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Fandom Clash of the Fandoms

[QUOTE="Kalashnikova Squid]Nevermind, I didn't catch the posts before yours and I thought you were saying that you thought OOC wasn't allowed, yet misspelled.

Hey am sorry if Sheogorath seems OP, am just trying to fit his character as best as i can
I want to make the Nazi Spirit of vengeance, Inmate 4895.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/War.jpg.12a5dec751e7aac6c560de435c6b90a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98850" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/War.jpg.12a5dec751e7aac6c560de435c6b90a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • War.jpg
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Morbuskid said:
I'm just gonna make the charater above this post and see what the big cheese says.
I would have chosen something from an actual fandom. Say, Draken or Kenpachi Zaraki.
billthesomething said:
I thought we told you once to stop suggesting characters for people to use.
Apparently, Morbuskid has had problems in the past with OP characters. Just trying to help him out.
DaManofWar said:
Apparently, Morbuskid has had problems in the past with OP characters. Just trying to help him out.
While at first glance then he seems OP, But when compared to others in this RP he might actually be underpowerd. For example Sheogorath has proven to able to change buildings into dragons. Ethereals are strongest psychics in XCOM able to mind control a person with ease. Animus is completely Immortal unable to be killed in anyway. then there's Genos and many other character's in this RP that could potentially wipe the floor with the Inmate
billthesomething said:
While at first glance then he seems OP, But when compared to others in this RP he might actually be underpowerd. For example Sheogorath has proven to able to change buildings into dragons. Ethereals are strongest psychics in XCOM able to mind control a person with ease. Animus is completely Immortal unable to be killed in anyway. then there's Genos and many other character's in this RP that could potentially wipe the floor with the Inmate
may want to read that CS again.
DaManofWar said:
may want to read that CS again.
I have read it but it says nothing about immunity to mind control, magic and Immortals can be put into situations far worst than death (Being locked in an Iron Maiden, Sent into the vastness of space. Forced into a vat of acid. Infinite five second time loops. Be placed on an in hospitable planet. i honestly could go on for hours but you get the point)
Jack kept out of the bushes between the trolls and the girl. He held his sword out menacingly. "You shall go no further," he told them. Sternly. Like a man lecturing a child. <- Remember this post for Samurai Jack, since it's still on page 5. =3

Blackrose7 said:
Jack kept out of the bushes between the trolls and the girl. He held his sword out menacingly. "You shall go no further," he told them. Sternly. Like a man lecturing a child. <- Remember this post for Samurai Jack, since it's still on page 5. =3
Yeah. Now, Jack is going after the girl.
For all the non-JoJo fans or people who don't know what it is, here is what everyone else sees when he stops time. The main villain of Part 3, DIO, also has a Stand the stops time.



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