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Fantasy 𝒞𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓃𝒾𝒸𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝐸𝓁𝒹𝓇𝒾𝒹𝒶 (IC Thread)


Gaberial De'Sardet


Interactions: none
Mentions: animegirl20 animegirl20 606 606

A low and pleasant hum filled the room, the source of this hum was a lone individual, who sat down in front of a plain desk with a hand full of small tools neatly placed around a single long rifle. With his fiery red hair let down, free to hang loosely down to his lower back, he carefully tinkered with the scope attached to the top of the weapon. Calm and calculating crimson eyes patiently kept track of his work, his ungloved and severely scarred hands slowly tinkering with the inner workings of his recently damaged scope. It was tedious work, having to manually put the small mechanics of the customized attachment back into place, but the work helped his free morning pass in pleasant silence. Not much was left to do for the ship's hunter when there was no land for him to hunt on. It was times like this Red was grateful for Cypher's past explanations and demonstrations of how to repair such damages, especially since the inner workings were a bit too advanced for his understanding or liking. As a sudden click interrupted his low humming Red clicked his tongue in slight irritation, gently picking up a small hooked tool to fix his mistake.

"Damned Tia and her drunken shenanigans," Red muttered under his breath as the memory of Tia's sudden visit last night replayed in his head. No, "visit" was not the right word. Complete and utter invasion of his room fits better. Nearly busting his door off its hinges, slurring her words, reeking of liquor while trying to drag him out to "party" or saying to "take the stick out of his ass". In her attempts to drag him out, she knocked his rifle to the floor, resulting in a dreaded metallic snapping filling the room. A slight groan escaped him from the memory, wishing he could be madder at his crewmate, but finding it difficult. To distract himself from any more frustrating thoughts Red began to continue his pleasant hum, the words to the song he hummed slipping from his lips without thought.

"The old man walks and weeps
Looking for his son
He treads upon the blooded path
Where his son once trod
The old man finds no son
Only his Grave"

Though the lyrics are dreary and depressing, Red sang quietly in a low pleasant tune, a cold yet comforting calmness draping over his mind as he worked.

"The young girl walks and weeps
Looking for her love
She treads upon the blooded path
Where her love once fought
The young girl finds no love
Only his grave"

With a Click Click Ting, Red rectified his mistake and switched his hooked tool for a small, narrow pair of pliers. Calm crimson eyes narrowed in focus as more words slipped from his lips, his tune now becoming much softer as his mind was solely dedicated to his work but his voice acting on its own.

"Dear mother walks and weeps
Looking for only me
She treads upon the blooded path
Where I had once bled
Dear mother finds no son
Only my grave"

A small smile slipped onto his face as he located the small loose piece and gently took hold of it, slowly lining it up back into place. The song paused, but his slow, peaceful humming filled the room as he carefully put the scope of his rifle back together. As he made sure nothing was missed Red gracefully raised his rifle from his desk, aiming upwards at the ceiling and looking through his scope as it flickered to life. His small smile spread only slightly as the final verse of the song left him, his tune low and gentle with care.

"My lost soul walks and weeps
Looking for the light
It treads upon the blooded path
Where damned men trod
My lost soul finds no light
Only my grave"

The final grim lyrics slip from his tongue with ease, a satisfied glint in his eyes as he let out a small sigh and placed the weapon back onto the desk. With a low groan, he stretched his limbs and leaned his head onto the back of his seat, staring up at the ceiling with a blank look. Slowly he rotated his head toward his window and saw that it was well into the afternoon. A moment of silence passed as he simply watched the clouds drift by his window, the muffled whistling of the wind from outside an easy reminder of their sailing of the clouds. So far, his day has been pleasant, peaceful even, something he was very grateful for, but the familiar itch at the back of his mind told him it would be ruined somehow. Another slow sigh escaped him as he closed his eyes and took in the moment, simply appreciating it now before reopening them and rising from his seat.

"Very well then," he muttered before making a beeline for his dresser, opening the cabinet to see several coats and shirts hanging from the wooden bar while just as many trousers and pants laid neatly folded at the bottom of the dresser. Opening the cabinet door all the way revealed a large mirror, giving him a good look at himself from the side of his view. Currently, he is dressed in baggy green pants and a loose-fitting white shirt. Normally he would detest such a look, but the material used for them was both comfortable and keen on the eye, so he exempted them from scrutiny. With a quick look over what he had it took Red no time at all to make his pick, neatly placing his clothing for the day onto his bed with a dark red ribbon and a pair of black and red gloves put to the side. A black and red heavy coat with silver and gold linings, the rough leather padding hidden under the finely made material, and a long-sleeved grey shirt. Below he picked a pair of black trousers, the stitching lining the side of the leg a pleasant golden thread, and a pair of comfortable yet sturdy boots.

Satisfied with his choice he stripped from his loose-fitting sleepwear and began dressing himself for the day. Out of a force of habit he glanced at himself in the mirror of his cabinet before he slipped and saw his heavily scarred torse, old wounds of the past littering both the front and back of his lean and athletic form, even a few running down his arms, scattered along his wrist and down to his just as scarred hands. His gaze hardened as he inspected the old scars, a familiar stirring in his chest making him tighten his grip on his finely made silk shirt and his shoulders growing tense as an invisible weight bared down onto him. His eyes met with his own in the reflection, briefly hollow and void of life. Nothing but a deep, dull crimson red. Soon enough Red broke from this sort of trance and closed his eyes, slowly breathing through his nose before pulling the long-sleeved shirt over his body and once again hiding his past. It took him no time to throw on his coat and button up the opening of his coat, the sliver buttons shined and spotless. Red then plucked the dark red ribbon from the bed, placed it between his lips, and gathered his long hair smooth hair to make a ponytail that reached his lower back. With quick work, he easily tied the ribbon off, securing his hair in place and letting out a small sigh of relief before pulling his gloves tightly onto his hands, hiding the last of his visible scars.

Looking back into the mirror, Red felt the stirring in his chest dull slightly, but still remained. As he slowly inspected his clothing, his once-empty gaze now sparked with renewed light. The weight from earlier now lessened, making him rotate his shoulders more comfortably as the tension disappeared. Satisfied with his choice of clothing Red closed the cabinet and walked past his bed to a thigh-high table placed next to the head of the bed where his sheathed saber rested, awaiting its wielder. As gently took the sheathed blade from the table he glanced up to the four rows of shelves above it, home to his many wooden figures created by his own hands. Soon enough he'll need to add a new shelf with how little room he had left, a thought that made his chest swell in slight pride at the progress of his collection. Securing his saber to the side of his waist Red walked back to his desk, opened one of the lower drawers, and pulled out a large sketchbook along with a few pencils. With his saber secured at his side and his sketchbook under his arm, Red took a deep breath and made his way out of his room, locking the door behind him.

From there Red leisurely strolled through the halls of the ship, passing other crewmates' rooms before reaching a set of stairs that would lead him to the top deck of the Infinity. As he reached the top he was greeted by the pleasant blowing of the wind, the smell and taste of the fresh air loosening both his nerves and muscles. He took a moment to take in the feeling, a slight smile briefly coming to his face before disappearing behind a casual blank expression. As he examined the deck Red found his usual spot near the front of the ship and made his way there. Once he reached his destination he unhooked his sword from his hip, placed it down against a nearby barrel, and sat atop the railing on the side of the ship, leaning against the tight net of thick ropes that extended to the mast of the ship. Not the most comfortable of seats, but Red found great comfort and ease here, even when he was so close to the edge, and just one mistake would lead him to a deadly plummet to the earth below. Looking over he couldn't even see any land, just the distant ocean below him. Looking up Red saw only clouds, blue sky, and even a few distant floating islands. It was honestly a pleasant sight that has become familiar to him, but even so, it always makes his heartbeat fondly and his worries nonexistent for the moment. After taking in the sight Red let out a light sigh and opened his sketchbook, twirling his pencil between his fingers a few times before losing himself in his drawings.
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“ACK! Cazzo! Figlio di puttana!” Alciela cussed and recoiled as her armor let out a mellow orange glow. The massive metallic mass before her stared solemnly back in response.

“Don’t look at me like that, idiota,” Alciela scowled. For some time now, she has taken to attempting to make herself resistant to extreme heat. Well, her hands could do the job well enough. She forged with them. But anything from the elbows up was practically off limits.

Alciela was nowhere near as put together as she would claim. She still hasn’t combed her hair for the day and a half eaten bowl of oatmeal from the kitchen sat beside her. OATMEAL. Can you believe it? At the palace, she ate EGGS and BACON and could have COFFEE. Alciela stared at the watered down cup of caffeinated WATER (it wasn’t really water but it was certainly a far cry from the palace’s kitchen). Her life was terrible. Unbearable. How could anyone accept living in a self-imposed exile and solitary confinement?

Since joining the ship of the SS Infinity hardly a week ago, Alciela hasn’t spoken to anyone beyond a simple introduction as Alciarlo, a name more fitting a strong, masculine soldier that matched the voice she had while wearing the armor. Thankfully, no one has bothered her much. Being an intimidating, silent warrior seemed to be quite a good disguise! No one would realize she just didn’t know what to say to anyone.

Alciela stood up, “Perhaps some fresh air will do,” she said, “I’ve been stuck in this stuffy room since this morning.” She looked in the mirror and took stock of her bed hair and her scorched clothes, spotted with holes. No one would see her under the armor anyway so she shrugged and held out her arms. Like pieces on a puzzle the pieces of her armor flew to her and took their places on her body until she was donned in metal from head to toe. The material was quite good and far from cheap. The salary of a royal guard could afford as much but it was also a salary she was no longer privy too.

Alciela banged her large metal head on the wall a few times, lamenting all the money she doesn’t have. “Porca miseria… what i would give to just go back and pretend nothing happened,” a deep, gravelly voice said as she looked at her bag, knowing well the book contained within it. The contents were a mess of diagrams and notes in wildly illegible handwriting that she was unable to decipher. Maybe if she just… said sorry and gave the book back, the king wouldn’t execute her? As if she would take the risk.

Alciela closed her eyes and said a small prayer for herself. Oh, and her papa. And mama, can’t forget about her. And her brother and her sister, and her other sister, and her other brother, and her youngest brother, and her youngest sister, and the sister that was older than her and… well, the family. The fact of the matter was, she couldn’t go back to them either. The royal palace would certainly start their search by tracking down her family and she wouldn’t dare endanger them. No, Alciela needed to disappear completely without a trace like a mysterious, cool-headed, cold and brooding hero. With money. And a fancy mansion. Maybe the captain of the ship had a lot of money. Alciela clapped her heavy metal hands together. That’s the trick! Marry someone rich, change her name and then if she is discovered, well! It’ll be her husband’s problem. It would be an additional plus if they were someone influential like a local lord or a noble of the king’s court. Oh to be saved by a man with his pockets lined with gold, ready to bribe and cheat for her!

“I mean… of course, not that I would condone such actions,” she thought to herself. She should stop dallying so much. Her armor had cooled long ago and it was time for her to actually appear to the crew and let them know “Alciarlo” was still alive. She turned around and pick up her great hammer, hoisting it to her hip and walking towards the door. Quietly, as if tiptoeing through a house at night, Alciela opened the door to her room and peaked into the hallway with her stoic, expressionless helm hiding her social anxiety. Time to actually see the sun and get out. Off she walked towards the deck, grunting and huffing at anyone that greeted her. Perhaps she could watch the horizon for a bit. That’s what cold, brooding knights did right?

When she got there, however, she found someone had beaten her to it. The one called Red ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ) was looking up at the clouds in silence as she approached. Psh… Red. What a stupid name. She would rather die than end up being named the same color as tomato sauce. Now here the Tomato was, taking up her brooding spot. Not if she can help it. Alciela stepped next to him without a word and looked out in what she imagined was an impressive show of silent solidarity. She was brooding so hard right now. Lets see this Red outdo her, heh.
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Lazuli Hematite
S.S Infinity; Main Deck
A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A. (Alciela), Guppy Franz Guppy Franz (Red)

Stepping onto the deck, the rays of the afternoon sun chased away any lingering grasps of morning tiredness. The warmth—a stark contrast to the rather chilly lower level he just emerged from—danced pleasantly on his face and his exposed hands, painting colourful spots on the nearby surroundings as the light reflected from his skin onto the wood.

Lazuli yawned and stretched his arms, carefully stepping to the side to let anyone behind him through. The mighty steps of a heavy armour soon approached afterwards, to which he briefly glanced sideways to see who it was. A sturdy black armour greeted him, shining preciously under the sun. The wearer below it was hidden, with nothing but their azure eyes peeking through. As clear as the sky above them. Equipped with a formidable hammer hanging from their waist that promised anyone a swift demise, they were surely a sight for common men.

A sharp, impressive whistle escaped him as the giant—Alciarlo, if he remembered correctly—went past him, approaching the front part of the deck. Though it wasn't completely empty if Lazuli's eyesight didn't betray him. Red surely didn't waste time claiming his usual spot.

He lowered his arms, blinking rapidly to get rid of the black spots clouding his view from having been stuck downstairs for too long. Lazuli threw the last bits of sandstone—lunch—into his mouth. The crispy crunch a tad more satisfying than the sweet aroma that enriched his taste buds.

Random chirping thrilled from the side catching his attention. Turning his head, Lazuli saw the feathered body of a brown bird. A little sparrow that was resting on his left shoulder; its wings tightly snuck against its body as its beady eyes stared right into his own yellow ones. Lazuli laughed at that sight, mirth dancing across his features. "Hello there, little one. Where did you come from? Aren't we too high for you?" It nuzzled itself deeper into the fabric of his white shirt as a response, successfully coaxing another chuckle out of him. "What a sweet stowaway you are. Won't you stay for a small performance?"

His feet quickly led Lazuli to the main mast located right in the middle of the deck. Softly plumbing down next to it as to not disturb his little companion too harshly, he leaned back against it. He crossed one leg over another, making himself comfortable on the ground, before he reached with his right hand around his back. Fingers clasped around familiar wood as he pulled his trusty pipa to the front and let it rest between his legs against his chest. At the same time he opened the gourd, water already starting to flow out of it.

Single notes rang in the air as Lazuli tested the firmness of each string. Satisfied, he glanced at his animal friend, who was staring intensely at his instrument. "Let's lighten this quiet day up, shall we?" Clearing his throat, he let the music run its course.

"Come all you young sailor men, listen to me
I'll sing you a song of the fish in the sea
And it's windy weather, boys, stormy weather, boys…"

The winds started to pick up as if they were called, carrying his voice and music even into the farthest sections of the deck.

"Up jumps the eel with his slippery tail,
climbs up aloft and reefs the topsail…"

Water started to gather around the mast, forming a vague mass of constantly moving liquid. One blink later, and the lifelike image of an eel now flew in its stead, staring for a moment at Lazuli before moving at a quick pace up the wooden pole. Its black skin shimmered in the daylight as it slid across the main sail.

"Blow ye winds westerly, blow ye winds, blow
Jolly sou'wester, boys, steady she goes…"

The eel dispersed in thousands of water droplets, raining down onto the board.

"And up jumps the shark with his nine rows o' teeth,
Saying: 'You eat the dough boys, and I'll eat the beef…"

A fierce, giant shark appeared in front of Red and Alciarlo, its jaw open wide as it threateningly approached the front deck; teeth sickeningly sharp and painted with blood.

"And it's windy weather, boys, stormy weather, boys,
When the wind blows, we're all together boys…"

But before it could actually hit them, the image scattered again, leaving behind only a slight wet mist that engulfed them.

"Up jumps the whale, the largest of all
'If you want any wind, well, I'll blow ye a squall'…"

A whale appeared next to the ship, seemingly gliding in tact with the movement of the ship. Small fishes floated next to it, playfully travelling across its back and fins.

"And it's windy weather, boys, stormy weather, boys
When the wind blows, we're all together, boys
Blow ye winds westerly, blow ye winds, blow
Jolly sou'wester, boys, steady she goes!"

The whale collapsed into itself as the last tone rang across the deck. Nothing but a quickly vanishing rainbow remained in its stead. Lazuli paused for a moment—motionless—before turning to the sparrow, a wide grin on his face. "Not bad, hmm?" The bird tilted its head, and its wings flapped as it happily chittered on his shoulder.
code by @Nano
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Firey Chef
Dominique La´Sar
S.S Infinity |

Mentions: animegirl20 animegirl20 (Tia)
Interactions: everyone in the group chat (3 times)

The world wasn’t supposed to be twirling so early in the day. Dominique La´Sar knew this and she had a voice in the back of her head judging her for it. She pushed it away, drowned it, muted it. Like pesky music she didn’t like.

“Fuck,” she swore beneath her breath and drew her pink cushion pillow over her head. “Linsie! Bring me my bottle.” Dominique knew water would have done the trick miles better. It didn’t stop her from embracing the liquor canister the sapphire scaled lizard offered to her. She ignored her companions' saliva on it and chucked it down. Her throat ached as the burning liquid made its way through her body.

“How long was I out for?” she asked her dragon. She knew fewer words but Dom had failed to educate her how to read a clock. Instead, Linsie brought her a much chewed through arm-clock. Dom had to blink more often than she would have liked to admit to figure out two indicators instead of five. It was early in the morning, at least. She glanced to the opposite side of the room. She shared it with an equally heavy sleeper, who had as much intoxication as she must have had.

Her gaze found the piercing eyes of Linsie. How could this little rat be so handsome? “It’s not fair,” Dom squealed and picked up the poor creature. A metallic creek came from its body. Like a human cracking its bones, a normal sound for her dragonic pet. “You are such a cutie,” Dom bubbled and laid her aside. “But we got som’ work to do.”

Dom looked at her crew mate. Tiana Evermore, twenty-two. Recalling some of the facts helped her to keep focused and awake. Not that Linsie would let her stumble back into dreamy lands anyway. But she chose to avoid having a dragon use her black hair as an alternative chew toy.
She wandered to her closet and rid herself of the sparkling dress she had worn to her own little kitchen party yesterday afternoon. Secluded come together between her and multiple new alcoholic sorts she simply had to try. One of them- Dom was positive she noted the name of it down, somewhere at least- had tasted bitterly great.

Standing in her bare skin made her not shiver. The flame in her veins kept her temperature on high scales, though she supposed it also came from the undying bond towards Linsie. This small lizard never froze either. Or had she gotten it from her? A hard-to-tell case and something Dom could have cared less about.
Her manicured hands strolled through her outfits. In the front hung her dresses, closely followed by one-pieces and last but not least outfits put together from t-shirts to tops with the fitting pair of pants and at the end some sweaters. Three to be precise since they were only to look appealing and appropriate for whatever climate this wreck of a ship sailed into. Only for the others to never guess it was not Linsie’s fire alone causing some minor accidents every now and then.

“Casual or formal,” she muttered and gently allowed herself to bend down. What underwear would she pick? Depending on such, she’d pick the set of pants and along with the pants came the fitting top. Dom dug a delicate nail into the soft fabric of a white piece. She needed something more relaxing this morning, she concluded and slipped it on. Dom scrambled between her bras as this piece had come with a partner. Upon a successful hunt for the rather expensive clothing, she dragged out the white pants and loose red shirt from the coat hanger.
She closed her closet’s door for the mirror to reflect her. It looked good. She needed it to look good. It covered for her misplaced steps or her hesitant words at times. Her crew had smiles on their faces whenever she put something on their table and she intended to keep it up. Admittingly, they must have been worried to some extent. Or had they learned to accept it?

Dom dressed herself, created a cloud of perfume to walk through before she patted on her shoulder. A signal for Linsie to fly onto her. Like a scaly, blue, very much not feline cat, she started purring and rubbed her head against Dom’s cheek. She … enjoyed it. The affection of a pet. Especially one she couldn’t burn down. A fire-proof resort.

“Now then, shall we?” Dom muttered with the most cheerful tune she mustered. It sounded more like a dying raven than a blooming, singing flower. A bluish, lightly spiked tail held something angular in it. Her phone! “I almost forgot it,” whistled Dom and gladly took it.

She liked to be a frequent menace to the crew alongside caring for them. The very reason she unlocked it on their way out . She halted for the break of a second, fixed her hair and snapped a shot of her and the lizard on her shoulder. Dom typed the title Good morning. Starting on breakfast underneath it before she hit the button to send it into the group chat.
Dominique left the room four behind as well as the gym part of the ship until she arrived in the lounge. To her surprise, she found no soul in there. Linsie, too, looked around for someone. Her dragon released a sort of sigh at the sight of nothing but the couches.

They ventured into the kitchen to the working space. Everyone was allowed to cook here of course. But a silent rule went about and around a certain marked working space reserved for a certain cook on the ship. The materials, utensils, herbs, spices and different types of stored food in there were not to be touched. Neither the two ovens and herds built into a black set of stone, colorfully set apart from the silvery stone working space. Until now, no one broke it yet and Dom thanked the crew by preparing delicious meals.

The day was busy and everyone, except some individuals, were eager to start early. A true break came when lunch time arrived. Breakfast had to be short but filling. Dom shot another selfie of her dragging out two frying pans from a higher angle and a funny grimace decorating her face. On today’s menu: Baco, cheese and egg! she wrote underneath it before sending it into the group chat again, Afterwards she’d start preparing lunch already. Dom usually placed the food on plates and then proceeded to put it into the fridge. She disliked binding any of her crew mates to certain eating times. The orphanage has done such and she had despised it. This way no one was pressured to get done with a certain task and didn’t have to be afraid to not be fed until the next day.

Dominique threw an anxious look around in the dining area. No one was to be seen. A blue flame erupted over the tip of her finger and once the herd was turned on she held it above the leaking gas. Quickly she extinguished the fire. But the flame inside her wanted more. It demanded more. A tiger in the jungle, circling its prey and not satisfied with a little mouse. But she wouldn’t let the tiger outside its jungle. The prey was not her but anything to be destroyed. She couldn’t-

“Oh for fuck’s sake!” she yelled as one of the eggs glided out of her fingers. She hadn’t realized how numb they were. Or when they did. Linsie caught the egg and carefully placed it into the pan. After trying to flex them multiple times, they finally started to recall her demands. In no time, Dominique had breakfast prepared and placed it on enough plates.

She sent a final shot of the food before sitting down on a chair. Linsie laid in her lap, which imitated her reaching any bottle at all. Dominique could only lay her hands on a half finished one.

“Better than nothing.”
Code by Serobliss
Emelie Minajim, crewmember
Image credit: unknown (found on Pinterest, unable to locate original)

Emelie got up early and dressed for her early-morning workout, habit making her movements quiet so as not to disturb Ella. (She liked getting up early, but past roommates had made it very clear to her that not everyone did, and that it was rude to wake people beforetimes, especially if they'd been up late -- or drinking -- the night before.) She thought about making something for breakfast, but hadn't yet had the courage to intrude on the cook's domain without permission, nor even to ask, so instead she headed straight to the gym. Some people could enhance their strength through their powers, but Emelie's was all earned through sweat, and she was rather proud of that. Mornings, she liked to do a general workout, getting all of her body warmed up and limber for the day's work. As she finished up, her stomach reminded her loudly that she hadn't had breakfast yet. She grinned and went upstairs to the kitchen to change that.

The enticing scent of bacon quickened her steps. She loved a good, simple breakfast like this (in fact, it was just the sort of thing she might have made for herself), and Dominique made even the simplest food taste wonderful. "Thanks," she told the chef as she collected one of the waiting plates. "It smells great!" As was her habit, she carried her food out of the dining area and up the last staircase to the top deck. Looking around, bright red hair and immaculately elegant clothing told her the hunter, Red, was already at the front of the ship. She found him a little intimidating, but it was one of her favorite places too, and anyway he looked pretty focused on the book he was writing in, or maybe drawing. So she quietly made her way 'round the other side of the foremast to lean on the railing and watch the clouds above and the ocean below while she ate.

Her attention was drawn back onto the ship by the metallic clanking of someone in heavy armor getting closer. It was that tall one who'd come onto the ship recently. Alseelo? Something like that. Emelie didn't think that was exactly right, but she couldn't remember. Whatever his name was, he seemed more interested in looming over Red than in chatting, and maybe hadn't noticed Emelie herself at all.

She was about to return to her sightseeing when someone began playing music near the mainmast. She shaded her eyes to look, and smiled. Lazuli was there, with a bird in his shining hair and his lute (pipa, she reminded herself) in his hands. She strayed closer, hoping he was minded to give them a show as well as a song, and sat midships with her back to the railing to watch. And was not disappointed! Eel, shark, whale, and fishes took their turn on the "stage," delighting her into wide-eyed laughter. Well, the shark caused rather nervous laughter, it was so lifelike and hungry-looking! But the whale brought back wholehearted joy, and as it faded into the rainbow, Emelie set down her plate and clapped her hands together.

Mentions/interactions: Ella ( Hanarei Hanarei ), Dominique ( JJae JJae ), Red ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ), Alciela ( A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A. ), Lazuli ( Aquarin Aquarin )
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  • azure hitch







    • home (filler tab)

    surf curse


    Early morning was when Azure liked to wake up. He never really caught as much sleep as he would like making sure the ship stayed on course. It was also a time many were asleep and gave him a chance to bathe and change under the cover of the sun just beginning to rise. That and time for him to do a simple workout, as his strength still requires much more fine-tuning than others. It was similar to Gramp's own ability, an inhuman amount of strength, much that can get out of control of Azure but he has been working hard to have more control of it. Walking out of his room in basketball shorts and a tight white tank, he would make his way up to the gym, trying his best not to be too loud knowing many would be asleep still.

    He walked into the basic gym, looking around before he began his workout, pulling out his scroll and Bluetooth earbuds and putting them into his ears, and letting the music blast into his ears, letting his mind begin to wonder as he would begin to build up a sweat.

    It was still dark out but Azure looked at himself in the mirror in the gym, for a moment seeing images of his mom and dad causing him to pause for a moment as he would sit up and open his scroll to change the song. It was something he could remember his mom and dad singing together, him, their once little girl sitting in awe watching two people be in love more than anyone else. He closed his eyes and would lay down on the floor, taking a few deep breaths as he listen to the song, images of his mom and dad dancing. The gentle wind swirling around them. A flowy dress fluttered behind her, laughter filling the air, as they were all eventually pulled in. It was an intoxicating type of laughing, an addicting type of dancing that soon, many other crew members would join, dancing, laughing, smiling. Joyous sounds filled the air.

    A tear rolled down Azure’s face as his eyes snapped open at the end of the song, sitting up, deciding, this was enough for today. Standing up he looked out the small window seeing more of the morning sun. This was about the time Emelie would come in. So, he gathered himself together and slipped out of the gym before anyone else would walk in, and make his way back to his room to get a change of clothing.

    Next comes the next exciting part of Azure's routine. Bathing. Pulling out a light looser shirt and some simple pants as well as a few accessories, he does not really have much of a fashion sense and is mostly only able to wear some of Gramps older accessories since it's been hard to find clothing that fits his strong build, and custom made things were way too expensive for Azure. Normally people use the bathrooms that was on the same deck as their sleeping quarters buts Azure didn’t anymore. It caused him too much stress and panic trying to decide which bathroom to use, and he now uses either the medical ward’s shower (with Yuhwa’s permission of course) or Gramps's shower. Since he knew that there weren’t any in the medical ward at the moment, that's the direction Azure went in.

    A quick brisk shower was all he needed before popping out of the medical ward clean and empty-handed. What happened to his dirty clothing? Lost somewhere in the medical ward for now. With that, he ended up at his usual post, the helm.
    Time passed as Azure was laying on the deck, spread out, hearing noises of people moving around, the clinking of metal, Lazuli singing that filled the air, then his scroll buzzing. With one hand, it fumbled around a pocket before pulling out the device and looking at the texts he has been ignoring, daydreaming about nothing and letting the calming sounds wash over him. It was food time, and it did remind him that he has yet to eat. It was tempting to ask someone to bring him food, not liking moving from his position while they were sailing to ruins Gramps heard about. Many places they go to aren’t very well charted so it was pretty easy to get lost or go off course slightly. Usually, that's not the case but there were close calls at times, mixing up left and right with starboard and port, mostly on the male end as he never was formally educated like many others. That was a con of living on a ship yet, Azure wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Azure finally gave into temptation, texting back:

    I would kill if someone could bring some up to the helm.
    Also, gm!

    With the text sent, Azure would push himself up onto his feet, stretching out his body to loosen the muscles from laying on the hardwood, looking out onto the main deck and up to the sails that were catching the wind just right. Things seemed to be okay for now. All he needed was some food.

    ♡coded by uxie♡

Ella Brooks
Princess Isaella of Aradia

Location: S.S Infinity - Dining Area

Morning had unknowingly came and went as sleeping beauty lingered in her bed. The departure of Emelie early on had only elicited the most mild of light tosses being blissfully unaware she had slip out for her morning training. The covers had managed to become partially entangled in the chaotic tossing and turning Ella had done in her sleep. She was never much a peaceful sleeper. Alcohol only further worsened her restlessness in bed. She had drank quite a lot the night before. It was a rather nice little party with the crew after all, and Ella wasn't the type who could refuse such an occasion. Unfortunately she was also the type who often didn't know when to stop. It was practically a miracle she did not become ill with how much liquor she managed to pour. She was rather incredibly resilient for a social drinker.

A light groan could be heard as a head peaked out from the twisted covers. Long dirty blonde hair appeared rather disheveled on top. Heavy eye lids slowly forced their way open as vibrant magenta eyes glanced out hazily. A light throbbing lingered in her head as she glanced out drearily. The night before was much a blur to her. She could recall her starting to drink though the rest of the night was quite foggy at best.A competition of some sort? She could vaguely recall... the chef.. Dominique. Drinking with her a bit? It was all such a unfocused mess vaguely recalling all the faces. It had to be most the crew, perhaps lacking quartermaster. He always seemed to avoid such things. A shame given he was rather cute to look at.

Ella shuffled her way to the edge of the bed sitting up. She was half undressed wearing a black sports bra and a pair of dark blue shorts. Her white tank top and white and blue light jacket haphazardly tossed on the floor. She couldn't recall what had happened, but it seemed likely she had returned back to her room at least and haphazardly stripped down partially before just giving up and flopping onto her bed. Hopefully she hadn't been too noisy for Emelie, her mind foggy vaguely recalling seeing her the night before though she knew she wasn't much a heavy drinker.

The Navigator groaned lightly as she finally got herself up. Her long messy blonde hair fell into place stopping just past her posterior. Her hair appeared a bit darker in the low light as her eyes dwelled on a clock. Just past noon it seems. She had managed to sleep in longer then she intended. So much for some morning training. She shrugged it off as she went to get a change of clothing. Stripping herself down, Ella slipped on a white frilly skirt that fell down just past her knees. A rather light dark blue tank top was picked out. sliding it carefully into place. A bit lighter garb and more casual, though the material and design was a bit more classy for what most would consider 'plain clothing'. It was nice and airy giving her a little reprieve as her mild headache felt as if her very body was being constricted.

Ella had made her way over sitting herself down in front of the mirror. A light groan was all she mustered as she took the comb starting to brush her long locks. A shower would of been nice, but it was already so late. It was best as navigator if she worried about a shower later. She had already charted their coarse, though it was always a good thing to keep track of things in order to ensure everything was going according to plan. Her vibrant eyes glanced at herself in the mirror. Despite the mild discomfort, she was feeling overall content. As unpleasant as a headache was, to her it was better then her old life. Freedom wasn't without its costs, even if perhaps the costs here were completely self inflicted.

Finishing cleaning herself off the best she could, Ella finally reached for her phone. It was a rather simple one she had picked up since she ran off. She was smart enough to know keeping it would of simply been an easy way of tracking her. She had slipped the phone away on a vessel at port likely to set off away from the direction she went. It was hard to say whether the ship had left port by the time she was being hunted down, but at the very least even if it was a small bit of time it likely had helped her making more ground for her escape. If not... well at the very least it wasn't on her anymore.

Her eyes glanced at the texts reading through them. Her eyes stumbling on Azure's message just as it came up. A sense of mild dread washed over her as her eyes dwelled over to the drawer near her bed. Her gaze linged on it briefly dwelling into thought. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she shook her head. Not now, no.... this isn't the right time. It was something she actively thought of yet a year later it was still left unaddressed. It was something she kept putting off, dreading the very act of doing. Her fingers began typing on the phone.

I will be there soon Azure to check on our path. I can bring you some food. Do not worry.

Ella always had a bad habit when it came to texting to writing everything out. She had seen the short hand used though half of her never stuck in her head. Most of the time it was just her days being educated to write things out being drilled in her head that she just quickly reverted back to typing in such a way. She fumbled a little grabbing her phone seeking to slip it in her pocket only to realize the skirt lacked any. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she took a small clip case sliding her phone in before clipping it to her skirt.

Ella left the room shutting the door behind her. Her hand lifted gently rubbing at her eyes as if to help clear her head a bit. The young woman headed up the stairs as the faint noise of commotion could be heard further up. It was faint from where she was as she simply brushed it off as she headed over into the dining hall. She slowly approached the opening to the kitchen as she blinked her eyes. She was still getting use to the light trying to adjust to it all. Her headache still lingered though it was fortunately lessoning as time passed bit by bit. A nice cup of water might help with it.

"Meal for two... to go... if you would be so kind. Ah... and good mor... err good afternoon." She spoke up a little perhaps demanding at first before realizing her tone. She shook her head a bit perhaps being not quite as 'friendly' as she liked to be making demands rather then asking nicely. She wasn't exactly a morning person even on the best of days. Being hung over didn't help at all.

"How are you feeling? Did anyone ever figure out where the kitty... err... where Jin was? Think someone was looking for him last night? Or... was it me? Ah... it's not important I guess sorry, still trying to wake up after last night. How are you feeling?" She spoke vaguely recalling something about a little attempt to find him. Had she been the one to initiate it? She could hardly remember truth be told what had happened the night before with it being a blur. A soft smile lingered on her lips. It was far from the best attempt at conversation, but she tried her best despite being a bit out of her element this particular afternoon.

Mentions: Emelie Kaerri Kaerri Dominique JJae JJae Jin Nothingness Nothingness
Interactions: Dominique JJae JJae
Group Text (Replied to Azure 606 606 )
In another life, Cornelia wouldn't be doing what she was doing now, that is to say: fixing a meal for herself. That's a lie of course, she wasn't actually fixing a meal for herself, just boiling water for tea, a meal was already fixed for her at this time knowing Ms. La'Sar. Early on in her stay on the ship, she demanded that she needn't step outside of her room for the bare necessities of life if she didn't feel like making the long journey from her room to the kitchen. This wouldn't stand, since her room wasn't big enough to fit a stove into, nor did she want to sleep in the pantry, so a compromise had to be made.

She drew a teacup and saucer from her personal cabinet of fine china, humming idly to herself as she made her way down from the shorter end of the hallway to the kitchen, her leather boots clacking against the boards. The trip took no less than thirty-five steps, as per her arrangement with the captain, and every day she woke up, it paid for itself in dividends. Cornelia nudged the kitchen door open with her foot, slowly poking her head inside to see if she was disturbing somebody from their wake-up ritual. Resolved that she wouldn't care anyways, she burst into the room to find her kettle had been left on the stove overnight, and that somebody had turned it off a little earlier. She was sure that she would hear it from either the captain or Dominique, but that didn't matter. Her eyes still felt like they were stuck together, and the only thing that'd wake her up would be matcha, and probably food.

So there she was, hovering in the doorframe of the kitchen. In her mind's eye, she stood upright and at attention, scanning diligently over the kitchen to locate the freshly boiling pot of tea she had intelligently left boiling the night before. In reality, she was in varying states of disheveled mess from the night before, creased button-up coat, stained slacks, half-on boots, and her trusty six-shooter, thankfully not primed. She didn't even drunkenly set anything to boil the night before, she just filled a kettle with water and went to her room. She rubbed her eyes of any lingering sleep she might have left, half-forgetting what she was doing there in the first place. She tried to muster some form of communication. Perhaps a plea for help? A declaration of her intent to feast? Maybe she could call over Hoshiko or Parker to give her attention, or feign needing help starting the stove so she could try and get somebody to pour her tea for her?


Stay classy, Nelly.

She stood stock-still for a moment longer to rub her eyes before she finally shuffled into the kitchen, eyes glancing over the food prepared. Bacon, eggs, and cheese sandwiches. Heavy, for sure. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to eat all that, despite her second stomach for dessert and third stomach for alcohol.


Neurons firing at maximum power, she attempted to start up the silvery stove with some success. The knob was turned, but it wasn't lighting, and she wasn't patient enough. She figured that today was a coffee type of day anyways, and fetched a freshly made pot of coffee that was made lukewarm by the fridge, no doubt the new person, she didn't really remember seeing anybody else drink coffee too often aside from herself anyways. With some difficulty, she poured herself a cup whilst only dripping a little bit on the floor. She paused just in front of the food for a moment, just next to Cypher, who seemed to be doing the same thing.

Cornelia looked up at their face, studied their breathing pattern, and watched as they scooped up a plate and made their way to the dining hall, jitters and all. She slowly blinked, her brain attempting to process a quip. She stared at the food, mouth agape as something clever tried to put itself together in her head. Nothing came. Forgetting about the food, she stared aimlessly out of the kitchen, scanning the dining room, and staring at Cypher's seaweed-colored hair. She frowned a little, then her feet began to take her to where she wanted to go.

Stairs were her ally and adversary at times. She was short, so going up and down stairs was fun, at least in her eyes. However, she may have overslept, had a little to drink, and was notoriously a slow riser. Stairs were her enemy today. Slowly, carefully, she went up the stairs, leaning on the rails as she did so. Eventually, she got to the very top, the open sky greeting her with its pillow clouds and blue backdrop.

At least the outdoors were predictably beautiful, if a bit windy since they were so high up. Music found its way into her ears, and polite clapping followed it, making the picturesque scene seem like it would last forever. Cornelia smiled to herself, found her way starboard side, and went to take her first sip from her teacup, which is precisely when a slightly bigger gust of wind seemed to blow a little harder than she was expecting, spilling the lukewarm coffee all over her shirt.

A frustrated, angry, and confused cry came from her lips, a mixture of an angry "augh!" cry and a horrified "eek!" scream. Cornelia pounded her boot into the wooden boards, threw her prized china teacup into the air, and loosed a single bullet from her iron in a single motion. The teacup exploded in a shower of porcelain as she fired another bullet into the second largest intact part of the cup, the handle. And then the third largest intact, then the fourth. Little bits of fine china rained over her as she spun the revolver around her finger and slipped it back into her holster, the echo of the gunshots reflecting her not-so-quiet fuming.

"I guess coffee really does wake you up!" She said to herself angrily. Her hand gripped the handle of her revolver tightly, at least until she kicked the side of the ship a little too hard. She seethed as she gripped her foot, silently cursing the world to herself.


Mentions: 606 606 (Cypher) JJae JJae (Dom) Aquarin Aquarin (Lazuli) Kaerri Kaerri (Emelie)
Interactions: Open!
mizuki hoshiko
battle maid
cabin quarters - dining area - upperdeck
(Dominique) JJae JJae (Ella) Hanarei Hanarei (Red) Guppy Franz Guppy Franz (Alciela) A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A. (Lazuli) Aquarin Aquarin (Azure) 606 606 (Cornelia) archur archur (Emelie) Kaerri Kaerri
Hoshiko stared at herself in the mirror. Her reflection coldly gazed back. Morning had arrived, yet she had already been awake for hours, emerging from the depths of slumber with practiced precision, a well-honed habit developed over time, at an hour or two before the rise of dawn. Rising early had been ingrained in her very being, an integral part of her character. It had been an element of her training routine, imparted upon her by her grandfather. 'Remember, my dear, each morning dawns with a race for survival. The prey, as it awakens, understands it must outpace the predator, or its life shall be taken. Simultaneously, the predator stirs, knowing it must surpass the slowest prey to fend off hunger's grip. It matters not whether one is a mighty lion or a graceful gazelle—when the sun casts its first light, swift movement becomes imperative.' He would whisper tenderly, yet resolutely, as he cradled her bruised little hands, weary and flushed from the ceaseless repetition of swinging and clutching a sword. At that time, she couldn't fully grasp the weight of his words, but now, she understood. Just like the dance between the gazelle and the lion, she would confront constant challenges and fierce obstruction on the path she had chosen. However, with the arrival of each new day, an opportunity presented itself for her to strive and give her best. Whether she resonated with the grace of the gazelle or the strength of the lion, she knew she had to approach each day with unwavering determination.

And so, that is what Hoshiko resolved to do. Her life had undergone a great transformation in the weeks following her absconding. No longer did she answer to the name 'Miss Mizuki of Hanami,' but rather embraced her new identity as Hoshiko, a humble maid embarked on the grand vessel of the S.S. Infinity. It marked the beginning of a fresh journey—a life brimming with new possibilities, a chance to shine. She delighted in the life she now possessed, relishing the absolute control she wielded over herself. Her new existence was a song of freedom, a life of autonomy and free will, something she had so long yearned for.

This owed everything to Captain Edward, something Hoshiko would forever be grateful for. To an outsider, it might not appear significant—him hiring her as the S.S. Infinity's maid without a thorough background check or screening. But to her, it meant the world. If she had continued running, with scarce resources and relentless pursuers, she would have inevitably been apprehended and forced back to her parents. They would have arranged a loveless marriage, solely to salvage their reputation and prove they could, indeed, handle their 'rebellious' daughter. Hoshiko frowned at the thought. The fate that awaited her in Hanami upon her return was worse than death itself—a marriage of convenience to the highest bidder, devoid of love or compassion.

"But enough of that," Hoshiko whispered to herself, banishing distractions from her mind. Pending tasks beckoned, and she possessed no inclination for delay. Rising to her feet from where she sat in front of the mirror, she smoothed down her impeccable uniform—a tailored black dress designed to complement her figure, simultaneously accentuating her femininity and preserving a sense of modesty. Delicate white lace graced the collar and cuffs of the dress, infusing an understated touch of refinement. Draped over the front was a crisp white apron, secured at her waist with a neat bow, exemplifying practicality. The apron's immaculate whiteness created a distinct contrast against the darkness of her dress, symbolizing a commitment to cleanliness. Completing her ensemble, she wore knee-length stockings in pure white, their soft, sheer texture embracing her legs. These stockings contributed an additional layer of fineness to her attire, while also fulfilling a practical role by ensuring her comfort and unhindered movement. On her feet rested a pair of comfortable, low-heeled black leather shoes—a fusion of functionality and style. These shoes would bestow the necessary support for extended hours of work, all the while upholding an appearance of sophistication and poise.

Her hair was elegantly arranged, exuding an aura of tidiness and simplicity. The neat updo pinned her locks securely, ensuring they would stay in place as she went to carry out her duties. With her hair expertly managed, there was no risk of it obstructing her vision or hindering her tasks. Nevertheless, a few soft, loose curls delicately framed her face, adding a little touch of charm to her overall appearance. Hoshiko exited her quarters not a moment later, stepping out into the hallway, footsteps echoing quietly against the floorboards, her destination clear in mind. Moving forward, she maintained a low sense of presence, her posture upright and squared. With each deliberate stride, she displayed discipline and focus, barely making a sound as her steps found rhythm, neither too long nor too short, evidently controlled. Every movement was intentional, yet she remained adaptable, ready to respond swiftly if needed.

Upon climbing the staircase and entering the lounge, Hoshiko found it deserted, which didn't come as a surprise, considering the hour. Leaving the sparsely occupied room behind, she made her way to the dining area where her eyes finally rested upon someone, or rather, two individuals, which happened to be Dominique and Ella, the pair happened to be in the middle of a discussion, or at least, one of them was talking, it seemed, with the latter's mechanical dragon situated upon her lap. "Good morning, Miss La´Sar, Miss Brooks," Hoshiko greeted them, entering into the conversation at a convenient moment, offering a formal bow at the waist. Uncertainty lingered within Hoshiko regarding her relationships with the crew. Since joining the ship, she had always maintained a respectful yet distant demeanor, always ready to help but rarely imposing herself. It wasn't that she disliked her fellow crew members; rather, she grappled internally with the question of whether it was wise to form close bonds. What if she made a mistake? What if she became too attached and encountered problems later on, due to what she swore to leave behind? Hoshiko despised this inner conflict, wishing to just be able to end her own uncertainties.

At that moment, a cry of mixed emotions pierced the air, and the sharp echoes of gunshots—resonated from further up. Hoshiko's eyes widened, ever so slightly, momentarily fixated on the ceiling before her attention returned to the two ladies in front of her. "I apologize, ladies," she uttered politely, her voice filled with sincerity. With a swift surge of power, Hoshiko activated Astral Step, channeling her energy into the transformation. Like a streak of shimmering light, she vanished from her original spot in the dining area, leaving behind a fleeting afterimage that swiftly dissipated. In an instant, Hoshiko materialized above deck, her form solidifying once again. Taking a swift assessment of the scene, her eyes scanned the familiar faces—Red, Alciarlo, Lazuli, Emelie, and Azure—until they rested upon the center of the commotion..


With the delicate china teacup shattered into countless pieces, a cascade of porcelain fragments scattered around Cornelia, meanwhile, a trail of coffee drips created a long stain down the front of her shirt and her words, filled with anger, reverberating through the air, while her hand clutched her foot, displaying a sense of pain. Putting it all together, the scene painted an unmistakable picture of what had unfolded. "Good morning, everyone," Hoshiko greeted with a level demeanor, her attention shifting towards Cornelia, who clearly needed some support. "Miss Card, do you require my assistance?"

code by @Nano
Firey Chef
Dominique La´Sar
S.S Infinity |

Mentions: none (except Gramps and Jin Nothingness Nothingness )
Interactions: Kaerri Kaerri Hanarei Hanarei Jasno Jasno archur archur 606 606

A discussion between her and a mechanical lizard with wings was nothing unusual. Dominique La'Sar managed to blame it on the alcohol in her system, which didn't lay off too far at last. However, the headache spreading from Linsie's third try to snatch away her bottle made it easier for Dom to nurture her anger.

That was, of course, until the door to her kitchen opened. In the second of unattandance from Dom, the winged lizard suceeded its heroic task of flying the bottle to an elevated location. On a shelf, to be precise. And Dom knew she had to stack two chairs to reach the poor, abandoned liquor.

The first to respond to the bacon aroma was an enthusiastic brown head, who gladly took one of the plates with a cheerful smile. Thanks. It smells great!, Emelie told her. Dominique spread an eminent grin on her dry lips. "I am glad you enjoy it. Have a good one!" she responded as the bouncing girl followed her routine. Some never ate in the dining hall. It didn't mind her in the slightest. The plates usually found their way back here.

"See? Haven't I earned my bottle back-"

The door sprung open again. It left her not enough time to discuss anything with her insolent fire-spitting companion. Dom squinted harshly at her. Though, Linsie paid no mind to her and simply laid flatly back down on her lap. Thank you, you brazen, foolish, blatantly annoying brat, Dom thought her part before running her eyes over the next hungry stomach.

The green, wild hair let her stomach sink. It wasn't out of place because of the ship or winds. This sort of horrible hair day came from something different. Something Dom could understand to a certain degree. But no one else besides Cypher Riggs saw the darkest twists and turns in his situation. Dom did not bother to greet him upon witnessing the emptiness in those eyes. It only made her exhale. Numbly, he took a plate and settled on a table. Dominique inhaled the air she has lost a second before but the door opened yet again.

Ella Brooks ventured inside. The party the crew had thrown the night before still sat heavy on her shoulders. Dom had joined them for a drink or two before retreating to her own come together with alcohol.

"Meal for two... to go... if you would be so kind. Ah... and good mor... err good afternoon."

"Good.. afternoon to you too,"
Dom replied, sending the shock of realization down in her mind. Afternoon? But she saw it was morning? Or was she mistaken? She shook her head slightly as it did not matter. Food was food and judging how some have just awoken, the title breakfast didn't seem too offputting.

"How are you feeling? Did anyone ever figure out where the kitty... err... where Jin was? Think someone was looking for him last night? Or... was it me? Ah... it's not important I guess sorry, still trying to wake up after last night. How are you feeling?"

"I am doing great,"
Dom said, her voice in a usual tone. She didn't need to add her frustration about her vanished bottle, not to any conversations between her and her crew mates. They didn't need to worry. "Jin is amiss? I am sorry, my dear, I don't know where he is at the moment. If he comes to pick up food, I will tell him you are looking for him."

Dom allowed a grin to take over. "But how are you feeling? You are quite tired. Care for a coffee to wake you up? A juice helps as well or anything with a good amount of sugar." Well, not always. In some cases, tea or coffee lead to more lethargy and sugar caused a rather unpleasant energetical boost. She pushed two plates forward nonetheless. "Two meals to go. Maybe that will be enough."

The door opened once more. Another victim of the night before strolled in. Cornelia looked just as fucked over as Ella did. Not the equal type Cypher had running this very moment.

"Morning," Dom chuckled as the dissoriented girl found her way to the working space. She muttered something of tea whilst staring down the pot on the stove, which was preserved for the members. So she put it there, Dom thought and restrained the temptation to play mother and tell her to put it away next time. Instead, she watched Cornelia inwardly pleading for the stove to turn on. She was always so composed, elegant and self-sufficent. Dom guessed offering help now would have not played out right. Cornelia chose a coffee pot in the fridge instead and headed out without any plate. Dom noted to put hers into the fridge in case her stomach demanded to be fed later on.

"It hit you all pretty bad, didn't it?" Dom laughed and stroked Linsie's head. She wondered if she'd look like them once she decided for water or juice without any alcoholic flair added to it. What a waste of thoughts. She had tried it, once. But her reconnecting mind had other plans. Instead of staying normal, she saw the blue flames eating her friend and the orphanage.

The next to make an entrance was Mizuki Hoshiko. She looked far more composed than the rest of them.

"Good morning, Miss La´Sar, Miss Brooks."

"Same goes back to you,"
Dom replied, offering one of her sweeter smiles. Hoshiko followed her customs and bowed in greetment. She heard such gesture was to pay respect. Dominique found she enjoyed her quiet and gentle demeanour. It brought more colors to the crew. The captain had an odd sense for hiring rather... special individuals. She trusted him and his decision. He wouldn't just let anyone in on the ship. This was his family- her family too. And as much as he'd protect it so would Dom. Which lead her to observing how the crew came along with each other as well. No one hated the cook, of course. She hoped no one held such distainful feelings to anyone on here. However, she hadn't failed to notice Hoshiko. The girl always kept to herself. She often helped out or offered her assistance but never... never anything beyond those boarders.

Give her time, Dom heard in her mind. Hoshiko reminded her of Bria from the orphanage. Bria was quite similar. And with time, she got closer. Dom only had to keep holding out her hand.

But before Dom could utter another sentence, a light flashed on Hoshiko's spot and once Dom blinked her view free, the woman was gone.

"Everyone is so quick these days," she chuckled. The free vision reminded her of the green head sitting in her dining hall. "Excuse me for a moment as well. If you find yourself in need of coffee, Linsie will gladly start the stove for you."

Dominique sprung to her feet. The liquid bobbled in her insides, enough to confuse her head for a short matter of time. Nonetheless, her feet placed themselves steady on the ground and started making way towards the sad sight of Cypher.

She sat across from him and dragged his plate over to her. "Is something wrong with the food? You aren't allergic to bacon, are you?" Of course not, she hoped. But he had eaten such meal before. Her denial of his possible allergies only fastened upon the thread of thought.

"If there is something bothering you," she began, her voice low and softer around the edges, "You know you can talk to me, right? Or to Linsie. She is a rather quiet ranting partner. Or you can tell me to fuck off. I ain't going to be mad, boy."
Code by Serobliss
Gaberial De'Sardet

Interactions: archur archur Jasno Jasno Aquarin Aquarin A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.
Mentions: Kaerri Kaerri JJae JJae

The scratching of freshly sharpened lead against thick layers of paper just barely mixed with the soothing whistling of the wind, making Red's world shrink for just but a moment to this one spot he sat in, his patient and focused gaze watching as his pencil recreated the image within his mind. Though he barely just began, the quick sketches of roaming clouds and floating islands had already found themselves on the clear white page, awaiting for Red to return for greater detail. For now, he was beginning a quick sketch of the sun that hung high in the springtime afternoon. Halfway through however he came to a pause, the lead of his writing utensil hovering over his work as a new presence arrived to his side. It was not hard to miss, the harsh clanking of metal and the heavy thudding of armored boots made less than a subtle arrival. Slowly Red rose his head upwards to find the newest arrival aboard their ship, Alciarlo, donning their usual attire of heavy armor. Though he had seen many impressive sets of armor in the past, Alciarlo's was quite unique to the eye. He would have questioned them about the origin of such a piece but since her arrival, she has remained very stoic in nature, not even going as far as to be seen without it. Something Red holds no issues with but has decided to allow her to become more settled into the crew before asking such questions. He himself was no better when Cypher and he first arrived, taking an entire month and a half before even engaging in an actual conversation with someone other than his original companion.

A moment of silence passed, Red staring up at Alciarlo with a curious eye before arching a brow in confusion as the stoic knight stared off into the distance without a word. She was definitely an odd one, but a slight smile of amusement flickered across Red's face before disappearing as he followed Alciarlo's gaze back out into the distant skies. "Good afternoon Alciarlo, I hope the day has fared well for you so far," Red greeted, not expecting an answer but instead a grunt or grumble of acknowledgment. "It is indeed a pleasant day for the occasional silent gazing, no?" he questioned glancing back up at her large figure, again not expecting much from the expressionless helm she wore. With a swift twirl of his pencil between his gloved fingers Red looked back down at his sketchbook and readied himself to return to his work. "Well, you are welcome to join me here. It is a pleasant spot to spend one's free time," he said before the comforting scratching of lead returned to his ear, his attention directed to the half-sketched sun behind the already sketched clouds. Again, however, his progress would be halted as a familiar tune filled the air.

Glancing up and towards the bottom of the mast he would see Lazuli plucking the strings of his pipa, the note each string created pleasant with the promise of another fine performance. It took the ship's musician no time to begin his song, the tune was lively and cheerful with the tinges of an adventuress spirit behind every word. Red gently laid his work on his lap, leaning back into the ropes behind him and watching the performer with silent appreciation, his gaze calm and focused even as Lazuli's abilities joined into the song. Watching the once-clear waters snake up the mast and then quickly turned to an eel, its impeccable detail practically brings the creation to life, still amazed Red, even if he didn't show it. As the song and spectacle continued, the eel's brief but impressive performance nearly made Red smile before it turned into a shower of water. Afterward Red would feel the presence of something to his right and quickly look over to see a new creation of Lazuli's, its sharp and blooded jaws open wide as it approached them. Red let out a huff, his lips pursing slightly in a bit of sourness after remembering this trick from Lazuli's past shows. The first time he witnessed such a creation it nearly gave him a heart attack, resulting in an embarrassing yelp and tumble to the floor. "Bugger off," he muttered to the mirage with narrowed eyes and a slightly pouting expression. As if he understood him the shark dispersed, surrounding him and Alciarlo in a thin mist of wetness.

With the end of the song soon arriving Red couldn't help but let a thin, pleasant smile slip onto his face as one last mirage rose to the side of the ship. He couldn't help but watch fondly as the whale floated alongside the ship, his crimson eyes following the playful fish with fascination and amusement as they danced around the whale. Along with the spectacle and Lazuli's singing voice Red let out a relaxed sigh, this moment of peace and music swelling his chest with a warm feeling. Finally, as Lazuli finally brought his song to a conclusion and the whale fell into itself to create a quickly fading rainbow, Red raised his hands for a soft clap, muffled by his thick gloves. "Impeccable showing Lazuli. As usual, your talent is without a match!" Red called out with a brief nod and pleasant smile, his words genuine before his hands fell back to his lap to grab hold of his book and pencil. "I must ask though that our sharp-toothed friend not try and sneak up on me again. You know we are not on good terms since our first encounter," he chuckled light-heartedly before noticing Emelie out of the corner of his eye. By the look she wore she had witnessed Lazuli show as well, but Red's attention was quickly directed to the plate of food near her. A quizzical frown came to his face before he started to pat down his pockets. A quick huff escaped him as he realized he forgot his scroll, obviously missing Dominique's call for lunch. Red had only eaten a bit of dried jerky from his past hunts, but a real meal sounded appealing. This meal would force him to leave his spot though, something he had no plans on doing.

With a sigh, he gave Emelie a polite nod and was about to greet her but was cut short by a cry mixed with anger and fear. Tilting his head slightly to get a better look he would see Cornelia, stomping her foot onto the wooden planks in frustration over the coffee she apparently spilled onto herself. The scene was briefly amusing before watching her toss her teacup into the air and firing off several finely placed shots, shattering the small dish into many scattered pieces that fell to the deck. Red only gave a flat look towards Cornelia, not entirely surprised by such a display. As she kicked the side of the ship Red pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed lightly. "Ms. Cornelia, please do not take out your frustrations on our ship. We only have the one," he suggested in a flat tone before hearing a greeting directed to everyone on deck.

Looking up he saw the ship's maid, Mizuki, standing at the ready to assist in whatever she can. "Hello Mizuki," he replied to her greeting with a polite nod. As she asked Cornelia if she could help Red gave a quick huff before directing his gaze back down to his sketchbook. "Please do, I fear she'll start shooting holes in our poor ship if no one tends to her," he stated before picking up his pencil and returning to his work, just a ghost of an amused smile on his lips as his lead began scratching against his work again.
Lazuli Hematite
S.S Infinity; Deck
Hanarei Hanarei (Ella), 606 606 (Azure)
Kaerri Kaerri (Emelie), Guppy Franz Guppy Franz (Red), archur archur (Cornelia), Jasno Jasno (Hoshiko), Groupchat especially JJae JJae (Dominique)

Polite applause rang, bursting the small bubble he created with his music and water as Lazuli looked in the direction of its source. A young woman who was sitting close to him, her half-eaten plate lying forgotten next to her while joy seemed to spread across her features. He smiled in response, his fingers happily gliding across the strings. More unconsciously than anything. As he opened his mouth to thank her, the voice of Red pierced through the air, making Lazuli turn towards him.

His words tickled a laugh out of him, memories of the past surfacing again. "It's not my fault that our friend seems to be deeply fascinated by you." The first time he subjected Red to the shark, it was certainly not meant to be well received. Ill intentions were hidden beneath the turbulent waves of the water. Now, however, it was more of an act of teasing. There were still seeds of resentment sprouting whenever Lazuli looked at the swordsman—his indiscriminate hatred regarding nobles not allowing him otherwise—but it definitely improved over the years.

Shaking off the nostalgia clinging to him, he turned back to Emelie. Lazuli called back his water, letting it weave together in a constantly moving ball of water as it floated right next to his head. "And now for the dear lady, a-" Gunshots interrupted the musician once, twice, and then some more. His little winged companion flew at the first sign of the pistol shot, disappearing into the height of the sails. Slightly irritated, Lazuli turned in the direction of the sudden noise, already guessing who could've been the culprit before even seeing them.

Behold, there she was standing. Cornelia, in all her soaked glory. Shards of a pitiful tea cup spread around her boots. He watched her release her remaining anger onto the ship, stomping frustratingly against the wooden sides. "My, my Nelly. What a unique way to wake the ship! Shall we implement this in our daily routine?" He teased her lightly, following immediately after Red reprimanded her.

It didn't come as a surprise when, moments later, streaks of shimmering light appeared on deck, and Hoshiko soon materialised out of them. The maid had a knack for always being there when something seemed to go wrong, broke, or got dirty in any way. Almost like a sixth sense. "Good day to you as well." Lazuli returned her greeting before turning back to Emelie, only catching a short glimpse of Red redirecting his attention back to his sketches out of the corner of his eyes.

"As I was saying before we were rudely interrupted, one more song for this fair lady." He winked in Emelie's direction, his fingers already itching to continue. "Just let me see if we can get some more sleepyheads up here." Pulling out his own scroll, he opened the text messages, skimming quickly over them. A short frown twisted his brows for a moment as he saw Ella's response to Azure, unpleasant feelings crawling down his back. Slightly biting his lower lips, he just decided to ignore it and just type out his own message. No need to ruin his mood when the day didn't even really begin.

[Good afternoon, my little drunkards~ Come up and enjoy some of this pleasant sun after eating. And yes, Dom, you as well. Don't drink too much yet.]

Shutting his phone off and putting it back into his pocket, he adjusted the pipa on his lap to lean upright against him again as he carefully laid his hands around it. Closing his eyes, Lazuli opted this time for a simple tune without any lyrics even his water returned back into the gourd. Only the pure tones of the instrument carried themselves on the fresh breeze as he started his solo.

code by @Nano

cypher riggs







  • home (filler tab)

the rare occasions


Bodies moved around him but he barely moved himself. It's not that he didn't want to eat or didn't see other people enter or even Cornelia stopping to stare at him, he just, wasn't present at the moment. Instead, he was in his own mind, listening to calming and smoothing words from Processor and Archive, while Data was trying to get him to eat to at least get some energy back. Yet, Cypher was simply frozen again. Normally he tried to avoid this in front of the crew, and unfortunately Red would be the one who would see him in such a state, and the one to pull Cypher back into reality. Freezing up like this is simply him being overwhelmed or over-tired, over-anxious, and the list goes on. It's like when a computer or phone has too much going on, it freezes up, blue screens, or even just shuts down. At least when explaining it to others, like red, thought it seemed to go over his head. When traveling with his closest companion, dare he say friend, there was a lot that Cypher learned about social interactions and explaining things, realized that, not everyone remembered everything to a tee. It was a sharp turn cognitively wise but, seemingly, he was adjusting mostly okay.

Cypher, you have to eat. Just one bite of something.
You're going to be okay, nothing can hurt you.
You have Red, and the rest of this crew, they will support you.
Just. One Bite.

He blinked then, the food that was in front of him was gone. Following the path that the food had left in, his eyes first landed on the plate of food, and slowly looked up to the figure in front of it. She had a red shirt, well-done nails, black silky hair, and a concerned yet gentle look in her eyes. It was Dom. The chef had so thoughtfully made food for him and the rest of the crew. He was back in reality, feeling the seat under him, the wooden floors of the ship, the slightly cooler air inside of the ship, and the smell of bacon and eggs reaching his nose and he blinked a few more times.

He said a slightly confused expression as the dull eyes of the tired male would spark with some life as it was clear he was not fully present before.

"O-oh! Miss-Miss Dominque! When - you were just - kitchen."
Slowly he turned his head to look to the kitchen that no longer had Dom in it then turned back to the woman in front of her. She always took care to give him space when he had mornings like these. A faint blue-gree glow would appear around the plate as Cypher used his telekinesis to pull the plate back and his other minds were filling him in on what he missed.

She asked if something was wrong with the food or if you were allergic to bacon.
Which you are not.
She also mentioned that if something was bothering you, you can talk to her or her cyber serpent,
I can't bother her. I don't know her very well.

"Sorry-Sorry, nothing's wrong I'm fine. Just tired. The food is fine, just lost in thought."
Not completely a lie but also not completely the truth.

Im fine is the biggest lie.
I can't bother her.

"I'll be okay Miss Dominque. Thank-thank you for-for the food."
There was a slight stutter to his voice as the plate was once again placed in front of him. Awkwardly, he picked up a fork looked up to Dom then back down to his food, and quickly took a bite, looking up to see her reaction as he chewed.

Even though it was nothing fancy, it was still the best in the world to Cypher. Somedays, he used to get little to nothing, if his skinny frame wasn't a tell that he wasn't well nourished. Even on good days, the food he did get was nothing great. Only a few times did some servants sneak him proper food and a proper serving. It was hard with his parents watching his every move, but, those who cared for the poor male tried their best.


♡coded by uxie♡
Ella Brooks
Princess Isaella of Aradia

Location: S.S Infinity - Dining Area >> Deck (At Helm)

Ella looked towards Dominique as she seemed not too bothered about her more original demanding introduction. Her own eyes fixating on the woman seeming to find her reaction not fully directly at Ella. What it was she might be thinking of was beyond what Isaella could figure out. A stray thought? Some sudden realization? Either way it had passed as quickly as it came with her response to her further inquires not seeming at all to hold any ill will towards her, at least as far as she could tell. Her eyes locked onto Dom as she seemed to retain her normal demeanor as she remained blissfully unaware of any problems the ship's cook might have.

The navigator blinked a bit surprised by her answer about Jin. Truthfully it had been a rather poor attempt on Ella's part to be friendly and discuss a little about the night before. It was a little silly of her to not expect her not respond to it. The princess shifted a little resting her hand on her hip as she nodded lightly as to show she was listening. The dirty blonde shaking her head a little in response as she regained her footing in the conversation.

"Ah... no no... I was more so talking about last night, though I suppose I am not quite sure where he is today. It's quite alright, I don't really have anything to say to the kitty right now. Don't worry about it. I'm sure he is around somewhere, maybe even batting around a bit of yarn while triple checking all our provisions are in order." She spoke shaking her head a little in response. She hadn't the slightest clue why she felt so prone to teasing JIn even outside his presence. Sure he was cute and a good looker, but something about him just made that part inside her feel the need to tease him.

Ella's eyes fixated on Dominique as she inquired about having some coffee or perhaps some sugar laced juice. The light wince in Ella's face likely portraying her feeling rather easily. She wasn't much for drinking coffee. While juice sounded less outlandish, the idea of having added sugar wasn't something she felt the most comfortable with. She was the type to over get a quick sugar rush before getting a harsh crash after. How scientific the reaction was in reality or if it was more a mental issue was hard to say, but the risk for her wasn't worth it. Her eyes glanced down at the plates to reach over to take them.

"Ah... no thanks, I think water will do me plenty good." She responded with a nod as her head turned before she could grab the plates seeing another person walk in.

Walked perhaps was the wrong word... shambling perhaps. Cornelia seemed as if she was in auto pilot acting on her own like a zombie unaware their life had long since passed away. She looked over almost baffled by it. Ella wasn't in the slight bit aware she came off quite similar herself in her own demeanor, although perhaps not quite as absorbed into her own world. Her eyes glancing down as she could feel her phone vibrate. A text message popping up from Azure.

mkay lol no rush

The words left Ella blinking as her mildly aching head was half processing it out. It took her a little longer to process out the shorthand writing, even over a year later. A light nod being given as she slipped her phone away back clipped on her skirt. She could feel the presence of another as their voice spoke up dashed with a good bit of formality as if to stand in stark contrast to the message she had just read.

Ella turned to nod her head lightly to great Hoshiko. It felt almost strange having a woman such as her around. Her demeanor reflected that of the servants she had at home. The woman kept a rather formal demeanor with the way she approached and greeted others. It came off rather distant, but for Isaella, it was how her servants back at the palace tended to act. It was always about servicing to your needs and keeping some distance between themselves and the royal family they served. It had always left her feeling so distant from others despite the reverence she was given.

"Good morning." Ella spoke as the woman seemed to react rather suddenly as the sound of gunfire could be heard as the woman gave a swift apology for using her ability vanished from in front of them. A rather awkward expression lingered on Ella's face as she stood there brought back to attention by Dom. The young navigator nodded her head in response looking towards her. Her comment about others parting ways rather swiftly lingering in her head as she gave a simple nod in response.

"Thanks, I'll pass, I'd stay to chat longer but I'm sure Azure is hungry, and I really should get to work myself checking the charts to make sure we are currently proceeding on coarse to our destination. I hope to talk to you later, maybe... without so much alcohol..." Ella spoke in thought, trying to recall the occasions she spent with Dominique without a drink in hand that didn't involve being in the dinning hall in what would be a more casual setting. It really didn't help she could be a sucker when people decided they want to drink she tended to be a social drinker herself and was very easily swayed into it. She really needed to get better at controlling how much she drank... at least one day.

Ella took both the plate heading out from the dining hall. She ventured up the stairs as the sound of pipes being played filled her ears coming from the ship musician playing a tune. Quite a bit of commotion the man stirred as she looked to see Red looking strange as regal as he always managed to do so. It wasn't hard for her eyes to noticed Emelie seeing her roommate seemingly gathered nearby looking far better for wares then herself. She must have awoken much earlier and snuck out before she had noticed earlier. As she turned her eyes had for the briefest moments fell upon Arciarlo. The woman was an enigma to her. She always felt as if she caught her in the corner of her eye. It felt almost as if she always slipped away whenever she came nearby.

The navigator shook her head as she headed up the steps towards the helm. Her feet carried her up as she glanced over to see Azure laying down resting upon the wooden deck. Her eyes lingered on him silently. It had always felt so strange interacting with him. She felt both a mixture of fear but also care for the young man. She could still recall the shock she faced finding out who he was not at all expecting it. Her eyes darted down pondering briefly again recalling the object she had in her room.

No... not today. There had to be a better time... she would do it... she promised... it... it just had to be the right time... yes...

"Here is your plate! Sorry, hands were a bit full so I couldn't really carry up a drink at the same time. Any significant deviations from the heading the ship was set for the night before? If not, I'll worry about it after we eat. I could really use something in my stomach." She spoke with a light smile being quite friendly. While it was true her hands were full, she was also very reluctant to handle making any hot drinks. To say she was lacking in knowing how to do so was an understatement. Evem with Linsie handling the stove she felt far more likely to mess something up. Being hand served everything your whole life didn't help when it came to being able to serve oneself anything that required more the the step of 'eat' or 'drink' to handle.

Worlds Tiniest 1 line Collab w/ 606 606
Mentions: Jin Nothingness Nothingness Lazuli Aquarin Aquarin Red Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Cornelia archur archur Emelie Kaerri Kaerri Alciela A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.
Interactions: Dominique JJae JJae Azure 606 606 Hoshiko Jasno Jasno
Last edited:
Alciela AKA “Alciarlo”

Alciela continued looking out and as time passed serenely, she was beginning to be taken by the landscapes below. Sometimes, the world looked quite beautiful. This must be what birds saw every day. How envious she was. Alciela perked up when Tomato ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ) spoke.

"Good afternoon Alciarlo, I hope the day has fared well for you so far.”

“Hmph,” she replied, her armor filtering her voice to a deep bass, like the sound of crumbling stone.

"It is indeed a pleasant day for the occasional silent gazing, no?"

A pause. “Hmph,” she said again.

"Well, you are welcome to join me here. It is a pleasant spot to spend one's free time.”

To this, “Arciarlo” didn’t respond. Two Hmph’s were enough. Any more and it wouldn’t be called brooding. Red was being too cool so, naturally, Alciela needed to match it. What she failed to foresee, however, was the awkward silence that emerges when one simply doesn’t respond to another’s statement or question. She turned out towards the sky again only because she had nothing else to do with herself. Fortunately, she was saved by a song. One she hadn’t heard before, actually.

Alciela turned to find Lazuli ( Aquarin Aquarin ) canting his lyrical art for the others on the deck with water swirling about him. Psh… what a self-serving show off. He would be better served as a ring master of a circus. Alciela rolled her eyes, not that he would see them underneath her helm but she turned back around, her curiosity sated. When she set her eyes out to the horizon once more, a shark appeared before her. It turned and charged at her with its mouth wide and in surprise, she braced herself. At the very last moment, it dissipated into a mist that soaked her armor.

Cazzo! Alciela just did the least calm and collected thing imaginable. A massive hulking set of armor like her just flinched in the face of cheap magic tricks. Steam began to rise from the evaporated water as her helm sizzled a dim red around the cheeks. Alciela wanted to melt away and in her flustered state, her armor blushed. Stupid stupid stupid! She thought she might’ve had to make a quick getaway when suddenly, the sound gunshots could be heard.

Alciela spun towards the source in time to hear a second gunshot ring out, causing her to wince. How could anyone find such jarring noise pleasant or acceptable? No one had such contraptions back home. She hoped it would stay that way. Cornelia ( archur archur ) unleashed more rounds into the teacups and their pieces rained in and am off the ship. Still, Alciela welcomed the distraction and it gave her time to recover her composure. That brief repose was shattered when Ella ( Hanarei Hanarei ) appeared on deck. That was one too many people.

“Hmph…” she let out a grunt. “Such noisy discordance. There is no such peace to be had this afternoon,” she looked to Red for a moment before walking briskly back towards the stairs. That. Blasted. Woman. Alciela glanced at Ella and attempted to appear as calm as possible so as to not raise the suspicions of the princess. How she managed to find her way into this ship is beyond her. But she hates her most of all. Not that it was her fault. It wasn’t who she was as a person but rather what she represented. Alciela didn’t want to lose her dream of a comfortable life. Or her family. She most certainly didn’t want to die. And to her, being discovered by the princess was the equivalent of a death sentence. As soon as she had joined this ship, Alciela was having thoughts of leaving it. The next port… that’s all she needed. Then she could disappear once more. That’s right. The next port. That would suffice. Her heavy footfalls carried her across the deck and past Emelie ( Kaerri Kaerri ) back to the stairs, ready to descend back to her cabin. It was only a few moments of fresh air and sun but that was fine. A miserable life was better than none at all.

azure hitch







surf curse


Azure had sent the text simply and quickly, trying to make sure they stayed on track and watched the commotion begin to happen before him. On the main deck, the helm was one of the highest places, you can easily look down and over the rest of the deck and know what is happening. Catpain Edwards, or what Azure calls him, Gramps. He was the man who really raised Azure since his parents were captured. If it wasn't for the kindness Gramps had shown all those years, Azure probably wouldn't be the person he was today, no where close to it. While he hates the royal family a lot, he's been working on, letting go. It was something he and Gramps talked about often, especially when the two have to train and work on Azures strength control.

"My dear child. It does you nothing to hold onto feelings of the past. Keeping the trapped inside does you nothing. Instead, open your heart and, let them flow out. You will find peace then."
"It's her fault tho! If she just, wasn't there then, Mom and Dad would have never done that!"
"Is it her fault? You have the seas and skies and the whole world to call your home. Freedom that those born to power do not have. She was just a child in a bad situation. You would do the same now, wouldn't you? Make sure a child got home safely if you saw them alone wandering."
"I...well, yeah."
"And that, is you letting go. Now, give me 100 more pushups."

"Here is your plate! Sorry, my hands were a bit full so I couldn't really carry up a drink at the same time. Any significant deviations from the heading the ship was set for the night before? If not, I'll worry about it after we eat. I could really use something in my stomach."

Azure was pulled from his thoughts and looked over then down slightly to the familiar voice of the ship's current navigator. He smiled a little and took the plate, using his knee to make sure they were on course.

"Hey! No worries! Food was all I was concerned about. As of right now, no big changes. We seemed to have drifted about -15 degrees or so but we are still on course to hit the island, to say the least."
he said, taking a rather large bite of eggs, thinking as he chewed slowly if anything else had really changed, his eyes on Lazuli as his scroll buzzed and with a free hand, he would look of the message before looking to the opaline that had began their next song.

"Seems Lazuli is trying to get everyone up here. Go ahead and eat, and listen to. I should be fine up here."
He said, shoving his scroll into his pocket once more and continuing to eat, moving in front of the helm now and leaning against the railing to listen to the peaceful tones of the pipa that flowed out. Simply amazed at such a talent Azure would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous. Yet every one had their own strengths and weaknesses. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he finished up his breakfast, or maybe brunch more like it, the song did have to come to an end and Azure set his plate on the deck (which is not a good idea) and applauded before calling down.

"Great performances Lazuli and hii!"
he said, waving up from the helm and giving a bright smile and then giving everyone else down there another wave.
"Hi Red! Hi Cornelia! Hi Arciarlo! Bye Arciarlo! Hi Emelie!"

Azure was always loud and cheery, and he especially tried to be. A lot of people who end up on the SS Infinity always come from bad situations for the most part. While some of it is not always spoken, it's shown in people's eyes. Many know his own story and that's okay with him by this point. He wasn't ashamed of who he is and is proud of his parents and what they were able to accomplish in their lives. They always called Azure their 'Amaryllis' and to this day, he always tries to live up to that. He didn't know at the time what it mean but

♡coded by uxie♡
The little gunslinger's face was red with anger and shame as she gripped her throbbing foot. She kicked hard, and in the heat of the moment, she wasn't thinking about anything except for how upset she was. Now, gripping her boot, she was afraid that she might've broke a toe. She sucked air through her teeth and sat down on the floor, contemplating whether or not she should check if there was something broken in there, or if she was overreacting.

Then, there was a flash of light, and her savior appeared.

"Miss Card, do you require my assistance?"

"I woke up hungover, I spilled coffee on myself, I broke one of my teacups, and now I think my big toe might be broken. My pistol has two shots left in it, I feel like everyone is looking at me, and I have a massive headache." She mumbled to the ship's maid. "I really want to go into my room and cry, but I don't want to disturb Miss Parker, so I'm considering hiding in the bathroom until I'm needed for something, which would probably be a few hours to myself." She sighed and stood up, brushing off any stray bits of porcelain that had found their way onto her.

"Yes, I would love your assistance right now." She said a little louder. Her stomach grumbled at her, reminding her that she hadn't actually eaten any solid food since lunch yesterday, it's all been various (mostly alcoholic) liquids.

"...and I think I should eat something."

There were various catcalls made at her 'performance', which Cornelia considered giving a fiery retort to, but figured she'd try and save what little face she had left by ignoring them. She'll get her revenge sooner or later. After all, pissing off Red was a remarkably easy and fun feat, and she didn't want Lazuli to think any less of her if she did something rash toward him due to her own emotions.

She took a deep breath and made a short scan of the deck. Alciarlo was on deck. Wonderful, what a great first impression she just made to them. Azure and Ella seemed to be at the helm, overlooking it all unfold. Cornelia simply bottled up any embarrassment she felt, and told herself that the moment will simply pass.

"I just need help getting to my room, I think, then I'll consider dressing for the day or heading back to bed." The gunslinger took a step and winced as she put pressure on her toes. Probably not broken, but definitely sprained. She bit her lip to stop herself from yelping and drawing more attention to herself, only managing to stifle a low grunt.

Her hands gripped Hoshiko's uniform as she stumbled to find her balance. "Thanks." She whispered.

Interactions: Jasno Jasno
Mentions: Guppy Franz Guppy Franz , Aquarin Aquarin , 606 606 , Hanarei Hanarei
yande.re 334978 sample cleavage final_fantasy final_fantasy_vii sakimichan tifa_lockhart.jpgLocation: Bath
Interactions: None

Tia was passed out on her bed. She was still in her clothes from yesterday and there was a bottle that had fallen from her hands laying next to her bed on the floor. She was in a dreamless sleep, just how she liked it. Finally she had began to wake. She slowly opened her eyes and stretched. She blinked a couple of times her vison slightly blurry. When her vison cleared she sat up slowly taking in her surroundings. She was in her room....and she had no idea how she got back to her room. "Jeez I must of really dranked a lot to not remember how the heck I got back to my room." Normally Tia could handle her alcohol pretty well. Even when drunk she was strangely aware of her surroundings and crazy enough she could still fight pretty well. It's when she gets totally plastered to things get really insane like accidently starting a fire on the ship. That didn't happen again last night......well she was 90% sure didn't happen. Tia took notice Dom was up. "Must of went to the kitchen." She said with a yawn. Tia stood up and grabbed some clothes and towels then headed to the bathroom. Tia was still very much in half asleep mode so if she walked by anyone on her way she might of nodded their way or made a small grunt. Once she reached the bathroom she headed straight to the baths, on the female side. She then stripped down and got in and relaxed. "To think I almost said no to this." Tia said to herself as stretched out her arms. She then relaxed again thinking when was the last time she got to use a bath like this. Her relaxed smile suddenly disappeared along with her good mood....."Maybe I'll have a morning shot."
Emelie Minajim, crewmember
Image credit: unknown (found on Pinterest, unable to locate original)

More people had come on deck while Emelie had been fascinated by Lazuli's song and illusions. She wondered if she oughtn't return her plate to the kitchen and get started on the day's work... but her plate still had food on it (she'd forgotten to eat while watching), and it seemed the Opaline was about to play another? Anyway, none of the arrived officers had done more than look her way or greet her, certainly not reprimand her for idleness nor even give a hinting side-eye. She picked up her plate and stuck a fork in the last piece of bacon.

The gunshots startled her hands into jerking up in a reflexive (though pointless on all accounts) block, sending plate and fork both into the air. Emelie fumbled but managed to catch the plate, and even kept all the remaining food from sliding off. The fork tumbled up and out of reach. She stared at it, brown eyes widening larger than normal. The fork hovered, caught by her telekinesis, and returned to her hand. She smiled. Bacon was not to be wasted! She popped it quickly into her mouth, then assessed the damage. None to the ship (Red's teasing notwithstanding, the chief gunnery officer surely couldn't do much with her foot alone) but plenty to the pretty teacup, which now lay in shards all over the deck. The aproned Hoshiko suddenly appeared, and Emelie briefly wondered if she would clean it up, but the maid was more focused on Cornelia, which Emelie guessed was probably better. Hoshiko was quiet, but had such an aura of competence Emelie felt rather as if offering to help was not only unnecessary, but probably would just get in the way.

Instead, she finished off the last few bites of egg and stood up, about to head below. But then Lazuli caught her eye and offered his next song to her. She blushed, pleased. Few and far between were the times someone called her "fair," and hardly ever without at least a little sarcasm. But Lazuli just sounded polite. Emelie smiled shyly and nodded, leaning back against the rail to listen. Even without singing or illusion, the music was a treat. One heel tapped lightly against the deck and her head nodded in time with the song. Absently, she drew any in-the-way limbs out of Alseelo's path as the armored man stalked past her, but his thudding footfalls couldn't distract her too long. When Lazuli ended the song (all too soon, but she did have work to do, after all), she clapped again and walked over to him. "That was very nice!" she said, looking up at him and squinting a little against the sunlight. "I've got to get to work now, though. But thank you for the song!"

She nodded and turned to scamper below to fetch a broom and dustpan, waving to Azure on the way. He'd arrived and taken his station at the helm at some point. She remembered passing him on her way into the gym earlier, but he'd been pretty quiet then. Well, she had too. Maybe he'd just needed more time to wake up.

She returned quickly and gathered up the fragments of teacup, making sure not even the tiniest shard remained on the deck. She puzzled over what to do with them. Ordinarily, she'd just toss them in the dustbin, or even overboard (given that they were over an ocean and no one was there to be hurt by falling objects). But there was a chance that Cornelia might want to try to repair her cup. It didn't look salvageable to Emelie, but magic could do neat things, and maybe there was someone aboard who could fix even this. So, she found a box to hold the bits of broken china, and carried it down to the kitchen along with her breakfast plate.

"Hi," Emelie said as she entered the dining area. "There was a, um..." Accident didn't seem quite right. The poor cup had been pretty deliberately destroyed. While searching for a better word, Emelie realized Dominique wasn't alone, but chatting with Cypher. Or maybe not a chat, exactly. Something about their postures looked a little too serious or awkward for that. "...thing," she finished, adding some awkwardness of her own. "Chief Gunnery Officer Card broke her teacup," she continued in a rush, just trying to sum up so she could leave them to whatever they'd been talking about. "Can I leave it here in case she wants to get it fixed?" She set the box on the table by way of exhibit, then darted into the kitchen to scrub and rinse her plate and fork, leaving them drying on the rack. She paused on her way back through the dining room in case Dom had any questions, or told her to do something else with the bits of broken china.

Mentions: Red ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ), Cornelia ( archur archur ), Hoshiko ( Jasno Jasno ), Alciela ( A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A. ), Azure ( 606 606 )
Interactions: Lazuli ( Aquarin Aquarin ), Dominique ( JJae JJae ), Cypher ( 606 606 )
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  • scroll

    betta fish

    yuhwa aeng.


    yu hua

    courtesy name

    yu yingjie




    pretty boy, cherry, pinkie, yeonhwa, yunnie / yinnie, little trickster, pearls, my treasure


    the pink spider lily, sea maiden, the boy who cried pearls, the siren, madam hua






    betta fish ( costal reef merman )


    medic / shaman, tattoo artist, entertainer, ex-siren


    shapeshifting, crying pearls, yin phantom



    theme song


    Yuhwa woke with a jerk of his limbs smacking against the wooden frame of the ship, startling himself with a choked whine, pain blurring his scenes. The long-haired male blinked several times, long eyelashes skimming his high cheekbones with blurred vision. Sharp gasps escaped parted lips, ribs expanding against paper-thin skin, sweat trickling down his temple to pool down his chin and splattering milky white skin that glistened, trapped within his itchy blanket that rubbed his skin raw until he kicked it off with a choked hiss.

    Pupils dilated as they took an inventory of his room, brows furrowed, expression pinched. Just a nightmare. He reminded himself, hand lightning fast to wrap around the cool metal resting against his exposed breast bone, the tunic he wore slipping down his shoulders, exposing the upper half of his pectorals in a haste to sit up.

    His heart thumped like hummingbird wings, threatening to break through its bony prison and soft tissue. Right. This was reality. He wasn’t there. He couldn’t be, not with the way the bed creaked beneath his weight and the soothing thrum of the engines beneath lulling him in a trans-lux state. Yes. Yes. He wasn’t there. How could he? He was on the ship. He was safe. He was fine. Or as fine as he could be, swaddled in the heavy scent of plants and sterilization.

    Nimble fingers fiddled with the rings, thumb mindlessly rubbing that of his husband’s ring, reaching to bring it to plush lips to lay a gentle kiss to it, sniffling a sob that threatened to break free from its throaty prison. Just a nightmare. He laughed, off set, brimming with grief and pain. Oh, how he wished things were different, but reality had never been kind to the betta fish, not since he was a guppy. He should have expected it. So why was there a need to flip out? You’ve already made a fool of yourself, Yuhwa. Not that he cared, skimming the mess of his office, noting the blood-stained bandages tossed somewhere in the corner of the monochrome room. Oh? He wondered where—Yuhwa sucked in a sharp breath. Oh. Right.

    Mocha-colored optics blinked, peering down at the messily done bandage wrapped around his midsection, stained ichor. He had been out fetching more medical supplies while selling a pouch of pearls when someone threatened him with a knife. The skirmish had been quick, ending with Yuhwa stumbling along, palm pressed against the stab wound, knife projecting from milky white flesh as the thief ran off with a bag of pearls, no doubt selling them to the highest bidder.

    That was until Keane stumbled upon him, knuckles bloodied when he crouched down, speaking, but the mer couldn’t make out what the blond was saying, far too trapped within his own mind to speak other than the pitiful whine that pooled from crackled lips, spurring Keane into action with a heady snarl ripping from his chest, offering low-vibrating rumbles that soothed Yuhwa’s spiraling mind into unconsciousness.

    His vision blurred present and past, helm lulling to press against the side of the ship, biting his lower lip with a choked cough, nostrils flaring at the sharp twinge of pain from his abdomen.


    The mer had stumbled into a wall, grunting at the pain spread against the side of his helm, canines digging into the soft flesh of his bottom lip. Maybe—Yuhwa shook his helm, ignoring the twinge of pain that came with the notion. Get yourself together, Yuhwa! He can’t afford to be weak. He had people to look out for. Besides! What if that stranger found him? Did they know who he was? Was Kyungmin still looking for him? Sui—Oh, god. He flinched, body slamming into the wall for the second time, stumbling until he fell into an alleyway.

    Ignoring the soft thump as the pouch fell from his grasp, pearls spilling out and rolling as he curled up, legs tucked against his chest, arms wrapped tightly around them, just below the knee. He choked back a sob, refusing to let the tears flow, knowing they’d be nothing more than pearls the second they dripped down. Danmit. He wheezed, each breath becoming increasingly harder than the last until he felt lightheaded, pounding in tandem with his palpitating heart.

    Stupid. He pressed his face into the divot between his kneecaps, huffing out a choked laugh. “Just my luck.” He muttered with a cough, curling tighter into himself, leaning up against the wall unwilling to let himself spiral even more than he already was. “Get yourself together.” He muttered, wheezing between clenched teeth. I need to get further away—He wasn’t far away enough. No. He was certain that he’d be able to find him any second. The longer he sat there, the quicker they’d catch up, and then what? He couldn’t go back—I don’t want to go back. Not like this. He had people who relied on him. He needed to get away. Away. Away. Away.

    That god-awful cage. The stretch of mildew strong that it burned his nostrils. When the pinkette had to watch as Sui stuffed his face with food, grinning mockingly at him. No! Stop thinking about that. He scolded himself, biting the inside of his cheek until he drew blood. He sucked in a shaky breath, easing his grip until he lay, sprawled out, staring blankly at the wall ahead of him.


    Jerking himself out of it, Yuhwa let out a trill, sad and longing, wondering where Keane went after he brought him back to the ship. Did he tell Mason? Let’s hope not. He didn’t want anyone worrying about him, especially when he should worry about others. He was the medic, for heaven’s sake! No one wanted to deal with a self-pitting medic when lives were at stake. He might have joined some years ago, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be kicked off the ship if he became incompetent.

    With a shaky sigh, Yuhwa glanced down at the rings resting heavily against his breastbone, reminding him of someone he so desperately wanted to be with, thumbing the cool metal as tears gathered. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss you. He thought, trilling sadly. If he had been in his original form, his frills would tilt downward, color dull.

    Shaking his helm, Yuhwa swung his feet over the cot, feet pressing against the familiar texture of the ship, easing his spiraling mind, pupils widening, appearing owlish when they veered to the potted plants, some hanging while others were nestled against the ship’s wall he’d collected over the two years he’d been here. The familiar smells were like a weighted blanket, relaxing coiling muscle with a tight-lipped sigh, helm drooping, chin pressing against the divot of his collarbone.

    The betta fish hadn’t been present all morning, no doubt won’t be for the entire afternoon, holed up in his office until the crew saw him delivering medicine. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten. Days, perhaps? Yuhwa couldn’t be so sure.

    With a groan, Yuhwa’s hand skimmed the marred, supple flesh, mocha optics peering at the bandage-stained ichor. Right. He needed to change it. Shaking his helm, Yuhwa stumbled to his feet, long chestnut hair pooling down his shoulders with the motion. Ignoring the blistering pain, his hand pressed against the rough wood, no doubt getting splinters within the supple flesh, making it a pain to fish out later tonight as he stumbled towards the tossed bandages and disinfectant.

    Ten minutes later, Yuhwa adored fresh new bandages, hand-pulling pack to press against his sternum o feel the steady thrum of his heartbeat, only to hear his stomach gurgle in protest drawing out a chuckle. Helm shaking, Yuhwa gathered his clothing, slipping on a cherry-tinted qipao with blood-filled flowers along the fabric, exposing a bit of his prominent collarbone and upper thighs.

    Enough to keep his injury hidden, but not enough to prevent him from moving fluidly. The long-haired male slipped on a pair of thigh-length socks, hugging the supple flesh of his tights, only held up by thin straps hidden beneath a sliver of the red-tinged fabric with a pair of black tinged boots, barely reaching the bottom of his kneecaps with three straps around his thigh.

    Humming softly, Yuhwa waddled around his office in search of his gloves, perking up when he found them wedged beneath the various medical books he’d stolen from the library. I should return those. He thought, expression sheepish. “I’ll return them later.” He ruffled his dark chestnut-colored locks faded to cardinal red, tipped with light strawberry pink tips.

    “I wonder how Mason’s doing.” He mumbled, gaze withdrawn. I need to finish making that burn balm for his burns. His brows furrowed. And see what I have for Keane’s cough. Mind veering to the various herbal materials he’d plucked the night before, Yuhwa got to work collecting glass jars scattered across his office. “Let’s see….” He muttered, pressing the pad of his finger to plush, ivory-hued lips, teeth nipping the sensitive flesh, brows pinched in a look of concentration. “Rhubarb, Phellodendron bark—” He listed, muttered about as he moved, footsteps lighter than a mouse as he gravitated through his office until he sat cross-legged on his chair, things spread out against his table.

    Yuhwa opted to ignore the flushed sheen of his exposed skin and labored breath, no doubt side effects from the stab wound, helm cocked, wondering if he should take some pain medication to quell the heated thrum of his skin, worrying his bottom lip between sharp canines until it beaded with ichor, drawing him out of his stupor. Blinking several times, Yuhwa sighed, tugging at dark chestnut locks, mindlessly twiddling between his first and thumb, gaze gravitating towards the oversized sweater Keane had left the night before, heavily scented, easing his worries until he was pliable, pooling into his chair with a content chirp, gaze lidded, drinking in the familiar smell of driftwood and smokey caramel. Long, bony fingers curled around the fabric, tugging it until it pooled around his frame, welcoming the delicious warmth, nose nuzzling the soft fabric as he took in a slow, agonizing breath.


    thoughts speech

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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Jin Aethor

Interactions: Captain Edwards{NPC}, 606 606 {Azure}

Mentions: blue tea blue tea Guppy Franz Guppy Franz archur archur fleetingfeathers fleetingfeathers Kloudy Kloudy animegirl20 animegirl20 Aquarin Aquarin Hanarei Hanarei Kaerri Kaerri A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A. Jasno Jasno JJae JJae

Sitting at the base of the ship's bowsprit with his back resting against the bow's railing, Jin had his legs crossed and eyes closed the entirety of the time as the vessel smoothly soared through the sky. His weapon had been leaning against the railing behind him, safely secured with a belt tied to the railing to keep it from falling off the edge. Meanwhile, Jin had shown no signs of even the slightest loss of balance as he sat on the bowsprit. Jin had found himself waking up in the middle of the night barely able to get any sleep whatsoever and decided that he would head to the main deck to see if he could find some form of comfort from there, the main deck had always been one of Jin's favorite spots throughout the ship only because it was at this very spot that Captain Edwards had first shown Jin the night sky the first day he spent on the vessel with a group of individuals he had never met before. On that very night, as the ship soared through the sky far above the clouds, the view of the stars far above them lit up the sky, while below had been the sea that they all knew so well, above them had been what looked like a completely different ocean that was just begging to be explored. The magnificent sight of the endless sea of stars was always enough to help Jin fall asleep each and every night when he had difficulty.

As he sat there from night all the way till morning, even when the sun rose and the warmth hit his face, he kept still. It wasn't until hours later that the sounds of footsteps and familiar voices were heard from behind him did his cat-like ears perk and twitch toward the source of the noise. It appeared that the rest of the crew were waking from their slumber and some had decided to head to the main deck for some fresh air as well, with the ship set on autopilot, there was no need for Azure to head to the helm either, although eventually once they got closer towards their destination, he'd surely need to take his post to slow the descent of the ship. Even when Lazuli had begun to play his music and the water apparitions began to form only to dance to the sound of his music, Jin remained silent while passively enjoying the melody.

Eventually, as more and more of the crew arrived on the main deck, the one thing that had caused Jin to move ever slightly from his posture was the sound of gunshots being fired. With a raised brow and his head turning over his shoulder towards the commotion, it seemed that the source of the gunshots had come from Cornelia, just from the sight of the porcelain material and the darker liquid contents that had been within the cup, it almost appeared as though she had not had her usual preferred drink of tea and instead decided to go with something different, and it looked like that whatever the content of the drink was, it did not agree with her.

After confirming that the commotion was nothing of actual importance, Jin returned to turning his head to face the direction of where the ship had been heading. Everything seemed perfect aside from the usual quarrels of the crew with one another, nothing could seem to go wrong, or so he thought.
Just then, a sound of an eruption broke the peaceful calm as Jin's ears once again perked upwards and his silver-hued eyes widened in shock. Before he knew it, a massive cannonball had flown right by the side of the ship, and then another, and another. Suddenly the fourth time the sound erupted, the entirety of Infinity shook immensely, nearly causing Jin to fall off the bowsprit, luckily with his grip, he'd vault back over the railing only to grab his weapon to prepare for battle. "Azure--!"

Just as Jin had called out to the crew's helmsman, from the captain's quarters, a large burly old man busted out from the double wooden doors shouting at the top of his lungs. "Azure, my boy! Get the shields up! Everyone, get down and get into cover! Jin! Who the hell is attacking us?!" As Captain Edwards shouted, Jin was quick to sprint towards the main mast of the ship only to climb it til he reached the crow's nest so that he could see behind the ship. Crimson red flags, one massive frigate, and two brigs. To anyone that sailed the skies or sea, the sight of red flags was a clear sign of one thing, bounty hunters. "Cap'n...its bounty hunters!" Shouting down from the crow's nest, after hearing what the threat was, the old man could only respond with silence as he pondered in confusion as to why bounty hunters would be after them. Did someone on the crew have some sort of reputation that they were being hunted. Shaking off the thought after a mere few moments, he showed no care as to what the reason was, everyone had their own reasons and everyone on this ship was his family, there was no chance he was about to give up any one of them just because of a bunch of bounty hunters.

"Azure, get us right next to them! Right in between! If it's bounty hunters..they won't dare shoot us down!" Shouting out the order, before Edwards would decide that this battle was worth killing a bunch of random individuals, he wanted to have a word with the hunters' Captain just to see possibly who they were after and why.
Firey Chef
Dominique La´Sar
S.S Infinity |

Mentions: archur archur (and Gramps Nothingness Nothingness )
Interactions: Kaerri Kaerri 606 606

Her phone vibrated and whilst Cypher tried to get a hang of reality, she quickly drew it out to view the message. A frown appeared upon her face. Don't drink too much. Join. If only Lazuli knew the message had come too late already. But perhaps she could venture with Cypher on the deck as well and... perhaps leave her bottle in her kitchen. But close enough to reach any moment! Dom wanted it to sound marvellous to her. Her mind and throat said something entirely different.

She typed nonetheless: 'Pff, before I can endure your theatre I need a few drinks!'

Lazuli hopefully knew she loved his singing and attitude. The crew, each individual as much as they differianted, were a pure joy for her. All thanks to the old man, who had picked each of them up from their old lives. It was all thanks to him. Before Dom could text the old man to get down here, Cypher caught her attention again.

He finally began to chew on her food. A smile quickly arrived on her face.


"I am glad you like it,"
she reassured him. Before she could pick up another set of words, a figure appeared beside the table and laid something clitterly out on the table. Her gaze followed the hands to an outmost familiar face. "Emelie? You are back alre-"

"There was a, um...thing." Dom drew her brows up, a signiture move of hers once someone had her interest. A thing, hm? The thing looked oddly enough like a broken cup. Emelie traced her words with an explanation before the fiery chef could have asked for one, "Chief Gunnery Officer Card broke her teacup. Can I leave it here in case she wants to get it fixed?"

And like a ball filled with rabbits, Emelie went and cleaned her dishes before she was back to the door in the matter of a minute. In the meanwhile, Dom inspected the victim of the white haired Cornelia. "Oh you poor thing. Let's see if we can get you fixed."

She turned to Emelie before the woman could escape out of her earshot again. "Thank you! I will keep it safe. Don't forget to eat and drink enough!" So much energy must have needed even more meals. Good, because Dom had already planned dinner and lunch. Cooking was much of a relief to her. A field where she knew most things, although she kept little to no recepies in her collection. Her hands remembered all her meals and who said trying killed someone? A new combination could hold the newest explosions of tastebuds or gravely dissapoint. She aimed for the first version, of course.

"Such an energetic member, don't you agree?" she said upon turning back to Cypher. the kitchen was empty, which lead to the minimalized body of a dragon to flap her wings once and crash-land onto her shoulder. Bulking underneath the impact, Dom hissed at Linsie. "Watch it, will you? I am still mad you hid my good liqour."

Her pet only sneered at her. Fair, Dom thought. After all she had done nothing but to spoil her. Why did she think she could expect any manners at all? It wasn't that she was entilted to them or anything.

"After food, maybe check out the deck? The others are on it and-"

The moment Dom slapped her hands on the deck and heaved herself on her legs, the world spun. No. Not the world. Did she ship shake? Oh gods. Did she drank too much?
Linsie screeched, her claws dived into her shoulder.


Dominique quickly grabbed the edge of the table as the ship tremored again and again. With one hand, she grabbed for the useless pile of metal. Her shirt clung to the blood dripping from where she had clawed her shoulder.

"Hold onto something," she quickly instructed the green head and ripped Linsie from her. "And hold her, just a moment."

Her blueish creature didn't understand but she stayed with the other one. Dom, in the meanwhile, hastened to her kitchen doors and ripped them open. She waited for the first member to pass through to ask them what was going on.
Code by Serobliss

  • azure hitch







    • home (filler tab)

    surf curse


    It was a beautiful day. Music fills the air, and people wander their way up to the deck. As he sat on the railing, enjoying the view, suddenly cannonballs came into sight. He jumped slightly, looking at the direction that it came from before he would quickly go back behind the helm.

    “Azure–!” Jin’s voice would hear and he looked up to see just below him, Gramps appearing from his quarters.

    "Azure, my boy! Get the shields up! Everyone, get down and get into cover! Jin! Who the hell is attacking us?!"

    “Yes sir!”
    He shouted back, kicking the base of the helm from the center of the helm, similar to a scroll, a hologram flickered to life revealing a rather large extensive command center. To the untrained eye, it was nothing more but things flashing in your face, buttons, levels, and knobs all scattered, but this was Azure’s space. His home is like his father's. He took a deep breath in and exhaled as he took the ship off autopilot and started to press buttons. Those closest to the engine would hear it whirr to life as its full power was needed and with one last button, a faint blue glow formed around the ship before disappearing as quickly as it appeared.

    “Sheilds are up!”
    He shouted down, looking up to see where Jin was hearing what was said. Bounty hunters? Wonder who they are after today.

    "Azure, get us right next to them! Right in between! If it's bounty hunters..they won't dare shoot us down!”

    “Yes sir! Everyone, hold on tight!”
    He shouted, turning on the speaker system on the ship and clearing his throat as he made his message throughout the ship:

    Bounty Hunters. Hold on, tight everyone. Prepare for battle.

    The familiar voice of their helmsman echoed through the ship, before the speakers were clicked off, Azure looked at Ella who was still nearby, and nodded to her.
    “Hold on.”

    He looked behind at the three quickly approaching ships. The Frigate was quickly approaching faster than the 2 brigs, trying to block their path, and the engineer roared to life as Azure temporarily put on their boosters. Then he would begin turning the ship leeward and up slightly, spinning the wheel as fast as she could go, watching the bow beginning to turn and looking behind him towards the stern. He was never properly trained. Azure never went to school and never was formally educated yet, this came to him like second nature. He moved the SS Infinity as if it was part of his own body, easily able to change directions and fight the helm against strong winds and turns, his true strength beginning to show. Anyone who has been on the ship for more than a year would know to simply, trust the process. Gramps would say the world and Azure would proceed to follow as instructed and do it perfectly. Growing up on such a ship had its benefits and this was the payoff for Azure.

    One would think, drifting a ship would be hard, yet somehow, Azure was doing it. Spinning the helm like tomorrow. The first was to get the bow in place. Turning the ship 90 degrees before stopping for a moment, to boost the ship forward more, as the ship lurched forward, Azure would begin to turn once more, taking the ship nearly 270 degrees as the sudden turn and boosts would attempt to throw people backward and towards the port side of the ship. He kept turning and boosting the ship as the stern would whip behind the port before one last minor boost of energy would send them into the targeted spot Gramps had ordered.

    The SS Infinity was level with the frigate ship, their starboard bow now in line with the other ship's stern, the two brigs placed above and below the SS Infinity, leaving Azure to maintain this position for as long as he could. Doing this maneuver seem to throw off the ships but slowly, the large Frigate would begin to turn, trying to be in line with the Infinity.

    This is the perfect time to find his own weapon. Azyure, ignoring stairs for the time, would jump from the railing by the helm down to the main deck, before running to the stairs, down past the lounge and dining, to the gunnery deck and weapons, where he had left his war hammer to be tuned up by Cypher a while back. He saw it laying in some corner and ran to pick it up, slinging it over his shoulder as he would spring his way back up the stairs, dodging anyone he might encounter and finding his place back up at the upper level where the helm was.

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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Gaberial De'Sardet
Interactions: none
Mentions: Aquarin Aquarin 606 606 archur archur Jasno Jasno Nothingness Nothingness A.I.S.H.A. A.I.S.H.A.

A slow sigh slipped from Red's lips as he tapped the eraser of his pencil against his pad, the new tune from Lazuli was pleasant as usual, but his want to fill the deck with more of the crew seemed to dampen Red's mood. He had hoped the deck would be less full for a bit more time for him to enjoy the peace, or at least until his sketching was at least done. A slight part of him had wished he followed Alciarlo's example to seek a more peaceful location, but Red's stubborn want to preserve his favorite spot on the ship didn't allow him to budge. Besides this stubbornness to abandon his beloved spot, Red did enjoy the noise his fellow crewmates made, though he'd never admit it aloud. He had always preferred silence but after a year abroad on this ship, the rowdiness of the others has become oddly soothing. It was difficult for Red himself to understand why this was the case, but he simply accepted it for now.

A familiar voice calling his name brought him from his thoughts and glanced back, his gaze rising upwards towards the helm to see Azure waving down at them with an enthusiastic smile and wave as he let out quick loud greetings to everyone below. Red held back a chuckle, clearing his throat to hide it before giving a curt nod and wave of his own in return. How he could keep such a cheerful tone all the time was beyond Red's understanding. Red would spare a glance back to Cornelia as she requested the aid of Mizuki while clutching her injured foot. For a brief moment, he'd feel slight sympathy for her, but it'd quickly fade as he shook his head and looked back at his sketchbook. Her moment of suffering was due to her own actions. Hopefully, it'd dissuade her from repeating such a mistake, but he doubted it would. With the commotion reaching its end Red would direct his focus back to his work, a slight smile of satisfaction coming to his face as the final touches of his sketching were finished. The potential was there for a pleasant drawing of the distant sun, surrounded by peacefully roaming clouds and a few scattered islands that held their own foundations of life. All that was needed now was fine detailing, Red's most favored of steps when it came to his art. Deciding to begin with the sun itself his pencil gently came to the page, a brief pang of excitement filling the hunter's chest before making the first motion to begin.

As if the world itself decided to deny him of his simple pleasures, Red's gentle stroke of the pencil would suddenly be interrupted by the high pitch whizzing of cannonballs, making him instinctively tense and drive his pencil down through the page and tear the paper, ruining his work. "Blasted damnation!" Red barked in a mix of fury and confusion before the ship shook from taking a hit from a cannonball, making him slip off the railing and fall to a knee. Tossing his sketchbook to the side in anger Red quickly pulled himself up to his feet and looked out past the railing, his eyes narrowing as he spotted their three assailants. His crimson eyes flicked upwards to the red sails and sneered in annoyance. "Damn vermin," he sneered with venom, the very sight of the bounty hunters making him want to spit in disgust. One frigate and two brigs, how quant. As Red snatched up his sword and attached it to his side the shouting from the helm caught his attention, the unmistakable voice of their captain giving orders.

Not wasting any time Red made a beeline for the stairs leading to the lower decks, bounding down the steps until reaching the crew's quarters and setting his sights on his room. Red burst through his door and quickly plucked his rifle from his desk, but as he grabbed the satchel that held his ammunition the voice of Azure blared over the ship's speakers, urging others to hold and prepare for battle. A heavy expression fell onto Red's face as he marched out of his room, swiftly loading bullet after bullet into his rifle until finally slipping his fingers through the brass knuckled lever of his weapon. The familiar sound of cocking his rifle sent a dreaded chill up his spine, knowing he'll be once again taking life from another. Another feeling ran through him though, a feeling that made him sick to the core. Thrill. He could feel it through his bones and veins, the growing adrenalin and excitement before battle, the itch to defeat his foes. Red hated feeling this way but knew there was no point in denying it since it would aid him in the coming fight.

With a heavy sigh Red once again bonded up the stairs, stopping at time to keep his footing as Azure maneuvered the ship, nearly throwing him about and back down the stairs. Thankfully Red had become accustomed to Azure "methods" of steering the ship, but even now it was a struggle to not go flying with the sudden movements. After some struggle Red managed to make his way back up to the deck, nearly running into Azure as he passed him on the stairs. A displeased frown slipped onto his face as he took a look at their situation. Both brigs had their own angles on them while the frigate itself lined up to face the Infinity. Knowing there was little time to waste Red would dash to the mast for cover, double checking his rifle and making ready to fire. Aiming through his scope he would sweep from ship to ship, waiting for the first bastard to attempt to board their ship. It was obvious these hunters wanted to get their hands dirty, so Red would be waiting to greet them with Eternum laced bullets.

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