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Realistic or Modern Coldpine. [OOC]


The Origin of The End.

Coldpine, US of A. Named cleverly after the town's never-ending series of pines that surround the town for miles upon miles, as the town's main resource is Pine Wood and Pine based masonry and resourcing. The town itself has history rooted in American past, as in medieval times it used to be a focal point for torture, exile, banishment, and even covert meeting from the townsfolk to the Cold Pines. The town has always and forever has been a secluded and private place, the citizens very close and well known with each other. They welcome tourists and visitors from all walks, but when it comes to outsiders trying to become a part of their fold, the reserved town becomes suspicious. Why? No one really knows for sure, some say that there's a sinister secret that veils Coldpine like a curse, others believe Coldpine is at the center of some sort of conspiracy. But no matter what side you believe, one thing remains.

There's a greater truth out there, waiting to be found. Welcome to Coldpine.

  • Coldpine3.jpg

    The Cold Pines

    Coldpines.jpg ColdPines2.jpg Cold Pines.jpg

CS PAGE => Coldpine. [CS]
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just finished up my cs for susannah if you wanna take a peek.
Hey, I saw that Loriana and Susannah have a lot in common. Especially the relationship with Millie and addictions. Thye would probably be close friends wouldnt they?
Oh, I just realized lol. But yeah I think they definitely would be if you want them to have some history with each other. :closedeyessmile:
Okay, cool. So they probably met at the orphanage, became relatively good friends, probably even partied together? And they'd both be upset over Millie's death, maybe they bond or even comfort each other over their loss?
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Okay, cool. So they probably met at the orphanage, became relatively good friends, probably even partied together? And they'd both be upset over Millie's death, maybe that brings them closer together?
Well, Loriana lives at the orphanage so it's a safe bet they met there. Parting together is defeinatly something they would have done, and that sounds like the kinds thing that brings people together.
Well, Loriana lives at the orphanage so it's a safe bet they met there. Parting together is defeinatly something they would have done, and that sounds like the kinds thing that brings people together.
Great, now that's TWO characters that's gonna hate Jordy from the start lol jkn :O
Well... while we wait for more people to join or whatever, anyone wanna discuss relationships with the sheriff’s son?
Jordy will be making to look for friends, and I think Loriana and Susannah will probably not like her seeing as how she's moving into Millie's aunts house, maybe Julian could sympathize with her? Or do you think he'd probably not like her either at first?
Considering the type of person Julian’s raised to be, I think he’d be one of the few to actually willingly welcome Jordy and her family. Just to make sure they’re welcome and have some sort of good vibes to feel a little more comfortable. He’d probably make some sort of attempt to become acquainted with her, I dunno if I used her right, I’m trying to sound fancy.
Considering the type of person Julian’s raised to be, I think he’d be one of the few to actually willingly welcome Jordy and her family. Just to make sure they’re welcome and have some sort of good vibes to feel a little more comfortable. He’d probably make some sort of attempt to become acquainted with her, I dunno if I used her right, I’m trying to sound fancy.
Then she'd probably be surprised when she finds out he's the sheriff's son, it'll make her think he's vanilla, but would definitely connect with him nonetheless
Casper in general shies away from people but also tends to enjoy people's physique and like. if they aren't outright hostile kind of admire them?

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