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Realistic or Modern College in South Korea

@FairlyLocal @Sunkissed I'm awake btw why does my own character's relationship make me feel so sad just knowing they broke up over a giant fight but were in love it just..hurts my heart so bad with how my girl feels over him.

Actually makes me feel like crying honestly fml (doesn't help her playlist is also really sad omfg)

I'm working on a reply now btw.
@Sunkissed You seem to be the only one awake besides me.. did you see my post in the rp? what do you think? *pokes*

What do you think of the whole he had been going to propose the day they broke up?

(my heart hurts so much omfg T_T .. halp sun...halp)
RegalWindstar said:
@Sunkissed You seem to be the only one awake besides me.. did you see my post in the rp? what do you think? *pokes*
What do you think of the whole he had been going to propose the day they broke up?

(my heart hurts so much omfg T_T .. halp sun...halp)
it's cute :D
@Sunkissed If you went to the spot I linked might wanna reload page I decided to add the voice messages she got to it. Not sure if you were reading it or not yet
RegalWindstar said:
*Slaps you* WAKE UP FAIRLY WAAAKE UUUUP *Slaps again* does that help? (> :D )
No xD

My nose is all stuffy and I'm pretty sure I need an earwax extraction because my ear is blocked
FairlyLocal said:
No xD
My nose is all stuffy and I'm pretty sure I need an earwax extraction because my ear is blocked
Stuffy nose? go to the bathroom, fill the sink with hot water (make sure you have a plug in the drain) close the door so its only open a crack put your hair back if its long and put a towel over your head leaning over the sink the steam from the hot water will usually help
FairlyLocal said:
I'm still tired af through

Sleepy sleepy sleepy

I've been watching "shit Bts says 7" xD
If you feel sleepy things that usually help me is

  • Cold shower
  • Splashing cold water on the face
  • Certain fruits like apples or oranges
  • Coffee
  • Light exercise (such as yoga)
  • Going outside or opening a window and getting some fresh air for a little while

not sure if any of that will help you but you could try it.
RegalWindstar said:
If you feel sleepy things that usually help me is
  • Cold shower
  • Splashing cold water on the face
  • Certain fruits like apples or oranges
  • Coffee
  • Light exercise (such as yoga)
  • Going outside or opening a window and getting some fresh air for a little while

not sure if any of that will help you but you could try it.
Thank youuuuu
FairlyLocal said:
Thank youuuuu
Tiredness can usually be caused by over or under sleeping or by insomnia. It doesn't matter how much sleep you get insomniacs always feel tired which my whole family apparently has insomnia.

If you underslept I recommend having a quick nap if the tiredness gets to be too much if you over slept or have insomnia the list I gave probably will help.

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