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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP

[QUOTE="Itachi Uchiha]Well, you dying is possible, but improbable. You're in a sheltered place, you'll be fine, but they should at least react.

No, we shouldn't have to. the cave is deep enough so that we don't feel it
[QUOTE="Itachi Uchiha]Well, you dying is possible, but improbable. You're in a sheltered place, you'll be fine, but they should atleast react.

You also sort of make me wonder if accepting him was a good idea. Mach 4... do you even know how fast that is?
Just let it go already, unless you plan on killing this rp over the stupidest detail
Itachi Uchiha]Can I respectfully request to drop out of this RP? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33067-donder172/ said:
If that is the only way you want to do this, then yes. But can you at least try to leave it IC'ly as well? Unless that's not possible.
Donder172 said:
If that is the only way you want to do this, then yes. But can you at least try to leave it IC'ly as well? Unless that's not possible.
LordVader could kill me to make me leave. Hopefully I can rejoin as a secondary character at a later date.
I hope no police officers come after Thanos

I'm thinking of signing up. Can someone tell me whats going on in the RP?
Nico said:
I'm thinking of signing up. Can someone tell me whats going on in the RP?
Well, a cool bad guy has appeared! And he wants to kill everyone for hos queen cause she loves destruction! And everyone else is like "nah, we aren't gonna die" and are fighting droids and stuff! It's all pretty cool! But we haven't gotten into the real storyline yet so it should be fine to join in at any time, make sure you create a character first!
Trust said:
Well, a cool bad guy has appeared! And he wants to kill everyone for hos queen cause she loves destruction! And everyone else is like "nah, we aren't gonna die" and are fighting droids and stuff! It's all pretty cool! But we haven't gotten into the real storyline yet so it should be fine to join in at any time, make sure you create a character first!
Love the description, 10/10.
Typing silly is always cool ;P

I'm just really tired and monotonous

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