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Realistic or Modern Coldpine. [CS]


The Origin of The End.
OOC => Coldpine. [OOC]

  • Name:








    Personality Goods: (up to 5)

    Personality Bads: (up to 5)

    Persona: (Personality & Behavior)

    Hobbies and Talents:


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Name: Jordana Charleston aka "Jordy"

Age: 16


Weight: 115 lbs.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Female

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Occupation: High School Junior // New Girl of Coldpine.

Personality Good:

  • Independent
  • Intellectual
  • Optimistic
  • Alluring
  • Strong-Willed
Personality Bad:

  • Unemotional
  • Impulsive
  • Irresponsible
  • Impatient
  • Curious


Independence is Jordana’s principle, she craves adventure and excitement and welcome change with open arms. She makes an excellent friend because of her encouraging, positive nature and her kind heart that will do anything to make sure the friend is happy. She does not expect favors in return, the kindness is selfless. She does not interfere with other people's plans and is never possessive or jealous. She treats others the way they want to be treated and lives life based on a 'live and let live' policy, this makes her so agreeable. She is a born entertainer and conversationalist. With no shortage of ideas due to her adventurous lifestyle and exciting life experiences. She makes the excellent storyteller, comedian, writer, philosopher, and actress to name a few, but not emotional or moody at all. In fact, she can be downright emotionally detached but she does get irritable when bored. Jordana is a well adjusted person with no emotional problems holding her back. She just wants to explore the world and not fret about emotions and feelings. Despite hardships, she is always optimistic that good things will happen tomorrow and the future carries good luck. Jordana has a vibrant, expansive personality that is free like a bird, the girl cannot be contained. She’s full of curiosity and always looks forward to the future, never dwelling on the past. Jordana is detached from emotions because emotions hold a person back, she does not like to talk about her feelings, just simply experience them and move on.

Hobbies and Talents:
  • Excellent dancer
  • Very charismatic when it comes to conversation and humor.
  • Pretty good swimmer and athlete, choosing tough sports over cheerleading.
  • Exercising and working out; Physically at the gym, and mentally doing puzzles or reading a good book.
  • Loves comics and anime
  • Loves to travel and explore; Hiking is her go to exercise.
  • Writing poems and drawing great sketches.
  • Naturally a magnet for male attention and doesn't even realize it.
  • Knowing JUST what to say in sad or anger filled moments to make it better.
  • Seems to have never-ending positivity.
  • LOVES video games.
  • Under her quiet and surface behavior, Jordana is extremely intelligent.
  • She can cook up a chef-class meal with skill and passion.


Jordana was born and raised in California to a loving father and mother. She was raised with tea parties with mommy and game days with her father. She maintained AB honor roll through middle school into high school, and was captain of her Key Club as well as a spelling bee finalist in Cali. She swam competitively, as her involvement in academic and extracurriculars granted her popularity where she studies to be a Biochemistry major looking for colleges. On the outside she looks fierce, but her timid yet quietly wise aura does not match her looks. Her confidence lacks but one would never know because of her elusive an drew mysterious nature. It would take a real investment to find out what Jordy is truly all about. She fell in love with pop culture growing up playing games with her father. She started to read comics and anime and get into the fictional movies and shows as well. She had the life in Cali. The friends, the status, the men. She was happy. And then she got the news that they were moving, the sorrow on their parents' faces when they knew Jordana had to leave it all behind. All because of some stupid backwater town in the rural mountains of USA, a place called Coldpine. Her father Hollander had gotten a Corporate Masonry job there, their Pine resources top notch and very lucrative. Her mother would simply transfer to the regional hospital in the town, and Jordana was left with nothing, no choice, no say. Jordana said her goodbyes to friends, angry and bitter inside topped with a cherry of pain and sadness. Just like that, the life she knew was past news. They drive almost across country to Coldpine, and upon the drab and dreary tone of the town, she knew it was the opposite of what she's used to. Little did she know, she was about to stumble into something bigger than she ever imagined in the small town. Small town, large secrets awaited. She was about to experience The Cold Pines.

"I mean, I'm just saying! Peter Parker is one of US, AND a superhero that balances death with responsibility and strength. Spider-Man is BAE."
Loriana Hoizer
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Name: Loriana Hoizer

Age: 17

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 132 Pounds

Sexuality: Demi-Sexual

Gender: Female

Zodiac: Aquarius

Occupation: Pet Store Employee/Highschool Senior

Personality Goods: Strong | Loyal | Protective | Kind | Intelligent

Personality Bads: Hot Headed | Untrusting | Addictive | Blunt | Apathetic

Persona: To sum up Loriana's personility is a bit hard. Starting with the good in her, Loriana is kind to those she cares about, mostly the other kids at the orphanage. She's very protective of them, and while her loyalty isn't easily earned, everyone one of the kids there has it. She's also pretty smart, her grades are decent and she's useful in a pickle because of her observant nature. She can sometimes quickly come up with solutions that help everyone. But not everyone is perfect.

Getting to the bad side of her, this is the side most people see. She's a bit of a bully, and some would say she even bullied Millie. That wasn't true, she teased her a bit, but they were like sisters. It wad all in good fun, and Millie knew this, so she didn't mind. Anyway, she cares very little for the plight of others, being apathetic can do that. She's also quick to anger of you rub her the wring way, and doesn't let go of a grudge easily. Loriana also has an addictive trait, which means her social drinking and smoking at the few highschool parties have turned to a contanst. She's also very blunt, and untrusting making friends a difficult thing to come by. But hey, your mean friends are the ones really looking out for ya.

Hobbies and Talents:

- Reading
- Gaming
- Singing; She's pretty good too, but doesn't like to sing infront of people
- Smoking; Unfortunately, is addicted. But, she can blow smoke rings, so it's cool.
- Drinking; Same situation as above, borderline alcoholism. Holds A keg stand record.

Born and raised in Coldpine, Loriana has lived, and still lives in the Coldpine Orphanage. She was given up hardly a month old, her parents nowhere to be found, Loriana hasn't had the easiest life. As a child, it was hard to see other kids and their parents. She got jealous, and wondered why she wasn't wanted. Why she was unloved. Various couples would try to adopt her, but found her too stubborn. She was mean and lashed out in school, until Millie. At first, Loriana wasn't sure what to make of her, but they made fast friends. Despite being older than her, Loriana and Mille became best friends. Actually, closer, they were like sisters. Nearly inseparable; they would do everything together. Millie was the best little sister anyone could ask for, and Loriana couldn't be happier. One of the most interesting moments of Loriana's life was when the Mayor of Coldpine wanted to adopt her when she was 15. It was revealed that the Mayor was actually her mother, and she was given up because of some scandal or whatever, and that's why she was dropped like a sack of shit. Loriana spit in her face and left the room. She would soon turn it into an opportunity of blackmail, and not can get some pretty cool stuff. It was also around the same time that Loriana started attending parties. Normally, they weren't exactly her scene, but she eventually grew into it. Social smoking turning into a habit she can't quit. Drinking turning into an escape. Also, something to impress by as she currently hold a record for longest keg stand. Anyway, she emanated to keep her bad habits fairly under control. Up until...Millie's body was found.

Loriana can remember someone screaming and crying as they police wouldn't let anyone see her. She almost didn't recognize it was her own voice. The police had to investigate of course, and even went into the possibility of foul play that put Loriana up as the prime suspect. It was hard walking around school, people believing you're a murderer. Her drinking increased, so did her smoking. She even got into a few fights. When Millie's death was ruled as scuide, Loriana was the first one to call bullshit. There was no way Millie could do something like that. Many people still believed that Loriana was the one behind it, others finally felt sorry for her. Reguardless, Loriana knows there's something more going on.

"Look, all I'm saying is that Wonder Woman is one of the best female hero's of all time. She's super strong, she's smart, and not to mention they Gal Gadot is super hot, and is Wonder Woman. Truly an icon."
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Julian carter simmons-rios
no slide

Personality Goods:
- Determined
- Focused
- Loyal


Persona: Growing up as the sheriff's son put Julian in a little boot, he took on the persona of a determined leader. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing but it had its ups and downs. Sometimes he could be a tad controlling, but he won't admit when he's in the wrong. It's hard, really, especially if it means letting his father down. That's just a huge no-no. He could never look his father in the eyes knowing he'd done something bad and not own up to it. Being the sheriff's son though gave him popularity perks, he was known, and since he was expected to do well by everyone, he certainly did. He just likes pleasing people. Now, something that Julian knows is that he's at least somewhat good-looking. Though, despite the occasional girl throwing herself at him, he's only been in one sort of on and off relationship overtime. He wouldn't consider himself a player, though he could definitely play the part.


History: Julian grew up with his father and his mother. Now, here's the simple gist of it. Everest Simmons (David Giuntoli) grew up with his family at a young age and met Lilliana Rios (Penelope Cruz), some girl who moved to Cold Pines in their sophomore year. Well, she wasn't any girl, really, she was Everest's high school sweetheart. They went through a heck of a lot, but they had Julian, their pride and joy. Their only child, and only one they really needed.

Throughout his life, Julian was taught to be tough and strong. Though his mother did baby him quite a bit, when he was with his father, it was different. He was a strong public figure, something that Julian aspired to be. He wanted to take after his father's shoes and be something important. Even more so, it was practically pushed on him to take after his father's footsteps and be some sort of leader. The whole town knew who the family was, strictly because Everest was the sheriff, and because he was a total wrestling champ back in the day. They were totally the power family, but nobody ever actually said it.

Now, when Julian turned about 13, his father started taking him out into the woods to shoot his pistol. That's how Julian knows how to use a gun - through his father. No surprise there though, Everest trained his son to be as strong as he possibly could. To be the best and nothing less. So Julian planned to do just that, and it seemed like he was headed along that path perfectly fine. He was.. appealing in a lot of ways.


code by pasta
Hobbies and Talents:
- Parkour
- Shooting a pistol
- Cooking/Baking
- Playing guitar
- Wrestling
- Basketball


Personality Bads:
- Jealous
- Possessive
- Hard-headed
- Stubborn

Everest Simmons - Father - Town Sheriff
Lilliana Rios - Mother - Daycare Worker

"You can fight me all you want about this, tell me he's irrelevant or totally overrated now because of the new TV shows - but the Flash is wicked cool. Think about all his powers, if he wanted to, he could take down the whole League in a matter of seconds."
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• bittersweet • • •
♡ " Susannah Risler " ♡
17 • Female • Straight • 5'3 (64 in.) • 115 lbs • Light Brown Hair • Blue Eyes


"The road we walked together
The place where we sat side by side
Oh, the house I was left alone in
When this song echoes around
You keep coming back and shake me up"


Positive Traits: Honest, Loyal, Dependable, Organized, Sympathetic, Forgiving, Humble
Negative Traits: Clumsy, Jealous, Greedy, Self Indulgent, Moody, Vindictive
Zodiac: Taurus
Occupation: Student / Volunteer
Whether she is talking to her friends or someone she has just met, Susannah's honesty is often her most prominent quality. It isn't unusual for her to come off as blunt or even sometimes rude but she strongly believes it's much better than lying for the sake of someone's feelings. Her loyal, dependable and forgiving nature make her an excellent friend. Being largely an introvert, she has a good ear for listening and can often produce solutions to her friend's problems or offer advice. However, her greed and self indulgent behavior can get her into trouble. It is not beyond her to talk to someone else's boyfriend if she finds she likes him or spend her (and her dad's) money on unnecessary items - shoes, perfumes, bags, chocolates, whatever she wants in that particular moment. It also makes her more susceptible to doings drugs and drinking, both of which she thoroughly enjoys more often than she should. She has good days and bad days and most, if not all, of her past boyfriends would describe her as moody but never a cheater. Her loyalty is often unconditional and fierce and she would stop at nothing to get back at someone who has hurt her friends or family.
Likes: Good conversations, the color blue, diamonds, music, baking, candles, iced tea, dark chocolate, the smell of freshly cut grass, rainy days and daffodils.
Dislikes: Expectations, anything with more than four legs, abstract art, orange soda, raisins, and oversleeping.
Hobbies and Talents: Cosmetology, reading, gardening, volleyball



The Risler family has been living in Coldpine for five generations now. Most of her family, including her own parents, worked as teachers at the local school. Before her mother's sudden and tragic death, Susannah was a relatively happy child with a mostly normal childhood. Her bond with her sister was strong despite the fact that they were almost always bickering. Her parents made it a point that she had everything she asked for as a child and perhaps that's why she became so materialistic as a teenager. Shortly before her thirteenth birthday, her mother and older sister, Elodie, were both killed after being struck by a drunk driver on their way home from visiting potential colleges. Left to deal with the aftermath, Susannah and her father moved to a smaller home that was closer to the school where her father works. Both her grades and attendance dropped and by the time she was a freshman in high school, she was struggling with an alcohol addiction which her father enabled her to have by having his own addiction to alcohol and prescription medication. With no help from her father, who worked only as a way to buy more whiskey after the school day was over, Susannah struggled with her problems on her own. It wasn't until her sophomore year that she finally received help from one of her teachers who advised her to volunteer somewhere in her spare time to help cope with her feelings of loneliness and loss. Ultimately she decided to volunteer at the local orphanage, no more than a few blocks from her own home. It was here that she made many friends, including fourteen year old Millie who very much enjoyed her company. For over a year, every day after school Susannah visited Millie and they would chat for hours, go for walks, watch movies and share stories as if they were sisters. Millie, as young as she was, was Susannah's main reason for cutting back on the alcohol and other destructive behavior; her grades began to improve and her attendance increased again. That was up until Millie's death. Now, stuck dealing with her alcoholic father alone and suffering from yet another loss of a loved one, Susannah struggles to keep her head above water.

"My favorite superhero would probably be.. Psylocke. You never hear people talk about her much. Well, at least I haven't but what do I know? I know that I'd love to be a ninja assassin with telepathic abilities."

code by barista​
Name: Casper Ollila

Age: 17

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 132

Sexuality: Quoisexual

Gender: Agender

Zodiac: Virgo

Occupation: Highschool Junior

Personality Goods:
- Kind
- Forgiving
- Loving

Personality Bads:
- Forgetful
- Passive
- Low Self Esteem

Persona: Casper is in some ways a creep, often fixating on the beauty of a person's face, and having pages full of doodles of their classmate's faces. They're in love with the idea of love, and constantly fall in and out of it quietly. They trust... surprisingly easily, and if they were to get close to someone, it would likely be quite obvious.

A majority of their time is spent drawing, and they put a lot of their self-value into their ability to draw- which, honestly, just makes it easier for their parents to tear them to shreds. Casper has a ginormous inferiority complex, and barely sees themself as a person. Honestly, he's probably got some kind of dissociation going on constantly.

They try to stay under the radar, but that's kind of hard when you're constantly bumping into people, which they are. In general, they're nice and sweet, but they're forgetful. They consider themself pretty stupid, though the fact their other siblings are smart isn't helpful at all.

They're neat- almost compulsively so. Their room is often unnaturally clean, and it might be hard for one to realize they do in fact keep their art in their room as a result.

Finally, they're really... lonely. They don't have many friends, and they crave attention, probably being a bit touch-starved.

Hobbies and Talents:

History: Casper's family has lived here as long as he can remember. Life has never been particularly great, with the Ollila parents constantly badgering Casper over a multitude of things, such as his failure to perform well in class, inability to learn an instrument or often to even focus, and tendency to draw constantly, even in class. He had three siblings: his twin brother Aaron, and his two younger brothers Terrence and Rhode.

Early on, even Terrence listened to their parents, scoring high grades with ease but studying nonetheless.

Then Rhode was born, Aaron came out, and Terrence decided that the way their parents treated all the children kind of sucked, beginning to sneak out and avoid their parents fervently.

Casper’s parents focused in on his inabilities a lot, punishing him for being lazy in many ways, such as disallowing sleepovers. At the same time, he didn't have many friends. In fact, he only had one friend.

He lived next door, and Casper’s parents liked him well enough he could convince them to let him go over once in a blue moon, usually when they managed to by sheer luck get an A in a class.

The status quo remained the same until middle school.

Then Casper started developing and got the amazing surprise of being intersex. His friend didn't respond well to him developing breasts, and neither did Casper’s parents. Aaron, in a moment of niceness, let him borrow a binder, as they were about the same size, and life moved on, with Casper withdrawing more than he already had from his classmates.

The exception of course was Millie, and they got along great, up until she died. It's hitting him hard, but... he's trying to cope.

Other: They're asthmatic, have multiple undiagnosed learning disorders, are in the closet as nonbinary, and don't yet realize they're intersex.

"I like Wonder Woman..."
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Name: Carter Jay Johnson
Age: Twenty
Height: 6ft3
Weight: 82kg
Sexuality: Curious Heterosexual
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Piseces
Occupation: Journalist

Personality Goods:
Loyal | Curious | Determined | Humorous

Personality Bads:
Dishonest | Secretive | Outspoken


Persona: Often the first one to begin asking questiona, the curious cat known as Carter is always on the prowl for his next story. As a closeted Bisexual it doesn’t shy him away from taking the interest in others. He’ll flirt and use his hands as eyes to show his affections to both femal and male but will rarely take a step further with the same sex. His humour, ten out of ten but his honesty is down at a three.

With the need to keep his information close to him he rarely shares his life’s adeventures with others. Looking for one special person is defiantly a goal that seems far away with so many secrets.

Hobbies and Talents:
Writing | Cat fostering | Photography

Simple beginnings is why Carter grew up with. A mother who was a nurse and a father who was a newspaper writing himself it was inevitable he was going to pick up traits from his parents. Schooling was reasonably easy due to a high intellect it was the more, althetic parts that he needed to work on. From the age of 16 however things began to change, others were becoming interested in finding girls and guys to date, Carter was confused and wasn’t sure which was to turn. He liked both he thought but his father would never approve of him seeing a guy. It was burried deep inside and wouldn’t be allowed out for any reason he could think of.

Years went passed and leaving school was a big old step. Looking to his father he nabbed his fathers job. While his father got a promotion anyway. Months passed at his new job but his father didn’t. Shortly after cancer struck at an alarming rate, he took on the role as the man of the house but kept secrets of him sneaking out to visit bars a thing of his dreams.

Yet dreams come to an end. When the news of a young girl dying reaches Carter her knew it was going to be a saddened day for every part of the town. Millie, a girl everyone loved and no one could harm. But suicide was a foreign word. Not something that should have been related to Millie. Yet maybe it was true there was only one way to find out.

“Hmmm, it’s gotta be Wolverine. Let’s be honest here.”

Name: Elyse Cerys Byrd
Nickname: El, Cece, Byrdie
Age: 21
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110 lbs
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Female
Zodiac: Aquarius
Occupation: Waitress

Personality Goods: Witty, Intelligent, Quick

Personality Bads: Second Guesses, Untrusting, Rarely Thinks About The Effects of Her Actions On Others

Persona: Elyse has a no bullshit rule, having a very tell it as it is personality, and never one to sugar coat anything. She rather others to put it all out there than to lead someone on. Having a very black and white kind of perspective that can often cause others to think she always has a stick up her ass. That's not to say she'll never get a joke, though she not really the joking type. She is unpredictable. And independent. She doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. Elyse isn't one for loyalty though there are a select few who she would help no matter what. Unseen to the public eye she can be quiet loving and silly but only to a select few she deems as worthy. A side most do not get to see too often is that Elyse is a bit of a control freak. She can not stand not knowing, and something that is out of her control can and will drive her crazy to the point of driving others around her crazy. Elyse doesn't have much tolerance for silliness or others ignorance.

Hobbies and Talents:
Running - Can tie the stem of a cherry into a knot - Can balance almost anything

History: Elyse had a typical upbringing, living in the suburbs of Virginia. Her father and mother were high school sweethearts, marrying right after high school and having Elyse a year later.From what Elyse could tell, they were happy. Having mandatory family outings every weekend. Her dad telling his usual jokes and her mother doing something silly to make sure Elyse would laugh as well, no matter how bad the joke was. The where what some described as the 'perfect' family, at least that's what Elyse's parents lead everyone to believe.

At first, it wasn't really noticeable, her parents having a few arguments here and there. Then the weekend outing stopped and the arguments became louder. It was like the carpet was ripped out from under Elyse's feet. The arguing continued for almost two years before they finally got a divorce. Now it wasn't the most civil divorce but they got through it.

Elyse went to live with her mother after her father moved to Florida for a job. Before her junior year, Elyse's mother remarried and moved Elyse and herself her old home town, Coldpine. By then the whole split of her parents, as well as her father leaving and her mother remarrying, had finally taken its toll on Elyse. Becoming uninterested in most everything she stayed away from the crowd and kept to herself, counting down the days till she graduated. When Elyse graduated, however, she intended on taking a gap year, which later turned into a few years. Although Elyse fully intends to go to college she finds reasons not to go, holding herself back for reasons unknown to her. Now that Millie has passed Elyse has yet another reason not to go to school. Saddened that she won't be able to see the smiling girl anymore when coming into work.

"Krypto...It's a freaking dog with powers. What's not to love?"
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