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NHL Overrated/Underrated Players by Postion 2022/2023 Edition PT.1:

Left Wing (Overrated)- Alexander Ovechkin “Still quite elite and effective. Caps are nothing without him. But a tad overrated for a little bit one sided skill set imo. A Elite & Effective Specialist to be certain though and HOF Bound”

Left Wing (Underrated)- Andrew Mangiapane “A little biased perhaps. But amidst all the Tkachuk & Gaudreau talks and spotlight, this guy apparently went quietly into a 35 goal season…. A career season for him no doubt yet still doesn’t get much talk maybe simply because of his teammates around him? But the workhorse that doesn’t stop working and doing all the little things, should get more credit imo. He’ll either slide back into a 20 goal or flirting with 20 goals a season type guy that he was before 21/22 or he’s entering his prime and this might be the semi regular for him.”

Center (Overrated)- Jack Eichel “Yes, he’s a top player that when healthy and right is pretty good. But I think he’s really proven to be a elite supporter of a better equipped Star player. Who does he elevate around him? When has he truly elevated a team to playoff status? Not one playoff appearance. Yeah, not all great teams around him, but still some decent players around him at times. Least getting out of the top ten picks category would be something, which seems like a regular during his Buffalo run as they always seemed to pick at the same slot each year. Not great teams. Maybe not even good at times. But still decent players that could have been a bit better overall when they had a decent goalie in net. Odd how quick the Sabres seemed to do after Eichel was traded, hey? Haha. Nah, I’ll admit that trade was too good for Buffalo to say it was purely Eichel leaving. But still, change worked pretty well for one side and maybe more then the other so far.”

Center (Underrated)- Brayden Schenn “Yep. He’s not the franchise Star, yet every time I’ve seen him play for the Blues, he’s always noticed and one of the stars of that game. Pretty solid all around game. A workhorse from what I’ve seen. Can score goals and just do what is needed for the W. Schenn & Tarasenko were imo… A lethal combo at times that elevated the blues to a outright elite-scary team to play against when both were on at the same time. Yet, I don’t believe I really hear much talk about his game? So, I’m putting him on the Underrated Center list for my random and average fan’s opinion based list.”

Right Wing (Overrated)- Mark Stone “It’s questionable. He’s borderline worthy of this spot but same with the other names I thought about putting and as much as I don’t like the guy, Kucherov would be pretty much a hot take full of bias against. But NHL 22 for me atleast, seems to always have Stone as the perfect player that always wins out and plays a insane level of hockey. RL, Stone is far more quiet and kinda average at times imo though Vegas could be blocking my view a bit as a VGK Non-Fan/Hater. Maybe a strong supporting cast member, but I’ll put him slightly overrated cause other names didn’t quite reach the mark…. Although Tom Wilson was the first name that came to mind and still lingers. Is he even rated enough to rank though? Same question I’d consider for Stone Tbh. E-Kane also crossed my mind but he’s a left winger apparently though he was a right winger.”

Right Wing (Underrated)- Oliver Bjorkstrand “Again, another guy I kept thinking was on the opposite side of Center then he’s listed in RL. But the dude consistently keeps putting up respectable to pretty good numbers. I rarely hear people talk about him and yet he’s pretty damn good for a guy that’s not a franchise guy and wasn’t a first round pick, but still keeps contributing more then many other bigger name players and more consistently as well. A guy who probably was overlooked playing in Columbus and I think will be a great pick up for the Seattle Kraken… Tempted to buy his Kraken jersey at some point to pair with my Kraken hat tbh but plenty of jerseys around the league I’d love to get at some point as well. I’m a fan of this dude though and I think he goes a bit unnoticed for his play.”

(I’ll add more over time in another post and include some Defenseman and goalies to the list.)
Solid choices both for over rated and under rated!

I like to see Bjorkstrand love too!
Oh God I love this list concept lmao
Haha appreciate it! I’ve been a combination of bored between sleep/errands/work and lacking of time to do much else between those hours and then inspired by THG lists tbh. So why not keep adding lists with new topics hey? Haha.

Appreciate it though! Fun little deals and fills the little time I’ve had lately nicely.

Solid choices both for over rated and under rated!

I like to see Bjorkstrand love too!
Thanks! Right Wing overrated was a bit tough as referenced and the whys but I feel pretty good about my picks there.

Thank you! I couldn’t agree more! Am absolutely a fan of his game as already mentioned. But he’s awesome.
Haha appreciate it! I’ve been a combination of bored between sleep/errands/work and lacking of time to do much else between those hours and then inspired by THG lists tbh. So why not keep adding lists with new topics hey? Haha.

Appreciate it though! Fun little deals and fills the little time I’ve had lately nicely.

Thanks! Right Wing overrated was a bit tough as referenced and the whys but I feel pretty good about my picks there.

Thank you! I couldn’t agree more! Am absolutely a fan of his game as already mentioned. But he’s awesome.
Yea it was a great idea lol.

Agreed, Bjorky is great. A good add for Seattle.

Also we wanna talk over rated goalies? I say Jack Campbell and Juuse Saros to an extent (some people argue he’s the best in the league, which is 100000% not true imo).
Yea it was a great idea lol.

Agreed, Bjorky is great. A good add for Seattle.

Also we wanna talk over rated goalies? I say Jack Campbell and Juuse Saros to an extent (some people argue he’s the best in the league, which is 100000% not true imo).
Agreed. Kraken got a nice pickup there and looking forward to seeing him play for the Kraken. who’s games tended to pop up more for me as options to watch then CBJ late last season. (Regional reasons I’m sure and being a new team perhaps)

Yeah I was going to add on with a PT.1/2 edition that might extend beyond those two parts but yeah definitely was going to add the remaining positions and Hmm…. Maybe coaches? Idk yet for the latter just struck me as a idea. But goalies & Defenseman for sure will be coming. I’d agree on Campbell though! who honestly would be more favorable/better off play wise, skill level and overall goalie wise… if not for these overblown ratings and expectations people have for him. Least imo.

I’ll be honest, I was unaware people rank Saros that high lol. I wouldn’t have thought to include Saros myself but again wasn’t aware of that portion of people who’d make that claim for him. I’d agree, he’s definitely not the best goalie in the league and if I put up a top ten list for goalies it would be close on if I’d rank him there or not…. I’d have to think about it tbh. But definitely the best in the league. Just pretty good at this point in his career.
Agreed. Kraken got a nice pickup there and looking forward to seeing him play for the Kraken. who’s games tended to pop up more for me as options to watch then CBJ late last season. (Regional reasons I’m sure and being a new team perhaps)

Yeah I was going to add on with a PT.1/2 edition that might extend beyond those two parts but yeah definitely was going to add the remaining positions and Hmm…. Maybe coaches? Idk yet for the latter just struck me as a idea. But goalies & Defenseman for sure will be coming. I’d agree on Campbell though! who honestly would be more favorable/better off play wise, skill level and overall goalie wise… if not for these overblown ratings and expectations people have for him. Least imo.

I’ll be honest, I was unaware people rank Saros that high lol. I wouldn’t have thought to include Saros myself but again wasn’t aware of that portion of people who’d make that claim for him. I’d agree, he’s definitely not the best goalie in the league and if I put up a top ten list for goalies it would be close on if I’d rank him there or not…. I’d have to think about it tbh. But definitely the best in the league. Just pretty good at this point in his career.
Yea exactly.

Coaches might be an interesting list.

Also yea dude he’s always on like top 3 goalies in the NHL lists it’s wild. I just don’t think Saros is THAT good.
Yea exactly.

Coaches might be an interesting list.

Also yea dude he’s always on like top 3 goalies in the NHL lists it’s wild. I just don’t think Saros is THAT good.
Yeesh. The NHL has gotta quiet down a bit with some of these picks/ratings. They will end up killing a guys career with the ratings and expectations that come with them. Saros is good and I like him in net, but he’s definitely not a Top 3 goalie in this generation of active goalies in the NHL. He’s just pretty good and that’s plenty fine, respectable enough imo.
Yeesh. The NHL has gotta quiet down a bit with some of these picks/ratings. They will end up killing a guys career with the ratings and expectations that come with them. Saros is good and I like him in net, but he’s definitely not a Top 3 goalie in this generation of active goalies in the NHL. He’s just pretty good and that’s plenty fine, respectable enough imo.
Exactly. It’s so stupid and wild to see. Agreed with you there tho.

Oh nice. I’m watching a little college ball before work with Louisville v UCF (Football) been peaking the scores though in MLB tonight.
Oh nice! Enjoy your game!

If you’re cheering for either of those teams I hope the team you are rooting for wins.
NHL Overrated/Underrated Players By Position List 2022/2023 Edition PT.2:

Goalies (Overrated)- Tristan Jarry. “Since we’ve discussed Campbell already thought I’d throw in a couple off the top of my head besides JC. Jarry, I can’t say he really gets a ton of talk compared to others but when I’ve watched him play, he doesn’t exactly do anything elite or as impressive as one might expect with where he tends to rank on some lists I’ve seen around. He’s good. I won’t say he isn’t good just not as necessary for the teams success or as elite as other goalies around the NHL imo. The Penguins played pretty strong without him in the playoffs and they were down to a third string vet that’s played quite a bit of AHL in his career and looked pretty good in Net for the Pens. So I gotta say Jarry may not be as good as some might say about him or rank him in the league. I like him well enough though just not as high on him skill wise as others seem to be.”

Goalies (Overrated PT.2) Carter Hart. “This is more Hype and potential related. I feel like I’m always hearing about this guys upside and how good he could really be…. I’m tired of it tbh. Some people around the online outlets and comments section have worn me out on hearing this guys name. It’s really not personal with Hart. But damn, I just don’t see him being that good and honestly I’d say he’s a great supporting goalie that’s either splitting time or backing up another goalie. I don’t think he’s the guy in Net for the Flyers. I’m sorry, but right now I just don’t see it with him and he’s likely best suited as a split time goalie or a strong backup option on a team.”

Goalies (Underrated)- Villie Husso. “I was very tempted to go with a certain former Wild goalie on the Sharks, but alas, I resisted the temptation of going with a very biased pick and will pick a guy that may be unfair to place on this side of the list…. But I’m going to anyways, Husso! Beast-Mode Husso as I’ll likely keeping referring to him as from
Now on. He just always impressed me from game to game and kinda hated seeing him play my teams cause it meant we were in for a rough night and probably will lose. Binnington is good and won a very meaningful Stanley cup, playoffs tend to bring out strong performances with him and I definitely understand why so many love him in St. Louis and around the league too perhaps. But Husso is also pretty damn good imo. JB still impressed me as well. But Husso is a big loss imo for the Blues and love his game. The combo just worked for St. Louis while it lasted.”

Defenseman (Overrated)- John Carlson. “I don’t get it. I just don’t get it. He’s good, I’m not doubting his ability as a good defenseman. But the way I hear people talk about him makes him sound like a top five or top ten defenseman and I just don’t see it. Maybe it’s bias against the Caps his era. Maybe it’s age catching up with him and slowing him down so my overall opinion of him is recency based… I don’t know for sure. But I just don’t recall him being as good as I keep hearing about him. I’ve heard future HOF for him. Maybe…..?! I haven’t looked that deep into it. But just for me he’s very overrated for how I keep hearing others say about him compared to what I see.”

Defenseman (Underrated)- Zach Werenski/Thomas Chabot (Edited in TC) “Not really the first name I’d say came to mind. But those names are both pretty young still and developing while I think fairly ranked so far on what I’ve seen at this point. It’s a toss up between ZW & Chabot though out of names that might better fit this side of the list compared to the younger guys I first thought of… Werenski imo is just pretty good. A solid defenseman that I don’t hear too often talked about and again maybe it’s cause of the Pre- Gaudreau era Blue Jackets working against him. But a pretty solid defenseman imo. Chabot who was a toss with him, is simply a workhorse that is very worthy of a mention imo and in fact might be the 1.B in this case. But yeah overall both guys are pretty solid defenseman and perhaps could be rated a bit higher imo then I’ve seen.”

Coaches list…. I think I’ll add in as well but will have to come later as Work time approaches. But thought I’d slip in the remaining positions atleast before work.
I think I’ll also be doing a extended edition for that list as well. The more I think about it, the more names come to mind for defenseman that I didn’t put but definitely would be pretty close to the ones mentioned imo. So I’ll very likely extend the list for each position besides adding a Coaches version.
NHL Overrated/Underrated Players by Position List Extended Edtion (Goalies & Defenseman):

Goalies (Overrated)- Frederik Andersen “Yes, I’m going to say it. He’s good. Again not denying the talent level. But man, I’m really tired of hearing about Frederik Andersen and if he was healthy. End of the day the Canes still lose in the playoffs cause Canes just suck and are lucky more then actually cup contending good or even regular great imo. Raanta played incredible and saved that team plenty of times while Andersen was out. If Andersen was healthy it would have not changed anything imo. Maybe same performance as Raanta but the way Raanta played I’d say he was just as good as any FA performance could have hoped to be. Imo, simply overrated compared to the way I hear people talk about him and put him here simply cause I kinda got tired of hearing the name tbh. But it’s true imo and the way I see it.”

Goalies (Underrated)- Anton Forsberg “Ok, I’ve had my complaints about him in BAP when he and Murray were my goalies and they seemingly kept getting killed though Forsberg outperformed Murray if I recall. I’ll be honest I have complained about it here I’m sure. But I’ll admit maybe I could have done something more on defense then I was doing but still…. However, RL Forsberg I think is underrated and playing behind some bad, young and not so great blue lines on not so great teams, he has played about as well as one could expect from him if not even better at times if not overall. I’m not saying he’s a top ten goalie, but I do believe he is pretty damn good for what he gets stuck behind and the times he’s been moved around before seemingly finding a home in Ottawa. His numbers were pretty good last year and decent in Ottawa though the exacts I don’t have in front of me just going off the top of my head and what I know and see from that. I’d take Forsberg in Net over many and am a fan of this guy as well.”

Defenseman (Overrated)- Dougie Hamilton “First, I’d like to say that I am a fan of this guy. He is pretty good overall and has a nice game, a nice skill set as a defenseman. But that cap hit of 9 Million is kinda high or that just me? Seems high for me. But then again, maybe im too often thinking of franchise guys reaching that mark contract wise per year and not supporting cast even if that guy is pretty good like Hamilton. Overall, I think he’s a bit overrated and during Devils games I watched last season it seemed like that broadcast team for NJD would talk more about Hamilton then necessary especially when I think Severson played just as good in those games and is just as good as Hamilton in my personal opinion.”

Defenseman (Overrated)- Kris Letang “A very good player and still can eat up a lot of ice time at this stage of his career. But I think veteran Letang is a bit overrated. I hear a lot about Letang & Carlson seemingly it’s a daily thing or least weekly and when it’s not one it’s the other. I’m kinda tired of it. I thought about putting Nurse or Ekblad here or maybe even Barrie although I think now days he’s fallen enough and I don’t need to add on. But yeah, to some degree I feel like current Letang is too highly valued on the rating scale. But he’s a Penguin and those guys as a whole are very overrated imo. So why not individually overrate them as well, hey? Makes sense and annoys me even further lol.”

Defenseman (Underrated)- Pelech & Pulock “Yeah a double take here. 2 for 1. As a duo they seem quite underrated and not talked about as much seemingly imo from afar as one that lives out west and has never been in the New York area or even more on the eastern side of the country. Individually they seem underrated as well. Occasionally I hear people talk about them, THG mostly, but aside from that it’s fairly quiet where I’ve been and what I’ve heard so far when it comes to defenseman. But still, two guys whether it’s individually or as a unit, should get more credit then I see them get. Imo anyway.”

Defenseman (Underrated)- Damon Severson “See the Hamilton section for a bit of reasoning. Each time I watched Devils games I heard talk about the young guys which is fair enough, talk them up when you can and let people know who these young guys are… I’m fine with that. But Hamilton took up the other half of that talk from the Devils own broadcast and it seemed like Severson was the forgotten guy. He’s pretty good on some really young and rebuild teams in New Jersey. Just cause of that notice from watching them late last season and kinda overall, I feel like mentioning DS here. Somebody should give him some credit imo even if it’s a random, average hockey fan that nobody is going to know or recognize haha.”

NHL Overrated/Underrated Coaches List 2022/2023 Edition:

Coach (Overrated)- Jon Cooper “Ok, I’ll try not to rant too much here and will try not to at all…. But, I feel like this is the NHL’s version of Phil Jackson (A guy I’ve got pretty strong feelings about and is incredibly…. Rant inducing so I’ll hold off) Anyways as I digress, Cooper won a few Cups sure, great, I’ll give you that. But given that roster, Trade Cooper with Florida’s Brunette during the playoffs and do the results change for either side? Likely Not! Maybe a bad comp. but maybe not. I don’t believe Cooper is that great with how he’s viewed cause of those Stanley Cups and the annoyingly great Bolts teams he’s had playing for him. Overall, the Bolts greatness I think is more players then coach. Which might be the case alot of time perhaps with great teams with stacked rosters. But idk, it’s a case by case, degree by degree sort of thing imo. This guy is a Jackson level whiner and complainer that just doesn’t have the book of drama and selling out like Phil has going for him or the front office career that made a legendarily embarrassing franchise full of issues over the past twenty years and somehow still managed to make that look like a joke and went next level with it just to show he could and have his hold my beer moment…. Sorry, I slipped on the Phil rant and got away from Cooper there, my bad… JC is simply overrated.”

Coach (Overrated)- Sheldon Keefe “How does a guy with this kind of talent and this kind of team potential that consistently wins a lot in the regular season with that same goalie situation somehow fail to do anything come playoff time? Last year, ok, at times looked pretty good. But result? Still failed. It’s first round madness in Toronto and a curse perhaps? Idk. But seriously, how does one repeat this year after year and coach after coach? Keefe can’t change history with this kind of talent? Come on man. I’m not saying you’ve got to win a Cup. Just a first round series. Damn….”

Coach (Overrated)- Pete Deboer “Looking at teams he coached and the money spent time and time again. The drama he’s caused and issues I’ve got with him aside although it’s still apart of it when you think of…. Is this guy worth it all? He can’t seem to win on the level he should with the teams he’s had and money that was spent to give him pretty strong teams on paper. Not worth the money or drama imo. I almost feel like Dallas might slip back a little with Bones gone and Deboer in…. But maybe I’m wrong?”

Coach (Overrated)- Bruce Cassidy “Consistent playoff coach…. Got a lot out of a aging roster in Boston. But since he’s taken over in VGK and honestly this would happen no matter who was in his position cause it’s VG ‘Fnng’ K and by Damn they can never not be heard. But looking at that roster, the losses, the injuries and the questions of health and leave of play returning from injuries or if ones still got it at this later stage of ones career….. How does Cassidy get more credit and props with this kind of roster over say Tortz in Philly? I’m not saying Philly is playoff bound or close by any means. But Tortz has basically done it everywhere he’s been when it comes to winning and pulling something extra out of his teams then they perhaps really have…. But on paper I just don’t see a huge difference between the two teams tbh. Hot take? Maybe, idk, I’m fine with it though. Still a lot of questions and issues on both sides with Philly far more lottery pick riddled then Vegas…. Perhaps. Again I’m not sold on this team like many others seem to be. But Cassidy since he’s arrived is a name I keep hearing and with the same comments about his getting the most out of his teams yet feels like overkill and rating him too high imo. Bruins bias? Yeah, perhaps. Vegas bias? Yeah perhaps. But still… plenty of reasons to question this VGK squad and how good they actually will be this year regardless of coach and even with this coach. Tired of this guys name and hearing about VGK tbh this off-season as well.”

Coach (Underrated)- Rick Bowness “Classy, respectable coach that did great things in Dallas and pretty nice career bounce back behind the bench after spending time with some really bad teams earlier in his career as a head coach. Doesn’t have the prettiest record but has proven he can do great things when given the chance with a decent roster, even if it does have some underwhelming performance and overpaid veterans on it. (Tough to say as someone that’s never been a Stars fan. But am a fan of this guy) Not much else to say here just think he’s a pretty good coach that could use a little bit more credit. Looking forward to him with the Jets this season.”

Coach (Underrated)- Dean Evason “Ok yes, bias perhaps but hear me out here…. The guy who could double as Creed from the office is actually a pretty good coach that’s got plenty of restrictions working against him in Minnesota. Cap issues. A GM that can be pretty ballsy and make headlines often. Depth concerns and questions in some areas of the roster, yet while Kirill is a big part of this and the elevated, turn back the clock kind of play from some of these vets. I think Evason deserves some credit too. Hartman played well above expectations imo this past year. Zuccarello continues to play like a younger version of himself alongside the young thrill Kirill who’s honestly he’s got great chemistry with and it’s kinda obvious and often said. But still. The Wild as a whole have been pretty good and consistent under Evason at a whole yet I don’t really hear much about him usually only the players and of course, the ever headline making GM Guerin. Overall, I think Dean ‘Creed’ Evason is a tad underrated and rarely talked about it seems.”

Coach (Underrated)- John Hynes “Ok, even as I was writing his name I questioned every single moment of it. But, while he can be questionable at times as coach and I’m not always sold on him being the guy behind the bench in Nashville. Maybe, he can be underrated at times as well. He’s gotten those Preds to play some really strong hockey and if they didn’t run into Colorado in the playoffs…. Maybe, maybe, they make the west finals? I think they could have and I say that as a Flames fan. I saw these teams play against one another in the regular season and man, it was never a easy matchup and was always really physical but fun to watch. Overall, I have high and perhaps pretty bold expectations this coming season for the Preds. I think last year if not for those Insane AV’s in the playoffs that perhaps the Preds could have gone fairly far into the playoffs last season. I’ve watched this team a lot in the short time I had ESPN+ late last season and was always impressed by them. A really strong team and I gotta admit that perhaps Hynes could use more credit. They are consistent. Physical. Talented on both ends of the ice and a very well rounded, balanced and strong team. A complete squad under Hynes for the most part. So, even while I question the guy, he’s done very well in Nashville.”

Side-Notes: I’m thinking over other coaches I could put here namely in the underrated side… But the name that keeps popping up in my head I can’t justify it tbh lol, as much as I love the guy and his personality as well, a fun coach and always has great effects on his team and immediately as well… He already is recognized and rated fairly high among many if not most. Although he gets a fair bit of hate too from some people, a minority of the hockey fanbase I believe, but seems like I hear some hate as well. Though I’ll never agree with it. The coach is Bruce (there is only one true Bruce in the NHL and it’s not Cassidy lol) the only guy who is right away known by simply saying his first name only and I can’t justify putting him as underrated lol. He’s fairly rated and credited for the most part it seems.

Side-Notes PT.2: Just to clarify though perhaps it’s quite unnecessary. I’m not hating on the Knicks by any means or slandering them further then they get already. I just mean since Dolan became owner he’s done a miserable job and turned them into a laughing stock that has hit record levels of embarrassment imo. Prior to Dolan, they were a historic and legendary franchise for a reason and they matched that reputation with their play on the court and actions off it for the most part. Since then, it’s been rough and tough to watch with not as many bright spots and Jackson had his hold my beer moment with them and somehow made it even more embarrassing and worse then I thought it could ever go. As I thought it hit record levels already that couldn’t be made worse… I was quite wrong. Thanks Phil *sarcasm*
Hell yes, Pulock and Pelech finally getting some love!
1000%!!!! THG is about the only guy I see give them credit. I hear way more about others yet I don’t know if those others deserve it. Especially not when compared to Pulock and Pelech. But yeah, I had to extend the list pretty much because of those two and how they struck me after I posted the initial and it was a face palm moment for me haha. Tbh. They definitely deserve more love though!
I was highly considering Sorokin on the Underrated side and still putting Campbell on the overrated side. But decided I’d go with some other guys less mentioned this time around. Sorokin would be on the next round though if I were to make another Goalies & defenseman list. Campbell meanwhile, since he was mentioned and talked about already figured he’d be too obvious to put this soon.
1000%!!!! THG is about the only guy I see give them credit. I hear way more about others yet I don’t know if those others deserve it. Especially not when compared to Pulock and Pelech. But yeah, I had to extend the list pretty much because of those two and how they struck me after I posted the initial and it was a face palm moment for me haha. Tbh. They definitely deserve more love though!
Yea Pully and Pelly get disrespected and underrated constantly.

I was highly considering Sorokin on the Underrated side and still putting Campbell on the overrated side. But decided I’d go with some other guys less mentioned this time around. Sorokin would be on the next round though if I were to make another Goalies & defenseman list. Campbell meanwhile, since he was mentioned and talked about already figured he’d be too obvious to put this soon.
Sorokin is highly underrated sadly because the team he plays behind sucks. Jack Campbell is highly overrated because Leafs fans fucking worship everyone on their team even if they suck (cough cough John Tavares).
Yea Pully and Pelly get disrespected and underrated constantly.

Sorokin is highly underrated sadly because the team he plays behind sucks. Jack Campbell is highly overrated because Leafs fans fucking worship everyone on their team even if they suck (cough cough John Tavares).

Yeah, he does go underrated and Campbell, yeah he’s a pretty solid pick for overrated. He’s one of those guys that has fans working against him with these ratings. If not for that, he’d be just fine career and rating wise. Respectable goalie, quality goalie, just not as good as people tend to rate him and it bites him pretty much every time. Imo. Meanwhile, Sorokin can keep his teams in it with his beast mode games fairly often despite what tends to work against him. Sadly enough. Plenty of bright spots on the Isles roster though.

Yeah, he does go underrated and Campbell, yeah he’s a pretty solid pick for overrated. He’s one of those guys that has fans working against him with these ratings. If not for that, he’d be just fine career and rating wise. Respectable goalie, quality goalie, just not as good as people tend to rate him and it bites him pretty much every time. Imo. Meanwhile, Sorokin can keep his teams in it with his beast mode games fairly often despite what tends to work against him. Sadly enough. Plenty of bright spots on the Isles roster though.
Exactly. I feel like he gets under rated just because he plays for the Isles and the people making these lists hate the isles because they’re all Leafs and Rangers fans.
Exactly. I feel like he gets under rated just because he plays for the Isles and the people making these lists hate the isles because they’re all Leafs and Rangers fans.
Yeah. I usually if not always try and take what people say in the media or when doing these kind of lists with a grain of salt. but it’s definitely not always easy. Still pretty frustrating and clearly bias and recency based or alternatively past based at times if not often. Big markets > Small Markets (franchise wise) Player X > Player Y…. Gets annoying even with a grain of salt attempting to simmer it down a bit. (Franchise wise it can divide even further when both teams are in the same market… But yeah.)

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