Clover Hills

Zayne read the letter over his shaking mates shoulder, holding her tighter as he realized who it was from. He never really met the boy, but being with Gabriel made the boy feel like his own son and he wanted him back. His own eyes welled up with tears as all of Gabriel's emotions came crashing into his mind. He felt her pain and her want for him to come back he looked at all the amulets and stuff in the box and smiled. He didn't want to say anything to her, he knew that the feelings she were feeling, his words would push it over or make her snap. She snapped enough around the end of her pregnancy, he didn't want it again. He just held on to her, waiting for her to want him to do anything for her.

Marie finally joined Phantasm. She liked being with these wolves, and gaining her confidence back, she was good at pulling her weight. She always checked on Zero when she got a chance, he was the main one she liked out of all of them, since he helped her out so much. She also started growing Tolerate of Vince, the male checking up on the female a lot too. He was the one who gave her a place to stay, so she couldn't be rude to him. She was starting to get more comfortable in her human form, just with her half wolf features most of the time. She was still fearful of the others, not knowing them or giving the time to get to know them. She tried her best to stay away from Matthew. The man gave her weird vibes so she tried her best to stay away from it.

At this time, we was standing on top of a hill over looking most parts of Clover Hills. Phantasm was so far away from Clover Hills, but with her exploring she found a great spot that over looks everything. She was on her full wolf form this time, her clothes piled beside her paws as the wind blew through her white fur. She loved this spot and was here constantly. It was the only spot that gave her every sense and smell of the territory, along with the view of the town. So far, her old owner hasn't showed up again, his smell never hitting her strong nose in a while. She messed him up pretty badly, but he could still show up at any time. She was relaxed for once, taking a deep breath before sitting her haunches down. She was enjoying this space, this moment and didn't want it to end.
Mentioned: Vince- scorpiodragon scorpiodragon Zero- T terrajedi
Been like what? Several hours since the Canada boarder? Plus the whole night travel made Zeke tired and he needed some rest. Same as so many other places before, Canada was not exactly the place for him or at least he did not manage to find one. It was time to return to the US and travel the other side of the wast lands of the United States of America! It was a nice, chill, but still nice autumn day. Weather wise you could not say that Ezekiel enjoyed the chill weather as considering his lifestyle and the fact that so often he had to live in the forest and sustain himself off of the wildlife and what nature offered, he still loved Autumn. It was just beautiful and allowed him to enjoy the simple life he had in its fullest. Riding down the road that was covered with trees on both sides, you could tell that it is a forest area, Zeke was lost in the wind, the wind that was going through his long hair and beard and waving them like a cape in the back of his head. The sound of the motorcycle was music to his ears and the only thing that broke it all off was the rumbling stomach of his. *Ahh, damn, I need some food! Haven't eaten since that last truck stop diner in Canada.* he said in his mind. As he did that he passed a road sign that said - Clover Hills 15 miles.

Around 10 minutes later he passed the sign - Welcome to Clover Hills! - and he drove into this small all-american town. Clover Hills was a small town, like the ones you would see all around the country, with one main street that also located all the main things that you needed and the one place that Zeke was looking for was a place where to get some food. Slowly riding through the town, with his motorcycle making the loud noise that it does, he spotted a 24/7 diner and that was just perfect, not only to take care of his hunger issue, but also for another reason - a place to spend his time at any time and possible job as these places usually needed someone to do some small stuff like dish washing or night shift waiters etc.
Zeke turned into the parking space that was located right in front of the diner, lowered the kickstand, tilted the bike on one side until it was securely leaning on the kickstand, turned the key, turning of the engine, took out the key and put it in his right side pocket of his leather vest and slowly started to remove his leather gloves from his hands.
By looking at Zeke he by description totally fit the bikers that you would call 1% or the illegal motorcycle club members. Long hair, dirty blue jeans, like he would have wrestled in the mud with them, grey t-shirt and leather vest on top. But what did tell that he was not part of no motorcycle club was the emblem on the back of the vest which had an angry wolf in the middle, "Lone Wolf" writing on the top of the angry wolf and "No club" on the bottom, both writing being arched. Zeke stepped off his bike, put his gloves in his left side jeans pockets and started to walk towards the diner. Entering the diner he slowly observed the surrounding and looked for an empty table which he spotted quick and headed its way. He sat down and grabbed the menu that was on the table, but before looking at the menu he glanced at a person sitting few tables further and was making a phone call. As he returned to the menu a waitress approached him and said "Hello! What can I get you!?" to what Zeke replied "Umm, Im still looking, but can I get a glass of cold water please?", "Sure you can! Be right back!" the waitress said before heading towards the back of the diner. Ezekiel was not a fan of coffee in general which was usually offered in such diners nor any sort of alcoholic drinks, at least most of them. 9 out of 10 times he preferred a simple glass of water as water is life, the power of the nature, a fresh spring water was the best you could get to restore your body. Soon after the waitress was back with the glass of cold water which she placed on the table right in front of Zeke. "Right, okey, I think I will go with scrambled eggs, make it double, bacon on a side, do that like three portions of bacon and some toast with butter as well please!" he said before continuing "Oh and do you have an apple pie? You must have an apple pie! Give me one of those as well if you have!" he finished. Zeke's voice was quite low and manly but the way he made the order would make you think that behind all that lumberjack/biker deep voice silhouette sits a small child. Partially it was true because little Zeke from all those years back was still in there, he had to grow up really fast, so he never had a proper childhood and in some instances that inner craving or loss of childhood was coming out, like for example when he was asking for that amazing apple pie. "Double scrambled egg, triple bacon, toasts with butter and piece of an apple pie!" the waitress repeated the order and continued "Will take around 10 minutes! Anything else?" to which Zeke said "Nah, that would be it! Thank you!"

Interactions: npc waitress
Mentions: scorpiodragon scorpiodragon (Nikolaus)
Location: Clover Hills, 24/7 Diner
Last edited:
Gabriel remained on the porch, feeling Zayne's arms tighten around her as he unknowingly read the letter over her should before it dropped to the porch. She said nothing to him, either physically or through the mate bond but her emotions towards the loss of her son and the knowledge that he was alive but she didn't know where he was precisely pushing and spilling, overwhelming the bond. Like a slow flowing ice pack, steady on the frozen oceans of north and south poles. Her pain could be felt mentally as well, her sadness overwhelming and visible within her body language, the way she tensed up. Minutes passed until she suddenly shoved the box onto the porch as well, the gifts from her oldest child on the table before her. "I want to know who took my son and why? Why he doesn't think he can come home? Where he is located...this..." she gestured angrily towards the box and letter..."they only state the country but give no idea of direction or town. Maybe we should just take the children and leave...alternate trying to find Bill and bring him home...I'll kill whoever's responsible for taking my son from me!"


Vince had watched as the alpha's son and Marie got along with their positions as omegas and being members of the pack. The girl only really interacted with him and Zero. He knew Ice was happy about there being omegas as he had help in his own tasks but the adolescent knew they would likely end up promoted into other ranks. So the omega didn't try to make friends with them...Axel was another person the teen was scared of due to the dislike the alpha's son had for the omega and the fear that he would be killed as well as the fact that Axel was the alpha's son, and he was afraid to get close to Marie due to feeling weird around her. The omega didn't explain it but he only interacted with both out of necessity. Marie seemed to be getting on well, she kept a lookout for the human that Matthew hadn't been pleased about but the human had yet to come back. With the alpha out hunting and Jasper watching things within the pack, the gamma had time to wander around to clear his head and slowly made his way through the territory, soon coming across the female's scent.

He slowly made his way towards her, sniffing the air for any sign of loners. Next season was going to be merciless for the males of the pack with only two options...well one since Matthew had his sights on Aria and would likely kill the rest of them if they touched her...which left Marie to the mercy of five males and a long fight between them. He didn't mention it though to the female...yet he was also worried his twin would be taken advantage of by the alpha or she would end up in a fight between Ice, Axel, Zero and Jasper this time. Finding Marie's scent, he headed up to her, scenting Zero around somewhere but not seeing the Knowledge Keeper. "No sign of human?" he growled at her as he approached. Comet Comet


Nikolaus continued waiting for Miley to pick up, the loner sipping at his water. He was about ready to hang up soon if she didn't pick up and just talk to her when work ended but she could be busy with his kids. He hadn't the chance to tell his parents about his children or that they were werewolves, cellphone reception wasn't that great on a cruise ship. The sound of a motorcycle easily reached his ears as it pulled into the parking lot. Sometimes it sucked being a werewolf with heightened senses but other things were cool about it. Nikolaus sighed, soon hearing someone entering the establishment. But the scent of an unfamiliar wolf reached his nose and he turned his head briefly to look at the person whom had entered and was looking over the menu. Nikolaus frowned some to himself, not expecting another loner to enter Clover Hills. wasn't like the town belonged to any one pack. Maybe Haven...but he thought it more neutral ground for the packs. He watched until the man had ordered his food but the stranger made no signs of aggression towards the humans and he turned back, his own food soon being delivered. Mentioned: OBESE OBESE
Soon after the food was delivered to the person that was sitting few tables further from Zeke, the waitress was heading Zeke's way with plates of his food. "Here you go!" she said whilst placing down large plate with huge portion of scrambled eggs and loads of bacon slices, some toast on the side with butter cubes on top and another smaller plate with apple pie that was topped with whip-cream and some cinnamon sticks. "Thank you very much!" said Zeke "Oh by the way, is there any nice place in the woods where you could set up a camp!?" he asked the waitress. With normal eye you would not see what happened after Zeke asked the question but wolfs sight could see the smallest details of the body and Zeke saw how the waitresses muscles tensed as if she got scared. She looked at the table where the person was sitting that Zeke gave his glance earlier, turned back and said "Umm, I don't know! I am not into camping so I cannot really tell!" and she quickly left.

Zeke could sense that something was not right and one of the things was his empty stomach, so he just started to eat like he never seen food before. Did not take him long before he was finished. The body size that Zeke had needed a lot of proteins and calories. Zeke was quite tall, standing at 6'3 ft and on weight of 250 lbs. That apple pie was the perfect finish of the meal! He took a sip of water, took out his wallet from the right back of his jeans which was attached to the pants with a quite large metal chain, opened it, took out two 10$ bills and a 5$ bill and put them on the table. He left out a big sight and stood up. Instead of walking out of the diner he started to walk towards the table where the guy was sitting at and enjoying his meal. "Hi there! Im sorry to bother you but I was wondering maybe you could help me a little bit!" he said to the guy "Im looking where to set a camp in woods, is there any good locations!?" At this point Zeke was not that much interested in the actual answer as he would just go into the woods and set a camp where he would see a fitting location, he just wanted to see why did the waitress payed attention to this person when he asked her about the woods.

Interactions: npc waitress; scorpiodragon scorpiodragon (Nikolaus)
Mentions: none
Location: Clover Hills, 24/7 Diner
Nikolaus ended up hanging up his phone a few minutes after his food arrived with the drink he'd ordered, a large glass of lemonade, possibly an odd choice for late autumn but Nikolaus was a bit odd concerning his dietary needs. Setting his phone down out of the way, yet not near either glass nor near the edge of the table to avoid both spills and possibly falling to the floor, Nikolaus grabbed mustard and ketchup bottles before putting both on his bacon cheeseburger, then putting ketchup over his fries. The new father, he still considered himself that with his pups only being two-months-old, was just about to pick up his burger when footsteps came over to him and there was the scent of a fellow loner within the territory. He turned his head to the wolf as they came up to him and mentioned they were going to camping in the forest, the wolf tensing slightly at that, reminded all too well of what had happened when he had gone to camping with his grandfather. However, this person smelled wolf but to Nikolaus's knowledge, there was no way to smell if someone had been bitten or born.

"Yes?" he questioned as he observed the man before him, taller than Niko and more ruggedly built. With breeding season coming up, he would need to keep any other wolves away from Miley. Of course, not knowing there was something here who might harm his friend. "There's a campground in the forest where you can go a few blocks from here. You have to hike in, cars and motorcycles aren't allowed into the campground. Most people tend to avoid the forest...even during the various hunting seasons." He smirked briefly. "Rumors that the forest is cursed by spirits." OBESE OBESE
"One little berry bush~…. Two little berry bush~" Ellie hummed quietly under her breath with a giggle picking up the the leaves of each small shrub along the way, the little blue and reddish berries an important part of one of the herbal remedies her mother taught her though the leaves in the off season like currently could be used in both a soothing salve and made an excellent tea given enough practice that she certainly didn't have but was determined to gain the ability without burning either herself or the tea leaves, awkwardly giggling and looked down at her bandaid covered fingers from this mornings incidents, known the body they'd probably already healed but she kind of liked them there, a comforter of sorts she supposed.

Her head soon looked up with a flutter of wings come from the trees as a pair of robins landing on a branch having one through the upper foliage of the tall oaks of the forrest lining near the base of the mountain, a place just outside the barely used property of a large resort she'd found. Most of the property around it in the forrest was untouched and she couldn't smell another wolf for miles, she'd been coming here ever since she first moved into the cabin by clover hills. It wasn't an easy trick, especially seven months into her pregnancy but it was one she was more than happy to make. Smiling as she looked back down at her stomach she giggled, gently rubbing a hand over the bump before a curious noise caught her ears, a car? The resort had been so quiet she was sure they'd been closed for maintenance or something so why would someone come all the way out here? Unless they were like herself herb collecting which she very much doubted. Slowly pulling up to her feet she brushed off the white dress stained with light dirt marks as she crept closer to the tree line peering out with black hair gently falling down over her shoulders.

VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
Rad stared out curiously at the scenery of Clover Hills, it was such a strange small town. One main street with a couple of houses scattered about and some larger properties in the outer suburbs if you could call them that nearby the forrest border, most kept to themselves though all the humans were certainly friendly and seemingly oblivious to the overwhelming scent of packs that surrounding the zone. From her intel there were three currently in the area of the Montana location, stretching form the docile but new leadership of Haven to the far more ruthless and declined Winslow pack, now Kagore. But that was about as much as she could get out of them, letting out a sigh she buried her hands in her pockets and closed her eyes taking in a deep breath and looking around with her mystifying greenish grey eyes, so vivid and yet calm in scheme.

She wasn't exactly sure what draw her here, wether rumours of the council through the higher ups whispers moving down to the lower families like her own or simply the fact she needed a change or scenery, at least here it seemed her appearance of red hair and slightly pale yet tan skin didn't stick out quite as much as back home, in fact she felt quite relaxed in her leather jacket and black legging like pants as she continued to wonder, eyes constantly drifting over near the forrests line just above the houses, as though tempted to rush of into the lands and yet still hesitant for various reasons.

Styx certainly wasn't a happy Alpha Male. Or at least, he wasn't the same angry, snappy Alpha he'd been a month ago. It was almost like his angry side had been subdued, tucked away, ever since his mate had gone missing. He'd looked for her, desperately, for a few days, but soon realised that someone had to provide for the pack. So he'd been focusing on their welfare, and hoping Tor would come home. But, without her to play-fight with, or argue with, without her similar presence he was calm, collected. He hunted for the pack, ensured they were all well and happy, made sure they had everything they needed. Which had included stealing a wheelchair for Michi, and having a snap at the healers who had done this to her. He'd have never had let it happen without Michi's approval first. It didn't matter that he'd lost a breeding female, he wasn't going to force any of them to have pups, it just mattered to him that they'd clearly upset her.

Speaking of the girl, the Alpha stepped out of the house for a moment. He'd hunted alone this morning, and had brought back a decent array of prey, which was now chilling in the fridge. Easily spotting Michi with her hot chocolate, and Viserys, he stepped over to them, "Good Morning ladies." He hummed, "How are you both? Michi?" He asked, tilting his head slightly, before glancing to Viserys, "Fixing your mistakes, are we?" He asked her in turn. After all, he'd heard it was her choice to stop Michi having pups, without even asking the submissive herself.

Astiel was happy. More than happy even, as he laid in bed with Eliza, and their two children. They were so adorable, and Astiel couldn't help the pride that flooded his chest. His babies. His. His girls, including Eliza, for him to protect and care for. He'd taken to bringing Eliza food, doing everything he could to make her and the children happy. Alma and Hazel. One Dominant, one Submissive. He only hoped that that meant they would care for one another, not lead to the dominant fighting the submissive, as he'd seen happen before. Cuddling them all close, he hummed, and closed his eyes again.

Artemis was busy with all three of her children. Levi had recently taken to trying to beat up little Draco, her submissive son, and Artemis had had to scare him off more than once. She hated doing do, but Draco was only a month or so old, like his sister Nyx. The youngest, thankfully, were currently sleeping, whilst Artemis cuddled Levi. She ignored his biting of her shoulder, putting it down as him trying to prove his dominance over a submissive such as herself. She wished Levi had some friends to play with, because he had the habit of making mischief. But Artemis herself had barely let any of her babies out of her sight since Draco and Nyx had been born, and had actually barely left her room. She didn't know what to say to Michi, who looked broken. She knew what they'd done to her, and didn't want to upset her by introducing her to her new pups. All three of her babies were in wolf-form, Nyx and Draco having been born like it whilst Levi had been shocked into it early, and had yet to turn back.

Ash had been quite depressed recently, ever since Rose's death. She stuck to Amora's side as much as possible, avoiding everyone else in the pack, and often hid away whenever Amora would go out hunting. She barely ate, and when she did so it was a few nibbles of whatever food Amora had hunted for her. So, the small Omega was thinning, often trembling due to the cold despite being inside, or snuggling close to her mate

Cosmos Cosmos ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
Amora was currently lurking around the hunting grounds with panted and foggy breath, blood dripping from her teeth from the small pile of rabbits she'd managed to kill when she chased them in the snow, soon coming back all four hanging in mouth, nose scenting the Haven pack house even with the icy covering as though it were nothing. Walking up to the door she growled lightly as she shook off the white specks from her fur and shoved it open by pawing at it a few times, something she's learnt much to the members annoyance, stepping inside she didn't quite close it, still not having worked it out as she began to pace upstairs slowly, dropping the rabbits by her sleeping mates nose, still slightly warm before licking her ear once and turning out and away, eyes serious and cold as though determined to go back and hunt more, at least that was until the female stumbled across the open door of Astiel and Eliza's room, spotting what she issued to be the sleeping pair she slowly took a step in, her huge black wolf form standing out like a sore thumb in the doorway as she sniffed the air curiously at the scent of their young.

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion
Raito and Chikari were pouncing round the pup room eagerly, play fighting with each other now that they were big enough to do so without getting hurt and chewing up any pillow in sight, both lolled their tongues out happily as they yipped and smiled. Both knew their mother was upset for some reason but in their minds that meant they simply weren't being played with enough and defiantly didn't want nap time, it wasn't like Michi could go up and down easily after all so they were often left to Artemis as of late as much as their mother loved them she'd been a tad distant lately, not too mention the pair of dominants had been overly curious about the twins that had come with the strange people who smelled smilier to the mean man from before.

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Matthew huffed. "Whoever wants to be mates with my moonbeam squeaky needs to prove their worth and realize she's an alpha in her own right, should she choose to go back to Quake and take her birthright back...assuming Yaz is dead by then and that will involve another murder....but one I won't really regret. I lose her and I lose everything I've ever cared for since our parents want nothing to do with us and Rigel...I don't know about our younger brother. Fate had better...or maybe I'll find a way to kill Fate as well if such a thing were possible." Matthew would kill anyone who dared harm a hair on his niece's head, his claws gouging into the earth at the thought. Yes, he'd even attack his pack or his son if that should happen. As she looked away when he mentioned a change in air, for once the male guessed right what she was thinking. "It is not the heat season that I am talking about," he rumbled coldly. He remained silent until Aria mentioned about the hunt and he nodded his head, staring at her ears poking out of the tall grasses. They hadn't yet died, these tall grasses, and would provide the cover needed until the first or second frost killed them off.

"I don't tolerate breeding with pups...I'm a bastard but...that's just disturbing," and he didn't elaborate. He had no qualms with torturing pups should they get out of line and already locked them up during the full moons...locking them up during breeding season might prove useful as well. "Very and Marie will be in charge of the pups then come breeding season," he said. As Aria came closer to him, he could see the disdain in her eyes when Angelica's name was brought up earlier...and he knew she was somewhat confused and upset about him not liking his own daughter...when he obviously cared for and spoiled his niece as best he could, even loving her mother and missing her. The wolf's tail flickered behind him as she spoke of his son whom she seemed to be quick to accepting, most of the others were scared of the boy when they found out who his father was, the male listening as she spoke of him not playing favorites with his son. "Fern will have to work for her place in the pack same as everyone else...starting out as omega then being promoted to what suits her...I already know she won't be an omega unless she becomes lame...maybe not a medic either. My bet is a Sentinel."

The female looked into his eyes and he rumbled at her. "At least most of my wolves are loyal...Niko and Caspian report there's problems in Kagore," he said with a smug tone entering his mental voice. Though he was pissed about not being able to take over Winslow, the wolf was amused to hear the bitchy upstart alpha female had abandoned that Styx brute and wasn't proving to be worthy of being an alpha. He loved having spies in other packs...especially ones he knew were family...well most family...Yaz being the exception. She spoke then of Axel's mother again...and put her head under his chin. What was it with her and Axel's mother? Was she jealous? If so it was amusing but as she spoke about the possiblity of Axel's mother maybe not having a choice to give him or might be dead, he stepped back from her and began heading through the grass. "It's a possibility..." he said. "Come on, may as well kill something and do some good for the pack...and as for Sachi and my Korean cubs and that other omega Fiona or whatever her name was...they obviously don't care to be protected." @SpiritualShrub


“If not the heat season, then what?” Aria questioned, suddenly confused by the alpha. His silence was unusual, and she felt like something odd was going on. Was he trying to hide something? Eyes flickered towards him, expressing how puzzled she was before switching back to looking at the herd before them, growing further and further away. The way he spoke, so heartlessly, worried her. But, as he mentioned breeding with pups, Aria growled lightly, bewildered that he thought she meant that. “I mean lock them up so they don’t get harmed by others during heat season. Pups get killed sometimes during it, especially when angry males think they get in the way. It’s for their own safety,” Aria confidently replied, her tail swishing through the grass. She really would make a good alpha in the grand scheme of things, probably prevent torturous behaviour in the pack, perhaps she’d even be happy with Matthew. Looking over at him, she couldn’t help but picture it. Soon enough, she shook her head, trying to throw the thoughts away. After all, she couldn’t be seen to be too easy. “I’d be happy to look after the pups, but Marie and I would have to be locked up separately to them. It’s just not safe enough,”

Aria listened to him as he spoke again of Fern, nodding in agreement. “She’s a dominant, you can smell it. She’ll be a good contribution to the pack,” with a quick pad through the grass, she crushed a mouse under her paw, jumping slightly as it squeaked its last breath. With the back of her paw, she pushed it back into the grass. Her eyes burned with guilt- she hadn’t meant to kill it, but in a moment of boredom she couldn’t help herself. “Yeah, I suppose they are loyal. The ones that stay,” she teased playfully, smirking in his direction. “What’s happening in Kagore?” The wolf questioned with curiosity, enjoying the sudden closeness but not making it apparent. If there were problems in a rival pack, she thought the entire pack should know, give all members an advantage regarding competition.

But, when he moved away from her, and she understood why, she couldn’t help but feel a sharp pain in her chest. “I’m going for the buck,” She found herself replying simply and bluntly, lowering herself into the grass and sneaking closer towards the herd of deer. The wolf was almost inaudible as she padded forwards, belly on the ground and the scent of the deer guiding her through the gigantic strands of grass. Her mind struggled to focus, thinking only about how Matthew still cared about that woman. Perhaps they could find her and set the two up again. In that case, she wished the woman was alive- she only wanted the alpha to be happy. After all, he deserved some happiness.

Dragging herself out of her thoughts, she realised that she was already rather close to the herd. Body leaping out of the grass, she began the chase. The deer scattered, panicked and confused. The buck was the first to run, and Aria speedily chased after it, snapping at its legs until it stumbled, allowing her to swing forwards and puncture its throat with her teeth.​
Astiel was happy. More than happy even, as he laid in bed with Eliza, and their two children. They were so adorable, and Astiel couldn't help the pride that flooded his chest. His babies. His. His girls, including Eliza, for him to protect and care for. He'd taken to bringing Eliza food, doing everything he could to make her and the children happy. Alma and Hazel. One Dominant, one Submissive. He only hoped that that meant they would care for one another, not lead to the dominant fighting the submissive, as he'd seen happen before. Cuddling them all close, he hummed, and closed his eyes again.
Amora was currently lurking around the hunting grounds with panted and foggy breath, blood dripping from her teeth from the small pile of rabbits she'd managed to kill when she chased them in the snow, soon coming back all four hanging in mouth, nose scenting the Haven pack house even with the icy covering as though it were nothing. Walking up to the door she growled lightly as she shook off the white specks from her fur and shoved it open by pawing at it a few times, something she's learnt much to the members annoyance, stepping inside she didn't quite close it, still not having worked it out as she began to pace upstairs slowly, dropping the rabbits by her sleeping mates nose, still slightly warm before licking her ear once and turning out and away, eyes serious and cold as though determined to go back and hunt more, at least that was until the female stumbled across the open door of Astiel and Eliza's room, spotting what she issued to be the sleeping pair she slowly took a step in, her huge black wolf form standing out like a sore thumb in the doorway as she sniffed the air curiously at the scent of their young.

WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion


Eliza cuddled her babies close, holding Alma and Hazel in one arm as she leaned against Astiel. Cuddling into her mate, she closed her eyes lightly, content in the moment. “They’re so beautiful,” she mumbled, opening her eyes to stroke the side of Hazel’s face with her pointer finger. Eyes lifting to Astiel, she moved up and planted a gentle kiss on his lips, but the sound of paws on the floor near their room had her attention snap to the door. Eliza felt a growl rising in her throat, protective of her babies. If she had shifted, her wolf larger than Amora’s, she could’ve easily fought her, especially with her motherly instincts kicking in. Instead, she stood, baring her canines that pushed through along with her glowing eyes. Eliza gently placed the babies in Astiel’s arms and ran to the door, slamming it to keep the wolf out. Switching the lock with ease, she turned to look over at Astiel and the babies, checking they were okay before speaking. “Leave, Amora. Go outside or something, don’t come near my babies,” She spoke softly, though there was a threatening tone to her voice.​
Amora half jumped out of her skin with a loud yelp as the female moved all to quickly for the dazed out wolf to take into response, half stumbling over her paws as the door slammed and she whimpered loudly. Hearing the words afterwards though not entirely understanding their meaning leave, her name, outside and babies resinated strongly enough for her to grasp and idea and her expression to sadden, her muzzle leaning down into her front paws as she slowly lay stomach to the cool floorboards nose sniffing and huffing under the door as her claws scratched at the bottom desperately like a dog wanting to enter a room, a long yet quiet whine coming from her mouth as she began to howl sadly, everyone in the pack knew of Rose's death and how the homosexual and rather odd pair had taken it so hard, clearly the wild had scented the children and misunderstood something in the matter.

ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Viserys understood and nodded. "It would have been a painful preganancy provided the shock of having one didn't kill you first would you rather be dead?" she asked but really felt sorry for the girl. Here she was wounded and still resented her. The pasck would probably get used to it overtime but Michi would hjhave to live with this forever. It almost made her want to not have children not that anyone did want to have them with her. She turned them once she heard Styx’s voice her anger set on edge.

“I’m not fixing any mistake as I did not make one,” she said turning away from him. “Any decision I make is based on a medical opionion. And seeing as how you guys like to pretend I don’t exist asking you was out of the question.“ she cocked a small smile and retreated back into the house. After all what was the alpha going to do? Denote her, ha, get rid of her? Banish or exile her. She’d like that. She’d like that very much.

She retreated to her room. Say on her bed flopped backwards and stared at the ceiling in silent contemplation. What was she still doing here? Why wasn’t the pack hers? Why did everyone hate her so much for her surname alone. No one ever took the chance to even notice her. No one had true fro get to know her yet everyone had their options of her set in stone. Probably since she was a pup.

Coyoty felt rather nice in the lake. The weak Montana sun was peaking in though the clouds sending rays of orange and yellow down into the lake. It created a wonderful scene. Coupled with the waterfall behind it made for a relaxing oasis. Coyoty couldn’t forget when she found this place. It was just out of the way of the pack that no one or if anyone had they rarely did come here. Northern most of the camp the wind often carried their scents West or east but never south. The water also masked Jackson’s give-away loner scent. As she laid in the water her mind drifted over to him.

A familiar longing overcame her then, a brief reminder of why he changed her and what she would have to say to gabriel in order to get him to join. She wondered how this would go over. “Hi this is Jackson he’s my mate I turned him he’s joining,” yeah that would go over very well. She shook her head and Batam to come up with something more believable. She had to think of something to say that wouldn’t be lying butbwould still help his case. Jackson was a good hunter. She wondered if he would rule well for in Gabriella absende she hadn’t needed to rule but in the event she had Jackson would have to know now to do that.

Eventually she pulled herself from the water sitting on a rock in her human form brushing and cleaning her long black hair. Her huge black ears flicked this way and that ready to hear any intruding party coming for her.
Axel nodded in understanding. “I am sure I can manage this” he said to the young and hevy pup. Then he reached down and grabbed his pants expertly putting them on with only one hand. Turning to the intruding female he grinned her way. “As i mentioned before my angry beauty I can ask my alpha if you may join.” He almost purred with excitement in this. “Plus as for your intrusion. I already attacked you once. I severely doubt she would like me to attack her again.” He said quickly switching to the young Male again.

“Now, what sounds good? We can go north to the river and I’ll bathe you there,” he adjusted the pup in his other arm being careful to avoid his paws in case of injuries getting worse. Along his path he picked up a few plants spices and berries offering some to the wolfboy. “Are you coming?” He voiced as he departed further away from the woman.
It had been a month. The now one loner sibling had taken up a semi-permant camp just outside the mountains there was a fresh pool of water at the foot of them and a cave where the two slept at night by firelight. Aayame had not found her brother. She searched for him for a very long time not able to come up with any leads with any success.

Her wounds had mostly healed. So she sat now in her shorts from summer curled up around a fire crying. It was normal to grieve right? She didn’t have anyone she was to impress and she still fed herself semi-well. As well as she could on her own without the help of another for large game. The fire looked nice. She looked at it with great intent bored out of her skull. Hungry and tired. Having to take care of herself made her strong and angry most of the time. For when an intruder had come she would kill or seriously mane. Except the cougar that came a few days ago. She tried to defend her territory and did a fairly good job of it but managed to take away with her wounds that would have likely needed stitches. They curved across her belly and down her right leg. She laid here most days and hunted at night barely sleeping in between.
"Cursed by spirits you say!?"
Zeke repeated with a laugh "Oh, I do not mind a spirit around, actually nice to have a company!" he replied to what the guy was saying. "Alright, thanks for the information!" he continued and started to walk towards the exit of the diner. Zeke was not afraid of no ghosts or other creatures as he was one of them, a creature that people told stories about and were afraid of, besides as weird it might sound, he did not believe in fairy tails such as ghosts and spirits. From other wolves he have met on his road he heard about witches but he never actually met any. He left the diner and sat on his bike. Kicked the kickstand back in, turned the engine on, turned the bike and drove off. Next stop was a gas station which was near the exit/entrance of the town. He stopped there, filled his gas tank full with petrol and walked into the store to pay for the gas. While in the store he also purchased map of the local area and some other essentials like bottle of water and new pack of matches. He got back on his bike but before driving off he opened the map he just purchased and laid it out on the bikes gas tank. Slowly checking out the map he saw some off-roads that lead into the woods. Probably used by hunting parties, maybe some private property. One of the paths leading into the woods was right ahead of him, maybe around 2 miles ahead and then to the right. His bike was mixture of off-road type of Harley Davidson/Honda that could easily travel forest terrains. He folded the map back together, put it in his backpack that was tied to the backseat of the bike, turned on his engine and was off, heading towards the forest path. Soon enough he saw the off-road that was leading right into the forest, he took the right turn and was on his looking for a place to spend the night. Although weather was chill and it would be much nicer and warmer to spend the night in a guest house or motel, he did not exactly have spare funds to pay for such luxury. The way he was making money was through various jobs that he managed to get on the go at the specific locations he stayed at. So he would work there for maybe a week or two, gather up some cash and be on his way to the next place. Zeke was already few miles into the forest and just continued to follow the path that started to become more narrow and non-existing with every mile he took. If there was anyone hunting at that moment, he must have hated Zeke as the loud noise that his bike was making probably scared away all the animals nearby. 5 more minutes driving into the woods he heard a lake nearby and stopped. He saw a small opening where he could build a campfire and put down his sleeping bag. Lake was important to have, to be able to get fresh water if needed and maybe catch some fish for the breakfast. He turned the engine off, got off the bike and pushed it behind a big bush that was close, so that it could not be seen from the pathway. He grabbed his backpack and his sleeping bag which both were attached to the bikes backseat and went into the small clearing. He dropped the bags and took a big breath that was more like a big sniff of fresh air.

Interactions: scorpiodragon scorpiodragon (Nikolaus)
Mentions: none
Location: Clover Hills, 24/7 Diner
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Zero wasn't having a lot of luck but he soon caught wind of two wolves of his pack about the area. The gamma and the pack's sole omega female. The wolf found a white birch tree. Opening the bag, he pulled out a small box and slid the lid underneath it along with pulling out a knife and began cutting off some birch bark which fell into the box. When the box was full, he closed it and put the box back into his bag, keeping his knife out in case he needed it for protection. The Knowledge Keeper had recently purchased himself a large thick leather-bound book. So far, the wolf had not selected an apprentice among the pups so perhaps if there was a new litter of pups, he might select from those unless someone ended up finding an orphan and bringing it into the pack that might be a possible candidate. Really his only candidate was Sebastian but he sensed the pup didn't want to be stuck healing. Closing his bag, he continued on, searching for any signs of more herbs.

Zenith stumbled around the caves, the sickly pup's stomach growling with hunger. The pup hadn't been able to keep much of anything down and was growing thinner though his head had stopped hurting. It didn't do anything for the pup's memories, they were gone. Little did the palish brown-gray pup know that they would not return and he would be just a foundling, an orphan of the pack for the rest of his life. There didn't seem to be any adults around or other pups that he could see as he wandered through the ruins, soon getting himself lost yet still within the ruined section of the territory.

Synthania's ears twitched as the voices continued...then the sound of feet running up the stairs. Brier and Finarel remained underneath the female wolf as they took in the multiple scents though Brier soon began growling, earning his mother huffing in response and stepping back momentarily to smack the pup with her muzzle in response. The pup yelped and rubbed at his snout as Synthania soon heard the alpha male's voice within the house, it sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. Looking down at her pups, the red eyes of the wolf glimmered with uncertainty and no small hint of malice as she turned towards the kitchen and began padding towards seemed nobody as of yet had bothered to notice the wolf's presence within their vicinity...maybe Synthania should do what Veridius apparently had done and just turn around and leave. As they had spoken of before...this was no place for pups to be raised or grow up wasn't even a family. That was probably the best thing to do for her pups. Turning from the kitchen, she stepped back and scooped up her pups in her mouth before heading upstairs on light paws to her room and shut the door, dropping the pups inside on the bed and then shifting back. Searching for the few clothing she had and her bow and quiver, she began packing her belongings. Slinging her bag over her shoulder with her quiver resting against her back, she scooped the pups up underneath an arm and grabbed her bow. Closing the door behind her, she made her way downstairs before once more leaving the house. If the pack didn't even bother to notice her then why should she really stay? The female sighed and began walking off...this was possibly the best thing for her just become a loner and stake out a territory for herself and her young. Away from the place where her youngest had been taken from her.
Axel nodded in understanding. “I am sure I can manage this” he said to the young and hevy pup. Then he reached down and grabbed his pants expertly putting them on with only one hand. Turning to the intruding female he grinned her way. “As i mentioned before my angry beauty I can ask my alpha if you may join.” He almost purred with excitement in this. “Plus as for your intrusion. I already attacked you once. I severely doubt she would like me to attack her again.” He said quickly switching to the young Male again.

“Now, what sounds good? We can go north to the river and I’ll bathe you there,” he adjusted the pup in his other arm being careful to avoid his paws in case of injuries getting worse. Along his path he picked up a few plants spices and berries offering some to the wolfboy. “Are you coming?” He voiced as he departed further away from the woman.


Ezra frowned, though felt a little smug, as he called her a beauty. “You say ‘my’ as if I belong to you. You’re sorely mistaken there, you know,” crossing her arms across her chest, she turned away as he clothed himself, though seemed it was sweet how he was taking care of the puppy. “I would like to join a pack, but I should rethink my options if it meant being in a pack with you,” She teased, gaze dropping to the floor. Ezra didn’t want to watch or even see how injured the pup was, it would only put her off of joining the pack. The tone of his voice showed clear amusement, and she didn’t know how to address it. He really wanted her to join, and she was in need of a pack. It only made sense. “The pup said so himself, I won’t be accepted. I’m not sure it’s even worth the fuss?” Ezra felt her tone growing questioning as she contemplated the situation in her own mind. As he mentioned attacking her, she scoffed and laughed quietly. “You wouldn’t be able to win a fight with me if you tried,” she joked, looking over at him with a sly smirk.

Ezra followed him, despite being reluctant. “I swear to God, if we get there and they try to murder me I’m going to kick your ass before they kick mine,”​
Michi had been spooked out of her slightly grumpy daze as Styx appeared, perking up curiously at his words and giving an awkward chuckle as he asked how she was doing, giving a small and sore shrug before watching as things escalated with the next comment, a part of her happy Styx was on her side and yet another side from before sad that Visery's was treated the way she was, she was aware and yet for some reason she just couldn't get over her own emotions to be nice to her like she usually was with everyone. Unlike others she was oblivious to the girls surname and it's meaning, only aware that for some reason she was treated differently from the others, almost as though looked down upon an yet still seemed to carry such a sense of freedom.

Carrying on Michi looked down and away a little guiltily as the girl stormed off, she knew she just wanted to help so why couldn't she stop resenting her for the decision? She knew it was what was best health wise an yet it felt like such a big ability of hers, a part of her had been so easily taken away that she just didn't like it. Moving on she set the cup down slowly, feeling as specks of snow fell from a nearby branch onto her face before looking back down at her legs with a sigh, she could barely move them and probably had really needed that checkup.

CZDoubleU CZDoubleU WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Matthew shook his head as Aria questioned him about his words concerning his ominous feeling. "I don't know...something is different about the air," he spoke. "I don't even know what it is that bothers me so much. Locked up separately?" he questioned but whatever else he was going to say as Aria jumped and there was the faint cry of a mouse that echoed through the air. Heading towards the moving herd of deer, he heard Aria speak about going for the buck as she did so, the wolf calmly watching as she scattered the herd and went for the buck, pursuing it until it stumbled and fell, allowing an opening for the female. The wolf huffed out a breath of air and then went after a fleeing doe with a young fawn trailing behind it. The alpha shook his head and made his way after his chosen prey, taking out the doe first before turning and snapping the fawn's neck as it stood there lost and confused at the large wolf attacking its mother. The alpha killed off two more members of the herd for good measure before allowing the rest to flee. Dragging the doe and yearling buck he'd just killed back to the other doe, he began piling them together and then wiggled his way under the catch, standing up easily despite the weight of two mature does, a yearling buck and a fawn on his back.

Turning to Aria, he walked over to her, placing his paws carefully on the ground as he moved over to her. Vince wouldn't be happy if his sister got injured in a hunt, neither would Matthew but he wasn't going to say that to his gamma. "Good job. I still caught more but you did well catching that buck on your own," spoke Matthew in amusement. "Why...because of her past killing wolves? You look like you can take care of yourself just fine. Fine...we'll seal you up somehow, depending on where we go for the winter season with the pups, Marie will be sealed up somewhere else. As for Kagore, Nikolaus reported they haven't been giving issues to Haven but they've been hunting closer to their pack's house with one of their hunters missing and the other one having given birth. Caspian, on the other paw, reports that Kagore is in total shambles still and nobody trusts anybody within the pack. That bitch female who forgets her place of Styx's has apparently disappeared from the pack and hasn't been scented in the territory or found. It's apparently calmed the alpha down a slight bit...though nobody trusts him but his pathetic guard useless female that my wolves can't even KILL properly. However...Pariah told Caspian who told me the weakling female can never have children again and she isn't healing correctly. From what I understand, that pack still hasn't gotten a beta pair and Artemis isn't leaving her pups' sides...she apparently has born Styx a male and female pup. It won't take much for a really strong wolf to slaughter the rest and take over." ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion

Soul and Ophelia were never kept near the other pups, instead sleeping with their father and aunt in the Hendrix siblings' room. The pups were currently wandering the house as their aunt was out looking for herbs with Caspian shepherding her through the territory. The pups had been left to their own devices though papa's weapons...or as the pup saw locked up where the pups couldn't get them, even if they had been in human form. Finding themselves in front of a locked room, Soul began doing what he'd seen his father do and throwing himself at the door, only succeeding in causing his nose and head to become sore as he did so while Ophelia just stayed behind her brother, both pups' claws sharp from their father fiddling with their nails. Cosmos Cosmos

Sebastian was quiet as Axel spoke to the loner female who Axel seemed determined to get into the pack. "She like mama?" he couldn't help asking as he looked between Axel and the wolf that seemed reluctant to come into the territory before Axel began speaking to him, the pup giving a shrug as he was held and the older wolf began carrying him towards the river at the northern end of the ruin section of territory. The pup knew only a little about Matthew and mama and as it was the only relationship the pup knew...mama and Matthew spent a lot of time together before mama had ran away. Sebastian's ears flattened at that and heaved a sigh, falling silent. CZDoubleU CZDoubleU


Niko nodded as the other wolf thanked him and then left. Picking up his phone he dialed Matthew though was surprised to hear Jasper's voice on the other end. "Where's Matthew?"

"Probably off claiming Aria," said Jasper with a shrug as he sat outside one of the buildings of the ruined city.


"He's Matthew. When has a female or male saying no ever stopped him?"

"True," said Nikolaus. "Is the alpha healing?"

"Well as can be with Zero's help. That creepy wolf is quite good with herbs. Sebastian's just gotten out of his punishment. Actually the alpha's off hunting with Aria. Food's scarce with the herds moving on...wouldn't be surprised if there's fights for food soon with the packs and heading into other territories." He was silent for a bit before speaking in a teasing manner. "So...with winter coming up and females in heat...does that mean you're not going to come around with those pups of yours anymore?"

"..." What was Jasper insinuating? "I'll come by as needed though I'm doing a lot of extra shits to care for my pups. What does the winter season coming up having to do with anything?"

"Well you seemed awfully invested in her in January. With breeding season soon here, I just assumed you'd be in your female's bed every night, bedding her until she got pregnant again. Or has the happy couple not talked about it?"

"..." Niko's cheeks flushed as he heard the beta's insinuation but still couldn't believe Jasper had the audacity to say so and was relieved in that moment that Miley was not there. He could only imagine how such a conversation would pan out. "That's...that's none of your business. Focus on finding your own female to breed with!"

"I'll try. But I take that as a no then? Or have you just not found the perfect location yet?"

"..." Jasper's amusement at the silence on the other end was shown as the beta finally began laughing. "I called to let the alpha know there's a loner who stopped by and is in the forest or should be. He should be looking for a place to camp. I gave him a path to the little campground that's sprung up over the summer. Goodbye!"

Nikolaus hung the phone up and set it down. Jasper was right in that they hadn't really talked about what was going to happen though Niko would do his best to be there as he could to watch her but also knew his duty was to his pups. The loner muttered something in annoyance and ordered slice of apple pie and a Hersey's chocolate entire pie to take home. He had enough time to eat his lunch, pay for it and stop by home to drop the pie in the fridge. Mentioned (in conversation): Comet Comet
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Zayne's eyes widened at her response on taking the whole family and finding her son. "Woah woah Gabriel. Now slow down and take deep breaths." He moved in front of her after she pushed the box onto the floor. He gently moved it to the side so as to not break anything, or break it more if she broke anything. He put his hands on her arms and rubbed them, looking in the eyes. "We cant just leave Haven. Germany is so far away and this pack doesn't need their alphas to leave again. They're just now coming around and we can't ruin that, not for these wolves. We will find your son, one way or another, I promise you that my love." He said to her softly, his eyes never leaving hers. He was trying to calm his angry mate, seeing all the anger in her eyes. "Gabby, calm your mind and we can think of a plan on getting him back. We know where to search now and that's a start." He said very softly to her.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Too lazy to type out Marie's post, but Scorpio has seen it since it only concerns them.

Miley didn't have her phone on her when Niko called. It was in her room on vibrate with the pups. They didn't wake up to the sound, which was good, but she wished she could've answered it at that time. She now had her phone, checking on the pups with a smile. They slept so soundly, so cute. It made her really want some with her own blood. She treated these pups like a mother, but it didn't feel the same since it wasn't her own blood. She didn't know of Niko wanted to try again with her or not, but she wasn't going to question. Of course the council wouldn't even allow the pups she would have with the halfblood. She would've been looked down upon by the higher council members, a disgrace to not breed with a pureblood and make real heirs to her name. The woman rolled her eyes at the thought as she walked out of her room quietly to go relax in her living room until Niko got off work. She enjoyed these quiet moments, but she also wished she had Niko's loving personality.

Getting lost in her thoughts was short lived as a knock was heard against her door. She flinched at how loud it was and hoped it didn't wake the pups up. The female was on high alert. She wasn't expecting anyone at this time and barely anyone knew where she lived. She moved a hand behind her back and turned her fingernails into claws, ready to attack who was at the door. It could be anyone. A threat, Gabriel or Zayne, or god forbid, other council members. She walked towards the door quietly, opening it halfway to the view of a man on her doorstep, the woman giving him a confused but generous smile. "Can I help you?" She asked.
VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
Gabriel opened her mouth to say they could take Azrael and he could watch the pups for them while she and Zayne looked for her oldest son. Any words she wanted to say though died on her tongue as her mate moved around in front of her and put his hands on her arms, rubbing them, moving the empty box out of the way. She would have suggested they'd bring Angelica and her kids as well but doubted Tobias would stand for that. Angry tear filled eyes stared at him as he tried to tell her to calm down and they couldn't just traipse off to Germany with Gabriel having only returned two moons ago and the pack possibly getting things together. How the pack couldn't afford for them to disappear and they didn't deserve it. The woman was of the opinion they deserved a lot with their disobedience and lax nature but held her tongue. "My son deserves to be home...with me and with us...with his siblings. I don't even know how he managed to get these things," she said gesturing towards the items on the table, "or manage to pack them. I just want my son home and to know why he was taken and who took him. I haven't had any scent or sign, no word of him and then I get these...appreciated as they are, I'd rather I get my son then these gifts. The only consolation is that I know he's alive and not dead like I've been worried about." If she had known her son was in Germany, she would have stayed in Europe and begun searching for her son there. Even though she was in no condition to to be going anywhere with being so late in pregnancy. Comet Comet
Synthania walked quickly through the territory of Kagore, heading for the river border within the southern edge of the territory that she knew separated Haven and Kagore. She had no intentions of joining Haven though and she had not the desire to remain within Kagore. Or, perhaps the half-blood should just leave Clover Hills altogether. Sythania sighed quietly to herself but did not look back. Pack life was behind her now, Kagore was behind her and she was getting her children to safety by removing them from Kagore and Styx's violent temper, the insanity of his mate Tor who seemed to think she was better than every other female there within the pack. Of course, Synthania didn't know and never would by removing herself from the pack that Tor had gone missing, same as Veridius, same as Viserys was thinking of leaving the pack because she thought the pack should be hers just because she was tied to inbreeding and insanity of Winslow.

It was not like anyone in Kagore but Veridius had noticed the pregnant female had disappeared anyway. They certainly hadn't noticed when she had come back to the pack just now, too busy with their own lives. If Synthania had to guess, she'd say there was something going on between Styx and Michi, given the girl was always...odd in the other's presence, obsessed with finding love in someone like that was all that mattered in the world. Gods, she hoped Finarel never turned out like Michi. Syn just found it odd how she had stood within the pack's house living room and none had noticed her presence or even her coming up the steps of the house. But then the pack didn't have any structure or order...yes...getting out of that pack was the best thing. Without structure and trust, they would sooner betray each other and each fend for themselves. was not Synthania's problem anymore and it wasn't the problem of her pups.

Unaware that Jasper was busy teasing Nikolaus over the phone when the loner had called for Matthew, Vince listened to Marie as she spoke about not hearing anything concerning the human that had been there in the territory to try to kill Marie earlier after she had been found and brought to the pack to heal. "Good," he spoke as she turned an ear towards him but did not turn to look at him, instead remaining there poised on the lookout hill. The gamma prowled up beside the female and looked out over the territory. "Adjusting to pack? Alpha may promote you soon and his son to new ranks. Good in time for heat season. You too good for Ice with you being stronger than him despite both of you having something in common. The omega has good heart...just not strong enough to defend a mate and hunt for it." Comet Comet
Matthew shook his head as Aria questioned him about his words concerning his ominous feeling. "I don't know...something is different about the air," he spoke. "I don't even know what it is that bothers me so much. Locked up separately?" he questioned but whatever else he was going to say as Aria jumped and there was the faint cry of a mouse that echoed through the air. Heading towards the moving herd of deer, he heard Aria speak about going for the buck as she did so, the wolf calmly watching as she scattered the herd and went for the buck, pursuing it until it stumbled and fell, allowing an opening for the female. The wolf huffed out a breath of air and then went after a fleeing doe with a young fawn trailing behind it. The alpha shook his head and made his way after his chosen prey, taking out the doe first before turning and snapping the fawn's neck as it stood there lost and confused at the large wolf attacking its mother. The alpha killed off two more members of the herd for good measure before allowing the rest to flee. Dragging the doe and yearling buck he'd just killed back to the other doe, he began piling them together and then wiggled his way under the catch, standing up easily despite the weight of two mature does, a yearling buck and a fawn on his back.

Turning to Aria, he walked over to her, placing his paws carefully on the ground as he moved over to her. Vince wouldn't be happy if his sister got injured in a hunt, neither would Matthew but he wasn't going to say that to his gamma. "Good job. I still caught more but you did well catching that buck on your own," spoke Matthew in amusement. "Why...because of her past killing wolves? You look like you can take care of yourself just fine. Fine...we'll seal you up somehow, depending on where we go for the winter season with the pups, Marie will be sealed up somewhere else. As for Kagore, Nikolaus reported they haven't been giving issues to Haven but they've been hunting closer to their pack's house with one of their hunters missing and the other one having given birth. Caspian, on the other paw, reports that Kagore is in total shambles still and nobody trusts anybody within the pack. That bitch female who forgets her place of Styx's has apparently disappeared from the pack and hasn't been scented in the territory or found. It's apparently calmed the alpha down a slight bit...though nobody trusts him but his pathetic guard useless female that my wolves can't even KILL properly. However...Pariah told Caspian who told me the weakling female can never have children again and she isn't healing correctly. From what I understand, that pack still hasn't gotten a beta pair and Artemis isn't leaving her pups' sides...she apparently has born Styx a male and female pup. It won't take much for a really strong wolf to slaughter the rest and take over.”


Aria felt blissful with the warm, metallic taste of the buck’s blood in her mouth as she dove deep into its throat with her canines. She did feel guilt, killing innocent creatures, but that guilt was easily subdued with the thought of the need to feed the puppies of the pack. And, someday, she’d have to feed her own puppies. The mere thought of having her own puppies excited her, but she also feared it- the pain would be immense and what if the father didn’t care? If the father happened to be Matthew, would he ditch the puppies like he always had his own? Her eyes flickered towards him, watching him with amusement as he killed more than they needed. Perhaps he just enjoyed ending their lives; who was she to say otherwise. As the buck became unsteady, it’s weight began to tip. It swivelled from side to side, landing on Aria who, in quick response, whined quietly and speedily weasled her weight out from under it. Shaking her pelt with annoyance and growling lightly at the corpse, she huffed.

Startled at Matthew’s sudden appearance at her side, she made herself tall on her haunches. Gaze fixated on the deer on his back, her expression quickly became confused. It seemed as though it was simple for him to just pile on the deer, and yet he still didn’t look as though he were struggling. Aria had the full intention of dragging the buck back to the camp, but she was embarrassed to do so now that Matthew was proving his strength. “Oh.” She smirked, content with the compliment. “Thank you, but if I knew we were killing more than we needed, I would have been able to kill more,” slipping under the buck’s abdomen, she lifted herself up, teetering slightly but able to hold it up somewhat sturdily. “You didn’t do so badly yourself,” she replied, eyes scanning the field to see the two dead deer that were left. “But you will attract loners,” teasing him, she turned and listened as he spoke, quiet until he had finished speaking. As they walked, the buck was proving a pain to carry, and her back began to hurt. Aria didn’t express this outwardly for fear of embarrassment, plus she needed to prove her worth. “Not the separation of me and Marie. Just the two of us separated from the males and the pups, unless the omega wants to mate, of course. I am not fearful of her.” Her paws dug firmly into the dirt. “But if you want to prevent fighting, then maybe the two of us should be sealed up in different places. As alpha, it is up to you,” she finally settled on that as an answer. Aria didn’t doubt that Jasper might have tried his luck again to attack her, maybe even Ice if given the chance. God knows Vince would’ve been furious, or would even start a fight. Maybe Matthew would be the same when it came to fighting.

“That’s an awful lot of information.” Aria laughed lightly, stretching out her legs as they became rather close to territory. “Does that mean you’re thinking of taking over?” The young woman questioned, looking at him.​
Matthew huffed in response to the compliment from Aria. "Hmmm...thanks," he spoke as he watched her before starting to head back to the pack's current location. "That can be arranged...and Fern needs the nourishment and something to chew on with her teething...hence the fawn. There is likely to be fighting anyway...the pack will have to fight over the omega, most likely Ice will lose...the others may end up tearing each other apart." Of course, Matthew didn't know that Axel had found a female and marked her when his son was still part of Kagore.

He stopped in his tracks and looked at her as they drew away from the hunting grounds for now and the ruined village came into sight, the stone buildings and piles of stone from buildings that hadn't been able to withstand the test of time coming into view within the mountains, before the village the farm fields. "Perhaps. Caspian and Pariah will be on my side in the fight, should such a thing occur. It was our plan, mine and Yaz's to take over Winslow and merge Fern's pack Quake and Winslow into one pack...once we got rid of the competition in Winslow, however that will not come to play now with Yaz out to get our niece. Bastard wolf. No...I don't know what my plans are regarding Kagore. Perhaps just wait and watch it fall apart, then move in." ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion

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