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Fantasy Chibi Wars


Noming on Treats
Have you ever wanted to settle things without using violence? Or wishing that wars never existed because you lost a person dear to you because of a gun? Well welcome to a world where guns don't exist and wars don't usually happen (that involves guns that is). In this world where your character currently resides in, humans have come up with something to end death. A chibi; a small likeness of the real you, a small part of your soul that was subtracted from you since birth. Chibis' are like the guardian of your person, they protect, care and do anything that their "Soul Keeper" wants.

Of course, a chibi can be anything; it reflects the person's soul after all. A chibi is influenced by three different factors that scientist of come up with so fat; personality, appearance, and shape of the soul. Chibis' can be influenced as well to be changed from looking one way to a different look all together just by the person's actions. However, a person can only have one chibi because if a person were to have a bigger portion of their soul taken from them; having too many chibis' would cause them to slowly break down then they would die. Only things with a soul can possess the power to summon their chibis.

Powers coming from a chibi are quite frankly unstable, it all depends on the emotions. Since chibis originally were apart of you, they draw power from your emotions, the stronger the emotion the more powerful your chibi will become. Also along with you power, the chibi's attacks are also inspired on what your hobbies, likes and dislikes are. Like for instance, if your favorite thing to do is karate then your chibi will also learn and improve on karate; using those skills in battles against other chibis.

There are evil things in this world, such as angels and demons. Not the cute angels that inhabit that world you currently live in, no, a big monstrous creature with scaly wings and lizard teeth. Its body its like that of a serpent where to as the body of a demon is big and covered in fur. Both have sharp claws, being snouts and are able to smell their prey from miles away. These monsters constantly invade the city, killing thousands of weak chibi owners. With the citizen population starting to decrease, what will you do with your chibi powers, help protect you world or exploit you powers?
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Entrance: Stage 1 ~ Breach

The wind softly blew across the city while the sun slowly came up across the horizon. Most of the people were sleeping, softly snoring in their small but quaint homes; obliviously comfortable to the fact that the angels haven't attacked yet. Other people were up, traveling to their jobs just before rush hour to make sure that they were on time. But on the other side of the city, towards the downtown area, that was entirely a different story. The guards at the gates were strict making sure that they wouldn't slip up at their work, after all they were entrusted with countless people's lives.

The some of the first year guards wore a relaxed tone face except for the other commanders that were posted there for the day. The guards walked back and forth along the gate fence with their chibi, eyeing any suspicious movement and/or keeping their ears open. It was just too silent, by now there would have been at least some angel movement but nothing. A couple of the guards went into their bunkers to exchange post with the day group, letting them finally fall asleep against the nice soft bed in their current living space. The light shown down on the city, casting small shadows across the buildings while displaying wonderful colors into the sky.

The new coming guards paused to take in the vast new joy of a breaking dawn sun. Of course, they were yelled at by their commanding officer and quietly went back to their own post. "Come in Come in!" A frantic static female voice echoed from the hand held radio at the Officer's waist. "Yes?! Officer Waka Here." The officer responded, bringing the hand held radio to his ear. "We picked up a massive horde of Angels coming towards gate #5 and #6, I repeat we have intercepted a radar signal bigger than we've ever seen!" The girl's voice started to waver as she tried to say everything out.

"How many hordes?!" "5 hordes?! That's 50 angels, ah man!" " Someone, Alarm the city officials and ring the god damn evacuation bell hurry!" Voices yelled back and forth at the gate. Everyone was trying to dish out orders, they were after all in a hurry. Unknowing the danger of what is about to go down is the citizens of this city and in the middle of it....is your character.

@Thatonechillgirl @Ruler Of The Maniae

Time minus impact: 50 minutes




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Zeno sat in his room quietly. "Another lonely day at the luxury adoption center." Donnie got near him and cuddled with him "Donnie, what do you want?" Zeno said strictly "I just wanna cuddle, master" Donnie said "I told you not to call me that, it makes me sound like a slave owner." Zeno said "Fine, come cuddle with me" Donnie kept on cuddling while Zeno started to blush.
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Akari wore soft little bunny pajamas, hugging her sleeping chibi before walking to her desk. Akari was watching the clouds from the safety of her window, she was up earlier than her chibi, Sai. This wasn't normal for Akari but for once, she liked the change of at least being up earlier than Sai after all, it was an important day for her. 'Today....Today is finally the day, I release my second album!' Akari couldn't hold in her happiness and sprang up, knocking over a couple of stacks of books. That certainly woke up a certain silver haired, pink eyed chibi by the name of Sai.

"Akariii! How many times do I have to tell you never wake me up?!" Sai angry voice yelled behind her. "S-Sorry Sai-chan!!!" Akari yelped as she ducked under her desk, holding her head in fear. Sai started throwing pillows from the bed, anything she could find in general; while Akari was whimpering in the corner. Finally after what seemed like an eternally, Sai stopped her tantrum and settled down. Akari stayed under her table, usually Sai would try to throw even more stuff at her if she moved. "Akari, if you want to get a head start to the music cooperation before anyone sees you then you should go right now." Sai noted looking at the clock.

"Fine! But you have to help me change!" Akari mumbled as she ran for her closet, followed by a smirking Sai. Sai watched as Akari fumbled around her closet for a good 5 minutes for clothes, giggling as she stumbled out her closet. "Ahhh, ok! I definitely need to help your lazy butt!" Sai rolled her eyes as she jumped on top of her head and snapped her fingers. Suddenly everything was in perfect order on her body, not only that but her entire room was spotless clean, even her usually messy bed was clean.

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"Let's go shall we!" Akari opened up her window and swung her feet over the railing. Her bedroom was on the 2nd floor, but due to Sai's power she can jump down with ease. She pushed her self off the window, and landed legs first onto the sidewalk; she stumbled a bit after landing onto the sidewalk but got a hold of herself. She then continued her own home sidewalk before turning the corner into the main street, humming along the way as she made her way down the street.



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The small figure mumbled, her back pressed against the wall of one city's hotels as she stared down at the coins spread across her open palm. Her hair was a mess, and clothing just as bad to match. What was normally a rather impressive looking wardrobe in the young woman's humble opinion had been hastily thrown on in an effort to retreat from the building. On her shoulder sat her companion and partner, a tiny set of armor glancing back and forth between the people passing them by.

"These people need to lighten up. Not like angels are anything new, right?" The tiny machine joked, a strange hint of pride to his voice. Letting out an exasperated sigh the girl stuffed her hand back into her coat pocket, reaching up with her other to scratch the back of her head. "Fifty left. If the General expects us to travel then he really needs to quit being so stingy with the local currencies." Finishing barely above a whisper as the girl took note of locals nearby. Leaning forward the chibi looked into his partners eyes, the blue tint from its visor covering the scene.

"I'm betting we'll have at least three banquets in our honor for this, eh? Gotta make sure these people make it though. C'mon, Vul-"

Before he could finish the girl swiftly raised his hand to the creature, drawing her finger back and lightly flicking him on his helmet. The blow caused a ringing sensation throughout his head, leaving him no worse for wear but managing to scare him into ceasing. After a few seconds of awkward silence, he spoke up once again. "Alright, sorry Amelia. The angels are approaching from gates five and six according to their communications. Should we introduce ourselves?"

Admiring their surroundings with a faint smirk, Amelia couldn't help but feel envious of the life these people had. Sure the sky around them was a massive oversight in defense but the city had a life to it that wasn't just present back home. Soon all of that would be thrown into chaos and could very well face destruction. That was unacceptable. Regardless of if they were friend or foe there was simply too much on the line here for her to turn away. Her mind was now racing with potential strategies and surprises. This was going to be a very memorable first visit for them to say the least.

"We'll be partying soon enough. For now let's sneak closer to the gates. We need to close the distance before they start trying to 'save' us." Amelia explained, now heading across a nearby bridge toward the center of town.
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Alcestis was sitting in the corner of the dining hall, electronic music blasting from her headphones. On her lap sat a long novel, with small text and over 1,000 pages. Looking up for a second, she saw all the other children playing with toys, throwing food, or reading, like herself. Because of her introverted appearance, not many people actually new her; or took the time to get to know her. Except Seiko; Alcie's chibi. As of now, Seiko was the only friend Alcie had. If everybody thinks I'm antisocial, then I guess I'll just play the part, Alcie had said, years before, despite Seiko pestering her not to. But now I'm used to it. It's been... what? Six years since I said that? That would mean it's been 11 years since then. Shaking her head, Alcie shoved the thought out of her head, and continued reading. Meanwhile; Seiko was playing on Alcie's phone, downloading music and creating playlists. She kept turning up the volume whenever the roar in the dining hall would rise. ~
Nalic sighed as he kicked his feet while walking. "So much time... so little to do." He said as he continued to think about things now. He was casually walking around in a circle for a moment as he went in the hallway. "Oh well I guess we need to go talk with someone don't we?" He asked smiling to the little being around him. Aster shrugged "I don't know" it said it's voice one octave higher than his own.
Akari, with Sai sitting on her head, walked to the end of the street, turning left then walking straight into the train station. They approached the ticket booth and ringed the bell, waiting for the ticker master to come to the window. After waiting for a good minute, a grouchy middle- aged man with blonde hair and silver eyes came to the window. "Yes? What do you want?!" He exclaimed, eyeing the duo with a bit of hatred. "O-One ticket t-" Akari stuttered at her words, trying to form the right sentence. Sai rolled her eyes then said, "One ticket to the downtown area, near gate #5 and #6."

The ticket master scoffed, fished into his pocket and brought out a ticket. "That'll be 25 cents. And do make sure you never come back to my part of the station again....annoying brats!" He grumbled, as his chibi sat quietly in the corner of the booth. Sai took some change out from the corner of Akari's light blue ribbon hair piece and handed it to Akari. "Here." Akari slipped the coins that were handed to her by her chibi then grabbed the ticket. She then walked along the highlighted red path towards the train, careful not to slip onto the tracks herself.
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Stretching her arms to the sky Amelia approached the train station, the crowd thickening. Ox let out a quiet gasp followed by a laugh of excitement as several figures moved from in front of them as they headed off for their daily routines, revealing the ticket booth.

"There! There!" Raising a tiny finger to point to their next destination. If he were to have any expression on his face then Amelia couldn't help but feel the crowd would have been blinded by the glint in his eyes. Nodding gently in confirmation to her partner, Amelia stopped in front of it and rang the bell.

"Ah, this is gonna be great. Who do you think lives here? Maybe they have some cool stories about the trains." Ox wondered, beginning to form all sorts of elaborate and fantastic possibilities in his head. Technology! Creation! Romance! Wrinkles!

Wait, what?

The ticket master once again returned to the window, sliding it open and letting out a growl of frustration as he scanned the new pair from top to bottom. "What!?" He snapped, growing increasingly agitated at the sight of the customers with each passing second. Slumping his shoulders as his fantasy was shattered, Ox raised his gaze to the old man, shifting his weight to remain balanced on Amelia's shoulder. "We're here for the goods?" He spoke out, confused as to the circumstances they now found themselves in. Had they done something wrong?

"Ox, that's...that's not even close." She mumbled, raising a pair of fingers to press against the bridge of her nose. Sometimes she had to wonder just how he could be so off for all of his talent. Yet she couldn't find herself able to criticize him too harshly. After all he was a part of her. "H-hey. C'mon. This creepy guy just spooked me."

Immediately after he finished his statement Amelia could feel the sudden killing intent filling the air as the ticket master glared daggers at both of them. "Who the hell is creepy!? This coming from the mouse-scale garbage can and the brat who likes to glue stupid jewelry to her head!?" Instinctively raising a hand to her forehead, Amelia traced over the electronic port as she let out a frustrated sigh. She began to play several nefarious plans in his head. Revenge would be had, but for now discretion was of the utmost importance. They were failing spectacularly so far.

"Look, just give me a ticket to downtown. Gates five and six."

"Two dollars!"

Blinking in disbelief at the ticket master, the pair's eyes dragged only a few feet to the right of him at a nearby sticker pressed against his window.

One passenger - 25 cents.

"Ugh, fine! Whatever!" The girl yelled, her ability to contain her anger very quickly fading. Reaching into her pocket she grabbed a fistful of change and slammed it onto the counter, not even bothering to count it. With a triumphant smirk the older man pressed a button, printing a ticket. Quickly snatching it she hastily pushed past the people nearby and down the red path.

"Hope he gets hit by a train." She spoke through clenched teeth, Ox now patting her on the shoulder. Roughly brushing past the idol and her chibi as she walked to the nearest vacant spot and threw herself into it with a thud. Climbing from her shoulder to the top of the seat Ox silently looked to Akari and Sai, lightly shrugging in response to Amelia's behavior.

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Akari was about to sit down at a certain seat, which Amelia was sitting in, when Amelia bumped into her. Of course, the right person would just apologize but she just threw herself down on that same seat. Akari noticed that she dropped her coins onto the floor, she bent down and started picking them up. Sai on the other hand was furious, yelling at the duo, "Hey, say sorry when you bump into someone!" Once Akari gathered all of her change, she placed it back into her hair piece then sat at the opposite row of the duo. "Geesh...Sai, it wasnt even a big deal. Some people are just like that, there's no way to help them." Sai grumbled, giving them a worried look then turning back to Akari.

"Sai, its not nice to stare at people we don't know." Akari scolded her chibi after she noticed what Sai was looking at. She gave them a apologetic look then turned to look out the window. Suddenly the train started to finally move, the doors closed a few moments later.

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Ox felt his body tense up at Sai's shouting, shame overwhelming him for their actions. Lowering his head to the ground his partner reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper, now opening it across her lap to reveal a highly stylized map of the city displaying the gates and several tourist attractions.

"Boss. That wasn't right. C'mon." The chibi spoke up, hopping back onto Amelia's shoulder once again. Grabbing a lock of hair to help keep his balance. As the sound of the train's engine whirring to life filled the air, followed by the doors closing and slow rotation of its wheels on the metal tracks he took the opportunity to learn forward closer to her ear.

"I mean. We might not get another chance." He whispered. Amelia chuckled, a wry smile forming on her lips. Tracing along various routes with her finger she stopped at a separate gate on the opposite side of the area, running her scheme through her mind. "I have faith in you. It's fine." Answering without so much as an effort to lower the volume of her voice she continued staring downward, darting from point to point.

"It's not us." Ox whispered once again, trying to inconspicuously nod toward the duo now sitting across from them. Perhaps the worst part of that entire experience was that she knew he was right. They did deserve an apology. Her pride was fighting her every step of the way in doing so however, and the comment the human girl made was particularly agitating to her. There certainly was no way a pair like those two could ever help them. They were right about that.

"Hey!' Yelling out to Akari and Sai, Ox slowly turned toward them once more. "We're sorry about that. Right?" Giving a light tug on her hair, Amelia flattened her palms against her legs. "My bad." She managed to force herself to speak, refusing to look toward the two. Her voice had no hint of sincerity to it but rather a tone of concession and defeat, knowing that if she remained silent he wouldn't let her hear the end of it until well after their business in this area was complete.

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A big floppy hat flew in the air. "Ah." Agnes turned to reach for it, but there was no need. With a quick snatch, the miniature old man Chibi caught it and placed it swiftly back on her head, as if it never left. "Thank you Shifu." She smiled softly, adjusting the hat for a perfect fit. "You're welcome my dear." He was use to Agnes' clumsiness. For Shifu, it became second nature to watch out for her.

Sitting cross-legged on her shoulder, he was enjoying the soft breeze blowing through his long beard. At her side, she gently swung the basket in her hand, while they casually made their way through the market. It was busy, yet peaceful.

There was a mixture of sweet and savory scents in the air. Shifu's stomach growled. Agnes' ears perked at the sudden noise. With a hand over her mouth, she let out a giggle. Her Chibi frowned, "It is not nice to laugh at someone's hunger Agnes." He lectured. She nodded with an apologetic expression. "Shall we have some lunch then?" Tilting her head, her index finger found her bottom lip as she pondered. "Perhaps some sushi?" Out of the corner of her eye, she looked for his approval. Twisting the end of his mustache he replied with shrill joy. "Most excellent idea." Off they went to the nearest sushi stand.

. . . . .
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The chibi on the other female's head seemed to want to patch things up between the two groups. Sai felt satisfied that she had gotten justice for her own soul keeper. She just sat down back on Akari's hair piece and nodded back at the other group, as a sign of approval. "Oh...Oh...I-Its fine..there's no problem." Akari quietly said, twitting both of her thumbs in her lap. Akari on the other hand, didn't like a lot of attention on herself and likes to just be in the back ground. As the train continued to the travel to its destination, Akari looked out the window of the train to see the spectacular sights that the city had to offer.

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The view was pretty awesome, the way the sun's gleam bounced off the buildings and well as the people that were walking down below them. The calmness of the sea in the harbor and the drifting of the clouds, all of this felt like peace. This scene of peace was exactly what Akari is striving into her own music, to become a better person. While looking at the scenery, Akari slowly closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, she was snoring a bit but not that loudly.




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They found a bench beside a big oak tree that over looked the stream. Agnes took a seat. "Ah...." she let out a relaxed sigh. It was nice to be off of her feet. Inside the box was freshly cut sashimi, avocados, and a red dragon roll. Shifu floated happily above the food, grinning with anticipation. "I would like a piece of salmon sashimi!" He waved a hand up with excitement.

Agnes looked at him with eyes of affection. He was so adorable. "Yes. Yes." A snap sound was made as she detached the chopsticks. Picking up a napkin, she tore a corner off and placed it flat on her palm. Putting the piece of fish on it, she wrapped it up, leaving one end open, where Shifu could eat from. Handing it to her chibi, he graciously accepted. It was nearly as big as he was. Plopping down next to her, he took a big bite, "Delicious" He chimed.

After serving him, she also began to eat. They enjoyed their lunch in a comfortable silence, taking in the sunshine and admiring the view.

. . . . .
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"U-um. Alright. That's good. Thanks." Ox awkwardly answered back, taken by surprise at how meek Akari seemed. If anything he expected her to be more confrontational like her chibi. Folding his arms the small creature hopped down from Amelia's shoulder onto the upper section of the line of seats. With a triumphant yell he then made his way to the window on their side, positioning himself to sit on the sill with his legs hanging over the edge. Every now and again he'd glance over his shoulder to examine the scene outside.

"Number three." Amelia stated, folding the paper once more. Despite the danger they've yet to face she could feel tension in her body begin to weaken, all the adrenaline and anger from the fiasco with the ticket master dissipating. With their goal set her focus began to wander to the other passengers on the train. They all seemed so relaxed, so caught up in their daily lives that they wouldn't even consider the chance of what they were about to go through. That girl that she had bumped into in particular, sleeping here of all places. One word kept repeating inside her head; how? Perhaps being raised as a member of the Vanguard had warped her viewpoint a bit but she couldn't help but question this behavior when everything was so open. So exposed. So nice.

Idly running her thumb across the port once again she let out a soft hum before turning to face Ox and join him in his observation. "Hey. Before we head home let's do something fun. Maybe get a few mementos." With these words her lips curved into a faint smile, the small soldier doing her best to repress it and keep her stoic image intact. Looking Amelia in the eyes the chibi gave a thumbs-up in her direction as he continued swinging his feet at the air.

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Akari continued to sleep, most of her light blue hair covered her own eyes and arms to a point where someone would think her hair was apart of her own appendages. She might be snoring quietly but Akari was full of smiles and happiness, even in her sleep she was smiling. Sai felt the vibe of peacefulness and started to get sleepy herself, her eyes slowly went shut. Sai flipped off Akari's head and went free falling into the air towards the floor of the train. She quickly jolted up when she felt the air change around her, waking herself up. Sai managed to catch the ends of the chair, and slowly pull herself up with the rest of her strength. "Alright! Time to get this place lit!" Sai declared after she had caught her breathe from her own almost head threatening fall.

"Hmmmm lets see, what song to sing...?" Sai flipped through her own little note pad bag that she was carrying. She found a lot of songs, meant for Akari and herself to duet during their first time of concert singing but not one was a solo. "Ah I'll just make one." Sai said, flipping to another page and almost writing immediately. In a matter of 2 minutes, she was done with her song; she even had a simple beat and musical lyrics to it. Sai then summoned her mic, after putting up her notebook, pressed a button and the music flowed through the speakers of the train. Sai began to sing her song, she moved with the beat as if it was just natural to herself, even winked at the duo they were talking to earlier.


Sai song:


At Sai's declaration the duo spun back around, surprised by the sudden outburst. "Um. 'Lit'?" Ox whispered to Amelia. Shrugging in response she placed her hands behind her head and reclined deeper into her seat as she watched the fellow passenger started flipping through a tiny notebook before coming to the conclusion that she needed new material.

"Ah, so she's a performer." Ox surmised what had been fairly obvious for several minutes now, slowly inching forward in anticipation for the result. Reaching down to her partner Amelia lightly tapped his head, causing him to look up to the young woman silently moving her lips to the pattern of four letters. L-O-V-E. "H-hey. No. N-no, no, no, boss." Ox managed to stutter out, the teasing flustering him immensely. The fact that Amelia had kept a straight face for it somehow made it even worse, leaving the doubt of if it was a true accusation or if she was simply messing with him.

As she completed her task, Ox continued to stare enamored at Sai's performance. Amelia was beginning to become drawn in as well, but less by her charm and more her power. The fact that she was able to create that song so quickly was impressive enough but the ability to interact with the train was worth keeping in mind. Not many others had abilities similar to Ox so she could immediately understand the potential something like that held.

Throughout the tiny figure's performance she danced around the car, winking in their direction until finally...

"Woo! Lit!"

...he broke. Yelling the phrase out as he cheered her on, Ox threw his arms upward and a quick burst of electricity cracked from his hands before disappearing. The lights in the room increased in strength until a loud, rapid series of popping filled the air as the bulbs burst one by one leaving them with only faint rays of sunlight. "Um. Whoops?"

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Uemashita Shori


The giant of a seventeen-year-old, standing at around 6'5 (and according to the doctors still growing) was woken up to the sound of the alarms. It wasn't like he completely hated it, it did save him the time and activity to walk home to home to say that there was an evacuation. (Like he would bother to do that anyways...). He began to glare daggers at the direction the alarms were coming from - like it was a mortal enemy of his.

Almost right on cue his phone rang out, the caller labeled: Optional, to those who know him probably able to figure out what that contact was - his work office. He was pissed thanks to the alarms, and it seeped through the cellphone, "Why the hell did you have to wake me up," He said, profanity or not, rather threateningly like he would come for the man across the line simply to watch him fall from his infamous sinkholes.

"Isn't it obvious, it is time for work." The male on the opposite side seemingly not afraid of the male, knowing that he wouldn't care enough to that - even with the added effect of his anger. "Anyways, direct your anger to the Angels at the moment - you do realize that is your job that we are paying you for." The male implying the added words of 'and your collateral damage..'.

The line was disconnected as the giant threw the item across the room, smashing his fourth one due to anger. This also woke up his chibi who seemed to like the new home of being in a jar rather than to be free.


Chisana sighed as he shook his head at the furious giant, "Uemashita, we barely have enough for this apartment after paying for your damages, this makes things even tighter," He scolded him about their finance state rather than the more important bad mood that he is in. The giant didn't even bother to answer him as he took the chibi in the jar, storming off in the opposite direction the people evacuating from the Angels.

Entrance Stage 2 ~ Breach II

The peaceful morning was interrupted with military helicopters flying towards gates #6 and #5, their blade noises waking up most of the people below them. Of course, most people thought that it was a military drill and continued on with their own little task, that they were heading to in the first place. The military helicopters quickly got to where they were headed, towards the landing area of Gate #5. The people on board the helicopter quickly rushed off, towards both of the Gates; Guns armed at each wall, corner, and bath. One of the lieutenants, looked at the area via radar and exclaimed across the radio with even more panic than the first girl.

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Farther away in an outpost.....

A older man, a higher ranking general, quickly picked up his radio trying to figure out what all the fuss was about. "Emergency, get out of that area! The Angels are-" The radio cut off, as a sound was heard up from above the male. His chibi looked terrified, as black liquid began to pour onto the wooden floor. The male slowly looked up to the horror of yellow piercing eyes staring back him, its long body wrapping around one of the support beams. The scales of the creature, from what the male could see were sliver with hints of black on each side of its small head. The creature stared at his next meal with such a aura of blood lust that the air inside felt cold, air rose on the male's hair. "A-A-Ang-!" He didn't even get the rest of the words out as the creature lunged at him, its sharp teeth sinking into the flesh of his neck. The creature yank its meal to the side, breaking its neck and then gobbling up the body of the poor general.

The angel then licked its bloodied teeth clean, turning its head towards the gates. It started to howl while looking into the distance, slowly other angels started to emerge from the undergrowth of the forest. Each just as hungry as its sliver scaled leader, they all start to descend down the path towards the town.

20 minutes left


@Thatonechillgirl @Versa @Ruler Of The Maniae @T h e F o o l



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Nalic was a bit more frightened now as he heard something odd. Well not him entirely but more or less him since his trusty little companion did that. Aster looked a bit worried now being a bit more skittish then before his red eyes blinking quickly since he often did that when nervous. "Calm down... uhm.. we'll be fine trust me" He said smiling at the little figure. It seemed kind enough though he wanted to make sure his little friend didn't do anything stupid. "I don't know... maybe we should take cover or something it just... doesn't feel right on my body ok?" Aster said with a higher pitched voice than Nalic had since it was tinier than him and was getting a little irritated. They were currently walking down the street as neither of them really know what they were supposed to be doing so they did this.
Akari awoke to the sound of the train's bulbs breaking, she quickly shot up looking around. Sai whimpered behind Akari once the bulbs stopped breaking once and for all, leaving the train with little light. "Geesh, I wake up to find my chibi breaking glass again. Really Sai, you have to be more careful while you sing." Akari warned Sai. She then reassured her that she wasn't nad at her by patting her small head with the palm of her hand.

Akari quickly stood up, apologizing to all the train riders for her own chibi's mistake. Of course, Akari didn't know that the robotic chibi had busted the bulbs in the first place so she continued to apologize. Once she was finished, she returned to her own seat where Sai was waiting for her. Akari placed Sai back onto her head, smiling while Sai grumbled about her not being a kid.


"What a satisfying meal." said Agnes as she put the empty container down. "Mhmmm." Shifu agreed by patting his bloated belly. Noticing a grain of rice in his facial hair, she picked him up in her palm, lifting him to face level for inspection. Shaking her head, she grinned at her chibi's messiness. With a napkin cloaked around her index, she cleaned him up, then discarded it in the sushi box.

"For your age, you are an awfully messy eater." Agnes teased. "Hey!" Shifu huffed with his eyebrow squished down and a half threatening finger pointing up at her. "Hm? What are you-" She poked his tummy. "-going to do about it?" He blinked blankly at her. An almost creepy smirk danced over her lips, whilst she wiggled her digit that was approaching him once more. "No.... Agne-" Before he could plead or move, she tickled him all over.

Shifu clamped his mouth shout, trying his best not to be defeated. Left to right, left to right, he squirmed in her hand, turning a reddish purple. Then pop! He burst into laughter. The tickling ceased and Agnes was proud of her work. Shifu hiccuped with short spurts of laugh, trying to regain composure. He sat up and wiped the tears of tickle away. "Agnes.. you know... Shifu.. doesn't like that!" Her chibi whined. The soul keeper gave a pout of her own. "But.. I love seeing you laugh like that."

Shifu was just about to reply, but was distracted by the sound of an oncoming helicopter. The peculiar thing was that there were many more following it. Something wasn't right. Before Agnes could know what he was thinking, he hopped back onto her shoulder. "I will only forgive you if I receive some dark chocolate." Knowing that they just stocked up the other day, she happily got to her feet to go home.

The helicopters were now streaming above them. Agnes looked up in awe. "Wahhh.. Shifu.. Look! So many! Aren't they amazing?" His suspicious look was hidden from his soul keeper. "...amazing indeed."

. . . . .
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"Well, actually..." Ox began quietly, trailing off into silence as Akari began apologizing for what she assumed was Sai's mistake. He could feel the stares of the entirety of the passengers now focused on the four of them, their judgement pressing down on them. Leaning forward once more Amelia raised a hand to her mouth to hide her amused grin, faking a cough before placing lowering it to her side. "It's fine. Don't worry about it it." She said, the faintest hint of a curve to her lips.

Ox glared at his partner through his visor, preparing to give a few choice words before being interrupted by the loud sound of metal blades slicing through air. Most of the others riding along with them remained unaffected, save for a small boy near the exit who had pressed his face up against the glass of the window to get a better look. Time was running out. Perhaps traveling on foot would have been better but their unfamiliarity with the area left them little choice.

Running a metallic hand over his antenna, Ox glanced over the others nearby, a sudden rush of guilt overcoming him. They were all heading straight into danger. This was something they were allowing to happen. "Hey. Listen, we're..." "Tourists!" Amelia suddenly chimed in, forcing a smile as she interrupted Ox's confession. Reaching out to the chibi with an open hand she then placed him in her lap, giving a rather forceful tap on his shoulder with her index finger. "Any idea where we can have a good time around here?" Continuing her charade, Ox could only let out a defeated sigh as he sat, beginning to count the seconds in his head.

Staring blearily out into the crowd, Wisteria walked on, her black Mary Janes clacking quietly on the sidewalk. Her Chibi, Thyne, snored softly on her shoulder. Something Wis was already used to. She found she didn't mind her Chibi's habit of sleeping most of the day until the time came she needed her power.

Thyne twitched and shifted slightly until she resumed her snoring.

The reason why Wis was out was that she lacked the parts she needed back at the laboratory she found she spent most of her time in. Indeed, it was a rare occasion she would be seen out and about, other than her scheduled grocery shopping on Mondays. Wis lived her life by scheduled and you would be hard pressed to get her to change them unless you presented the reasons for such an event with a logical reasoning. After all, that's what she lived her life by, logic and reasoning.

As she was thinking, she accidentally knocked into a stranger. "Oh, sorry." She immediately apologized.



Turning to look at the parson who knocked into his back he saw a girl that was practically as tall as him or almost. "Don't worry about it you didn't hurt anyone unless you did yourself... are you alright?" He asked looking at her with somewhat of a wondering look since he didn't. Aster was hidden behind his shoulder.

Nalic was unsure as to who this girl was but his eyes caught hold of the chibi resting on the girls shoulder. He didn't want to comment on it though since that may be rude slightly. Though he wasn't sure that it was he still wanted to be as respectful as he could've been around this new person who he didn't have a name for. Aster climbed slowly around now moving into Nalic's hair as he continued to be shy disappearing almost entirely though parts of his clothing and such were still visible through it.

Nalic's eyes were now refocused on the girl rather than the smaller person on her shoulder.​


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