• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Cirque de Monstres (1856)


An intelligent bird
1. All RPN rules apply

2. romance is encouraged but, when clothes come off fade to black. This also applies to violence, if it gets to graphic fade to black.

4. no god-modding mary sues or the like.

5. Keep OOC in the IC thread minim. anything longer then a sentence or two should go in the OOC thread.

6. Please be sure to maintain some distance from your character. Conflict drives stories, but only when it's between characters; conflict between players is terrible and to be avoided. Please remember that a slight against your character is not a slight against you, and that your character does not necessarily know all of the things that you do. Drama is only fun when it's in character! (password is: elephant man)

7. only make as many characters as you can handle(3 max unless you have spoken to me about it)

8.I must approve your character before you post!

9. Third person please and 3 sentences min! No text talk please! and please refrain from one liners.

11. Life happens I know. So if you cannot post for any amount of time please tell me

12. Try to be active at least one post a week remember what I said in rule 11

13. I have the right to kick you out for breaking rules!

most important of all is to have fun! and password is: Luna fun time.
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