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Fantasy (Closed)Legend of Exon: Origins of the M12 Universe

Tearlach the Fade

Tearlach the Obliterator...yes?...No?...okay.
Rogan sighed as he walked through the streets of Targaria. Everywhere he went, he drew stares and looks of astonishment from all over. It didn't matter that he hardly even had any political power, the civilians still respected him as a prince.

Right now, he was currently walking to the 'Chosen Rezendvous' place, outside the East Gate of Targaria, where he was apparently going to be meeting the other chosen humans.

Thorack and Tearlach walked next to him, both growling at each other and everyone who walked past them, the lions were hostile when they had to leave their family.

"I hope we'll be back soon boys. I feel like our journey may take long though, I hope our companions will be good company for us." Rogan sighed once more as he saw the large black gates, currently, there would be no guards for the whole day, apparently his father didn't want to make the other chosen humans nervous, so the guards were disposed for the day.

"We wait here boys, our companions should be arriving soon. And then, our journey begins"
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Catherine darted between trees, very quickly moving towards Targaria. In her hand was the piece of paper that brought her there. She had no idea how, but someone had managed to track down her marketplace while she was out, having left this note there for her to read when she returned. The message inside was simple and straightforward: To come to the Eastern Gate of Targaria, where she would meet up with four other people who 'Shared [her] destiny'. She had a vague idea of what this meant, but any thoughts of backing out of this offer were expelled by the next part of the letter. They were going to pay her for this? With gold coins? And... THAT many?! To dispel any doubts she'd have about the legitimacy of this request, the note assured her, the messenger had also left a bag with 10% of the reward as a down payment. With a gleam in her eye, she immediately set out for Targaria.

Still thinking about those numbers, Catherine's determination flared up again, and she sped even faster through the area, and didn't slow down even as the gate came into sight. From here, she could see one person standing in front of it, accompanied by two lions. Tagarian royalty? What's he doing here? As she approached the gate, she slowed to a stop in front of the royal.
Dax wipes blood off of his blade, finishing what he expected to be his last assassination job in a while. He quickly sheaths his blade, disposing of the corpse of his victim by tossing him into his own fireplace and lighting it as the person who had hired him specified. He walks out of the nobleman's house before walking towards the East Gate of Targaria. He wasn't too far from the rendezvous place, but he still didn't want to go. He knew the prophecy like the back of his hand, but the whole thing seemed more than a bit fishy to him. He didn't like the idea of meeting up with others, he usually worked alone. To him the more people he worked with the higher the likelihood was that he would be betrayed. Still, it gave him a chance to take a break for a while. He hid near the gates, scouting the area to make sure there was no ambush waiting. Rogan seemed like a minor threat to him, but not enough of one to be able to kill him on his own. Then again he did have two lions with him, which to Dax was more than a small threat, and definitely befitting of an assailant. He did however question why, if this was a trap, whoever was trying to kill him would use the prince as bait or send the prince to kill him. He decided it best to wait and see who else showed up, there would be at least three more people if he wasn't mistaken. As soon as he noticed Catherine arrive he decided that it probably was a trap, and that revealing himself was a bad idea.
"Calm down boys, I'm sure she wouldn't be here if she wanted to harm us." Rogan said as he brushed the heads of his 2 growling lions.

"Hello, my name is Rogan, I am one of the 5 chosen humans, who are you?" The question was directed at the new comer. He hoped that she didn't mind the formality, but right now, he would rather get through the introductions now and be done with it.

He wondered where the other chosen were, he knew that they had to live in this day, if they don't, he didn't know if he could manage to leave his home again.
Catherine wasn't really one for formality, considering her line of work. She understood that Rogan was, though, most likely due to his royal upbringing "Name's Catherine. I guess we'll be working together from here on out, huh?" She replied, before looking at the two lions "...That is, if your pets will allow us to." She kept an ear out for anyone else that may be nearby. So far, she had heard no signs of any others.
"Yes, I guess we will be partners from now on." Rogan allowed a small smile on his face, so far, she didn't seem like someone to hate.

"Don't worry about them, Thorack and Tearlach won't harm you unless I say so. Although you shouldn't call them pets though, more like guardians or friends, they hate being called pets." As he said this, Rogan once more again the heads of his lions, who were standing on alert, looking around for more people who could 'pop' out of nowhere.

"Did you anyone else when you were coming here? We should leave soon, but that can't be done without our other 'chosen' companions."
Catherine shook her head "No, it's just been me. Honestly, I'm only here because of this thing." She explained, holding up the note she got. She didn't really like the prophecy. Not because she didn't care about the people of the world (Though that was true as well), but because of the whole idea of having a predetermined 'Fate' that she had to follow. She was in control of her own life, and she wasn't going to let anything else tell her otherwise.
"You got a note? Must have been sent by the Oracle. That idiot likes to think he has a right to our lives because his ancestor was the one who told the prophecy. If you ask me, I think that Oracle is just eating the empire's money for no reason. He knows nothing about prophecies nor the Exon King." It was no secret that Rogan hated the oracle, that fool had tried to control him since the day he was born.

His brothers had threatened to cut his hands off though, and his sisters threatened to pour boiling water on his head. So the 'oracle', out of fear, stopped trying to control him.
"Oracle, huh? Doesn't sound very oracle-like." Catherine commented, then put the note in her pocket "Well, either way, as long as I get paid, I really don't care who it is." She grinned as she thought about those numbers again. If they were serious, that amount of gold could set her up for a good long time. Of course, if it wasn't... This oracle would be getting a little visit from her. Either way, she'd get her money, it was just about that extra step she didn't want to have to take.

Crimson Altair


A distinct

invaded the area that the prince and mysterious woman were standing. A crimson gear shape appeared on the ground and a bright light shone and rising from the gear was a red headed young girl who looked at the pair with dead eyes and a tight grip on her blade. The girl said nothing and simply stared, waiting for one of them to formally greet her. She knew she was supposed to be here. She was one of the chosen ones as far as she was concerned. She wasn't exactly happy about that, she wasn't a pawn in the game of destiny but she'd play for a little while before she started making her own rules.
Catherine was startled by the girl's sudden appearance, and jumped away, her blades already drawn to retaliate against what she expected to be an attack. Even when none came at first, she kept her guard up in case this girl was going to try anything "What the... Who the hell do you think you are, doing something like that?"
Dax leaves his hiding spot and silently walks towards the prince and the woman of whom he didn't recognize. He didn't say a thing, and drew his sword in case he may need it. He had decided that the likelihood of this being a trap was very low, but it was still better to be prepared than to not be ready if it was a trap. He was prepared for any possible ambushes. He glanced at the suddenly emerging girl for a second before glaring at the prince. "I was told to come here. Are you and these two 'chosen' as well?" He asks quickly before going completely silent.

Crimson turned her head slightly to face the newcomer who had his sword at the ready. He seemed to be another chosen. Her gaze fell from him and to the girl who had blades drawn as well. If it was a fight she was expecting, Crimson would be more than happy to provide but it would cost the girl her life. Crimson stared with her dead eyes and finally opened her mouth to speak, her voice was low and monotone. "I am a chosen one...one of the five mentioned in the prophecy..." She introduced herself though she hadn't planned on telling them her name just yet.
Rogan had drawn his sword as well when the girl suddenly appeared, and he had to give her credit, even Thorack and Tearlach didn't sense her coming, but they were mad that she was there though.

He looked at the other arrival casually, he didn't know why the man was glaring at him, and frankly he didn't care.

"Well me and this girl Catherine are the chosen as well, I don't know about you though new guy." rogan made sure to not allow any emotion in his voice, this allowing it to seem cold and venomous.

(This is going so well, I'm sorry to say that I have to go to sleep though. Tomorrow I'm waking up really early. Feel free to continue without me though, just please don't leave the gates)
Catherine was silent for a moment before dropping her stance and sheathing her weapons "Hmph, fair enough... I wouldn't recommend surprising your allies like that in the future, though. Just a word of advice."

"This is the part where you all would have died. Never go by words alone. You do not know if I truly am a chosen one or not. I could be lying and waiting for the opportune moment to slay you where you stand..." Crimson mention, her blade now pointed at the girl whose name was revealed to be Catherine. While her words were cold, she knew that they couldn't deny the truth in her words. She could have simply been passing by and heard they were gathering chosen ones for all they knew. She set her blade down when she felt she had made her point quite clear.
Catherine may have given the appearance of her guard being down, but the reality was quite the opposite; As soon as the girl raised her blade to threaten her, she jumped up into a tree behind her, her weapons drawn once more. This time she stayed silent, watching the girl like a hawk.
Dax shrugs, walking away silently. He didn't really care much about the prophecy, since he hadn't been offered any reward for being a part of it in the first place. To him every second wasted was another missed opportunity, another assassination job missed. If they were the chosen ones then the prophecy must be a lie. Crimson seemed like she obviously didn't work well with others, a bit like him. The only difference was that Crimson seemed like the kind of person to backstab her allies at any moment. Catherine didn't seem very reliable. He would definitely not be able to get along with the prince, and wasn't so sure that he could keep himself from killing the prince if given the chance. He hated royalty more than he hated fires.
'What a lovely group I have here.' Rogan thought to himself with a mental sigh. Couldn't I get nice quiet people? You know, people like the palace staff?

"Okay people, I guess now we are just waiting for one more person, hopefully they get here before the sun goes down. It's very idiotic to go where we will be going in the dark." Rogan wondered why he had just sounded like a leader, in fact, he was curious as to why they didn't have a leader.

Sure he was probably the only one there who knew where the 5 Exon Realms were, but that didn't mean they didn't need a leader. What if one of them steps out of line, who's going to calm the situation then?

"Oh? And just who put you in charge?" Crimson asked, her voice monotone and not matching her raised brow expression. Surely this man didn't think he'd place himself in charge simply because he was a Prince? She'd cut him to ribbons if he dared use his position to justify that claim. They needed no leader. Sure they may share the same destiny but their life is their own and she was sure they wouldn't like it if they had to take orders from someone else.

Of all things that she had to go through traveling with this group of 'Chosen Ones' wasn't something she was fond of having to do but she'd have to go along for now.
"No one put me in charge and I don't want to be in charge. Someone had to keep order though, and clearly no one else was willing to step up for that. Let me ask you though, have you ever worked in a group before? There always has to be someone to keep order and sometimes that includes giving orders too. That doesn't make them a leader, it just means that 5 minds can't all always work in harmony, one has to be in front once in a while." Rogan understood that his companions probably didn't trust him because of who he was, but the way he saw it, they were all equal in this quest.

'One thing they shouldn't be mistaken about is me being weak though, I have both my powers and my lions to add on to my sword expertise if a fight brakes out, and I'm not guaranteed a win, but I'm sure as hell not guaranteed a lose either.' Rogan thought to himself in assurance.

Crimson frowned slightly. Such a weak answer but then again, he had no idea what was in store for them so it was natural for the man to be so naive about leadership. She would accept his leader when he saw what it truly meant to be one but for now she will down on him, Prince or not he wasn't someone worthy in her eyes. "No, I've never worked with anyone. I've been alone as long as I can remember and you know what I was content with the lonely vagabond life but it seems Fate had other plans in store and here I stand among The Chosen Ones."
"Well I'm not the one who took you away from your lonely life, I was taken from my life, we all were. I'm not looking to be a leader, but I think someone has to tell you this, men have set out to conquer the Exon King and his realms, and all of them have failed. If you don't trust me that's fine, but at least believe me. If you don't believe the things that I tell you, the things that I was taught for this quest, we are all going to die." Rogan really couldn't wait for the last member to arrive, then he wouldn't have to stand here and deal with this ignorant woman.

Only now did Rogan realise that one of the chosen was actually leaving, something which spark some panick in him.

"Leaving now would be a cowardly thing. I do not know who you are or what you do, but anyone who abandons a mission, and especially one of this much scale, is a disappointment. Don't quit now, at least wait until you see the realms." Rogan knew that they needed 5 members, they lose one now and they lose everything.

(This is my last post for the today guys, it's very late here and I have to wake up early tomorrow, so good night.)
Dax suddenly stops in place, turning around and glaring at Rogan. "Cowardly? COWARDLY?! What do idiots like you or any other member of the royal family know about 'courage' or 'bravery'?! I'd advise you to keep your mouth closed before I close it for good!" He yells before going silent. It had been a long time since he last lost his cool, and he was quite serious about his threat. He smiles, deciding that if Rogan did say anything else that bothered him that he'd make sure Rogan didn't survive very long. "If we are the 'chosen' then the prophecy must be a lie, because we don't stand a chance." He says, glancing at the other 'chosen'. "As for me, I don't benefit in any way from this, and as such I do not care if the prophecy is fulfilled or not."
Rogan couldn't control the sudden burst of laughter that burst through him, he laughed so hard that he actually had to balance himself on Thorack.

"I can't believe that you would actually say that, do you think we are just doing this for the fun of it...for the glory maybe? Everyday the Exon King gets stronger and stronger, the moment he has enough power to create more stones, he will. The people of the City of the Blight are nothing but slaves, and that is the fate that awaits everyone if the Exon King is not stopped." Rogan had said all of this with the humour still in tact, but he finally composed himself to say:

"I don't know what you do and what your ability is, but believe me, great men have tried to take on the Exon forces, and they have all failed. Once that basterd crosses the sea and comes for us, we are all doomed. We, the five of us, are all that humanity has left. And you have the nerve to stand there and act tough? Seriously?" Rogan knew that he was making the man angry, but he didn't care right now. He was leaving his family, his friends, everything behind to save humanity. And he had the decency to stand here and judge him? Really?

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