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Fandom Clash of the Fandoms

[QUOTE="Kalashnikova Squid]Alright guys, I kinda have to get out of this, since IRL complicated things over 4-5 days and I've missed a bit too much. Sorry.

nothing has happend with the x-com universe
DaManofWar said:
Oh, do explain.
Your constant insistence, no your constant pushing to be the center of attention. How many times do I need to tell you this about your RPing? Do you just ignore everything I post?
[QUOTE="Some_Bloke]Your constant insistence, no your constant pushing to be the center of attention. How many times do I need to tell you this about your RPing? Do you just ignore everything I post?

Who has the most characters active? Me. Well, I have left now. So what? I don't care.
billthesomething said:
Actually that is you're problem you don't care
So? All anyone ever does to me is go, "stop that, jackass!" or, "scene stealer!" or "you are a horrible rper!" etc.

I'm leaving because those chumps always control every damn multi fandom RP I go in. No matter what.
If i pull this off i will laugh into a coma, basically i am going to try and kick up some activity. Standby.

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