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Fantasy (Closed)Legend of Exon: Origins of the M12 Universe

Where they that made to not offer a simple hello, something to let her know it was ok. Chris shook her head as she began the walk with the rest of them. Her mind was already working ,as she began to muster up titles for those who she was partied with. Needless to say, all of their egos were boosted to the point of no return, especially the one who commented about killing the cats. the leader of this little travel pack, was like a brat that was slightly spoiled when he was younger. Maybe thinking he was best fit to be a leader, though from this view, it seemed as if the group didn't have a leader. More the reason to strut your stuff, give off the cold serious expression, to make others think you don't have a soft side. Chris looked over toward the other one who had sighed. That guy, that guy had something up his sleeve. His body language and eyes had told the whole story, but what his plans was, were unreadable.

Behind her back she flicked at her finger nails as she walked up closer toward the one with two lions. The lions didn't fear her, they were just casts, but supersized. When they roar, they hiss, when they glare , they stare. Protective like a dog, but overly lazy and curious at the same time. No doubt they were breaded just for him. The way the walk, tells their story as well.

"So whats on the to do list for today...urm your name?"
"I do not doubt that, you having your powers and all. I would suggest not getting too confident though, remember that our powers are only parts that were taken from the Exon King, so he probably has far more power than any of us alone." Rogan didn't bother looking back at Crimson as he said this, he just walked up the wood steps leading onto the small ship's deck.

Hearing the new girl speak to him, he turned to face her, his face devoid of any emotion.

"The journey to the Exon Ice Realm should only take a day, so you can all do whatever you like until then. Obviously, that excludes getting off the ship though. My name is Rogan by the way, may I know yours?" Once Rogan was aboard the ship, Tearlach and Thorack walked off, staying as far away from the water as possible.

Rogan looked up at the sky, seeing how they were already beginning to darken, night wasn't too far away now.
Dax frowns, staring up at the ship before going aboard. He had never been on a ship before, so this was definitely out of his comfort zone. Still, he had to go along with whatever Rogan had planned for now. He'd have to come up with a way to stage an 'accident' for those lions of his however, since they may pose a threat to him if he let his guard down. Still, as long as he stuck to plan he would probably be fine.

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