isn't gonna be easy for most of you because your all used to the gravity of earth, trust me I was too when I first stepped aboard this ship, but I am happy to report that it will get easier, just remember that you are representing humanity aboard this ship, we are humanity upon the stars, so whatever petty crap you have among each other I do not wanna see it aboard this ship, we're here to do a mission and live and work together without any major diplomatic incidents happening. I do not care about your race, where you came from, etc. None of that will have an impact on this ship's mission, do you all understand this? Good! Now, have a safe tour and let's get back to this planet in one piece Hu'ah?! Good! That is all, you're all dismissed!

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