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Fantasy Code - I 0 0 [Action/Drama/Survival Superpowered Interest Check] {ONE SLOT OPEN}

Except that I'm also going to make Landon a heartbroken boi, I just havent gotten to it yet. Otherwise these are literally perfect.
I wonder how many people are just going ot try and avoid others at all cost because of their trauma. Because I feel like Landon would.
Characters posted as I see them now:
A boy who is simply every introvert's wet-dream (Lance), literally Tenacious D's "Young Nasty Man" (Guy), pyromancer but goth (Nicholas), origami master 3000/ that guy at every party who thinks now is a good time to show off that magic trick he's spent a solid 5 hours practicing in front of the mirror (Landon), "I'm Baby" (Theodore), Kevin Levin from Ben 10 (Dorian), someone who just really needs some personal space (Anna), "CHaOs CoNtRoL!" (Sofia), a dumb fucking magic 8 ball (Credence), and a Russian who opened a portal to escape this allegorical Gulag (Kostya).
Very excited for the cluster fuck that is to come.

That is so good. I have not had enough time to read everyone's but this is still so accurate
"Landon thought that he was the only one supposed to be attacked." I'm not sure if this is a a form of Stockholm Syndrome or something else.
I wonder how many people are just going ot try and avoid others at all cost because of their trauma. Because I feel like Landon would.
Thats kind of why I made my character with the abilities she has. She knows where every character is at any point in time. If she wants to find you, she will. And there's no avoiding her :hornstongue;
I wonder how many people are just going ot try and avoid others at all cost because of their trauma. Because I feel like Landon would.
Not gonna stop you but if you want my two cents I feel like this is a very lonely approach to RP. Interaction with other people is what separates joining a RP and writing a book, after all!
No I know, but I just feel like my character (at first) wouldn't want to be around others.
I'll affirm and review Cs' later today. Make sure all WIP are taken care of and make sure you guys get a last look at the rules before we kick this thing off!
Oh God, I'm almost done with my background, I need to finish this quick.
I finally finished the background. I have no idea if it is complete trash or not so, If it is, sorry for wasting your time, but I have my fingers crossed.
I'll affirm and review Cs' later today. Make sure all WIP are taken care of and make sure you guys get a last look at the rules before we kick this thing off!
I feel like this may have been aimed at me lol. My apologies for my cursing earlier. I'll try to sensor myself better.
I apologize as well for swearing, I kind of didn't notice I did it a first, but that is still no excuse. I will sensor myself as well.
I will try to finish mine but it is just the text left when she fell to the madness
Sorry, Iโ€™m been a bit busy over the last couple of days. Iโ€™ll be getting my cs up by tomorrow morning!
I thank everyone for the tons of interest and support behind this!!! Characters have been accepted and we have one more slot open for the time being! The IC will start later this evening, so feel free to PM me with questions or other inquiries!
First Arc is closed! Characters from here on out will be added to a waiting list for the next possible arc. Thanks again everyone for the interest!
Iโ€™m very interested in this RP. Iโ€™ll be sending you a PM right now.

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