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Fantasy [CLOSED] Coward's Search | m//, f// | detailed | Updated 17/2


A marshmallow.
Hi all! I’m a 27 year old “lady” with probably like a million years RP experience, looking to start some long, complicated stories. All conflict all the time.

I've got some material below, but also feel free to pitch your own ideas. I like both scifi and fantasy, and I'm also happy to do modern settings if there's a strong plot. The only thing I really don't like is modern fluff where the characters like, sit and eat cake together.

Please PM with a writing sample if something catches your eye!

About Me:
  • GMT +10 Timezone
  • I have an average post length around ~4 paragraphs, if that matters to you. I try to do quality > quantity.
  • I reply at least daily at the moment. I might slow down a little when my new job starts, but will still manage most days.
  • Happy to play any gender. Slight preference for playing males.
  • I make lots of NPCs to fill up the background, and like them to believable.
  • I only write in 3rd person, past tense, and mostly use deep PoV
  • Fictional conflict is a drug and I’m addicted to it. Regular conflict I can take or leave.
  • I like dark themes and very very bad events, but not wallowing in depression and torture. Stories should have low and high points.

  • Please be over 20. Sorry, I'm 27 and it feels weird writing with teenagers.
  • Please be willing and able to help drive the plot.
  • If either of us wants to drop we tell each other, even if it's just that we're not feeling it. Knowing is better than fading!
  • Platonic RP is cool.
  • Romance is also cool, so long as it develops gradually and naturally.
  • Caveat to above: while I like writing male characters in romance, I hate it when they end up babysitting a passive damsel or 'uke'. This happens way too often. Please just don't.


These can be platonic or romantic. An antagonistic start is always fun, too.

Bold = preferred role
Italics = ehhhh. Convince me.
*** = Please god

  • Bodyguard + Prince/King/Warlord etc.
  • Mage + Demon/Monster Thrall *******************
  • Sailor/spacer+ mysterious passenger *
  • Banished heir + someone ‘sympathetic’ who wants to install them as a puppet king ***
  • Mage + Hired Guard
  • Android + Human
  • Alien + Human
  • Mortal enemies of any sort
  • Deserter + loyal soldier
  • Sheriff of one horse town + bounty hunter chasing a big time outlaw


These are more like hooks or meet-cutes that we can expand on. For some reason I wrote them in first-person, but the 'I' character doesn't have to be my character. I can play either part.

  • Only one of the entities in your head likes me. But I really, really like it.
  • This alien species (humans, is it?) are adorable and stupid. Why shouldn’t I keep one as a pet?
  • I don’t usually read horoscopes, but the ones you write are disturbingly specific and accurate to me.
  • You might be the heir but I'm clearly more qualified to rule.



Open ended.

One character is taken by a demonic cult to use their body as a host for a demon. The ritual works… sort of. The demon takes control of the human’s body, but only after dark. During the day the human regains control.

Our characters share the same body. At all times the human and demon can talk to each other inside their shared head, but that doesn’t mean they agree on anything.

  • Weird/fucked up power dynamic between characters
  • Betrayal
  • Redemption
  • Bad Things Happen to Good People
  • Moral ambiguity, no-win scenarios
  • Totalitarianism, Dystopias
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I'm guessing this one's an Alien x Human? Do you have an Alien Race to spare?

Heya! Yeah it would be. I was honestly planning to make one up on the fly if someone wanted this pairing. I've got plenty of ideas for theoretical biology and so on.
Heya! Yeah it would be. I was honestly planning to make one up on the fly if someone wanted this pairing. I've got plenty of ideas for theoretical biology and so on.
Do you want to do it on a PM or on a thread?
I wouldn't mind... but I'm sorry, is your profile age correct? I have an age limit, since I'm kind of old for this site.
I'm turning 16 this month...Crap, so you wanted someone who's 20. I just kinda dove into the plots section. Ah well, guess I'm 4 years too early~
I'm turning 16 this month...Crap, so you wanted someone who's 20. I just kinda dove into the plots section. Ah well, guess I'm 4 years too early~

Ahh sorry mate >.< yeah it just makes me feel weird, especially since 1x1 often turns out romantic. Thanks for the interest, though.
Yo I would be all for the Orc X Human idea. Not so much the Romance, but a good solid bromance would be fun. Like you, it would be tight to see a human and an Orc fist bump after just the most epic carnage.
As for what your looking for in a writer, I tend to look for the same things so I think this could work out well.
Yo I would be all for the Orc X Human idea. Not so much the Romance, but a good solid bromance would be fun. Like you, it would be tight to see a human and an Orc fist bump after just the most epic carnage.
As for what your looking for in a writer, I tend to look for the same things so I think this could work out well.

Sweet! I'll PM you <3

I'd like to find someone to RP with and honestly I'm down for pretty much anything on that list. I love making characters and fleshing them out so I can def. help with background characters. I RP both genders but mostly gender ambiguous personality types, if that makes sense. Feminine men and masculine women. I can be really flexible based on what the rp feels like it calls for. I know all of this was super noncommittal but thats mostly because atm I'm super duper flexible.

In regards to what you look for in a writer: All of these stipulations are what I look for also. In terms of which RP I think I'm feeling the most: I really like the idea of a royalty/spy. I usually prefer to RP in a thread as opposed to in PMs, but like I said above: I'm super duper flexible.

Also, in terms of response times, I'm in the same boat, I will reply daily (Sometimes more often) until my course load pics up, then I'll be weekly at the least.

I just realized you previously posted that you had enough interest and were no longer looking. So... I suppose this post is a "Keep me in mind if you have an opening" sort of thing
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Wanna write!? I'd love to if you have the time!!(:

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