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Fantasy Children of Villainy

Well, I think we're good with the people we have. I didn't really expect a full cast of eight people, plus I need to insert myself somehow into the RP.

I think I'm going to wait for everyone to finish their characters, and then post the intro post. Sorry for the hold up! Keep working, you guys are awesome!

And for new people who are wondering if you can join...

Yes, BUT be prepared. As soon as @Traka and @CuriousAlice24 are done, I won't accept anyone else. I'm eager to get the ball rolling.
Vespertide said:
From what I've seen, you're good. Your powers do seem a bit strong, and many. I'll allow it for now, mostly because I'm curious to see how you use them in the RP. I hope he has more of a personality than an affinity for potatoes, though :)
Alright, I'll have to add more weaknesses or something. As for the character's personality, you can expect the same as any of my other characters in terms of development/depth; wether that's a good or bad thing, you tell me. I'm just not good at making sheets.

Edit: It's done, I'm ready to start (unless you want me to change something)
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I've just filled out the form, please let me know if there's anything you think I should change x

You're good to go. I'm looking forward to seeing her character develop!


Unfortunately, Bhlow replied first and therefore got the mental manipulation power. I wanted everyone to be unique, so you can either create another ability or get rid of it. If you need help for unique abilities, feel free to message me or post here.
Yeah, I need help with a power I cant come up with one. I'm a formless wisp, and have some relation to Inina falconspaere's kids.
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dragonsfire said:
Yeah, I need help with a power I cant come up with one. I'm a formless wisp, and have some relation to Inina falconspaere's kids.
Maybe the wisp could posses others?
dragonsfire said:
Yeah, I need help with a power I cant come up with one. I'm a formless wisp, and have some relation to Inina falconspaere's kids.
Did you still need help with the powers? If so, maybe I can help out a little.
[QUOTE="Doctor Jax]Did you still need help with the powers? If so, maybe I can help out a little.

No I ended up getting it, thanks for the help.

As of now no more characters will be accepted.

@DogInTheBox If one of the RPers wants a familiar, you can work with them. If not, I'm sorry but I'm not accepting anyone else.
You had 22 lines more then me (Taking away the bold makes it around 20) xD why must I be so judgey/insecure about myself.
DogInTheBox said:
So, anyone need a familiar?
I wouldn't mind, especially since it follows with the whole idea of Svetlana having some kind of divine protection (or curse, depending).
[QUOTE="Doctor Jax]I wouldn't mind, especially since it follows with the whole idea of Svetlana having some kind of divine protection (or curse, depending).

dragonsfire said:
You had 22 lines more then me (Taking away the bold makes it around 20) xD why must I be so judgey/insecure about myself.
Well to be fair, I use paragraph breaks a lot more than you did. But don't compare yourself to me. I've been on RPNation for a lot longer than you have.
[QUOTE="Doctor Jax]So do we wanna all meet in one place? We're all feeling The Destiny String, right?

Sure! My character is already on her way so they could meet along the way.

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