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Combat Continent Rp

(Sorry guys I was out of town)

Soon it had all became darkness. Voices. Everything had faded away. The tingling sensation of numbness had spreaded all over his body. His memories and thoughts were going into a full quietness. Don't silence the voices (<---borderlands reference). He thought as everything became still. He felt like a failure, but felt the sweet release of pain. His eyes were closed and his world stood still.

A shock came. Youch! He thought and the stillness came again. Another wave of shock came. Ouch! Stop it! He thought as his chest was feeling pressure and then release. With his eyes closed, he could not see Yuyao performing CPR on him. Stop with the shaking. He thought as the pace became faster and faster. His senses were coming back and the sensation of numbness was going away due to the awfully, fish-flavored liquid that was spurted on his mouth.

He could feel how his body wa sbeing dragged and placed on a bed. His eyes slowly were opening at Yuyao asking for forgiveness. He felt how his lips were still a bit numb, but managed to smile and look at her azure eyes. He then titled his head towards Tian and Zero and smiled at them. "Thank..." he was trying to say. "...you." He managed to finish. He then slowly moved his hand upwards into a V sign and smiled weakily. "Yuyao, we won!" Be laughed with the few strength he had recovered. "...Just kidding" He added as he looked at the worried Tian
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(No worries ^.^ I'll be busy tomorrow, so you guys can go on ahead without me. Need to sleep soon.)

Yuyao nodded and sniffled, but still looked extremely apologetic. She continued to look over Sam with a tear-streaked face and smiled slightly when he squeezed out a strained laugh. I need to.. improve more. I don't want anyone to go through that. Yuyao thought sadly but determinedly.
Tian smiled. "That's the second thing you had to say?. I'm not any kind of boss nor a heartless monster to not worry for you." He chuckled. "Unluckily for you, I haven't found a food than I dislike, so that would be in hold for now. Keep that in mind, cause if you forget the deal is over." He sighed softly. "Let's hope that an accident like this never happen again." Sam, Yuyao, even Zero, although he wasn't really involved at all, and Tian had to listen to a sermon from the teachers about battle without supervision. They where punished, but began to help each other more after that.

Sooner than what the teachers believed, the four reached level 10. Surprisingly, the first was Tian, then Yuyao with Sam and lastly Zero. Not even a month had passed from that accident, but it helped them grow exponentially. Tian believed that these was fate and their friendship was because it had been written.
A month had passed and Sam felt stronger. Although he was kind of envious that Tian reached the next level faster, he was also proud that his three friends had advanced and were making progress. He was aiming to be the pride of his very own family. He was anxious, cause he knew it would be time to get his first spirit halo. "What was that, that Mama used to say?" Remember, Samuel, our spirit essence is that from our very soil; the earth. When you get spirit halos try to aim for earthen attribute creatures, since they are the most compatible with you. Poison is compatible as well, but go for earthly poison. He was wondering around the place thinking about what would be the best spirit to synchronize with himself.
He comes back of his early training. "Morning Sam, ready to eat?" Although he know his training has no effect, still trains early in the morning. "Apparently the Trip for the spirit halo would be until Friday, at the end of classes." Tian sighs softly. "Apparently, is surprising than 5 people reach rank 10 at the same time" He laughs softly. Apparently, after the incident Yuyao, Sam and Tian grow to level 9, and he only reached level 8 that same day. Most of our classmate praise us of that achievement.
Marietta was glad to finally be going to get her first spirit halo... she really had no idea what to expect as it was her first hunt. She had also heard about the four geniuses that would be accompanying her. A group of four that had managed to rank up to level 10 in just a month. What had taken her nearly a year to accomplish, these four had done so in a matter of days. To say that she was intimidated by those four was a drastic understatement. Marietta had hoped to make friends, but her slow growth had caused many to leave her behind and now a new class was passing her by as well. She just hoped she didn't slow them down too much in the hunt for halos.

She sat alone at the table in the cafeteria, staring off into space as her hand moved the food filled fork to her mouth.
Sam in his deep thought overheard Tian. "I am ready." He said with a smile, as he walked sleepily towards the cafeteria. It was the same as tthe last month. He made line to get some food and then searched for a table. This time, he had decided to choose carrot soup, katsudon and some gohan rice with mushrooms and soy sauce. As he searched for tables, he noticed there were not any tables available, and the ones that seemed to have space reeked of enviousness or jealousy towards him. I think because of our status as geniuses. He wondered as he saw a girl sitting alone and walked towards her. "Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked Marietta as he was holding his food tray.
Marietta was suddenly pulled from her reverie as someone asked to sit with her. In the next few moments, various emotions ran through her brain. First, she was glad someone was trying to sit with her, she wasn't a total pariah at least. Then she looked up and instantly realized who was asking to sit with her. Her gladness turned to the intimidation she'd felt earlier. "Shh... sure," she stuttered to the boy she knew was Sam. "No, I mean, no I don't mind," she clarified. Then she got curious, she wondered if he even knew who she was. She then became fairly confident that he didn't know her name, nor that she was the fifth member of the halo hunt scheduled for later that week.

"You're Sam, right?" she asked after he sat down.
(Sorry guys I'll be off till 10:30 am)

Zero was walking to breakfast thinking "I'm might have came in last to get to rank 10 but everyone has there own pace..right" so he was deep in thought when he bumped the door face first saying "dang it" as he walked in and kept thinking "what was I doing that slowed me down?" As he went into the breakfast line he grabbed some toast and some butter sitting down next to tian and Sam still in thought not recognizing the girl yet.
"Sam, here you are?" Tian was sightly behind broccoli soup and some toast. "Hello," Tian smiles to the new figure at the sight "I'm Tian Fèng, and you are?" He sit at Sam side while saying it. He begin to eat as his morning training get him exhausted. But, he have his ears ready when the girl wanted to talk. Some teachers praises his ability to put his attention in two places at the same time.
Sam sat down when Marietta gave him permission. He was about to begin with his carrot soup, when she asked about him. He stopped and smiled. "Yes! I am Sam King. Pleasure to meet you. And whom may you be?" He asked curiously. As soon as he finished the question, he saw Zero followed by Tian coming to the table and sitting next to him. He felt glad to have so many good friends. He also felt the need to make Marietta his friend as well. "Are you ok?" He asked curiously as she seemed intimidated.
Marietta nodded to Tian as he sat down next to Sam. She wondered if this were coincidence or an effort by them to make her feel inferior. She'd encountered other students who mocked her inability to rank up quickly, she figured these geniuses were about to do something similar. "As if I'm some sort of idiot that doesn't know you..." she thought inwardly when Tian introduced himself. It was at this point that another one of them came and sat at her table. She smiled briefly before Sam also expressed interest in who she was. She responded simply with "Marietta Ramirez".

When Sam asked if she was okay, Marietta realized that they weren't there to mock her, rather they were there to pity her. They obviously knew she was an ordinary student with no hopes of keeping up with the likes of them. She pulled the now-clean fork from her mouth and responded "I'm alright, and you?"
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Sam looked at her with curiousness in his eyes. "I am all better now than one month ago." He said chuckling at the memory of almost dying in the effort of making Tian eat his least favorite food, only to know he doesn't dislike anything. "I've been wondering, Marie. Can I call you Marie? Well, I was wondering why was that you were alone and why have you been like alone whenever it's time to eat." He asked politely.
(Like I said, I've been out all day. I'm afraid I'll mostly be out until Friday due to summer classes. I'll try to respond when I can though. And sorry for the crappy response.)

Yuyao was currently out and training already. A few weeks had passed, and Yuyao was proud to say that she had gotten stronger. Of course, the boys were stronger physically, but she was strong in her own sense. She learned more about poisons and their effects on different aged humans. Yuyao really did not want the incident with Sam happening again.

A lot of people looked down on her because she was a girl, but she didn't let her down. If anything, it fueled Yuyao's desire to get stronger. Yuyao made a reputation of being a little girl who liked helping people out. After spars, she would help the others treat their injuries. Her previous bullies were now her friends because she cared for them after they had gotten themselves in a sticky situation. Well, they owed her after that. They saw her in a new light.

Overall, Yuyao had gotten stronger mentally and physically. She did admit that she was no where near as strong as her parents, but she would get to the that later. Baby steps. Her parents would say. And they were right. If she took it one step at a time, she was sure that she would become powerful.
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Tian, open the book of the class of spirit beast. "Teacher say we should choice wisely what spirit ring we choice to absorb, didn't he?" he continue eating while reading. "Sam, do you know what kind of spirit beast you should absorb?" Tian what his father said to him, Son when you absorb a halo remember it have to have the power of control a element. Fire is the best for our clan, but ice, air, lighting even earth and sand is usable. too. But forget of poison that doesn't mix well with our powers. If possible absorb it from a bird, if not absorb it from a dragon or serpent than is closer to the birds. Remember the key feature is non other than control over the elements.
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Sam stopped munching and looked at Tian. "Yes. Mama said to me that our spirit essence is an earthen kind. She said I should look for things with Earth affinity. She mentioned that since we had a scorpion we could also mix on some poison, but for it to be preferebly from creatures from the earth. She also said that if possible, we should look for insect, anthropod or arachnid types of spirit beasts even if they were elemental." He stopped and continued eating. And remember son: never ever go with water, since that is the nemesis of our born element.
Tian smiles softly. As Sam sees pretty focus in what kind of spirit ring he would absorb. I wish to know what kind of soul Yu would say. He finish his soup with the bread. Why i'm curious about it? He looks Zero "how about you, Zero? what kind of spirit ring to absorb?" Although not waiting to him respond call. Did the same question to Marietta. "Marietta Qiánbèi // sempai // You are coming with us this friday for spirit halo, aren't you?" Tian was an outstanding student. When he ask which day they would get their spirit halos, he receive the name of the fifth member of the expedition."What kind of halo you would absorb?"
Alone? she thought to herself. I'm alone because people always think so little of me and I hate feeling small in the presence of others... "I was alone..." her words trailed off as she tried to answer Sam. Is that true? a voice came into her head. ...No, I was alone because I'm no fun to be around, she concluded in her own mind. Her constant over thinking of others' motivations and her own lack of self esteem had caused Marietta to be a downer and other people avoided her for those reasons.

She didn't know who's voice that was in her head, but it had helped her. She decided to heed any advice that came from that voice in the future. "Marie sounds boring, call me Retta," her voice, tone, and even her mannerisms were much more upbeat and peppy. She was reinventing herself into a new and better person, someone people might want to be around.

She listened intently as Sam and Tian spoke of beasts and halos. "Yes yes, I'll also be hunting with you Friday. I'm soo excited," Retta clamored on. "I really haven't decided what would be best," she said with a giggle before proceeding. "Must do more research," she said in a somewhat evil voice with her hands held upward as if she were some sort of evil scientist.
Zero looked at tian and waited for Marietta to respond but was thinking hmm I can't absorb poisons because it would have no effect..hmmm... My best bet is a plant type or a antipoison type and looked at tian saying "I'm probably going to go with a plant or antipoison type halo but it has to be earth since that is the element of my scythe...but I really don't know which halo from which beast would be best" he said trying to figure one out while rubbing his chin.
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Tian stares Zero. "Your scythe is really weird." Scythes suppose to be a fighting tool spirit but his mutation transform into more support like tool spirit. The mutation is really a odd thing. His staff isn't a carbon copy of his father, nor other members of the clan. He haven't seen two elemental phoenix staff than are complete similar, but it feel the similar presence in all of them. "I know you would get a healing halo. Then you would slash your scythe in the air making a healing wave than restores our power while striking a pose" He jokes.
Zero looks at tian saying "hahaha my scythe isn't just for support it can do devastating attacks to because of my training with it dang I'm not that useless" as he scoffed while saying it and crossed his arms and pouted a little after saying that making him look childish. But then said "but I'm going to look up some plant like monsters that will go with my scythe" he said sighing.
"Still..." Sam said tapping his chin. "Tian really do have a point and you have a Support-type mutation tool essence. Even though you might strike with it, as how Tian can hit with his staff, your skills should go more support-like maybe? Healing? Creating hazards? But what I get to know about you is that you are on the same train as me, Zero. You got to get an Earthen monster and avoid Water or Ice. Also, you should look for plant-type creatures or creatures that benefit plant users"
"Yeah...I might not be strong but my attacks are lightning quick plus I can cause shifts in the earth a little but that's hard since I don't have a halo" he said biting a piece of toast and says "well yeah I need a earth type to and my moms first spirit was a good spirit but I bet I couldn't find something like that" he said smiling a little saying to Sam "yep were on the same train buddy" he said smiling.
Tian chuckles softly. "i know you put the blade in the earth and let it rumble." He pose like he was in the middle of earthquake and laughs. *Then we run." Tian get's up. "Well, see you in class" He have some business with some of the teachers before class so he leave.
Zero looks at tian "hey that's not all...at the moment and watch me I will get strong I promise you that" he said before he bit into the toast he had being a little mad "and nice joke haha" he said sarcastically then looks at tian "yeah I'll see you in class tian" he said looking at his spirit insignia saying "don't worry we'll get strong".

(Determination that power is over 9,000!!!!)

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