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Fantasy Children of Villainy

Rabbid said:
This reminds me of the comic book series Runaways. Don't know if you've heard of it or not.
Oh I've heard of that, it reminds me of the movie decedents (Why did I watch that movie, oh yeah boredom)
Hm. All excellent questions.

labyrinthecho said:
Just wondering, @Vespertide, but are we allowed to reserve spots?
I'm going to say first come first serve on that one. I'm getting the character skeleton up tonight at the latest, and so just make sure we don't have too many people for each villain.

Rabbid said:
This reminds me of the comic book series Runaways. Don't know if you've heard of it or not.
I haven't, but it sounds oddly familiar...

dragonsfire said:
...it reminds me of the movie decedents (Why did I watch that movie, oh yeah boredom)
I did see that once when I was babysitting some children. I laughed because none of the actors were that great... But it is a kids' show, so...
Vespertide said:
I'm going to say first come first serve on that one. I'm getting the character skeleton up tonight at the latest, and so just make sure we don't have too many people for each villain.
Okay. ^^

Are WIPs "acceptable"(obviously I don't mean accepted/liked. px ) if they're mostly filled in? Also, another question: do the siblings know each other? Sorry for so many questions. qqqqqq
labyrinthecho said:
Are WIPs "acceptable"(obviously I don't mean accepted/liked. px )
Completely! Just note somewhere near the top that it's a work in progress. I understand that this is going to take some time, and I want you to make the best character you can!

labyrinthecho said:
do the siblings know each other? Sorry for so many questions. qqqqqq
That was only two questions, honey.

Siblings... Hm. Probably not, with the whole separated at birth deal. But when they meet up for the first time, it will be pretty obvious to the twins that they're related. But everyone else will have to discover that for themselves.

Traka said:
Sounds wicked, I wanna join (=u=)
Hey, long time no see! How are things?
Would their last names be the same as their parents or did it change due to them being abducted from their parents along with being villain's kids.
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dragonsfire said:
Would their last names be the same as their parents or did it change due to them being abducted from their parents along with being villain's kids.
Well, I would think they would take the same last name as their adoptive parents. I guess when they realize who their parent is they might want to change it, but I'll leave that up to you. Remember: You don't know who your parent is at the first of the RP.
Vespertide said:
Hey, long time no see! How are things?
Frenetically busy, but can't say that I don't like it. How've you been?

Also, hello to everyone!

So, are we free to give our characters whatever powers we want, as long as they get weaknesses to match?

Spring break just started for me, so I should be able to post soon. I am very interested. This sounds really cool!

I have a question about the powers, though: Can I give my character an ability that allows them to mess with their opponent's mind, but in exchange, make their body frail?

I know mind powers are incredibly OP, but I really like them and I'm trying to think of something to make them less powerful. F.e being only able to use it when fully concentrated; loud noises can interrupt the process, making the character more of a sneaky fighter. Now imagine a situation with gunshots etc, and my character is screwed. One on one combat? Also screwed.

...Though I don't know how to connect that ability to one of the parents.

...Hm. Work in progress. Nothing is set in stone yet, sooooo... I'll probably think of something else. *shrugs*

But I'd appreciate and answer, anyway. :)

Edit: I just woke up. I hope this post makes sense because I might be half-asleep right now. xD

Edit 2: I apologize for the huge post ;___;
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Skychild said:
Spring break just started for me, so I should be able to post soon. I am very interested. This sounds really cool!

I have a question about the powers, though: Can I give my character an ability that allows them to mess with their opponent's mind, but in exchange, make their body frail?

I know mind powers are incredibly OP, but I really like them and I'm trying to think of something to make them less powerful. F.e being only able to use it when fully concentrated; loud noises can interrupt the process, making the character more of a sneaky fighter. Now imagine a situation with gunshots etc, and my character is screwed. One on one combat? Also screwed.

...Though I don't know how to connect that ability to one of the parents.

...Hm. Work in progress. Nothing is set in stone yet, sooooo... I'll probably think of something else. *shrugs*

But I'd appreciate and answer, anyway. :)

Edit: I just woke up. I hope this post makes sense because I might be half-asleep right now. xD

Edit 2: I apologize for the huge post ;___;
Imao; that may connect to Ininas Falconspeare she dabbled in dark magic so it would've been either puppetry, mind control, blood magic, etc. also don't forget their husbands/wives may have had the power and didn't use them for evil so if you feel like doing the spouses profile you could really have any power known to man.
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dragonsfire said:
Imao; that may connect to Ininas Falconspeare she dabbled in dark magic so it would've been either puppetry, mind control, blood magic, etc. also don't forget their husbands/wives may have had the power and didn't use them for evil so if you feel like doing the spouses profile you could really have any power known to man.
Thank you very much-a!
This seems interesting and all, and thank you for tagging me ( :) ) However, I can't look into it in-depth at the moment, as I have to go to work. I'll make a final decision when I get home, but the only major problem I can see here is meeting your post requirement. I wish I could say otherwise, but I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to meet it.
Traka said:
Frenetically busy, but can't say that I don't like it. How've you been?
Also, hello to everyone!

So, are we free to give our characters whatever powers we want, as long as they get weaknesses to match?
I'm glad you're busy and like it. I've been just fabulistic!

And yes. Please be creative!

Skychild said:
I have a question about the powers, though: Can I give my character an ability that allows them to mess with their opponent's mind, but in exchange, make their body frail?
Hm... Well, work on the weakness. Let's see what you come up with. I agree, mind powers are awesome to work with, but they need to have a weakness.

Skychild said:
Though I don't know how to connect that ability to one of the parents.
Don't worry about that. It'd be cool if you could, but I think that'll come as we begin to RP.
LegoLad659 said:
This seems interesting and all, and thank you for tagging me ( :) ) However, I can't look into it in-depth at the moment, as I have to go to work. I'll make a final decision when I get home, but the only major problem I can see here is meeting your post requirement. I wish I could say otherwise, but I cannot guarantee that I'll be able to meet it.
What post requirement are you referring to? The three line one?

It's completely fine if you don't want to. Do you what you think is best.
Oooooh, looks interesting. Is this more medieval-style or modern? Does it matter? What kind of 'abilities' are we allowed to come up with, and are they supposed to be magic based? Or is it more of a hereditary personality thing, like rage, anger, organization skills, cooking, etc. that makes them so deadly?

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