((Sorry for the abundance of chats and forms, but the role play will start here from now on.
((Also I know someone started the role play, but that is okay.
((Alrighty, let’s begin!
Weeld ran into the forest. She ran and ran and ran until her feet were sore. Giving an exhausted sigh, she sat on the ground. Hugging her legs.
“Why take them away!! I don’t want anyone to get hurt..!!” She asked herself unanswerable questions, staring up, the tops of the trees swaying in the wind of the gray skies.
She tugged on her jester hat tails, in an effort to calm herself down. The yellow bells jingling could be heard within the forest.
((Also I know someone started the role play, but that is okay.
((Alrighty, let’s begin!
Weeld ran into the forest. She ran and ran and ran until her feet were sore. Giving an exhausted sigh, she sat on the ground. Hugging her legs.
“Why take them away!! I don’t want anyone to get hurt..!!” She asked herself unanswerable questions, staring up, the tops of the trees swaying in the wind of the gray skies.
She tugged on her jester hat tails, in an effort to calm herself down. The yellow bells jingling could be heard within the forest.