• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic Colonized Sol OOC

Sweet! Glad to be apart of this RP!
I'm glad to have you in it. I should mention, you're general physical description isn't showing up. It isn't a big deal, since it does seem your character has most of her physical attributes already listed.
I'm glad to have you in it. I should mention, you're general physical description isn't showing up. It isn't a big deal, since it does seem your character has most of her physical attributes already listed.
Ah! I shall fix that when I have the time. Appreciate the heads up!
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Your character has been listed. You are accepted.

look at you two working together

If either of you are interested in using multiple characters, please do so. Advertising in your signature may also be appreciated due to the small numbers we are likely to have.
I was wondering if I could start off with some passive RP aboard my vessel? Casual conversation and daily life as such?
Oh, sorry for not being clear. Yes, we are ready to begin, just not with anything "Major", understand? I still need to finish up some things for lore and weapons and such.

I'll be posting my characters once I finish the paladin vessel.
Of course! Could you give me a starting area and vessel, just so we have some knowledge of what's up as well?
*(insert roast for being a LtCmdr and not be able to navigate to the right page)*

"Are those the grids you were looking for, Lieutenant Commander? Hehe ecks dee xD"

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