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Combat Continent Rp

"Look well," he said while breathing "and say me if there is really an opening big enough to touch me." The circles not only cover the side, but the front and back in a good rhythm. He know his limit but with out some enhance speed, they probably wouldn't touch him. And even with the enhance speed it would be normally hit by the movement of the staff in some second after. "if my staff hit you, you lose your chance"
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Sam nodded and started breathing. He changed his Eight trigram palm stance to that of Tae chi and began to flow with the movements of the staff. He began to move his hands and feet in circles, imitating the movements of the staff. His breathing started to become balanced and his etes were focused on how the staff was moving. His whole body began to imitate the staff. With each breathing, he tried to focus and amplify his spirit pressure. He made his spirit pressure try to crash with Tian's spirit aura. As soon as he felt his was at its maximum limit, he released his essence. Getting the chitin onto his shoulders and the hardening of his hands along with his claws. The chitin was amber in color. He flowed with his breathing.
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She listened to Tian's rules and nodded. Touch him. Don't get touched by the staff. Yuyao mentally summarized. Look, Yuyao. Are there any openings? Her parents' words echoed in her mind. Look for an opening and strike. Yuyao watched Tian's carefully crafted moves. She would have to be fast and resilient to touch him without getting touched by the staff.

Ah.. the rules. It didn't say anything about using our own weapons huh?
Yuyao allowed herself to smile slightly and took out a flower from her pocket. It was a curare. A poisonous flower. The poison the flower held was called alkaloid.

Alkaloid. A poison that paralyzes the victim and the victim's the respiratory system. The victim is aware of his or her surroundings, but cannot move until death. This kind of poison delivers a slow death. If the correct antidote is given, then the victim will survive.

She was immunized to all the poisons of the flowers she carried to a good extent. It wouldn't affect her nearly as much as it would as it would affect a normal person. Yuyao was only six. The girl had plenty of time to improve, and she would use that time to continue to build her immunization to all the flowers she carried.

Yuyao also began to pace her breathing, trying to do the same as Tian and Sam. Although it wasn't as good as them, she was off to a good beginning. While Sam was getting ready to attack, Yuyao was doing the same. She got ready to get Tian to inhale the poison. Quick and resilient. Go in while he's distracted. He wouldn't die by her poison. She would make sure of that.
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He smiles "let the wind flow" as he begin to release his spirit power through the staff the wind surrounding him become fluctuate making a barrier of wind. "Fèng family spirit skill Barrier of wind, This is the first skill of my family, this staff is for manipulation of the elements even in this state can produce some control over the wind around him" The difference of Tool spirit and beast spirit is big. Beast spirit change their force internally but the tool spirit is externally, as such a degree of manipulation of the environment is possible for tool spirits, he have deflect some pebbles with it, but he want to see the limits of this Technic.
Sam feels overwhelmed by the wind rushing. Think. Think. What can I do? I still do not have any spirit skills to use at my advantage. And Mama said someone will show me how to use a vast variety of trickeries and sneaky abilities once the time came. He stared in awe, flowing, letting his chi go from one foot to the other; from one palm to the other. He switched styles to the Eight Trigram Palm and began to focus all his spiritual energy on one spot in his right hand. His breathing became agitated as it was hard to control. "I won't eat Sweet peach ham nor Mash carrots with tomato sauce!" He tried not to shiver as his energy was collected into his palm. He tried to strike the barrier with his elbow with all the spirit pressure he could gather, but as he was about to hit, he changed his footwork, rolled and unfolded his arm, just to strike with his fist. This was a sudden change from Eight Trigram Palm to Lai Tung Pai
Cool! Yuyao thought in awe at the wind flowing around Tian. She was getting excited at the stuff she was seeing. But I don't wanna eat those nasty veggies... Gotta win, gotta win. She said to herself. As Sam lunged to break down the barrier, she concentrated her spirit essence in her foot and also did the same except from another direction.
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The barrier of wind is a deflecting ability than our family create, My son. it's no breakable by brute force since most things can get in easily. Then, why i can deflect those pebbles? Simple the wind make the pebbles move towards your staff but the moment of your staff is ahead and lot faster than the pebble making fly in the direction they leave the barrier. He see the palm in front of him and feeling kick at his side. Let's see if the wind carries you towards the staff Sam, Yu? If the wind is strong enough the kick of Yu would be prorogued and maybe hit Sam while Sam palm would be carried away making his stomach wide open. We don't even know what is in the menu today, maybe neither of our hated food is in it.
As Sam felt the wind trying to blow his fist away. He buried his feet deep in the soil, keeping the stance and trying for it to make a breaking point. All his spirit pwoer was concentrated on that fist. It was the threshold he had to break and no staff nor wind was going to make him fail. I have to go through. For Mama and Papa's sake. He thought as he pushed forward, not caring if he strained his body.
Her kick wasn't going through. She backed off on her kick and observed the wind. The wind was all around us. If the wind carried over to Tian... Oh. She blinked. So I could use poison like this too. Yuyao thought happily. The girl ripped her flower petals into little pieces and let the wind barrier swirling around Tian to carry the leaves. As the leaves flowed with the wind, the flower's poison would be carried to Tian who would inhale the poison. Unless Tian was trained to be immune to alkaloid poisoning like she was, he would become paralyzed and slowly start to have trouble breathing.

(Off to sleep. Night you guys!)
He is surprised the resistance of Sam. The wind barrier created by the movement of one end of the staff was finishing, and he would have a few seconds of free movement. The sudden break of it would help him to evade, or even to reach me, in time; the other end the staff was a 4 cm behind end of the barrier. He see in the corner of his eye Yu's palm setting free some shatter flowers. Is that a poisonous flower? Yu, you are really cleaver, i like it. Sadly the wind than those leaves are riding aren't going to the inside of the barrier but towards Sam. He feels kind of sad for Sam as the scene in front of his eyes happen.
As soon as Sam felt the barrier wavering by sheer force and spiritual pressure, the corner of his eyes got a glimpse of something. "Yuyao that is some pretty..." He stopped for a second as the petals didn't go towards Tian, but towards him and his nose was filled with the sweet, yet poisonous venom. "...flower?" His speech then stopped and his grip was lost, falling in reverse towards the ground and hitting his back on the soil. Why do I feel numb? Why can't I feel my hands nor my feet? What's happening? He thought, not being able to open his mouth.
Zero watched his friends at the beginning of the fight so he started to train by himself pulling out a scythe that was two times bigger than him and weighed two times more than him with a green blade and a green spear on the other hand while the grip was purplish black that was glistening, so he started swinging and twirling it cutting the air a little so he put some wheight on it and started swinging it again.
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As Yuyao waited patiently for her poisons to take effect. Then she noticed something weird? Why isn't he weakening? The poison should have been carried by the wind to him. She pondered in thought and looked around her surroundings. Wait. Is that Sam? Oh... not thinking about winning anymore, Yuyao rushed over to Sam. "Um... this isn't supposed to happen," she nervously said. Usually, people too longer to show symptoms of being poisoned. It hadn't even been five minutes since she spread the flower, and he was already paralyzed like this. She dug through her pockets and realized she didn't have the antidote with her. Stupid Yuyao!! Yuyao berated herself. Think Yuyao... think.
Sam remained still and conscious about what was happening. How come this happened? I have to create a way to break a barrier later. I need to devise a plan. And I have to teach Yuyao some things to help me defeat that thing. His thoughts were lost and his mouth was closed. Because he was a child the poison took effect quicker. I have to survive. I HAVE TO SURVIVE!
Looks Yuyao and panic a little. " we should take Sam to the infirmary" Calling back the staff to myself, to stop the movement of the wind. "Sam, are you okay? We would take you to the nurse immediately." Tian grab him to help him to arrive to the infirmary.
Zero saw what happened and rushed to them saying "what happened here" looking at tian for a answer and helps support Sam to lighten the load on tian.
"Zero, we need to bring Sam to the infirmary fast" He begin to take Sam to the infirmary as fast he could. The infirmary wasn't to far but it can feel the rush in Tian. He don't want to lose his first friend at all. The worst part is classes begin today this is bad for Sam, Yuyao and me.
[QUOTE="Yin Yang Warlock]"Zero, we need to bring Sam to the infirmary fast" He begin to take Sam to the infirmary as fast he could. The infirmary wasn't to far but it can feel the rush in Tian. He don't want to lose his first friend at all. The worst part is classes begin today this is bad for Sam, Yuyao and me.

Zero heard what tian said and picked up the pace to get him to the infirmary faster saying "alright we'll get him there as fast as we can" he said with a smile to try and get tian to calm down a little. But he did think about class and we have to start hurrying up a little.
Yuyao shook her head. I need to get the cure. Wait.. cure? She turned her head to look at Zero with almost desperate eyes. "Didn't you say that you knew about anti-poisons and stuff? Do you have any with you anti-poisons with you?" Just taking him to the nurse would be cutting it close at the rate the poison was spreading.
Zero looked at yuyao saying "I have a bunch but I don't know what flower you used since he's paralyzed there's hundred maybe thousands of flowers with those symptom" he said looking at yuyao thinking "which flower and poison could this be..think think"
"It's the alkaloid poison from a curare," Yuyao said hastily. Ah! He's not breathing anymore. Just in case this kind of thing happened, her parents taught her something. Artificial respiration, or CPR (cardiopulmonary respiration). "Hurry and find the antidote," she said to Zero before performing CPR on the conscious Sam. It would definitely hurt, but this was the only way she could think of to get him to breathe.
Zero said "alright I'll get it out now okay" he said as his ginormous scythe came out and he stuck it Into the ground and as soon as he did that the blade of his scythe opened up and viles of antipoison could be seen and they started moving until a whiteish blue one ca,e up and grabbed it saying "this is the one" and scrambled back to Sam moving yuyao out of the way pouring the antipoison into his mouth saying "good thing I had the digestible antipoison on me as he wiped his forehead as Sam could be heard breathing so after that zero puts the vile back in the scythe leaning against it.
As soon as Zero got the anti-poison out, she moved out of the way. When the anti-poison started to visibly cure Sam of the poison, she sighed in relief. Then, her vision started to get blurry. She was crying. It was all my fault... "I'm sorry, Sam! I.. I should've known that poison works differently on kids," She cried out and sat with both legs folded underneath her in a formal position. "You almost died because of me. I'm sorry," her voice dropped to a whisper.
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Tian say strongly. "Calm!" Let's hope the flower didn't get to his lungs. As he remembers the action of Yuyao. "Come on this isn't this isn't the moment of crying Yu!" he offer a small smile. "Yu is more my fault than yours." he said softly. But instead of crying, he watch over his friend.
Zero sighed and stood up picking up his scythe and made it disappear and went over to yu saying "it's alright yu I healed him so you don't have to cry okay" he said patting her head while smiling a little then turns to sit down a little bits away sitting in between tian and yu watching over Sam to.

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