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Realistic or Modern Coast To Coast RolePlay

After spending quite a bit of time fighting, Jessica ended up with the upper hand and clocked Leona square in the face and she fell to the ground. Before she could get back up, Jessica made a break for her car, which was in fact, still drive-able, even though it was horrifyingly damaged on the front. She drove off and the sound of her bumper could be heard scraping on the blacktop.
"Uh, well, if you want, we can meet up like at Walmart or something. You know, so a stranger isn't coming to your house and I'm pretty much in the middle of no where." Tyler put his car in gear. "So would Walmart work? Oh yeah, east Walmart, West Walmart, South Walmart, or the North one? The city just keeps getting bigger, doesn't it?"
Andrew nods. "It does," he says. "It's totally fine if you want to come over here, but I'll meet you at... the South Walmart," he said, since the South Walmart was closest to him, so he could take some time to prepare. "I'll be there in 30 minutes," he says, "Unless you prefer a different location," he finishes, waiting for a reply.
"South sounds great. I could be there in five, but thirty sounds better... in case I get lost. Anyway, I'll be in the blue GT350 Shelby Mustang with the tinted windows. See you there.."

Tyler started heading in a round about way to the south Wal-Mart, in case he was being followed.

(@The Departure )
Andrew nods. "Ok, see you there, then," he says, and hangs up. He throws on some less casual clothes, khaki pants, a blue polo, and then grabs his laptop. Satisfied that he was ready, he heads out to his car and gets in. As he starts the car, he's satisfied at how he would get there 5 minutes earlier than he expected. He drives towards Walmart.

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