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Realistic or Modern Cigarettes and Coffee Kisses


gay and tired
To say Emma was tired would be an understatement. She would describe herself as exhausted, worn out, drained, zombiefied, running on the fumes of fumes. Not only did she stay up too late last night, but she had skipped out on breakfast. Thankfully, her school day routine involved her stopping by a coffee shop that was only five minutes away from the college she was attending. She pushed through the door and took a deep breath. It smelled of coffee and sweet treats, also known as her fuel for the day. Walking up the counter, she smiled brightly at the barista. "G'morning, Santana." Some mornings, she didn't greet her by name, but she was determined to make this day a good one despite the rough start. "Can I get my usual coffee with three cream and two sugar? Oh, and one of those blueberry cake looking things." She gestured towards the display of baked foods. "I had a late morning and kind of have to grab breakfast on the go today. How's your day going so far?"

(( SheepySharon SheepySharon ))
Santana was very fortunate to be working as a barista at this lovely coffee shop, and she liked it, surprisingly. She didn't ever think that this would be something she would ever be doing, but here she is. Luckily for Santana her job kept her off of the streets, well only during the day. Santana had just finished serving another customer when Emma walked up to her. "Morning Emma." She said and got to work on Emma's order right away. "Even a single apple would work as a breakfast, you didn't have time for that?" Santana lightly teased Emma. "No problem, I'll get you everything you want." Santana blinked a little when Emma asked how her day was going so far. "Ah.. it's been a struggle.. partied too hard last night and I'm feeling it a little.. would've stayed in bed if I had a choice, you know?" It didn't take long for the black haired female to finish getting Emma's order together. "Well here you go." Truth to be told, Santana was far from doing well, but seeking help just wasn't popping up in her mind. She just couldn't do it. Santana smiled at the other female. "Just try not to be late for college, okay? That would be even worse for such a lovely day as today."
"You're a wild child, Santana," she teased lightly, leaning against the counter a little bit. She watched her make the order, familiar with the steps even though she had never worked here. It was routine. The quiet sounds of people chatting and keyboards clacking away as people tried to finish early morning projects. A few people in dressed down business attire were off to the side, slumped over their laptops and looking just as tired as the students a few tables away. "It seems like today is a rough day for everybody." She nodded towards the group at the table. "I wonder if those adults pulled an all-nighter like poor students next to them." Taking her cup and food, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. "Ah, sweet, sweet coffee. Nectar of the gods." Even the vapors felt like they were already helping her wake up. It was probably psychosomatic, but she would take what she could get. Looking up at Santana, she waved a hand dismissively. "I'll roll in there with two minutes to spare, sunglasses on inside like a douchebag, and looking cool as hell...Probably..Anyways! I should probably get going. As much a I joke, if I am late one more time, I'm pretty sure my english professor is going to murder me and use me as an example to the rest of the class. I'll stop by around lunch time, if you're still going to be here." She waved goodbye cheerfully and headed for the door, shoving part of her breakfast into her mouth as she walked. It didn't take long before she was rushing into class, coffee cup held precariously in one hand as she avoided looking at her glaring professor. She was only five minutes late. It was fine.
Santana laughed softly. "Oh if only you knew how much of a wild child I am.." She said softly. "Oh God, tell me about it.. most of my customers have been having a bad start of the day.. not just us.." Santana glanced around the shop and sighed softly. "It wouldn't surprise me if they actually did. Now, go enjoy your wake-up call and get to school." She smiled at Emma. "I'm here until 5pm, so yeah, I should be here around lunch time. Now go, and make sure you won't be used as an example." Santana waved goodbye with a soft smile and watched Emma leave the coffee shop. Santana made long days at work, she worked almost every day, which resulted in her making quite some money, which she could really use, but unfortunately the urge to feed her addictions also got hold of the money, resulting in her not having enough to pay for her rent. Santana continued to help the customers with a smile. Seems like after Emma left, a whole bunch of people were suddenly in need of a coffee. Oh well, she liked helping her customers and chatting a bit with them. It kept her mind off of bad things.. Santana actually could use a break, but her actual break was still a few hours away, which honestly sucked, but she couldn't complain, not in front of all the people in the shop.
Emma spent the first hour of class dodging the accusatory looks her english professor kept shooting her way at any given opportunity. She knew she had a bad attendance record at the moment, and yeah, she had promised this specific teacher that she would get better about it. Her professor was a spindly older man with severely graying, thinning hair that had built a sort of odd friendship with her. He was constantly giving her tips and pointers on how to improve her writing style, which she greatly appreciated. On good days when she was super late, he would let her in if she told him a joke that could make him laugh. Today was not one of those days, apparently. It was a relief when the hour was up and she could move onto the next class. Once she was out of range of that betrayed, worried gaze, her day went relatively fast. Before she knew it, it was lunch time for her. Her next class wasn't for another two hours, which gave her plenty of time to head back to the cafe to refuel.

The quiet ding and instant wave of fresh brewed coffee greeted her warmly as she entered. With a bright smile, she walked up to the counter. "Santana~" She sang out and immediately started leaning on the counter. "Gurl, you would NOT believe how mad my professor was this morning. I wasn't even that late. Only five minutes today! Can you believe that he wouldn't even talk to me? My god, he is like a kicked puppy. Old men are so grouchy, I swear." She sighed dramatically, playing it up for her own amusement. "How's your day been? Have you had any interesting customers today?"
The time seemed to go incredibly slow after the wave of customers that happened after Emma had just left. "Great..." Santana sighed deeply. There was absolutely nothing to do, so Santana simply requested if it was possible to get her break a little early, since there were no customers at the moment. Unfortunately, her boss didn't agree with that plan and so Santana had to wait for.. nothing. There were no new orders or new customers.. it was a little boring so to say. Luckily, some of her coworkers seemed to be bored as well and they just killed the time by just talking about anything really and to their surprise, the time had gone by fast and the first customers for the lunch were coming in. Santana returned to her job and so did her coworkers. She was glad to do something again, but she could also really use that break she hadn't had yet. "So hungry..." Santana mumbled under her breath.

Santana heard the quiet ding and she smiled as she saw Emma enter. "Hey Emma~" She sang out, chuckling softly. "Oh my God gurl, you serious? Wow, I just... that's very, very low of him.. I mean.. just five minutes.. Maybe he just missed you... maybe he wanted to see you first thing in the morning?" Santana teasingly wiggled her eyebrows before starting to laugh. "Eh.. I'm very hungry.. I'm very tired... I want to go home, but oh well people like you brighten up my day... And no.. no interesting customers at all.. it was very quiet.. there was nothing to do.. no new orders.. nothing.."
She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Everybody misses me. I'm a god damn delight to be around." Her smile grew upon hearing that she helped brighten Santana's day. It was one of the best compliments she felt you could give a person, particularly someone who was practically a stranger. "Aw, that's so sweet of you. I know I'm a charming person." She winked playfully and straightened up. "I should probably order. Can I get the exact same thing as this morning? I still have another two classes to get through, plus a lecture." It wasn't a super long lecture, but Emma was sure that she would fall asleep in the middle of it if she didn't get some more caffeine in her. While it was a subject that she had interest in, and she was voluntarily going on her own time, a part of her just knew that it was going to be less interesting than the last one she attended. They are switched speakers, and from what was going around on campus, this new guy was the epitome of monotone and boring. "Have you had your break yet today? You should come sit and chill with me if you haven't. I could use the company." Her words came out confidently and nonchalantly. None of the social anxiety floating around in her head showed. She mentally patted herself on the back. Score one for Emma on not being a total human disaster.
Santana just shook her head in amusement as she listened to Emma. "Ordering would be a very good idea, yeah. And no problem. Give me a few and you'll have your order." Santana started to work on the same order she had earlier that day before sighing softly. "I haven't had my break yet, doubt my boss will let me.. but if I don't have a break right this instant, I'm going to pass the fuck out." Santana said as she looked up at Emma. "So sure, I'll join you.. I'll just have to grab my lunch." After a few minutes she finished Emma's order and handed it to her. "I'll be with you in a minute, go sit somewhere." Santana sent her a soft smile before walking off to the break room and grabbing her own lunch. Honestly, it was very nice that Emma invited her to have lunch with her. She could use some company as well and Emma was by far her favourite costumer, so why not? She quickly grabbed her lunch and headed back out into the shop, looking around before spotting Emma and walking over to her, sitting down next to her. "Thanks for inviting me.. I could use the company as well." She said softly. Santana's lunch wasn't anything special.. in fact she put it together when she was still drunk, but it turned out to be decent sandwiches and a bottle of water..
"Great!" Emma grinned, taking her order and cheerfully picking a table in front of one of the windows. As she waiting for the other girl, she pulled her laptop out of her bag and set it up on the table. Although the table wasn't huge, she made sure to leave enough room for whatever Santana brought for lunch. As hard as she tried to ignore it, the negative thought that Santana must think of her a weirdo for randomly inviting her to lunch wormed it's way into the front of her mind. Normal people didn't ask people they barely knew to eat lunch with them. Or maybe they did and that's how you make friends. Before she could dive too far down that rabbit hole, she spotted Santana coming out from the back and waved her over.

"It's my pleasure," she said lightly. "Plus, I figured that after nearly an entire semester of me coming in here and harassing you, I should probably actually get to know you beyond The Really Nice and Really Attractive Barista Who Seems To Live Here, ya know?" Stirring the coffee with a straw, she took a sip and hummed. "You make the best drinks, man. What is your secret? Because I've tried everything short of virgin sacrifice and can't make this home." The laptop dinged at her, signalling that her english professor had emailed out this weeks assignment. A quick skim of it and she knew that she would be spending a lot of sleepless nights on this one. Writing about an inspiring figure her in life wasn't something she could jot down off the top of her head.
Santana was about to take a bite of her sandwich when she heard what Emma had said. Santana fell silent and just stared at her for a while. "Y-You think I'm nice and attractive??" It was hard for her to believe because to herself, she just looked like a helpless, useless drug and alcohol addict, but Emma saw her differently. "That's...new to me... but I don't have anything against getting to know each other. You're my favourite customer to begin with." She said softly, taking a bite from her sandwich, watching Emma quietly before chuckling softly. "Ya know.. I don't really do anything special with my drinks.. I just.. enjoy my job and put my heart and soul into everything I make.. so maybe it's that?"

When Emma's laptop dinged, Santana just quietly studied Emma's face. "What is it? Got an assignment that sucks?" She asked, smiling softly. "I mean... I would happily try and help you with it.. I may not go to school.. may have dropped out early in highschool, but just maybe I can help you. Unless you don't want any help to begin with." Santana said softly as she leaned back, finishing her sandwich. Santana did not have a lot of real friends, so it was nice.. no a little flattering even, that Emma was up for trying to get to know her, it really touched Santana.
"Aw, thanks," she crooned with a playful wink and smile. "I'm just darling, I know." Emma tugged the laptop closer to type in her student password and get a closer look at her assignment for the week. The second skim of it wasn't any more promising than the first one. "Well, you must have the sweetest heart around because damn, girl." Fiddling absently with the straw, she turned her attention back to the girl across from her. "Yeah, my english teacher, the one who was mad at me for being late, he just sent my work for the week. I'm supposed to write a four page essay on an inspiring figure in my life." The seat creaked slightly as she shifted back comfortably with her hands still wrapped around her drink almost protectively. The sugary concoction was already pumping life back into her dead feeling body. Soon, she would feel like a fully functioning human being again.

"Which for a normal person, I'm assuming this wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, I don't really have an 'inspiring figure' in my life, unless you count fictional characters. But I feel like my professor would actually have a stroke and die if I wrote about that. He already thinks I'm not taking this class seriously. Which I am!" Her tone was full of indignation and a touch petulant. "It's just that he has it set so early in the morning, and I just can't get up. I'm not a morning person! And he won't even consider having a class in the afternoon, which its his class so whatever. And I could just transfer to a professor that is in the afternoons, but I really like my current professor..." She trailed off, keenly aware that she had been rambling with abandon. Chewing anxiously on her lip, she apologized. "Sorry, I talk a lot when I'm frustrated. Actually, I just talk a lot in general. It's a bad habit...But I would love help if you can?"
Santana chuckled softly at what Emma said, flattered by the compliment as well. "I try.." She asid quietly. Santana quietly listened as the other female explained about the homework she got from her English teacher. "Ah.. yeah that's a little difficult then... not having an inspiring figure in your life.." She leaned back and nodded a little, a small giggle leaving her mouth as she listened to Emma. "You're such a funny girl.. do you know that? You seem to give your everything yet not being a morning person seems to throw everything apart.. It's a little funny to me.." Santana commented softly before sitting up. "No, really it's okay. I'm a good listener so feel free to vent and I don't think it's a bad habit.. it makes you who you are.." The female said. "Which I really like.. you're such a chatty person... but I'll try to help you.." Santana rubbed the back of her neck before just getting an idea. "Sorry if this seems like a silly idea.. but why don't you use me and my love for making drinks for your homework? See me as your "inspiring person" for the secret to my drinks..? If that even makes sense.."
Gasping a little dramatically, Emma clapped and pointed excitedly at Santana. "That is a brilliant idea! You're a genius!" Her professor might find it a bit of a flimsy excuse for a paper, but who honestly cared. As long as the paper was turned in, he couldn't say anything to her. "Do you want to do this now? I'm not sure how much longer you have on break, and I don't want to eat up all of your time like a sack of shit," she said with a smile. "Or if you are cool with it, you could come over to my place this evening? We could make a night out of it. Watch movies, eat too much junk food, trash talk my teachers or your boss, the works." The tone was casual, but her heart kicked up into a higher gear, thumping a little too loudly against her rib cage. She could taste the anxiety bitterly trapped in the back of her mouth as she waited on an answer. "Only if you are okay with it though," she tacked on, unable to bite her tongue hard enough to keep quiet.
Santana was very surprised that Emma seemed to like her silly idea so much. She chuckled softly. "Glad you like it.." She was happy to help Emma though. Santana was visibly taken aback by that question or well those questions. "My break is almost over.." She glanced at the clock and her eyes widened. "Actually, I should've gotten back to work five minutes ago.." She wasn't thrilled but did want to help Emma. "I guess tonight is good..." The black haired female was pale. This was going to be a problem for her because she did have to head home, which wasn't the main problem, to drop off some things but that would also result in going to her addictions. Even if she had plans, she just couldn't help but turn to her drugs and alcohol. So in other words, she would be turning up to her place drunk and high. Santana abruptly stood up, face pale or well more like as white as a sheet. "No wait.. actually.. uhm.."
Emma immediately saw the hesitation on the other girl's face and felt her gut twist in disappointment. "It's okay!" She was quick to try and reassure Santana. "Don't worry about it. We can plan for another day, or I can come back tomorrow on break, if you still are okay with helping me." Digging through her bag quickly, she found a small notebook and flipped it open to an empty page. She jotted down her number and held it out to Santana. "Here is my number. Just shoot me a message or give me a call. I'm flexible and can work around your schedule." Gathering up her things, she tried for an apologetic smile. It felt like it came across okay. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I don't think before I speak sometimes."
"No..No.. it's not that!" Santana panicked. "I just have problems. And I just can't seem to control them. And I don't want to go to you while I'm under the influence of drugs and alcohol. You didn't make me uncomfortable. I still want to help you with your homework but I don't want to do it if my problems are going to get in the way of it." Santana spoke quickly, flustered. She didn't intend to talk about her problems like that but she didn't want Emma to feel like it was her fault. Because it wasn't. She got out her phone and entered Emma's number into her phone. "I'm sorry if I seem like a terrible person now and I understand it if you don't want to have anything to do with me anymore."
Emma was unable to keep shock off of her face that someone would just open up about having those problems, especially to someone that they had not known very long. A little uncomfortable but also relieve, she licked her lips and rubbed at her forehead. "Um, you're not a terrible person, first of all. Everyone has baggage and some of them are just heavier than others. No judgement here, promise." Her hands came up in the universal 'I mean no harm' gesture. "I gotta admit, I'm a little...flustered right now." A nervous giggle escaped before she could swallow it down. "But! I would still really like your help with my homework. Like I said, just let me know when and where works for you." She smiled brightly, already moving past the awkward atmosphere she felt like she had created. "I gotta get going though, and I think you do too." A glance at the counter showed a rather annoyed looking coworker looking over at them. "I think your coworker might just make me the secret ingredient in the coffee if I keep you any longer. Send me a message soon so I have your number too?"
Santana honestly felt like disappearing. She felt like she screwed up whatever they had. If there even was anything. "I'm so, so sorry Emma.." The girl couldn't do anything aside from apologize over and over again. It was pretty obvious how terrible she felt. "I'll try and text you after work with when would work.." She mumbled a little, looking over at her co-worker and nodded. "Yeah.. I should really get back to work.. and you good luck with the rest of your classes." And with those words, she hurried off to her co-worker, apologizing to them as well, multiple times before she patted her cheeks and went back to work as if nothing had happened. While it really was still on her mind. She kept mentally cussing herself out for just spewing those words out. Santana would've preferred to go home and hide but oh well. She'd figure out what to do tomorrow, hopefully..
She said goodbye and quickly hurried out of the shop. The only silver lining to that awkward ending was that the shop had been almost empty, sparing her an audience. She climbed into her beat up car and twisted the ignition, breathing out a prayer of gratitude that it started on the first try. If it had stalled again, she was pretty sure she would actually fling herself bodily into the dumpster out back and light it on fire. Pulling out of the parking lot, she sped her way back to campus, cursing her stupid lesbian brain for fumbling it that bad. Christ, she couldn't even ask a girl out without nearly combusting on the spot.

Emma used the rest of the school day to distract herself, trying not to dwell on it. She told herself that she was checking her phone every five minutes in case her grandmother needed her today. Yeah, that was totally it. Rolling her eyes at herself, she got through the day and tried not to be disappointed when Santana hadn't text her by the time her classes were over. The drive home was quiet until she arrived at the nursery. The nursery was a different kind of quiet. The air felt like it was filled with an energy that never failed to make her feel less lonely.
Santana felt like absolute shit for the rest of her shift. She didn't dare to talk to her co-workers, and was even afraid to text Emma after everything that had happened. The moment her shift was over, she hurriedly grabbed her things and pretty much ran home. Santana was pretty much all over the place, she didn't know how to feel. Luckily for her, her apartment was just ten minutes away from the café she worked at. As soon as she came home, she threw her stuff aside and just went for her fridge in a straight line. She wasn't good with dealing with her emotions, which also resulted in her going to her addictions.

Just a few minutes after she had gotten home, she was pretty much off the world. Beer bottles were scattered everywhere throughout the living room and same goes for the needles she used for the drugs. Her apartment wasn't really clean, just everywhere throughout the apartment were bottles and needles to be honest. She didn't use her apartment for anything else aside from sleeping and doing her addictions. While she was off the world, she managed to text Emma, saying that she was again incredibly sorry and that helping her was going to be difficult because she wouldn't be stable enough to do so. However, it was obvious enough that San wasn't really doing alright because of the large amount of spelling errors in her text.
Emma was in the midst of closing up the nursery. The doors had just been locked and secured shut. Her phone chimed at her as she moved the baby succulent pots under the sheltered part of the nursery. The forecast had called for thunderstorms later that night, and she didn't want to risk them drowning as young as they were.

Digging her phone out of her back pocket while balance two small pots in one hand, she grinned when she saw the unknown number, assuming that it was Santana. With care, she set the pots down onto the covered table closer to the main building. It took seconds to enter her pin and unlock her phone to better read the text. Concern for the other girl slithered into place around her lower ribs. The text was a mess, errors making it difficult to decipher at first. Finally, she sent a text back, reassuring Santana that everything was okay.

'Hey, it's all good. It's not a big deal. I can find someone else to help me. Take the time to get better, and we can hang out another time.'

Hesitating, her fingers hovered over the touch screen for a second before sending a second text.

'Are you ok? Do you need me to call someone for you?'

Locking her phone again, she quickly finished settling the rest of the plants for the night and headed to her small apartment. A small part of her wondered if asking Santana for help had been a mistake. She hadn't meant to distress her to this point. Emma decided that tomorrow she would bring the girl something pleasant for lunch to make up for it.
While Santana waited for a reply from Emma, she tried to make her way upstairs, to her bed. But getting off the couch was pretty darn difficult for her, let alone trying to avoid stepping on needles and beer bottles. Unfortunately for the girl, she tripped over her own feet and faceplanted the floor, just barely dodging some bottles. With a deep sigh, she forced herself to get up and go to the stairs. That's when her phone vibrated. As she struggled up the stairs, she unlocked her phone to read the text, but that didn't go well as Santana didn't pay attention to her footing, which resulted in her tumbling down the stairs. While she laid on the floor, her legs still on the stairs, she texted Emma back.

'Still I'm srry. And I aaaaammm doing great, just fell off the stairs too. Just fabulous.'

This text luckily was a little better to decipher but it still wasn't great. Santana didn't really wanted to get up again.
Emma had made it to her kitchen and was trying to decide on what to bring Santana for lunch when her phone dinged. Concern shot through her upon reading that the girl had fallen down the stairs. Before she could panic, she reasoned out that Santana couldn't be too hurt if she was able to text back that quickly. She would check up on her before making the decision on calling someone to go over there. Santana was an adult, after all. That's what she told herself at least.

'Shit! Are you ok? Are you sure you don't need someone?'

She set her phone on the counter top and began pulling out ingredients. She decided on making a three part lunch. Rice with beans and tomatoes, chicken stir-fried with fruit on the side. Normally, she would put the chicken chunks in with the beans, rice and tomato cubes, but she wasn't sure if Santana was a vegetarian or not. It was better to ere on the side of caution. She prepped the rice while waiting on a response.
After Santana sent the text, she just stared at the ceiling for a little while, just doing nothing before starting to get up again. But she wasn't going to do up the stairs again, she just wobbled back to the couch where she collapsed onto it. The couch would make a good bed in her opinion. Santana just curled up on the couch and thought about if she wanted to continue living her life like this. When she received Emma's text, she read it before contemplating what to reply.

'I'm fiiiine. And I could probably use some professional help but from experience I know rehab won't work.'

Santana was aware that she needed professional help but the last time she got help, it just didn't work at all. She had gone to rehab before and had to stay there for half a year, sure she felt great but as soon as she stepped out of the building, there was nothing left of the person who went to rehab, she was at it again. So much for trying to get rid of her addictions.
The rice was halfway through cooking when Emma heard her phone go off again. Quickly pulling it out, she absorbed what Santana had sent She had been in rehab before? Which, had apparently not helped her all that much. She set the phone to the side long enough for her start the chicken and turn the rice to a low heat. It took her only a few minutes before she was able to formulate a reply.

'Sorry, but I can't help with that lol All I can offer is my delightful company and an ear to listen.'

She slid her phone into her back pocket and spent the next ten minutes finishing up the food. Pulling out some tupperware containers, she dished some of the food into them, leaving out enough for her own lunch tomorrow and dinner for tonight. While it cooled on the counter top, she washed up the dishes she had used. She wasn't sure how to help Santana, but she knew that she wanted to try. The girl seemed so freaked out earlier when she had invited her over for the night. Maybe she should try on one of the days that Santana had off.

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