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Fantasy Cledonia- Extra Information


q r o w

Body in Abyss, Heart in Paradise.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
-classes, info about the academy , schedules, and important info here
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Information about Cledonia and Cledonia Academy
Cledonia was formed 10 years after the war, and has been standing for a total of 15 since its founding. Cledonia Academy was only created 3 years ago, which means if you were born the year Cledonia was founded, you would be 12 when the academy was created. The courses offered at Cledonia is varied, and students have commented that the schedule/system can be stressful. Students get holidays and weekends off. The school year is divided into 4 cycles. First is spring, 2nd is summer, the third would be fall, and the 4th cycle is winter. (Ex. How semesters are divided into quarters)

Other info about Cledonia includes:
Much like any fantasy world, Technology is different. Electricity/Electronics don’t exist. Most advance is something similar to a phone, a type writer, and a printing machine. Travel is done by horse, magic, foot, or wings. While guns do exist, they are rare and only the human patrol has them. Cledonia bans them. Using more common weapons such as blades or arrows, and of course magic. The world time is different as well, there are 13 hours of day light, and 12 of night. Cledonia rest within the cliffs hidden deep in the forbidden forest, which stretches for miles. No human without magic has ever gotten anywhere near Cledonia due to the creatures guarding the settlement the creatures only provoke humans. Have any questions feel free to ask!
Cledonia Academy Rules
-No weapons outside of designated sparring rooms.
-No one on the halls after lights out.
- No fighting outside or sparring classrooms and a teacher must be present.
-if you’ve read this information like the post please..
-Bullying is not tolerated.
- any broken rule will be dealt with accordingly
-Use of magic against another student with intention to kill or severely harm results in automatic suspension
-Disrespect towards peers or staff is not tolerated.
-No leaving campus with out staff permission unless a holiday or weekend.

*note: below is listed all students elective schedules, apply your schedule to the basic schedule to figure out when your classes will be.
0:00-1:00 wake up/ morning roll call/ food
1:00-2:00 Math
2:00-3:00 English
3:00-4:00 Magic Control
4:00-5:00 History
5:00-6:00 Science
6:00-7:00 Lunch/break
7:00-8:30 Elective 1
8:30-10:00 elective 2
10:00-11:00 Elective 3
11:00-13:00 dinner/evening role call/ free time
13:00-0:00 lights out (from 13 time starts going backward due to it being night.)

Welcome back to your second year! Your dorm # is 23G
Elective 1: Magic Sparring with Mr. Kenso
Elective 2: Elemental Magic with Mr. Hunter
Elective 3: Shifting and Concealment with Ms. Thia

welcome back 2nd year! Your dorm is 10B.
Elective 1: Magic Sparring with Mr. Kenso
Elective 2: Summoning with Ms. Clara.
Elective 3: Weapons Training with Mr. Kenso

Another second year! Your dorm is 28G.
Elective 1: Magic Sparring with Mr. Kenso
Elective 2: Healing and Defesive Magic with Ms. Thia
Elective 3: Energy Management with Miss Eline

Welcome to your second year at Cledonia. Dorm is 24G.
Elective 1: Spells & Runes with Ms. Lania
Elective 2: Elemental Magic with Mr. Hunter
Elective 3: Shifting & Concealment with Ms. Thia

Honestly Gabe, you should be welcoming us back, you stay here in your dorm and never came out. Dorm 12BC
Elective 1: Magic Sparring with Mr. Kenso
Elective 2: Healing & Defensive Magic with Ms. Thia
Elective 3: Weapons Training with Mr. Kenso

Glad you decided to come back. Your room is 11B.
Elective 1: Magic Sparring with Mr. Kenso
Elective 2: Elemental magic with Mr. Hunter
Elective 3: Weapons Training with Mr. Kenso

Let’s not have any problems this year. You dorm 26G
Elective 1: Magic Sparring with Mr. Kenso
Elective 2: Summoning with Ms. Clara
Elective 3: Energy Management with Miss Eline

Please remember to duck when walking through door ways. Dorm 8B.
Elective 1: Spells and Runes with Ms. Lania
Elective 2: Elements with Mr. Hunter
Elective 3: Shifting and concealment with Ms. Thia

Welcome to Cledonia, dorm room 25G
Elective 1: Spells & Runes
Elective 2:Defensive & Healing Magic.
Elective 3: Weapons
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Classes offered in the academy:

There are 5 courses all students have no matter what year or if they have taken it before. Those classes are: math, english, basic science, magic control, history.

Students are also required three courses of their choosing. These classes may be changed every cycle or yearly if so wished. Please put the 3 classes of your choice into your CS under ‘classes’:
-Alchemy and potions

-Healing and Defensive magic

-Spells and Runes; spells casting, charms and Runes are taught in this class

-Magic Sparring and Offensive Magic: in this class a wound or bruise isn’t uncommon. Nurses are on standby of course! You learn offensive magic and spar with the other students,

-Weapons Training; Orginally just swords, but other types of weapons are available and so is archery and hand to hand combat.

-Elemental Magic; a class for those with powers tailored to the 4 elements.

-Energy Manipulation/Restoration: Magic is highly dependent on your energy. Here you do a lot of meditation and focusing. You are taught how to move your energy to another, conserve it, and control it.

-Summoning and Necromany: Although frowned upon due to the war, we offer this class for those whose magic lays within this catergory.

-Shifting and Concealment; Teaches those with inhuman features many methods to conceal their distinctness, and teaches shifters or those with a similar ability how to control and manage shifting.
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Ms. Lania, teaches Spells and Runes.

Spells, and creating/reading runes.
<possibly be changed, unfinished>
>submitted by Singularity<
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Mr. Kenso, teaches Magic Sparring and Weapons Training. Discipline Coordinator.

Neutralization: can mute powers of those around him, has very good control over this ability and can use it on a group or toward a certain person.
Barrier: An invisible shield he uses to encase others who lose control, or their temper.
Summoning: Can summon weapons and items for a limited amount of time.
Extra: Dianna's brother, hides his horns so he doesn't scare off first years. Runes painted over his body for different things. (ex. fire protection, healing, etc.)

Headmistress Dianna:


Headmaster Sebastian:

Empathy: Can sense and sway emotions of others
Mind Reading

Miss Eline, Teaches energy manipulation and magic control

Mind Reading
Aura Seer: Can see peoples energy.
Extra: She is blind.

Ms. Thia, teaches healing and defensive magic, and shifting/concealment

Elemental Magic
Force Fields

Mr. Kyle, teaches English.

small illusion magic
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