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Futuristic Colonized Sol Characters



Mechanized Artyom
These are the available slots for the UNE and MHO.
Admiral of Superfleets
-Reserved- MHSC-1 Hera Kratoria
---- MHS Apollo
---- MHS Ares
---- MHS Hephaestus
---- MHS Zeus

Admiral of Smallfleets

General of Horizon and National Guard

General of Marines

Captain of Belt Squadron

Captain of Inter-Planetary Squadron
Claire Anderson

Surveillance and Engagement
-Infinite, 1 Captain-
Scouting Force
-Infinite, 2 Captains-

Fighter Force
-Infinite, lead by (admiral of smallfleets)-

Hans Weber

Horizon and National Guard
-Infinite, lead by (general of horizon and national guard)-

-Infinite, lead by (general of marines)-

Available Ranks
Colonel (1 ea)
Lieutenant Colonel (1 ea)
Major (1 ea)
1st Lieutenant (2 ea)
2nd Lieutenant (2 ea)
Anything below this in U.S. Army ranks are infinite.

Admiral of Superfleets
---- UNSC-1 Geb Hubun
---- UNSC-2 Horus Fada
---- UNS Ma'at
---- UNS Apophis
---- UNS Ptah

Admiral of Smallfleets

General of Horizon and National Guard

General of Marines

Captain of Belt Squadron
Captain of Inter-Planetary Squadron
Surveillance and Engagement
-Infinite, 1 Captain-

Fighter Force
-Infinite, lead by (admiral of smallfleets)-

Horizon and National Guard
-Infinite, lead by (general of Horizon and National guard)

-Infinite, lead by (general of marines)-

Available Ranks
Colonel (1 ea)
Lieutenant Colonel (1 ea)
Major (1 ea)
1st Lieutenant (2 ea)

2nd Lieutenant (2 ea)
Anything below this in U.S. Army Ranks are Infinite

In your sheet, pleas provide at least the following.
- Rank
- Position (if apliccable)
- Loadout (ship, main weapons, etc)
- Name
- Age
- Year Enlisted
- Minimum is Brief Background, but more is always welcome
Last edited:
Claire Anderson

First Name: Claire

Last Name: Anderson

Callsign: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Ethnicity: Scandinavian

Status: Alive - Active Duty
Height: 5’7” (170 cm)

Weight: 135 lbs (61 kg)

Build: Slender

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Brown

General Physical Description:
Date of Enlistment: March 13th

Branch: M.H.O. Navy

Rank: Lieutenant Commander (Major)

Position: Captain of Inter-Planetary Squadron

Navy Standard Battle Uniform - Lieutenant Commander Insignias (x1)
Standard Combat Knife (x1)
Officer's Oni Pistol (x1)
SMG Chatterbox - Emergencies (x1)

Alignment: True Neutral

Key Personality Traits:
- Modest
- Cold Hearted
- Responsible

- Loyalist
- Decisive
- Calm

- Family
- Cruel
- Socializing

Biography: Claire was born and raised on the colony of Mars, with two older siblings, mother, and father. It was a warm family, bonding and love was a constant with each other. Her father was a local law enforcement officer who was once a former military official, and her mother a physician. As they were financially well off, Claire was cherished as a child. Throughout her childhood Claire was friendly and did extremely well in school. Upon turning eight, the government invited her to a private academy that trained "civil officials" in which her parents gladly accepted. Little did they know this was a government facility created to wither our the weak and raise them into military officers loyal to Mars.

Upon arriving at the academy, Claire was quickly thrown into the chaos as an elimination round of sorts that took place to get rid of the physically weak. A month long rigorous course ran kids to the brink of death and exhaustion. From the roughly ten thousand kids that arrived, only five thousand remained. Claire meekly surviving, she had first hand witnessed the hell that it was as her friends had also passed away from the month long hell. Up next was the mental test. The military only wanted strong willed, but loyal soldiers in the field as they indoctrinated the kids with endless Martian propaganda and taught them military discipline. Brainwashed, the years following taught them modern military strategy and training with the idea that people from Earth were the sole enemy as hundreds of students mysteriously disappeared throughout the years.

Years after her arrival Claire went from the friendly and loving little girl to a cold hearted solider of the Mars Humanity Oasis. Seen as a rather skilled tactician, Claire was specifically chosen to be one of the graduating officers into the navy. After graduating as an Ensign (Second Lieutenant) of the navy, Claire was given a chance to visit her family in the first time since. Her family were completely shocked. Claire still loved her family but there was lack of an expression of it. After the short visit, Claire was transferred to a vessel and was their strategy officer proving herself in short skirmishes and training exercises. As tensions rise between Mars and Earth, Claire was at the forefront of it as the skirmishes between the two navies intensified and quickly displayed her skills with quick raids on trade vessels and stations.
SCPO Hans Weber

accessing file ...... granted
retrieving file ...... complete_

First Name: Hans

Last Name: Weber

Callsign: N/A (IC-determined)

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Ethnicity: Caucasian - German

Status: Alive - Active Duty

Height: 5 ft. 9 in. (175 cm)

Weight: 175 lbs. (79 kg)

Build: Lean - Mesomorphic

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Dirty-Blonde


Branch: M.H.O. Navy

Rank: Senior Chief Petty Officer (Master Sergeant)

Position: M.H.O Fighter Force - Scalper Pilot / NCO

Previous Units (and relevant experiences):

9th Martian Marines Corps, 5th Engineer Section, Engineer
(Basic Training) (MOS Training) (Aero-Astronautical Course) (NCO Course) (Drone Specialist Course) (CQB Course)

12th Martian Navy, 7th Fighter Regiment, Fighter Pilot
(Basic Flight Training) (Infiltration Course) (Raiding Course)

Primary: Chatterbox SMG (5.7 x 28mm)
Secondary: N/A
Melee: Standard Combat Knife

Standard-Issued Naval Fatigue - Senior Chief Petty Officer Insignia
Standard-Issued Crewman Exosuit with load-bearing vest
Standard-Issued Field Dressings
Auxiliary oxygen canisters
Auxiliary repair kit
Extra magazines (5.7 x 28mm)
MREs and Hydration Pack

Scalper Fighter(x1)


Alignment: Neutral Good

Key Personality Traits:
- Hard-working
- Loyalty
- Open-minded

- Faithful
- Humorous
- Tolerant

- Lax
- Emotional
- Indecisiveness

Hans was born an orphan on Earth, before being sent to Mars as part of the student-exchange program. Little is known of his origins aside from birthplace and residency in Germany before taking refuge on Mars. Having graduated high-school, Hans obtained his citizenship via service in the Marine Corps. After three years in the corps, Hans had learned many things of which he would deemed as useful for the advancement of mankind. However, all of his sentiments for earth would fade when the war broke out. His best friend's recent death would drive him into an unstable state, almost on the brink of a military discharge. It was then, he redeemed himself in the heat of a suicidal attack, of which had helped to secure a mining colony with a handful of men against UNE's forward reconnaissance-echelon. It was there, he had confirmed his beliefs as a Martian through and through, with one sole purpose of ending the war.

Recovering from his wounds, he would be transferred to the Inter-Planetary Squadron, due to his extensive use of drones in the recent battle for MS-095. It was here that he was quickly taken through the Scalper's flight training and passed the aptitude test with ease. Within a few weeks, Hans had finished his officer course and assumed command of his own squad as an auxiliary delegated acting sergeant, although met with much objections from the board of commands. However, due to manpower shortage and the limited amount of capable leaders on hand within the sector, Hans was inducted into the Inter-Planetary Squadron nevertheless. He would be assigned under the direct command of the new inter-planetary captain - Claire Anderson.


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