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Fantasy (Closed)Legend of Exon: Origins of the M12 Universe


"Then die. If you care not for the prophecy, why bother showing up? Don't you think you're wasting your time? Pathetic..." Crimson added when Rogan was finished. Crimson had barely known the man for five minutes and already Crimson wanted nothing more than to slaughter the man. While Crimson may have hated everyone, she wasn't about to lay down and die. Whether or not this was a prophecy, Crimson would have fought the Exon King to the very end. Crimson sighed lowly and began charging energy into her blade, ready to use another rift. "Well...Whenever you all decide what you want to do. You let me know..." She threw something towards Rogan, a small crimson gear pendant. "That's how you'll get in touch with me...just walk to it when you and the other 'Chosen Ones' decide whether we just get this over with or just die." With that she slashed at the air, causing another loud whistling sound to pierce the air and opened up another Gear shaped portal and she walked into it without another word. She glanced back at the three and shut the portal.
Rogan catches the pendant from Crimson, staring at the air she had disappeared through.

"I grow tired of waiting for the fifth member, if he or she doesn't arrive in at least the next 10 minutes, I will get the Crimson girl and I will leave. It's up to you all if you decide to join me or not." This Rogan directed at the 2 remaining group members, and although he knew that he stood no chance alone, he would rather go than to just stand there while the recently formed group falls apart.

@Goddess, we are still waiting for you before the quest can begin.
Catherine, who had remained silent throughout this exchange while still watching from the tree, finally sheathed her blades again "10 minutes until she comes back? Guess that's my cue." She said, before jumping to the ground "Just tell me where to go. There's no way I'm walking a single step with the likes of her."
"Relax Catherine, wait for ten minutes, if the final member doesn't arrive, then we can go. You could spend this Tim mentally preparing yourself or whatever it is that you want to do." Rogan actually wanted to leave now as well, but hey, it would be unreasonable to leave their own comrade behind.
"I don't think you understand what I meant." Catherine replied, motioning to the rest of the group "This is something I don't want to be a part of. This is a group of people that will inevitably turn on itself and cause its own destruction. Count me out of that. Just tell me where I need to go to fulfill this prophecy thing, and I'll do it solo. Got it?"
"Hell, that is where you can go. To hell. If you think that you can do this yourself, then that's fine, just take a knife and slit your throat, that fate will be better than what awake you with the Exon King" Rogan really hate this group, they were just ignorant people who knew nothing about the world outside of the one they had created for themselves.

"Some would admire your courage, but I do not this is not some game or some quest for money. And I can't tell you where to go, you need a navigator who knows where the direction of the realms are while out sail on sea, without a navigator, you are lost."
"If you think these people could possibly work together long enough to do anything useful, you're just as sorely mistaken as you believe I am." Catherine countered "Chosen by this 'Prophecy' or not, we're incompatible. You may see a group of heroes, but you know what I see? I see death for everyone involved in this group. From everything I've seen so far, we're all completely hopeless. You guys couldn't work together long enough to talk to each other, what makes you think we'll be able to beat someone as powerful as the Exon King?"
"I known because we are all going to need each other. We might hate each other, but out there, the people you hate might be the ones who save your life, they might be the people who kept you alive.g. Not because they trust you, not because they care about you, simply because your help is what will keep them alive. We won't trust each other, but know that we will need each other." Rogan hated the fact that he sounded like a motivational speaker right now, he was never taught nor raised to be one, so he knew that he wasn't good at it.
"Sorry, you misunderstood me. This isn't a question of what we're going to do, it's a question of how we could possibly stick together long enough to do said things." Catherine said, folding her arms in impatience "Unless you can prove that we'll be able to stay together and not completely fall apart, I'm not going to be part of this group. It's suicide, in my opinion."
"I'm afraid it's you who doesn't understand what I'm saying. I just gave you a perfectly good reason as to how we are going to stay together, and if you don't understand that, then it clearly means that you don't in fact want to be a part of this." Rogan was getting tired and annoyed about this girl winning so much. Can't she think for herself?

"If you would rather stay here and stuff yourself with gold and money, then do so. If we fail on this quest and you weren't there, your money will mean nothing when the Exon King gets here. If we succeed and you weren't there, your money will be nothing compared to what we will have achieved and what we might be rewarded. I'm done trying to convince you to come to this quest, you either decide by yourself, or you don't go. I'm not the leader of this group, I'm just like everyone of you, so I don't have to be responsible to keep you here. One thing that certain though, it's that I'm no coward, I have honour and enough care as to actually understand that the whole world needs me, and I won't turn my back on it just because I don't trust my companions."
"I'm afraid 'Because we know we need each other' isn't a valid reason." Catherine replied "We can need each other to survive all we like, but a group of incompatible people will always fail, without a doubt. And I'm not being a part of a group that will fail. Get that through your thick little skull."

"And, for the record, I'm not abandoning this quest. I still plan on going solo, I'm just going to find someone else to take me where I need to go, since you're obviously of no help to me. And since you told me I can go to Hell earlier, I'm assuming you don't care for my well-being. Which is fine, nobody does. That's why I work alone all the time. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go and let Crimson kill you when she gets the chance..." Catherine concluded, turning her back to the group to leave for the nearest port town.
(sorry projects)

Chris with her fingers laced behind her back, slowly walked with a slow idle pace. Her green hair flowed in the wind as her eyes traced the streets of the busy people. Humming a slightly tune she would bend her body to evade the bulky men that would shove and push forward to get across from one street to another. The females all giggled along their arms as they pushed out their hips to give them a sort of walk that watch catch another males fancy. Childish it was, but Chris didn't mind the hip moving, arm shoving. It was relaxing for her, knowing that everyone was still the same.

As her walk extended, she could hear the voices of people nearby, something about companions, were chosen, and we walk together. Twirling she made her way through the small alley to a secluded place where she found others. Smiling she bowed her head as, her voice rung out like a child that was just handed an ice cream,

"Am I late, sorry...I had gotten distracted."
Dax sighs, once again beginning to walk away without saying another word. He had decided that they were probably doomed to fail, and he wasn't sure if he could trust himself not to kill everyone else when they weren't looking. The prophecy didn't matter to him, he believed it to be nothing more than a story, meant to be told to give people false hope. He didn't care what he was offered, money wouldn't matter if he was dead. There were three things he hated more than anything else, helping nobles, being around members of the royal family, and the idea of dying for no reason. (I won't be able to post very often for the next few months, but I'll post when I can.)
Catherine is leaving the group, but that doesn't mean she's giving up. She's going to try and tackle this solo, since she doesn't trust Crimson.

And no, I'm not pulling out. I figured, if the group can't convince her to stay right now, they could meet her again somewhere down the road.
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@LegoLad659, there is no somewhere else down the road, there is only one way to leave the kingdom and that is with the Royal ships, which is what everyone will be taking. I made this to be a group rp, no solo missions. If your character leaves the group, it means you are leaving the rp.

I don't want to seem unreasonable, but I think your character should go back to the others.
Okay. How do you suggest I do that? You better not be suggesting I break character, that's the very last thing I want out of an RP. Catherine doesn't want to travel with this group. I can't just magically make her suddenly want to again.

Well I won't go out of character again just to bring your character back either.

I hate being rude or too controlling in my rp, but goodbye then. I made this clear from the beginning that this would be a group rp, seeing as you can't follow that rule, I want you to leave the rp.

I will be deleting your CS soon.
So you're just making that decision then? You're not giving anyone else a chance to try? I wasn't saying you have to, I said someone has to. But whatever, you're the creator, it's your RP. Goodbye, and I hope you have fun with your group of anti-heroes who are probably going to tear each other apart.
I'll pretend like that wasn't sarcastic at all. And don't worry about the group, I'm sure there won't be any problems when the story finally starts.
Rogan took out the pendant he had received from Crimson, inspecting it before doing what she had told him do to call her.

"The group is now complete, what is the reason to leave it now when our journey begins?" This Rogan directed at the once again departing Dax.

"A Targarian small ship awaits us outside the gates, now is a better time to leave this land and begin our journey than any." With this, Rogan looked at both the present Chris and Dax, turned around and walked out of the large black gates, his two lions following protectively behind.

Crimson appeared from another gear shaped portal. She yawned slightly as she dragged her sword behind her. "Ah...It's about time...Let's get this over with..." She ran her fingers through her hair and stared at the ground for a moment before finally following Rogan and his lions. "Keep them away from me...I'll slaughter them without hesitation..." Crimson warned as she blinked her eyes a few times. She quickly stretched and kept on walking.
Dax sighs, turning around. They had no chance in succeeding, he just did not think it possible. However, by going along with the idea of success he could create a ruse that would allow him to trick Rogan into a false sense of security, perfect for killing him easily without much hassle. He follows Rogan from a distance of about 6 feet away. He had a plan now, and he was going to follow through with it. Trick Rogan into trusting him, kill Rogan. It was so simple that he believed it unable to fail.

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