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[CLOSED] Partner for some kind of hard sci-fi


A marshmallow.
Well, hard by roleplay standards. If we tried to do actual novel-level hard it would probably be excruciating, but I want to do something a lot more realistic than the standard fare. I normally love RP which play fast and loose with natural laws, but I would like a change for this one.

This may be a long shot, but who knows. Maybe there's someone out there who really wants to play on a ship without artificial gravity, or a biological crisis which doesn't result in zombies.

I'm looking for:

  • Someone who loves ideas and worldbuilding as well as plots and characters.
  • Probably detailed level. My average post is ~3 paragraphs in most RP, but more or less depending on circumstance. In this we'll probably end up posting longer than that.
  • Readable grammar.
  • Some level of genre knowledge, as in, please be someone who occasionally reads sci-fi as well as watching movies. I love the movies but 99% are not remotely 'hard'.
  • Willingness to read more technical stuff and abide by laws of the world once we set them together.
  • I can play either gender, and don't really mind if you want to add potential romance. However I won't force romances to happen.

Because I am a biology major I would probably find it easier for the technical stuff to revolve around biology, but I'm open to whatever you'd like to throw in there.

Some books I like to give you an idea of what I'm after:

  • Zones of Thought series, Vernor Vinge
  • Imperial Radch trilogy, Ann Leckie
  • Everything Asimov ever touched

Some vague-ass plots:

  • As the last of the Amazon is swept away a zoonotic virus emerges, released from the jungle reservoir to wipe out the majority of the world's population. Those who survive are often severely disabled, leading to a secondary humanitarian crisis as goverments struggle to care for the incapacitated people. Euthanasia becomes commonplace. Meanwhile, the sparse remainder of the natural world starts to reclaim the territory that it lost.
  • At the edges of civilised space a vessel approaches that is unknown to human kind. Their intentions are mysterious, their technology is superior to ours. Our characters make up part of the team assigned to investigate the vessel, or one is an alien on the vessel.

But I would love to hear your plots. Thanks for reading! Please ask any questions, I don't bite.
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I've been looking for someone who loves some good old fashioned hard scifi, and now I've found one. This sounds great!

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